HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-03-26, Page 1inside
The Nunwe Exposilipr
celebrates business
in Seatotth with
special publication.
time lasart
Your Community. Newspaper Since 1860 —Seaforth, Ontario
C almami>ng presents
toiler m 'WAS
-Fortner Expositor editor
Tim Cumming presented •.r
_paper un Canadian -Mexican
relations at a tree trade: con-
ference held in Wale,. U.K.
yesterda. ,
Cumming has been teach-
ing journalism classes at a
university in Mekico City for
the past year.
Farm meeting today
A sprier planting meeting
for farmers under a conserva-
tion tillage• system is being
held this (Wednesday t after-
nuur a[ the Clinton
OMAIRA office.
Speakers arc soil manage-
ment specialist Adam Hayes
on 'mine Tuning Tillage and
Planting Tips". and. no -till
management specialist Jini
Shay, on "Weed Control
Option,: '.
Shipping season has
stared al Goderich
• Shipping season -began at
Goderich on March 18, a ht -
Ile inure than five weeks. after
Inst season ended Feb. 1,
with .the -arrival of the
Algotnartne, from Sarnia.
it is the second earliest a
ship has 'entered port The
earliest.on record was Manch
The shtl,prur_ .ca.uri usual -
i‘ begins <uound nctc ttt tilt
last .wcch u! Mend-. III early
'April •
Captain bund Scvon of
Ottacc, •+« frtcsented with
the iraditttwai mayor's hat to
sign and. tai,en to breakfast,
slur; with the ship', chief
cngih. rF. he town digni-
tarics.Thc first official record
of such a presentation at
Cioticrich was. 193-
Thr hat belonged to the.
town . first mayor and is
more than a ccnutry old. .
The Alguntarinc left later
that morning with a load of
salt fir Milwaukee •
-Weavers Guild
celebrates 2.0 years
The Huron Tract Spinners
and Weaverti Guild began its
20th year on March 4 at
Clinton. Persons attend these
open monthly meetings from
Seaforth; .Mitchell. Clinton.
Bayfield. Goderich. Stratford
and Lucknow.
Plates -are underway to host
the .South :Western :Regional
Ontario Handweavers and
Spinners Conference this
October in Goderich.
Members give ,workshops
in spinning. weaving aqd
baikett'y to both members
-and-gon,in cabers ,ngd
demonstrate 411 varions.gxlti-
bilions and.shuws.
Neatt;meeting js4,pti148, t
the •.Matic in . (it4grt:Slu p on
Highway t4 in Clinton.
Further ,information ;is,ioo il-
Able by calling Ele:utur, jy h
POjciie .fA.
Prc-rugisttatiun attd,a;;fec
are requited ilii a gruwptii.pcs-
ticidc aali ty course on.. l
S at the Clinton OM 4ERA
tithe (482+4428 or 140O-
265-5170) (Cain :8;45441114P
4 p,tn.
•Ciiowc fs.„{ u01: 0f;Pfllfy
.opery five yams.
March 26,1997 — tailiOitildiutiesOST •
:PkttyTp6Y fillftte9ROAMPOELL
SOM !THING TD R .BOUT - *Worth's junior -hookey team, tate 'roenterjres, won their brit Olvisjort6tl i-
onship in -more than a decade -at the =arena Saturday -night .when they toothed Of:the ileientiic 7 IRNA n r
Hawks in six games with a -3.2 win. There were -747 tans there to watch -arid *njoy. 'fire cents -now-moat N.Mt.101Ydto
the OHA semi-finals inn series that:atatls on the road tomorrow ( hareday) rt�ht.
Seaforth lis
Expositor Staff
A prominent Main Street
personality.. and former •busi-
nessman has died.
Dave Stewart', Of West
Street died in Stratford
General . Hospital last
Tuesday. He was -76.
The funeral service ..was ,at
First Presbyterian Church.
where Stewart once sang in
the choir. in Seaforth on
He was a former •partner
then owner of Stewart
-brothers in Seaforth fur more
than half.a deeade.
-The--now-closed store, ;elat-
ing -back to 1902 when
L ave's fatiter'-lfarty bQttyht
it, was :a bustling -bub and
Main Street fixture until it
closed in 1993.
Dave started working 1:u11-
titne there in 1936 after -his
uncle Charlie died. •
"It was around-fiaa(er
time." Stewart recalled.in ,an
interview with 'The: (j f,i
-Expositor four years;ago. lie
died -on r9tioil nit ay. The
sever -laid so •hook tv t hjsh
school, even to piek tr►y
books ,up.'I justkft., I was 16.
I've been here ever singe -
tttetilly.: 8afore that I worked
!I mos the youngest°-£ellftw
•)an 4 et atgestice•".
COIyIYIdt#$D on -page 3
n1_y two in illittredia tave aimed Ito wiwk far wilt=
SSP News Staff
* with notes from D. Scott .
Sp far. only two -people in
Huron County -have refused
to .work for their •welfare
That's of the 44 Huron resi-
dents •now .enrolled in the
province's Ontario Works
program — snore widely
known as workfare.
The program. set up as a
pilot in Huron. has been
In .an increasing; t_t d, .8
umber of -new ,s.tgses 4ttd
ptttlness ventures have
;}p,p hound Seaforth in
'Fff,400Rbay %far;iwd
.yM i Od by-Sh+uttn
raid just,- pined in .a pew
ilding imtuodiatcly south
the tracks. fivennially,jier
cads -old .Mcltatce -enol
tate. business ,willl .up0fgte
t of .the Witting as,wpll.
