The Huron Expositor, 1997-04-30, Page 3News and Views 1'.1). � tot tiuroil elementary motets lam recognize e studentsbalm different abilities �- rr mumukscort t Woe isdnwr Success for all students is not a roahtiuc !'oal "Khat was one of the mes- sage guctt apse Dr. David- Conten. associate phi - lessor and chair of the phitus- uphdepartment at University of Western Untatio's Huron College. brought to Hurons elemen- tary pubtlt school teachers and. prtncrpals es part of their professional development (P.1). t day on Pnday at Seatortli District High School He prefaced his discussion on "positive edecattun" by sayutg that hes not going to talk about what's going to happen in the long run. "las tet longi rut: we'll all be dead - In .1 round-atvout way hi his point. he tacked about movie iey!ewers 0n CHC radio ley iewing the litnl adaptation tit Hem ' James- i'urtr'ulr 01 L.urlt W elft motley was real e-entta1 the -me tit trig stt'iy. tieitiiet reviewer pickets till un 1.h ti. he said. He refuted the• ,ante 1111.ny u' current changes in education. "11 we think that amalgama- tion tit boards has nothing to do with ilione's at all. were -making• a mistake.- said (tinter Ile said It'. not Just - ntonct Meeting education but the political climate in .t)ntaru, has changed and will hkeh sta•, tile :idiot... eine nov, kit aWhtt 1Cdoean t look Itke.in- the neat I uture the Ontario governntc 1i will ha). •What t.ttllitt liaa'i We been thinking ai,out Let ‘ Yiyc theta all that mune bac!. The poll - tit .1.t; eduuutun ttavc taken a u+rr 1.t 1.t,.. right We have to conic 1.t, grip, with this.' said tit pinalatphy. titutessor Afuuey & ltlequaiit) ..an understand piohienis are scrluu• prohieui,. ht said. "Vic preltr to talk about ::sex *; ! ,vtiult` ahti even talk' attttw the ctasslootn. VVc tion ' &alt, about money tit. 101 rte Dr. David Cattier "Sex is pretty much the sante for every- body - but money not 1/u' same for everybody. the classroom It brtngs•out inequalities. it's painlu1 to lace it the classroom. Sex. is .pretty much the same lot everybody - but money is not the same our everybody. --said Confer. A difficult thing tot pubtrc education to.deal with is pro- viding an "equal opportuni- ty- for every student 1i we provide an equal opportunity in education we're not going hi get an equality of results limo students There arc going, tit t>e ditlerent levels of achievement.- sant Confer. He said the London Board. of Ldut:ation s motto is. "Success cur very sttfdent." "ls that something that:s really achievable'(" He said• teachets' could work out by defining: Doppler weather radar system se t:Jtcter .1, in line to have a new wk:attic! iadar installed in 2001 par; of a Doppler network with an estimated rt+t:t• Lag til S3•1.9 -million autluuu,:ett ht Lnv'iruntnent t.anatla last wCCk I) .ppic, naked alter an ;'tusit+at, rh'siciS1. gives tiUitr... WdiriiligLhatteVnYCn- Uvna, t.ttiac of tornadoes ant! (.nt i ,.t;attier. , 51 pt -vole at feast .15 to 2(1. minutes to .get out of the way 01 these, kind of extreanely violent systems. thereby reducing injury and, loss of lite. and cutting down on property damage. 