HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-05-07, Page 71ki* days began early for Seaforth couples CONTINUED frost page: 6 Kverybody crept with mos- quito nesting ctberssq.! them They had to rig up a shower for themselves behind the house using pails of water. .'The work site was right acres. the road front the house and the market and shop. were within walking dtstano: Working its the Heat Thr wort, day began at 6 a.rn but most would he awake beton- then - at 4 of S a.nt from the sound of others talking In close owner. or .t baht' +ramg. rttoster.cn►win i or Iron the i Iauet 01 rainfall on the tin roof 'I hes d head Elghr 1,, work without eating and return at r i1) fora b oun- ti1u1 hreaklasl ot porridge Irie+' e,_g toast anti fresh Iron. "l lieu 1: was hack ti, war►. from +► to 11:M) am) whin eservunc broke lot lunch anti didn"I rClurn because 01 the intense heat until 2 31' II ods then anoth- er Menet hour, of work until the da+ vt it, ove. The c+e•rlmg, were usually spent staled+ wall+inz or reading. talking to other tlletttl+er oi lire crew Some ofIhr stranger adults - iiiecket! uU�. int -Revel disco But h. &r c1) 1,.11: most were• reads 11. sicer, The crew, ha() Satui vas Jtlel 'loons anti: Sunda., 01! Mos• went to the `iotasi.n Clutter • t.•r .1 11 Jilt ‘11.Ar Suuiiner aur! hie) ie' went fish- ing on totem days oft whet,: caught yellows,okt! tact and other Itch using similar a, halt t)r. ,ti t<arher. lishinz trip. "fyicr s boat r .n ou' o` _•Js on the was bar k Jilt: Ihr hat! tt Har Myles!. - part, to ('addl. \Iariei tut iauc tncen' +t •_n u• i.nar• t:iuh Itleelui,. sites ++.t !bete The tut, tt.it: rt t,%\ irtttidlrll which lite ar.. lit ctpdnd to f tleiUtl'. 1 LAMP. Elle Want:. Different 'tasks (les•, of cwt %settles-• and elet:tliciau- wets in each .01- [1w ofthe tour work crews. Both . Marb:tt.:tnd'Tyler did eles:ut- al w and other ...instruc- tion tasks Jant' was to charge of gettint supplies from the .local hardware store as need- ct! She hough! i.i t1t,ts for- int. urlht wtirket 1, stat k oft dltel alst• Itlifidocd it, It:dnih a lork pian+, i+ ,sort too Each gloul• slid (htte(etit tasks Sulnme:r did some painting and worked art Mc tool •-I' tamest every couple ut httur .tit .ate 'tit tlitgrk' tit► u1JLh; ht d.tn Kraus tf vvu Paco: -workouy un a rooltuh "11+est was no thuC dot or lightning, \ou could sec (t, ciuucl` cumtnt in and get c)uwt, Ir would ram 1(1 or 15 minUlta did then you'd go back up. - The p. -1 he dry season was sup- posed to be drliyinL when the crews weir: there. The Vtrtt.xnts had good weather. h mostly ia►icd at night for their two weeks Marten said (inc group had about six inch- es of ram running down the road at one time. l'Ht HURON EXPOSITOR, May 7, 1067-7 u. 1- Q Z t- ui J Z Z W Cr - THINK W Li. z PERENNIALS.. THIN►. MAF" -1NJJ. S THINK PERENNIALS.. THINK MARTiNAS M AT INAs PERENNIAL AND WATER GARDENS Manns & Tina Bos RR 2 Seaforth 527-1249 Perennials and Alpines for .. SCREE • ROCK • BORDERS • WATER JLIES DOG PLANTS •WATER HYACINTHS • HARDY WATER PLANTS Well rte tiettgnted 11. now you titan a perennial border rook garden or water garde) :Jur garden). are- 41►e1. for any one who enpyt, flowers )pen Mor Fr. H n UI du8k 01. by apntxn(ntetl' Sa: Sur pawn Ir; [lush t Os as' ••s•1" -t fir --raw, Mill v1.rr.rtt do, ato •..w.,. a —1 n 00111•=. •R, R 1 c, 6.050/'.6. ► ► •II.