HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-04-02, Page 5• • Residents want May flowers without April showers those people who helped Huron Strings atter lunch and make this evening a success. enjoyed ourselves immense On March 20 we had an ly. Irish sing -a -long and pub Our sympathy is extended night. We were entertained to the families of Alma Ryan, by Anne Lecper who played who passed away this month. a variety of Irish tunes while Our thoughts are with you at we all sang along. Then a this time of sorrow. group of talented individuals Amy Harman and her called the Nasty Habits enter- mother cooked brunch for tained with their comical rou- the resident this month. tine. Our honk was decorated Fresh bacon, eggs and toast, with a variety of St. Patrick's it sure was tasty. Thank you Day decorations which set a to Amy and her mother for pub -like atmosphere and cooking up the delicious enabled our "refreshments" meal, it sure was nice. to slide down a lot smoother. Upcoming events this Great fun was had by all. month are a "Spring Fling Dance" and supper on April 24 and Tropical Day after- noon and supper on April 29. All seniors arc invited to these events. For more infor- mation call'Cindy DcGroof at 527-0030. Lawn bowlers Happy Birthday to Dave Sim, April 2; John Powell, meet for cards April 23; Antje Valdhuis, April 23; Annie Hodgins, April 25; Alice Rumball, April 26; Mary McDougall, April 29; and Grace Scott, April 29. 0 • PHOTO BY DAVID SCOTT NASTY HABITS AT MANOR - This group of rather masculine looking nuns from Blyth called the "Nasty Habits," provid- ed live musical entertainment to residents of Seaforth Manor at the Irish Pub held in the activity room March 20. March has slipped away so quickly. Now we will get our April showers which will bring May flowers, or maybe we could skip the showers and just get sunshine. We'll see. It was a very busy month for us at the Retirement Home. We welcomed the Sonic Youth Group from the Egmondville United Church on March 5. We ordered pizza and Chinese food and the kids made dessert for us. They made chocolates for each resident. Not forgetting residents on sugar -free diets. They made special ones for them. After supper some of the residents and youths played euchre while others played pingo. It was a great time. Thank you for coming over. We hope, to see you again soon. Seaforth Manor Retirement Home On St. Patrick's Day we had a dinner and dance. it was absolutely delicious, made by our dietary staff at Seaforth Manor . The Zurich Old Townliners entertained us for the dance. What music. Many people were up danc- ing. Dave Sim is a wonde'tful dancer, it was nice just to watch a lot of people dance to the music. We had five door prizes. All the winners won a shamrock: George Wright, Annie Staffen. Ruth Ycandlc and Joyce Wallace. Thank you to everyone in the community for joining us for our special night and to all RETIREMENT PARTY - A retirement party was recently held at Seaforth Manor for Betty Huisser, middle, who has worked for 32 and a half years at the manor. At left is Director of Care, Joanne Ryan and at right is Administrator Ruth Hildebrand. 'It's how you play the game' CONTINUED from Pace 4 matter. The committee.was satisfied that there was inten- tion to register and that the problems encountered to ensure registration should not at this time prohibit the play- er from being considered as registered. The committee directs the OMHA office to generate a replacement cer- tificate to be completed and submitted for registration records." The new approved card was received by courier, then signed by player and parent �OGGo0G0000O1�Of.-ilr7 3 Huron County's Complete E 1VEHICLE 1 RENTAL 1 Headquarters 3 0 Small & Mid-sized Cars LI0 Passenger & Cargo 3 Vans, Pickup Trucks 0 0 Daily, Weekly, Monthly 13 0 insurance Rentals & More 0 Free Delivery CAR & TRUCE ROTAS Division of Suncoast Ford 500 Huron Rd., Goderich CALL OOLLZCT Mk for Helen 524-8347 4 shortly after I p.m. Thursday, then immediately sent hack to the OMHA by courier. Van Dooren finally played for the Centenaires again Thursday night. The same day some resi- dents went to the community centre for the dining for seniors program. Agnes McClinchcy won a beautiful gift basket. We danced to the The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club held its March social and cuchrc at the Seaforth Legion Hall last Tuesday evening. Hosting were Isabelle Hunt, Roht. Argyle, Marjorie Rock and Beth Prycc. Winners for cuchrc were: ladies high. Marjorie Rock; ladies lone hands, Mary Finlayson; ladies • consolation, Beth Prycc; men's high, Gord Murray; men's lone hands. Frank Hulley; men's consola- • tion, Sam McClure. The next cuchrc and social will he April 22 at 5 p.m. and every- one is welcome. McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth. 527-1140 •Service *Selection 'Savings •Satisfaction *Leasing •Com' ete BODY SHOP Service 1 You take your Investments seriously. You should. You expect a fair deal. You should. You demand Security and guarantees. You should. TERM RRSP INDEX FARM PLUS DEPOSITS RRIF LINKED T.D. GIC Limited Time Rate Offer For New Deposits 4 -Year Term 53A% Min. $10,000.00 6% Min. $25,000.00 61/:% Min. $50,000.00 61/2% Min. $100,000.00 5 -Year Term 6'/4% Min. $10,000.00 61/2% Min. $25,1600.00 63/4% Min. $50,000.00 7% Min. $100,000.00 All funds are reinvested in our local community and deposit insured by Deposit Insured Corporation of Ontario. Call today. You should! CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 118 Main Stmt North CUNTON 482-3487 EXETER 238-0640 OPEN: MON. to TttURs. 9:00 a.m.-600 p.m. FRi. 9:00 e.m.48:00 p.m. SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 11116 MASON @stills. Ap,l ft. 1•07-11 Brussels has surplus Brussels got good news from its auditors at the March 10 regular meeting of its council - a surplus for 1997 of $107,455. It's Our 33rd Annlvsrsury SALE ivt•v`• SIINWUlt7 HY 40 SAVINGS On ALL SUNWORTHY BOOK ORDERS Come in and Save even more on our in -stow specials. DISCONTINUED STAINS 1/2 PRICE HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER 527-1880 Main St. Seaforth Personal and Farm INCOME TAX RETURNS Reasonable and ContidanWl. Car now on wrongs an appointment tor filing your 1996 income tax return. TOTAL FARM SERVICES Dublin 345.2S12 SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIA'T'ION ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APR. 9,1997 7:30 PM AT THE SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES EVERYONE WELCOME a 4 Ask your pharmacist about ',Wealth, and n Our pharmacy will be hosting a Footcare Clinic at which ume your pharmacist and a registered nurse will he available to help you in any way they can FOOTCARE CLINIC FRIDAY, APRIL 11 — 10 AM TO 2 PM by Appointment Only Call 527-1990 Qat de lr We 67 Main St., Seaforth - 527-1990 Smith -Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. This Area's SHINGLING SPECIALISTS •FREE ESTI MATES •WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED •CUSTOMER SATISFACTION •FULLY BONDED & INSURED 235.2802AL NIGH Smith -Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. 152 THAMES RD. W., EXETER