'Fac)( installation in this sophisticated Uupplcr net- work .will have an elective range of 350 kilometres. "There is what is colloquial- ly called a "tornado alley" leading orf -Lake Hilton. *vif:l.ttty my best. itehre est potential - tllat's s " 'You Can >ra).ttsat but it's not convincing.'What it t claim personal bankntptey' I tried. this is the tovvl i achieved. And you•aay. I suc- ceed"' He said -if there's arsnething educators can tali-- awa (runt his presentation it's that "equality of opporwatty will get inequalities of remits.' Gilter talked abXtilt mark- ing essays in his nitro to phi- losophy class with !Ai stu- dents He said many of them don't know how tot correct h torn( . ter possessive pronoun els - "As lir as I'm concerned there's a sueeesslul way to wntc 'to' and 11 is not Uin• thing that has to be done In education is to point QUI that's not correct •- While Confer admits that roam students ret. on cue, putt+ spell -check programs; he says. '-spell-checks will take you so•far but not lar enough Suit' for Everybody' Some students are going to 1>< bettet. he says "Sueees, lot everybody is not, a reacts: tit goal lou rt going to have students who-exeel and stu- dents wet• don't dtt sit well'" There's an impression that view a creating all elitist sy. ten+ and 1, puhtietlts disret, •utablc • '•Wc etc in' a better posltton U1. (11 Olt' worst• oil 11 We have at better e,.'uu1►nt) There:s ntoie money 'to tax. etc: We want students the best-prepated to go out into OW world because they're- tax ones whit are going tit make the guildatna money. What Many think is an.'ehtist syr letn tea' not be it conflict with the caring •suc►al .tent.' says Conten • Equality in tiym :' ' la' art.Irl(CrCJ1111t cuntpat)- sun. thc, philosopll) professor said there's •a great push out equality in the classroom but not in th,-gym. • "In the gyln nobody sup-. pora..everybody is Iht' Saint' " What we often - face 111 the clan - room can 111" painful because everybody is NUI the sante. „ When a school team is cho- sen. Iht tact is you don't do that 1Citlntst equally of all ditIereni ;tthieitr abilities) Parents wouldn't stand cur u We accept to Ute gym that students havt natural ntequal- ntres And schools e.xplou that agatnsl other echix)ts The story change, m the classroom. says Comte! "Thy lace, 31)001 gym and Inc cta'sn oast sbuuitin't to very Miierent -What wt often tate ui laic classroom ear, be pa intul-and difficult. l) CallSt' everybody u not the wine A. proles sooner fines an tool difYieut- tie' Wr h.tst it+ mer:( hcatl un . Competition Painful Llt 1 pale will oaten 1, left hy(lNit,st ;widgets who choose tit compete "Often cuntpetttiots area 1 IMO, tU CtJuust We dtt clavi' it, g,' It ,eiroo1 111 Vur rtri}CO. "feat , .O1113Klrtton We clog[ CilOu,t 1113: meal(, ,iiequalt- tre• .ttast it ilc laeetl. 31 an ca[l' •tyt iC kindergarten. Tht:rt art 01.111 aurae iii be laced an: I1+eit aide .teat, dis t tU be installed in between Seaforth and iAeict. ..where violent weather syts- tei nsxrliun track. DEATHS AND OAMAGF Environment Caltad.t says is an average year. tiU ' twisters cause two deaths. Zit injuries and millions in ages in in this country.. Twenty: seven people were killed In a t,487 tornado in Edmonton. with an estimated 5330 -mil- lion in. anlages: Dear eriends 41i. Customers, It has been a long time since October, 1880 when Hildebrand Flowers ,& Gifts opened fur business. At 18 years of age, a lot of people didn't think I could do it. Here we are 17 years later. and business has never been better. every year growing stronger. • This 1 owe to all of you, my loyal customers. i can't tell you what an honour it has been to share in your celebrations and weddings (51 brides carried Hildebrand's bouquets down the aisle last year/ end to help convey your messages of sympatbty through floral tributes. But, atter much thought and discussion, it has come time fur a change, which brings us to the reason