`i:I'L EVE GIIIII W RE - • yler Papple installs wiring after the new roof is installed. AERIAL VIEW - Summer Papple, tight: is fastened to a safety harness as she works on the roof of the school. in the background, students in uniform tile out of the high school. "Nicaragua gets about lout Mei !VS of rain a year.. said Summer. Alter checking the strength ot the cement and walls of the school. it Was determined by the first crew that columns had to be put 111 place to hold Mc trusses When the ptcces weer put together. each truss weighed about 1.200-1.301) lbs. AI took Is of us to turn 'then" over to weld both sides.- said Marlen. Thr crew load no columns. au they had to get creative with materials At one point they thought of scoutiii;• the wrecked ships from the '8$ hurricane. But sufneuar came along with some ptpt• and that was cut Into secttuns for columns. huotutgs then had to bre dug out ut the cement !Ivor and supported''•Wc had no rick hammer. It was all done ht pick and shovel.' said Marten. All of the cement was mixed b) hand The water Wits carried by hand in list gallon pails Gra‘,..•' sand and cement were also earned by hand. Tyler sant ar Nicaraguan buy. who looked no nttitc than seven. castled .i 41) -kg bat!. of cement on his shout tiers to the site and almost collapsed when he got there. Toler found it a little frus- tracing that often locals would find the most difficult way ut completing a task Theo kit ,t nearby wheelbar- n►'w sitting Idle as isles moved cement blocks t ttattd but rust made another pile lot somebody else to carry . Or a truck full of sup- plies would be parked a black away outcast uI right in front 01 a dour to make lar chole work in the out conditions BarrelRolling Jane went to hu% gas for ogre cit the engines on the work site and was asked to sec it thou would deliver it Site was told it had to br• rolled down the street ut a 45 -gallon drum That's how they till up the pumps at the station when Ihev bring the gas in ieum the harbour There', no tanker truck Mei. roll lull barrels of 1ucl•up the rutted road it, the gas statism Money is so scarce m Nicaragua .that when you. bought it pop at local store. the% d pout 11 into it I)tastit bag. put a straw on it and.Uc u shut. '!"hey kept the bottle Iur the deposit The Country Is abitut (t► per cent Spanish CONTINUED on page 11) ELECTRICAL WORK - Marten Vincent, right, helps put new wtnngln the schpol with Eric Shantiings-and lilnerarti. fir• � f (o ) ' r (—^ ) 7Z -A_ Grooming Salon 81 Muin Street South, Seaforth 527-0319 Tues..to Fri . 8:30 to 5:00 Sat 8:30 to 1:30 by appointment Closed Mondays Flea Baths and Moisturizers Reasonable Rates Christine Craven Over 6 years experience QP GENERA ‘4. . Back td 0,9 SUMMER HOURS F Monday t -t Fnaay 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Saturdays 74-. AM to 6:00 PM: Sundays -Closed The place wrtere you bought: your first CEDAR POST and'can now buy your last plastic post (recycled plastic) YOUR CH•OiCE! ..GAS • DIESEL • PROPANE • Full line -of Groceries and •Meats 527-1247 '97 Ford Ranger Rebel Selling Compact Pickup in Caned.