HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-03-19, Page 8M; *Wm SHA FORTH A. DISTRICT MINOR HOCK!) TYNKS 1March Ib. EXHlBI't'fON GAIRD Bellies do Seaford proud Provincials .1 flit THAN 118i than Us*ton 23 Bruce Urians* 223.41'00i Johnston 201; Mct6n Mita 24S:Bill kttynud 255: Ane VaaU p sn 230, Gaily lisaett 2721153/232 TILIPLIEN oven mei wry Wenn 7,/ Mitd.tll S ta(A roll if ;Mii"-thilifa"van [l.epsa 315. LOCAL' LAMPLIGHTERS: MOM ){j(:ti6tbt[:� E1OJos�ne kardt216. iyrkr VatiDrunert, Shand Johnston Ksrdt583. .cad Matt Glueutt. taarc:a.tly o Rl( 8ltl:+liOb ComtM Ii _200; b mote Bieber 201: laaaacileedt (March 17) b.Xiilli1710!` 21 t,: Marg Gagman 203 Etketer 4 SKAFARt1ti2 U1G11 AY1i4AGI•: Joanne Kaidi --SKAFORTf1 GOALS: Mutt 17' Canlochan and -Joel Schenk NOV1CR11 . (Marvit 111 -PLAYOFF Stephen 1 SKAFORilt 2 -SKAFORTMM GOALS: Built 'Wats s(oted by Danek Wolfe.• BANTAM (Murr;lt 131 1�J(tii�n'tol. STANDINGS Suotimts 90. Bene Jaya A9. Elgin 66. Kehoas •76. CatdiaNa 57, brews 62 (marchMINIONS .-ilWaiintIVALL i . MYmld 292 E.Maude 613 /lrrich + SKAIIIRTH 5 aKI VV.tt T4iAN 2121 E. Msuzold 292; V,''Waod 222 K. Banana[ 215: T SEA FORTH- DUALS Derek Nesbitt 2. Kevin Carnur;hen 2, Kaie 213. A. Finlayson 209: J. Aubtn 247 lawn Anstrn WWI Er 8)MHA SEM1-81NAl. (Best-of-ltvr r (Mart:& U tiratorth 2 PORES 1' s (March 131 PORES'' 7. SKAFORTH 2 TILIPL.BS OY 6 0: E. Matzo& 611 - Wal a0 !tIWI S( L6t M. Finlayson 227 )4IGf3Trtiri.E: M. Ftalaywn.602 SerrrgR TritADU71; M. Finlayson 227/19$/177; U. ).shale 197. A. Wood • FUTURE t;AMKS: Tuesday n1 1791176 ISIELSy (_LYKI 580: &1. Fidayson uresf. ltlM 111 illdll MAW Gill= -.PLAYOFF MOUND-ItOSIN (&larch 17 Ptukhlll 5 S11.A1 OWI'H 3 attrtUili114417 MORNING 191?9ll/ B` iL(BATIVIS ttvluNh 1' SEt'ltUK P.AN'1'HEKS 3 BKIHNS 3 PAtvTH13Jt1 GOALS Kyle ticntletsuq s u&ed an torte goals BRUINS BKWSEKS: Dan Nati and Kurt Murat Ul'tki1 BLUES6 --»UCKSGOALS 1,'r bid - MLUL.: BKIiISEItti. Jason Austrtr 2. . unnamed player Mi- scored 2. Jason /kuys.old Gang McGrath . JUNIOR ' WHALERS 10 LEAI'ti 1 WHALERS W1IUMPERS. unpattted player art 1 scored •r, K4ic Kukcunaell 2.'t3rajy Nolan, Jo t) R ui e. Megan - Nolan. unnamed player rr2 s LONELY LI AI•: Tyler Dalton-, 1 per >uulc- - BOWLING 602; l►. L.rwe Mg How cow they're coverers and you're not` All results•areweleutioe in SCOREBOARD. They should be legible bind submit- ted by noon Monday so they can be typeset in time for publication. Easy -to -fill -out ,SCOREBOARD report sheets are aindlable at the arena or THE EXPOSITOR °Iface. •(Starch I I MGM AVbRAtiki George Joli)stu . 