HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-04-30, Page 11>Ettucution
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Noe 3
Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 --- Seaforth. Ontario
Buy killed on
bicycle in Hullett
A nine-year-old boy, was
killed while riding Ins -bicycle
in Hullett Township on
At appruxtu►atelc 1='50
p.m.. Doug Hugt11. 54. oi-
fHullett. was dnving-his piak-
ulp duel. northbound on
County Road 15 in Nutlet
Twp. Luke Anderson. who
was updating hts bicycle
westbound on County Road
t7 entered the Intersection of
the county roads and went
through_:► stop sign -.
"Although-Hugilt took eva-
sive action. he was unable to
avoid the cyclist.- stated a
•news release from the
Godench O.PP. Anderson
was pronounced dead at the
scent'. He was wearing a
safety helmet at the time 01
the accident.
NO. charge!. will be laid.
Blyth man
charged with .
attempted murder
t-,i,oeneli. OPP have
ctiaiged a 2year-ohi man as
uie iu.ult of a stabbing that
occurled early Saturday ui
the `'rliagc of Myth ' •
Jesus Lec of Blyth was
arrested L without incident and
charged with attempted mur-
der and aggravated assault
Lec caas • remanded inu,
Stratford Jail for a bail hear-
tily in Gudcrich on Monday.
April 28
The victim. William
L ugwel! age 32. of Clinton.
was taken to Clinton Public
l lc,spital and then translated
Victoria Hospital. LA/11(10h.
where ltc is presently in sta-
ble condition.
Man gets eight
years for stabbing
The man who stabbed his
former girlfriend in the neck
on the Uodvrich Square last
September has been sen-
tenced to eight years in peni-
Jody Robin Carter. 28.
pleaded guilty to attempted
murder and earlier chaigcs of
twice failing to comply with
a probation order not to com-
municate or associate with
the victim and her faintly.
and making harassing phone
calls to the victim's parents
Justiec John McGarry of
General Division Court at
Godcrich sentenced him un
April 18. without the possi-
bility of parole for fuer years.
Request denied
At its April .8 meeting,
Seaforth Council denied a
request from .a -WiUtaun Street
West resident to install a five-
foot wooden feni:e that would
be on town property 16 inch-
es from the lot line.
.Works -Superintendent John
Forrest said this .would not
leave enough room (only
25") for Union Gas ,to poxes.
itsgas lines. •
'There is .a hqr ijhy.. tree on
this lot line.
Forrest rcr:ummendrd that
any fence be on "Mr.
-aalfker's side of the tree in
order that Union Gas has
.Xoom to..work if the need ever
4.rifics. '
April 30. 1997 --- $1.00 includes GST
Jury flection
trial begins
this week
WAIT*G A -BITE - Travis Lane, 7..1401, :and-TwIter Ward. 5.-rrgtat.-both of•Seafotlh, sit -on -their tackle boxes and
wait patiently for the fish to bite at the annual Trout Derby held at Lions Park in Seaforth Saturday. Behind, Randy Ward
rigs up another pole for son Riley, 3, wtio-sholding a pail. It was beautiful sunny weather for the225 kids who participat-
ed. The lucky fisherman was Joe Tunney. 13, who brought in the catch of the day at 26 and three-quarter inches. Seven
fish caught were over 24 Inches. And 100 of the 300 trout stocked were pulled from the water on Saturday.
Huron County Council
Computer system will cost $300,000
SSP New, Stall
h will cost about 5300,((0.
but Huron County will soon
enter the rnfuio►ation age
thanks to a computer system
currently being considered b.
the administration
The county's existing solt-
warc is 11 years old. and
according to administrative
staff. it no longer meets the
requirements of today's infor-
mation environment.
County treasurer Kell Nix
said the new system is needed
because the existing software
is inflexible. not easily adapt-
able. and docs not allow easy
analysis of rnlorntation. By
contrast. a new systein would
be inure flexible. and allow for
the sharing of More timely,
easy-to-use information for
Managers and County Council
.(0 make informed decisions.
"ICS important these days
when things are changing so
tact . satoi Nis
At the Apn1 24 'meeting LA
-Huron County Council. cxCc:-
uU Ves 1111111 enc u( the front-
runnrltl' companies vying to
supply the new system was
on -hand to show -orf what
they can provide.