► itauadard Features: • 3.0 Litre V6 Engine • tinted Glass • 60640 Cloth Split Bench • Full Instrumentation • AMNIA Stereo with Goch • Aero Halogen Headlamps So tars turps Rebel 1.t Path IOW • P2)S Mi-Seeton t1rn • flare -sick Bos • C 11 1M Wheats si 24 M®MTN ME Kies d.i ioai .at or *edition !rads '97 Ford F -Series XLS Selling Full -Size Pickup In Canada' includes Automatic St Alr Conditioning • Mbit Powerful Standard Engine • Gonane Swayer+ • Lows two•Torw Pum • Dual Airbags - with Passetper•Sick Deactivator • AWFM Stereo Cassette • 9 Cargo Bo■ - largest M Gut • aear•Wheel ABs Ito IExtra Clwrp. Xta P.skap.: • 6443 Wit snots • Chrome Styled Steel wheals • tolow•leyd Bodysida Mouldings $223 24 MONTH LEASE 0,905 downpa aunt or equivalent trade ON$49 MOREMONTH CHOOSE f-SEHIES KIS SUPEflCAB OB 4K4 • 1 • `iii/ Ford Explorer 4X4 Selling Sport•Utility in North Amcnt. Sxptoror a -Door Sport standard Features: • Automatic • Alf Conditioning • And Mote includes No Mar* Charge sport paaskapa: • Graphite Wheel.up Mfoplding; • Metal side Stepiati • j4- Whit► letter tire+ & Chrorn* Wheels $299 See Your Ontario Ford & Mercury Dealers . r Itl),Iir,dhr 0"t• is ,d•, f, assail fret 4444 0•, N 4 hr or CM. f ere to. *INV ee aro•tttfb rib„' Se.• wifrt (itis, lat•s•. ~Via ��rr�► taw Mew f tspain• r.Des . wM f r/ i1W. 1'0,50 44 Wittow� ,ens.- •.d 111001- p•. nr4i0. ,est,kuon It7M1 �t+bt'Irrrr4A1•rN •rN'Oe 3Mw tr+,i0r+nrWf Mel xr•<. wuv<r rd/'tplArat�Ct tier •••Mew Le�ge•Aelr Nvltn (r 911 A: piftpiy+ie Orttua•eeai+ •Mn 1 ypeep' spy,, 1 rrA e• .�,,� enee •pftd Mr ►yt��tiRN/r.+.Ar/st ecF1t.. wwM «p N �4 w fele t+pw �.1 rw ra• tom. ++n. I aGetN ro V�t•r'••r •aW owe. c• wN fMb aM 110Ter•�►•t'ttt'��H�r4!7'i..J..r: r.xa..t woke..•, wrAw bM9I. OntW6•.FO hY 70D0.3Areb. WPn+H St *wee, ee, f« Mot w Ii',tli. a:w•t res sf/► p1w��`Cy►tr wM M w« A w t 64,1•. R. tae 1,66.1o. P. M t,i.ne 1 • fe.y.t rUr et ""'"' ,,e& - .-rt_M 1 r 611•1 T. . -I • 0119 1121 ��� n, ite7 ". , i , . ere 1_1 . I3tt •r . • Sj 1 • `iii/ Ford Explorer 4X4 Selling Sport•Utility in North Amcnt. Sxptoror a -Door Sport standard Features: • Automatic • Alf Conditioning • And Mote includes No Mar* Charge sport paaskapa: • Graphite Wheel.up Mfoplding; • Metal side Stepiati • j4- Whit► letter tire+ & Chrorn* Wheels $299 See Your Ontario Ford & Mercury Dealers . r Itl),Iir,dhr 0"t• is ,d•, f, assail fret 4444 0•, N 4 hr or CM. f ere to. *INV ee aro•tttfb rib„' Se.• wifrt (itis, lat•s•. ~Via ��rr�► taw Mew f tspain• r.Des . wM f r/ i1W. 1'0,50 44 Wittow� ,ens.- •.d 111001- p•. nr4i0. ,est,kuon It7M1 �t+bt'Irrrr4A1•rN •rN'Oe 3Mw tr+,i0r+nrWf Mel xr•<. wuv<r rd/'tplArat�Ct tier •••Mew Le�ge•Aelr Nvltn (r 911 A: piftpiy+ie Orttua•eeai+ •Mn 1 ypeep' spy,, 1 rrA e• .�,,� enee •pftd Mr ►yt��tiRN/r.+.Ar/st ecF1t.. wwM «p N �4 w fele t+pw �.1 rw ra• tom. ++n. I aGetN ro V�t•r'••r •aW owe. c• wN fMb aM 110Ter•�►•t'ttt'��H�r4!7'i..J..r: r.xa..t woke..•, wrAw bM9I. OntW6•.FO hY 70D0.3Areb. WPn+H St *wee, ee, f« Mot w Ii',tli. a:w•t res sf/► p1w��`Cy►tr wM M w« A w