HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-04-30, Page 4eissonniannaaanstemstannensosst alar
J1bvrr'1--I"'i''tawrer shell O
IE ffixtftVN— q, • Genmd
mO^n9er 261.1gm ' 6ddor
VtN CSR Adveriaing Manager GREGOR p
KE t O - Advertising Sties • Reporter— 1u • Office Manager 9 T
q►Nons dtstnbuton
8 Classifieds
Aaskassfoisilisess Community Newspaper
LOCAL,e 32_.3�0�o1, �poor, .n odmnce, phis 2.28 G.S. T
��(�l� - 30.00 a poor, on mu r.ve 2 10 G.s. r
Q.19 7G sums• 28.44 a pear m askance, plus S78A0 ,p
2Elict ee t Parage. G.S T.
PubirJwd wkly by Signal -Sar Publishing
mod regaAOAon No. 0696 held of nio Moon eSi . hong .sSealanp ped n„
condrhon thol in lire •"111101 o Qro Ath srhsng n oreepledwn
by the erroneous Hero. �1 b reaO°i error, Ifne orMwk rie space ocaupred
� charged, aurae �� web o resaerseiile aYowarsee for argeolles, seiY roe
ewe In the wont ur of balance of rhe odor r.Mir be paid far Mise amicable
wren co a'Pogrophrcd error• oduenwng goods or serines or 0
g price. floods or services ray slot be said A 1 _ „
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damage of unsalrc,led marMr,tnph, photos or oilier nlolsrgls mod tar
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wadnaaWy Aert1 a0 1997
(choreal and Business Offices - I00Moin Stmet.,ieafant,
Tetepfspre (519) 327.0240 fax 1319) 327.2838
Mailing address • P.O. Ilex 69,
Sealants. Ontario, NOK IWO
Member of the Canadian Community Newspa
Association. Omani) Community Newspapers Assocrohon
and the Onion* Pont CorrncJ
Views expressed on our opinion page(s) don't
necessarily represent those of The Huron
Expositor or Bowes Publishers. The Huron
Expositor reserves the right to edit letters to the
editor or to refuse -publication.
at least one race
So far the Liberals are in the lead with the Reform Party run-
ning a clues second.
Before you think you missed a newscast about election polls
we should lei you know what we're talking about - self -pro-
moting party faxes.
It seems the Liberals have the jump on the other parties in
terms of piles of papers of propaganda and they're already
clogging up our fax machine. Little 'ol Seaforth received a 17 -
page message (yep. 17. pages) Monday morning from the fed-
eral Liberals. Half of it was in French, of course. Not that any-
one in the government payroll would take the time to find out
that The Huron Expositor. along with about 250 other papers
in Ontario, publish in English. There are only a few - less than
a dozen fur sure - papers that publish in French in Ontario.
But you can be sure the+t EVERY newspaper in Canada got a
copy with both official languages. And if that wasn't enough
• of a waste of paper - since we aren't about to send somebody
chasing alter the Prime Minister as hc.Visits Trois-Rivieres
and dozens of other locales- the Liberals decided to send all at o
17 pages again in the afternoon (probably because they knew death
we recycled the first message as soon as we got it). So 34
pages later, we decided to call the wc.didn't requireinformation
s et know
their phone line.was busy. (Surprise!) a un from them. But;
The Reform Party is running a strong second - but with FRO
ONLY an eight -page message listing ALL of the Reform can- THE H
didates in the
Can you whistle for the next 100
Wiwi 1 got back to my
office atter lunch thea was a
call from Harry,WlWs. Harry
was the chairman of organi-
zation for Ontario tor the
PC's in the 1953 general
election and a big-time
lawyer in Torero°. The oaot-
patgn had been underway for
a txwp1ti of weeks.
He wanted me to drive
FedoraI-MPtEtarl Rowe r°
Strattotd the following
Why where he was t°
tipoak an behalf of date Tory
candidate, Waldo Monteith.
Willis told me that he had
feom'n9arby New Hantbmg.
'Meeker had been elected in a
by.election in the riding of
' laterluo South a new months
As:we drove through the
Wino of -Shakespeare.
approaching Stratford, know -
anticline from the arc, he
asked if?I-ktitaw any local
issue he•might include in his
The Stratford
S�SpearianTesstival was
then in its early stage, under
the direction, of tram
checked a out with the pre_ Patterson.!I suggested as the
c iecked Frost, who was m backed up about two feet anti citizens of Stratford are s►xci
boss, -alaiMr. rammed the.car parked ed about it. he should of
got the O.K.OKfor me behind. Furwnatefy he didn't • course mention it in his
b► do it.
w'�btexi nue to Pict: Earl b'e�Cfrt to mind. 1 found '1) fur speech.