Aiaw lleetamctout
:St+aforth's ucwcst restku-
funt. Siar.leis. Inas been. in
ration for a it.w .mot hs
w in the location oftc
aper J3.istro at S Mlun.
ttth., Owners ,Julie ,sed
Qagwt:r ,ljyc tx a
1;1014utmtt ,t+vitth ,a.Tnb
growing since the new year
,and.this month made its first
appearance in the south end
.of the ectttnty -
-The tiny village of 4urich is
the first.municapttlity. south Of
• Goderich to find a ;project
that meets the criteria of the
program. Their application is
"(We) wouldn't have hirgd
someone to do this .work and
that is the criteria." reported
-Coon. 13arb_Jeffrey during a
council meeting.
The .application came
employs ,8 total vf.e4 htlWl
and p;trtet tpta.cttitp%oyees.
home ch
• KW'
Garr bur:1405s,"
Ueh M¢Leatt
Jing ;►n 01301
5 from it)
410w u Parrot
Clo t,, sated fat 32 {.:entre.
St.,.i:gta,ondville, "offers
ciil Bean ;a: at[k41d%&Ad and
$4 : Pr:' ' bleb
cnl gtiwth
opt;-,qn enc
., lvw-;nark': anti. ;. t *iris as
%we1l,as,?Dutdour activities,
cord* to .t news release.
ticAtirrot C;lub,offers ru
;, t .,which ".in6cts
through the village's -recre-
ation committee and work
would-be dose -mostly in that
department. The .welfare
recipient .would ‘work for
three .months, 16 hours,per
_John MacKinnon, .}1•uron
County -social services direc-
tor, said requests ljJte
A ttrich's .arc statrtitig to filter
in ,as they work through the
welfare rolls ,to detenxtine the
eligibility of recipients.
The Town of-Seafprth.-.has.
one person working for. the
t . Y fir@ -:.-told.
AAA' sitr
the t
inuniclpality under the
9400 Worsts 9roAsion. -` ►c
ie4iv& s1 Jtas;: nk9OrfoRn-
igg varipgs tAtiks.:)nclufJing
loco tion Wv'wrk. fur tile
This month the colusty has
532 -people on .social assis-
tance, Gpmpared to 571 e
Year Q..
With only 44 paopie cur-
rently involved: ip the pro -
$r, 'teepp� haveitoot
sumer ✓ 1i 1P
boon ;acti-ve --fpr rtbe 'ilkiir-
g' `utas,la xed.tp
-roMiirice , ti%Jlits;
ny a15 ," tkffjtgIMS"
, )404040
(Guegt group at
Harmony Kings'
Irking Aber/
Soaforttt's iHarmory Kitygs
tee :try n ,sonsetiniw ,a:little
..different 'for jtitnir .annual
;}girl allow at the .arena on
. tPtpil l 5. Ranter .than sticking
.sti ctly toitarbersitop singing.
The lkasantials, a .popular.
ILemdon,besed a cappella
grtatp. will -be featured.
The, I -5th annual ,shows.
each with/Shout two hours of
music, air at 1:59.aud 759
pm., a week.Saturday.
'file fasentials are -based in
.London and were.tecently
interviewed on One O'Clock
Live. •.They.are well •known
and -have performed in many
.vetoes, as diverse as from
malls to the Westem.Fair.
With their unique individ-
ual -arrangements of great
songs from the '5th to the
'90s. they have entertained
thousands of people in hun-
dreds of concerts in Canada
and the U.S..'' notes a press
relettare. •
A s appella singing is with-
out accompaniment. different
from a barbershop quartet.
"Their music is classified as
doo-wop and would remind
loos--peuple,gf t tfre .tqusic •of
The Nylons. To quote the
•f'ltiladslphi,'t review. You
_cut' 10 Joey .why lWey are the
;Mp-owx1%C,anadian Quo-.wop
sroup...very smooth, very
polished with great 'stage
preseuce..We laved them!
The Seaforth - Harmony
dCings are made up of about
40 men from Seaforth.
Clinton.-russcls, Mitchell.
t}J il,KGrofi fiead..:larttbro
and :surropnding areas. who
practice every Tuesday night
at Seaforth high sccbswl.
p tie , il, a .former
member of the Scarborough
LP;ulces of :Harmony. is chief
49r31s direr qr.
Chore* Apeakias,fast
ro4orich Progressive
.-Conservative -Party leafier
;Jean Chacust will be in
Qderjch Thursday. *larch
27, for A;town-ha11 ;style
sneetipg tp discuss feperal
- iMortal issuss.
-The.Go$ eriah visit is a
reschedoled ,event after
Chaarest yvas,prevented,ftam
viiltij .the"rrnt t7 rrid-
• ing ' iP jAittY.to
inclement svcgtlter. rest,
s ,$l lfeieral
fAIWW•74160 WAS' -Ms SOP it
r rifwir,fio r9144iio ;M14r ,in
limiter/ ,p ;torfr Oinpt
him , , tr►n8!► ^t9
tfMIMPthal#lm ACP
wi11" lOt ,thetCQ
Cc+Rfic ii ir',A[sf-its
classes in the, e.
" fat
t be,40
nob 4040 lfl� yt!►th
��tt pt 11,
irt►ke eve*tsilfil NO
iE$ a dour.
- (Gharcct e{#l,frf40ie: -
„OPP AO A r1'-1ff�-- •-
address , • • ogift.
held ti • I crirftp r
1 ur AWNt: ' • 4l<Hi�s• r.
;100 .-}f�ff, �awf tl .
rffaf*Pr t4t#e P APO
atAsj4r e(jpfI• 1 p$g l
sessipn a , t tkf r rf!4ippfc
re.410014.3t slit11tftN1 s
pre -platform riding issues.
pointed interop 1cadcr.gf
;Pros fess* fPiarty
,ing the resignation
A_�`9mnha1l,,aaci the t I t 1
ASM [4a��Pn. •Chares4t'$
,appt't4{rft►a' iter