230 8jl(;flStM LE;. Johnston 304 . klIGH 1R1r1,64 John S'tat'en 759 DE•iTE18,1:11AlY2.W; Lavern tlugcy , 201+. Ane Van Utt;pere 23432303225. Ralph Johnston 206/213I21x, Gucrgc Johnston 232/20)), Orville Story 213: (ail fowtun 214: [Job Dully 227; Reg • Dick 223; John St/Wen 2951267; Bruce Unganon 217/232 BliITER T1Lt.N 6J10 George. Johnstun'744, Ase Van.Uicpen 689. - Bruce Ungatnuu e64'N *DMti�V g(Gft 4YEKASiL Cat('! Johnston 189 11i(ifISINGLh Sue Stokes 234 L1(;fi T1tiYl,1:; Stoker 671 ULTjU( T1iAN1,J'0 Stoke 223/214; Louise Dick 22.1. Johnston 2) 8, Deb Stokes 21 S Bad Bowlers 85, Animals 96 Fighters79. Diggers 75 - Laglcs 66. Chnibeis 79 ST. JAMS liAfillif (March 17) ktlal' *UG1LSlNGLE: Dun Nolan 243 ',Will 'Mint: Manta Van Bakcl „47 .il1LTTti iLIASPI-21► Dun Nolan .243/242. Manan But •241; .Buff Dinsmore 2241222: Jack Ryan -226/226. Dean Trice 23214; Gorr) Murray 214. Marlin Vanliakel 217/2021225, George Love 231/205. Henry Vcrhuog 210. Angelo Autheassi.214; (iutd Moray 214; Pat Ryan 202. liBieLlitLiataldik Marlin Van Bake! 647. Don Nolan 646: ,Bob Dinsmore 639, George Love 626; Jack Kyan 624; Marais Bos 603 Connie Marion 260. U taaji'jiE; Marion 684. ,197 1UlTA Vf,r ; Connie Marion 245/260, Julie Grcidahus 218(247. -04140.114$4441.0; Greidanus 602: Marion 684. -.444444141 Canaciicne.8140 Bruins 8206 Red Wings 8420 Rangers $646 Maple Leafs 8348 Black J)awks 7739. (March 14) I (11y1NVLI1 Merlin White 278. 4144 ill E . Gary Bennett 757. A penny saved? Allnust halt (46 per cent) of those responding to -a recent American marketing and advertising survey indicated they would not bend over to pick up a penny on the side- walk. Fourteen per cent said they wouldn't stoop for a nickel 11 �0N11WtaBo•ISoin M... 86. out, tor goaltender Jane Crowley, with a quick backup by Katie Holland at the itrovincials. Alleafatsh was the third -least penalized scant there. Coach (DttleilliyectantI say enough About hem. "'It is not often that a coach ) bas the privilege of healing stat the turn she roaches has ttmentaoe most courteous, wtosppelite and most respect- ful ,a major restaurant chain in the Baty has had the ripper - tunny to save!" Meanhers oC the team include: Erioka Burns, Michelle Tyndall, Denise Delong,ttbabycLassis.amifer PLEASEZTAIS Y Lir llfis $that time i di on The illtsron Edx iiIiitoras annual Aifinitir finotrtl& edition is coming out at the start of May, with names anti pictures of any local team, in any winter sport, eligible toil} lie If you have .a photo please submit it noon (itwill be netunrcd ilt.aweek),.and if you don't have a picture of yourtean1ploa,e cal t Dave or Gregor.at 527- U40 to arrow to have !alae talcan; Every year we encounter the acme problem. Most .roams )save picwres to the last minute, _which leads to a greater number of mistakes, and some teams. always get left out of this special edition. Waiting until the. (est minute also increases production time and our costs, making the boas grumpy and leaving us with Zeas .time to cover other !things. So don't boleti out. Please.bring your team picture in to us soon, or arrange.to have one taken. Please -:Ion 't+kave-itlas t/nsinute..