for. this latter: Hildebrand Flowers will be undergoing so)ne-radical changes • in the coming year. The first phase will include discontinuing Q)41!fl'esh flower department. This will be effective April op,; .007• This will enable us to increase our ever greWnpg gift &Part' ntent and concentrate more on our,everfasting ,and Silk like flower creations while et the swine true freeing up pnofe titpe fur personal happiness awd,fa,agil,Y. time. I hope that we can cot on ,your contirfefi .support for your gift buying and.permenenkfl wer.needle. The faces, atWoapliere and a fq tality ,product at ,a,Teatiwn• able price will all,remain the, e• We are vert' a Fiteld ,Abfllit: his itealitcl s1. P aj$ thQpe . to see you in the.lfbwp,apAn' Attic ►}'ole, Afikl4 'atwi B#110 41 vat ai+tateai ttlttlewtw(w.4 ae, sswr_s Archie's Seserice 24(Coderieti9t.lfiattt,*airmen ger OL CEDINGES air BATTERIES ail TIME IPAIIIRS M EXHAUST tar IMRE SALES - AIR Makes Av ibalbNe Call Marc or Larry today Wit... 527-0881 Serving Seaforth and area since 1979 +b`I'3tiAl G IS UEKE ! ► ! CONSTRUCTION ION LTD. Exaavation.gravel, mend tupsui:. complete site preparation, septic systems YOU 'NAME IT, WE DO IT, T'f1t Galt at 522-03'07 ire 1406-9611 7 ttal 'PT ings You Are Ln vited appointment- when there s - to a jean et'i'ip:ititvt, koirtptPvrtrto `there. alt goats of educe titin deet .tic scpat.ftc Iruir Korse Producer Seminar !ruing' emit ei $1101111.1 kern X1101114.: '11C .est' "their art z,eloralt n*I1U11> sUttes- ataut11111'.ally >tvcial! t.k:1.0Ii.iI wutUi 'Che I lit iiuslnC:. o+ Ott cduwitun ayslt n+ t nu overall personal. sluwtl Uniorrunatel). that's the tinnily that', seine tri have 14' deal with that 'toric s When: run grow the Most : icaehct' Rave he ...mut' up with the means rt I.s:t1 sup - purl siudciiis. yaws •C.unlur.' "Thai-• it. f.dut;ai► in t:an.1 1x an 'c'eivihtne ssACil1 Exeter bv 2001 chart-lluppiur. itlrcady cti►st nIlElt 01 "(Kohn) and i:-Ldnitlnton and Monti -A.:4) The vai0u' nye installations begin ileyt .ye.n. and by the 'CONTINUED D un page 8 'tog' Zlst A, u iveirsar Celebration Feature Speaker- Scott McIntosh Purina 1-tc!rke Specialist feeding for Perkin -name Mare & Dual Nutrition Tuesday, May '13th 1997 at 7:30. pm Seafortll District Community Centres Kegistr41tIC►,i1 at ':U() pm •, Coffey & D1.►nut. Served • Special door Sput'lborcd by Milton J. Dietz Ltd - and" Ralston Purin€t Call today to reserve vour Seat!! 522-0608• 1-800-818-5257 Free Dinner�or Ona in the tett on our premises with a 5200.00 retail order to a tnasrimum of 2 tickets per family. One extra voucher available at $10.00. TINT compliments pf HURON PERTH TfiNT RaNTAt.S. BACHERI M Iu . tit till' List ... Nutmbir 1 Seller ... Ow own StvlOISD PORK CHOPS Bulk (by the loin) orip• Boxed rs Ib• Fresh Pork Loins -.•tEit111(42P41910. Boxed $2.691b. $- Beef LOinls 50 to 60 lbs. Grade A or AA Cut & , Wrapped lb. Boneless Sirloin Buy Buy a whole (7-10 lbs.)■69t13• 1 /4 lb.•8eef;Patties4 p r,110• Lean Ground Beef 4411 ta69tb. >� 1.89 (fur Own P.rePo(k Bain a Plain or.cancr 14. Smoked 2• Ib. 'MEOWS ft r.,.1 g0PAYS ONLY! •INow,iO4he ,lime tc)IFi11,U 'Xo11riF,KwAr +i� F•t nts9 ria•Mip?fl afro -Chocks" Po' SSides."� `fp•1�^ ►� r8•1Q C 1'S'l` i fedi yul' fes. P$4°I. Atter ip,tflri rll{i 0(45145011iPileiked 54i111411 4t04(.204".. fE 4 11'tK) 00,414R11t4AWIRSI iklp, - t'tNt::: •1etl%' nifeel AACHERT MATS LOGAI ED EAST EAST �F 1kA1.tQN �l -5 30ties 1 Wed.30. Thurs 8-5.30 frt a-5.30, Sal a to NOON Alt Meats Government Inspected We reserve Ude 601 10 limit quantities