Rowe *pat Foster drive and we took oft. He seemed surprised end
on Alcorn His main concern was..did,1 assumed it was just some
Avenue at4:3Oand get himAdvertising know where there was a kind of travelling show
A Stratford fur 7. 1 was to liquor store on the way out of appearing in the eity..11 was
tod Strati. Rewe in his own the . f was puzzled though clear he knew little ur noth-
o� afar. The fair the was to bean up yhy � Street he looked estion - as we eve I explainedg ta starting
Park over and asked. "Can you was
it f1
behind the main street on the li a lent and it was est -
bank of the Avon River - whistle"'" 1 answered 'yes.' hshed to produce
about 300 yards from the .That was all...nothing more. Shakespeare's plays with bag
church where I was metres So i just /et it go and concert- name actors and actresses.
five years earlier. crated on driving the high-feereatin€ what Shakespeare
I took a eab ie powered giant. Of course! unix did in Stratford -on -
bad bed. 1 had never driven Avon in England.
address and waited.
one before. Hell. 1 had never
It Was a Apparently Mr. Rowe was at even seen uric beton:! as we arrived aththe parkful , A
�-ageecy making tapes to - This was lung before the couple of hundred'people A
be used on radio. extolling Gardiner Expressway or 401 stood and sat On the grassy
lthe many virtues of the leder- or 427, so 1 proceeded up stone facing the bandstand
eader moo party and its Yunge Street to the issuer
store 445 store under the railway over -
By we were in the car ' pass hy the CPR station. That
ready for our 100 -mil jour- done. we went north to.
ney u► Perth. County. Tete t ar Number 7 Highway and
was a beautiful new Buick. throughBrampton.
He asked. "Have you driven and Ki chener 11) Str tford.
one of these new (angled cars We stopped ata restaurant en
before?" 1 suppose to hien 1 the main street of Guelph for
looked very young. "You a sandwich and pie and a vof-
know." he said. "the new - let. where he reminded me
automatic kind that has the that we were in the city
gear stick up under the steer- where George Drew was
ing wheel...Have you?" born.
As 1 was answering, "Sure. He tells me he is One of tau
many times." 1 stancxl the
engine, putting it into gear to ►nerToronto .11aple Leaf kers. the . being fur=
pull away from the curb. h hockey great Howie Meeker
Readerfmds column
Dear Editor: Heaven's Gate.
Re: the column by- William .1 challenge Mr. Thomas.
Thomas, "Excursions to that before making any more
Hale -Bopp arc hereby can- derogatory comparisons, he
celled" in the April 27. 1997 research a little deeper the
edition of The Harms community he is deriding.
Expositor, i was surprised Before he reduces Catholic
and dismayed by M r. practices to removing pepper -
Thomas' remarks and appal-- ani from pizzas on Friday. or
eat comparison of the Roman bingo. bazaars •
C b r
c Liberal to 1 them •
el SO MUCH inform U
is community to the sales. i suggest he investigate
dealing cult of the involvement of many
a ey :a collegiate cadet iieutenta�
M Ti#E.PAGIi;S OF ---1
MAY 14, .11897
d A SAD AFFAIR- The fol-
- lowing despatch, dated
-Milwaukee, May 7th.
in the May papersthwe hope will soun be all right hope to du in the future. The
on ears <ia again. - Miss Maggie Sproat treasurer reported a total
y Iasi: "What may has so far.recuvered that she membership of 77. The fol -
a quadruple murder
occurred at the farm house of was able to be removed last, lowing officers were elected
Alexander .Harris, who Satui- y tc' her home. for the year 1922: Hon.
resided about five miles MAY 5, 19,22 President. Dr. C. Mackay:
south of Waukesha, at an Collegiate (:accts -The President•
early hour this morning, the annual inspection of the Stewart: 1st viec.Pr Charles
victims bein Seaforth Collegiate institute Mr. C. Abe(rhart: Secretary.
wife. hired Mr. nerves, his Cadets took place on Tuesday •Miss A.:Bell; Treasurer. Miss
d girl and hired afternoon on the school M..Hartry; Executive ,Board.
man. The crime was wmmit-
ted, it is supposed, by a fann grounds before Col. Mr..F,D. Hutchison, Mrs. R.
hand named .William Pouch. Mo,•Cgrimmun, of London. and McLean, Miss
who had been sheltered b a. large attendance of s A hiai ld.
y tors. After a strenuous haus Wijl1a1111Edward Archibald.
the farmer overnight. The drill. the corps paraded to Stogdill. Unci
dead and .wounded arc: - b Chas.