Although sonic cuuucitlols
expressed concern about mak-
ing a commitment for a new
computer system while still
uncertain about the (inure of
county government and in
light of the upcoming elcc-
tion, it was decided the matter
would be voted un at the June
meeting of council.
Neill 1927 Essex auto used
101111. gap at museum
The Hurons County. Museum
has decided to use an '►n
house exhibit to 011 a gap in
the temporary exhibition hall
between the end of the •Titanic
Exhibition on May 31 and the
beginning of the (Quirt Show
in early August.
The gaff will be filled with
items 11 0111 Herbert Nei1f'.
collodion. including things
such as his 1927 Essex auto-
mobilc and camping equil.
mem. As well. the museum
plans to display ter the first
time a c0lieC11011 of tatnill
photos and other items
received sonic years ago. ,
In other museum news. the
Sky Harbour Gallery support
comrnittcc has begun a new
initiative and hopes ti► raise up
to 512,00(1 fur the equipping
of a small 10 to 12 seat theatre
at the Go tlerich airport termi-
nal building. The budget
includes the production cost
of a 15 to 18 minute video on
the history and development
of the airport.
'Travel Guide
Huron County's travel guide
Continues to lead the way in
the tourism industry. It was
recently annuuneed the travel
guide will be given a 'import -
or' award by the American
Economic Development
Council's 1997 sales and
Literature and Promotional
Materials Awards
Waste Management
1f you want to have your Say
in the future of waste Inartagc-
ment in Huron County, you
are going to get your chance
in early Jul.
• At the April 2A meeting. of
County Council. u was decid-
ed that three public meetings
will be held to provide the
public the opportunity to com-
ment on the preliminary draft
Waste management master
plan with the mie;tings held in
Wingharn, HolmcsviUk and
Heasall. Although the exact
dates have not been deter-
mined. it is known the meet-
ings will be held in early July
on Wednesday or Thursday
HAPPY 50 COWS - Jack Geldof of Eyrnondville got a surprise last Wednesday when he opened his front door. there
were 50 numbered cows on his front yard in celebration of his 501h birthday. Somehow, they mysteriously landed there:
SSP News Stall"
Jury selection is underway
as the second-degree murder
trial of Steve Murray begins
this week in Ontasiu General
Division Court in Guderich.
'three hundred people from
across Huron County formed
the jury panel—that met
Monday. at the Knights ul
Columbus Hall because space
at the Guderich Court House
was lox► sinall.
Murray. who pleaded not
guilty to second-degree mur-
der. was charged September
15. 1995 in connection with
the .disappearanve of his 16 -
year -old daughter. Mistie
Nicole Murray. Mistte has nut
been seen since May 31.
1995. -
As part of the jury selection
process. Murray. formerly of
Si. Columban. was arraigned
before the 300 -member jury
panel where he again pleaded
not guilty to the charge.
Justice James Donnelly then
explained to the panel how the
process would work once the.
jury is -selected.
He said the trial will begin
immediately after the 12
jurors, are selected.
CONTINUED un page 2
coosty roads
cid save
SSP News Staff
Huron County Council was
given some options for the
management of its road sys-
tem Thursday, April, 24.
11) a presentation to council,
consulting engineer Bob Slay
explained that in the light of
restructuring by the -province,
the county needs to consider
alternatives for the manage-
ment of its road system --
alternatives which could save
the county millions of dollars
over the next 10 years.
County Engineer Sandra
Lawson agreed. She said the
study could be used as a
mechanists to help find sav-
ings -- something --County
Council directed department
brads to do earlier thus ear.
Stay's consulting firm has
already undertaken similar
studies for the counties of
Hastings and Sitncoe and has
►dcnfifed three options which
.Huron County could pursue.
The fiat _option would keep
the road system ps it is and
4UUWJwv the wanly and tr wiici-
palitics notriaamc their 9 ori
:,r ds, ktttt won! result in -rw
The second ()is t would
11t,avc local municipalities
3itssuntc responsibklit ,for•the
county toads mothin their
iplunicipality i1dr fA1111>nte be
,county road system.t;4he
*wings ('County sittdly,,iltafy�tl
cstim*ted.this optipp, d
r ve,�{i;2.millM1.
4hd .4i4M, f4yt c�AP-
tr,�t+ iNrRf t� 41410 Ake (414,411V