•. )90 YOU AREN'T :LEFT OUT! (ONteilly, Cathy (C Qyne, !Julianne (Crowley, lane lCrowloy,'Melissa I Finisyson, HCelly `Deeeleaual, !Mini IDevcrrsaux,'Nicole 'Munro, 'itchy Aetds, itrlisti TIbn utee, Ibrin Blanton. Cos chits nee 'Kathy O'Reilly, `Steve Tyndall, Brands DeJung, amen Devereaux. Belle "A", Provincial (t AMPHJ VN$lPhB (at Waterloo, Mar:9.otit2) Ken -Keewatin 'ADONIS beater*" Whitby •t eater& $ Woolwich 2 West FerrisG'$aiiotrth-5 Pembroke (U:OMO tOlUl 1112 Colesionia 11 carr) Lake lekkells 1C N 'e ) ..CONTIMISD'trom `Pe T. "This may have a severe impact on the property own - ars of the shoreline munici- palities," the ARCA warning continues. The arca conserva- tion authority says it "will be , providing shoreline munici- palities with local lake level information. They will also issue shoreline flood adviso- ry bulletins and flood warn- , ing bulletins as required. "The flood warning bul- letins will be issued when water levels and wind speeds reach a critical point." Now's the day, and nomas the hou. r: See the front o' battle lour. (GAME 6 AF NECESSARY Sts R.=r Saturday - Exeter at 8:30 p.m. ( OEIIMRES NIO,RENZ DI /VISION FINAL est•of--seven Junior c "e.Veiopnwnt League ntario flet' A-sociation since :1890 - *IH* • OEMTIiMAIRES taMilikiPECWOU Seaforth ,& District Communhy Centres HOCKEY P001. 1617 HANK STANDINGS. las of March 13/97 *18 2 Baku Korvu I 3 Hill Dale I 4 141t6 Rue 41 5. +Me I 6 BX.7M 7 ae 7. 'Sony to 0. Sic 3 '10. •Scerwydl 11 1318mirn Norman 3 12 hill ')ate III 13 Scrinry 42 14. .11(S - J 15 =i9aaVs 16. Jirrtsd1 17. Jm's 413 18. Lisle Khmers 19. 20. 21 22 23 24 25. 26. 27. 28 29 30 31 32 Young 42 Stet -1 Leals Rule 42 A+W42 Bob McNaughton *1 OSA 2 Blues 41 Kxrt/Traey Janeiro! Rte lorry. Orey1 RB+P843 Wallaroo•s 1 Kraght's *1 841 Dale )I 33 1301) Henderson 34 Elmer Vasko 35 t(ernedy's Picks 43 36. Sunday At Morn 42 37. Caner 41 38. Grid & Cliff II 39 Rev GI 40. Sunday At Mom *1 41 BatR2 42.88193 43. Mike Thomson 44. Peanut Butler S'wieh 45. RB+P842 46 A+W #1 47 Bob McNaughton 43 48 Jtm s 42 49 Marty Bedard 50. Wally pl . This ad sponsored by HM fret $21 818 812 804 801 800 796 79; 744 791 767 786 784 782 780 780 780 778 777 776 775 773 771 771 771 770 788 786 764 761 761 761 780 780 769 759 759 759 758 758 758 758 757 757 757 756 756 756 ARCHIE' S seloice emitie 7 Gudenrh StE - Seaforth ESCORT: BEST NE ESCORT: VOTED BEST NEW ECONOMY A..tee ,°044, A1,o,Ntipn,e1(MYd. '417 *COCOA o M, Litre' with 25% rnQ e ,:Hprsepower! ,.,jr Conditiofj Aa Premi um -SRI NOM AISII/9 06,1)110 Safiotpliwir rpppr'Locks orRiSirk4Ner*COM ..-Rear. Heat Ducts 0040 Rear Split Seat Dual Airbags .4 -Hour I.iocitJSide. Oce '97 Escort LX Sedan $ei44- Uti &ewe Ma OFR. P N+..,.- f►MNf jeaIeP4 fee lbw Owilimie Fold arg Vim tN.MNM Moe iv aft H.M+n1IArmar+�111•0.�lr+.t*+w n.wd.riA or* Wm ,(.d(ww« Iw,/yw.w.�.,. 1.rr},,r.,�I I �`fallyei�,...mar.r�.�Aw+, r►{�M+r.'M��w��wntir,d�rw I+..•0h1 M.MrMrM(bpM'M MM�w1){M.R I11 rM1r��r+ r.,1r NNtNS Oi A r4Mr ..M� .44* "arapH* wr1M/+ atil:i 0I* •,Awd,' . f.7:4 '.' kMtM„ Mr rN 1...r.ea.w An. 1"MP"'+MSM 4t.~ ss'((N .ni ."rNA1+w M,i1►ew,ir eV, lima. w,.lrat. «..-•.mad Ir�fr�Dsw,4*, S, tU+ • .fe�re+.M,r+M .M4Mnk. kgMy4 d, +.t rn,^e t.* too i rnlr !„siert MbrY*«dna r, •��Prrrs/u±rwrwwrirw+wadnrMN.•LMr�(4 i U�N,M1(r.M,+A�d.MA.Mbewi�,`a ar.rwirrw.sr+.o.bra, 1�. 11