AlcxaodcrHarris, Neil's restaurant, making a
agaf about splendid showing jMA'`fa„ 1847
45 years,.killed outright:Mrs. g as they Going out to a back field
Harris, Ori, fatally wounded; marched down Main street. for his spring work..Carl
hired girl, fatal) wounded; Col. MeCrimmon spoke very Simon found a collapsed
hired Irian. probably fatally hrdhly of the work of the p,�rdchattc, with 'hal
wounded." Mr. Harris was a officers and men during the appeared to be a weather
broths of rs
afternoon. The officers of the roc;
Howie Meeker spoke, first
and introduced Mr. Rowe
who was billed as the main
.speaker -and -who litter intro-
duced the Perth •PC candi-,
date. Waldo -Monteith.
Mr. Rowe stepped to the
lectern and began by saving.
"Ladies and Gentlemen...i
have just tetumed-from'
Europe where 1 was attending
meetings in a number of
countries with a committee
made up of Members of .
"i want to tell. you how
proud 1 am of the people
from this area. for every -
where :l
cuntirweil,'lo8tung :forw..
holding the sides af:tlre .
lectern and lowering ibis',
voice to a mow persondl:con-
veraatiunal level and ap ;-
ing right into the�mium-
pho potpie art asking,
'hn the Bickford
$ ikeapearian`F.eatrval runn-
ing along''' "
While the crowd was.chror-
•ing anti applauding his
words. 1 thought to myself, ..
"My God. 45 minute, ago he
didn't know the Stratford
Festival from u loud of hey.".
But.he Obviously knew a lot
about making political
As we left and drove down
Ontario Street which
becomes Number 11 Highway
hemline hack to Toronto. tie
'Joked over and asked. "You
aid you could whistle. ,Do
uu think you can du it fur
Wu hours?"
1 was sure this WILYn't un
edition, but 1 couldn't,figur.
ut the point of thequcs-
in...until he continued say-
ng."1 am going wiry and
t some rest burl want to he
re you urn nut-ialling
leep. so 1'II lie back and
t and you .whistle.. If you
op I'll -know you are dozing
at the whet:I."
the g
.and g
the re
Go ve
0 I whistled fur 1(Itl
es...and.he doted
n years later - almost to
dad - the Lieutenant
error ut Ontario was u,
k lie and tails attending
rand_upenirtg of the
t Stratford Shakespearian
he arrived a voice came
the loudspeaker. "Ladies
entleinen...all rase l'or •
presentative ut Her
sty the Queen. 1ns
ur. the Lieutenant
rice of Ontario. the
urahle Earl_ Rowe."
offensive to C
Christians (including
Catholics) of this arca in their
community.. He could join a
wimp of Christian teens
(including Catholic teens)
. who participate in a fast-a-
thon for 24 hours- to raise
money for those less fortu-
nate. Therc arc also Christian
adults (including Catholics)
who fast regularly as a means
of doing penance or being in
-one ht
in this
freely t
and gilt
hy with those who have
d. He ccitild stand for
aur with maths other
ia11S (illeln(ing
cs) in a silent pro-life
He would find out
the mnai, Christian
(including Catholic.;
arca. who donate
►f cheer crate. efforts.
s k) the cumhnunit� at
NTINU1D on page t
ENTIRE country. And, of course. Preston
Manning's itinerary which includes when he leaves an
departs the Holiday Inn. (Note the rather inexpensive accom
modations with the cost-conscious leader. What we really
want -to know is if he .had the "Lumberjack Breakfast" or jus
plain white toast).
As far as the fax race goes, you wouldn't know the PC party
even exists (Well, atter the last election, there's not much fed-
eral PC that does exist. i suppose lean Chartist is too busy
campaigning in Quebec to send his own faxes, too). And the
NDP - arc they still a political party'. No doubt .we will
receive a news release on recycled paper from them soon.
The paper race has begun. We'll keep you posted. (Liberals
are the oddsron favourites to destroy the most trees). -AIMS
In the Years Agone
Letters to the Editor
Taxpayer outraged by
�w town pare bylaw
Dear Editor:
1 am writing this letter
regards to the recent byl
that was passed concerns
our driveway.
You•know you live in yo
home for 12 years, work yo
butt off. get your place loo
ing nice. put up a double c
garage And you can't eve
park in your own driveway.
feel.,that the person .who lost
gated this, should have ;speed
to both lily :husband .,an
myself net just one of us
RQY he picked the ,wrong
if there was an emergency
such ,as ,a need for .an .arobu-
lancc or ,a. firetruck to get
tbrough any person in their
rlgbt mind .would move their
vehicle. But instead the insti-
gator has usefl,pis;140�5#1
posluon to get what he wants
in which isn't right. As for
aw maintenance the To.wn said
ng they will not maintain it
because it's PRIVATE PROP-
ur IiRTY, so why should we
ur maintain the driveway for
k- other people to use? As,1 ss�ill1
ar before it's pretty sad ,when
you have to use your political
position to get .what you ,want
i- and interfere with the
.RJQHTS of others. it's also AIP. 8,p, n
d prettil y
sad when t the town + r
doesn't inform tke .iher.s
parties involved that,plur,0t- ,-R ard,ga,Y
vcway is pow a fire fide• 4RP, r et
You 1!e �r t.
.know. there 1s 0,A1fd '1rs,wprre.�
saying "There's a long road �ifiVai f J�
without a to but whcn it
turns LOQK .'
'1 P
r 1�,� tun.
1j� ,1,1. vrrjt s-
.g.tnstrtlmcnt ling at
McKenna„of ,Dublin. Much corps thus year arc: Captain. the edge
sympathy .will be felt fur this William.(irieg;,Lieutenants, cove v the Geld. sir.
estt�errred.Jady via account of Rcid Edmonds, ;Ralph 'Sicmon. was made by Mr.
the severe .dy, u ti C ,which Weilpnd; Sergeants, Hall lot 4. P day.on his farm at
has thus re rFarnum.cps• and d a qua lg r
overtaken her. uCutghcpn. Wesley township, six a quarter
Frarlk miles north of Dublin.
r$�iiMQrjQ•6 * * Q• Ndmore, ;Earl Smith: The five-foot ,perltchtile
- -Mr. Tom Biekle w,as so r morals: DopaJfl Kcr5l,ttltc. c.utopy eves nca{�ymtact, but
unfortunate ,age
hip .Blanchard, tlarencc the
.week .to fr spy;bast ,melees in$!e}I rat attached
'� aCW(1ef�#(s, ' t Ma p• J_}lector Hays ;Fred .to,jti t�,e
rterltr the bp1e i is Cri l >t• pcarc, John Irhe ,, .. efim , d menu
r v +f#ra ' JTAI}i cAH p t
e! r l f7rt,art
i and r,t,c .wan
reia purartY * , ) .111NJaYand Wee ars p,
,lip tlftf► !s ,Cpl sate app9f4.fl t19 t aIle qn
r >M 4r >rtJ gfil $ �1lhmni l ,ms oNt,P1t erR ; r t
ce �v,,��'' !} t ' op -r (QM !!�1 ;((((((c4t .feyvillr �. R .p
�Yt r t- 11 ,p�f t► el ' e q SP :Intiber!!1lIkHl t ergs
tAlsIle�gEel4itl{41lH� . qui t v tl. i
R.. 5P !Minn :»' s the P MP tojpr <e rcAflle t�SAiP
A V de Itgti4p to I1t1 r ' e 40il Anc)Iflg lin I' t.*
�. � til rp,Rrfr R ,MYC . ff 414 fe Ap ,was
(3,'' APO d �g.N.,1/e� FtvY AllfirgP,flflt- , q ' ,kh!As
t111PeNfiil eOfickrkoRigiII Ye t ' .4°' Ra 44
which Ix
blame It
oddity it
portion oI
The egg
of Varna.
al husine
occurred .0
formerly ii
has IDo) ed
over the ti
Rest auran
been pure
,Knctsch wt
Shack in the
n 1922
,re a marked reseal-
) a baby cluck The
ppe.ircd as ,1 raised
the shell.
was one . of a eitse
by Alvin Stevens.
AY .18, ;W92
tcccnt weeks sever-
s:: changes have
n Main Street.
Harmon) House.
t the Canino block
to the store in the
Klock which Mr
the usono. per -
Scott has taken
tuner McChnuhey
t which he has
Pilliards has
hased by Chris
to is operating it
with his Snack
same building.
tee of secondary
Iish Department
laid down ,the
selection of text
high sclluol
arses - and .yhc
c w,ho initiated
e's petivity com-
beard morins -s
en at the edNe;a-
tee meeting le
cossicm 0(1 rt,c
• A commit
school Eng
Heads have
rules for the
bggks for
;English co
school (rude
tlte: GQnlltl i I le
;plaincd that
had not all be
tion commit
hear the cis
sit :t of
e 0414v
4,v(e. e
't1�l9 tB