HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-03-19, Page 5The News sued Views she of Mike and the Tories Once again I find myself in the.awkward position of defending •my oki college friend, Mike Hann, and his latest round otgovcrnment reforms. Okay. I'l1 admit that rounding up.Wel/iue recipients, foaditn them ono box cars nndahipping then[ off to labour aawpsin s dbury wight•be utarrod.as eauthataxtreme. Yes, even some of Mute's staunchest supporters.are somewhat surpnsod.at the depth of the emerald the severity of the ooesoquences. I mean when—the/dike Harris -brains -trust borrowed their •blueprint forgovcrnment ,restructuring from the State of New Jeremy, many of .us knew Ontario would -become .a very different'place. But .holy coo, Mike! _Seriously. I think the media. .as.usual,•has focused on all the ncgati e.aspects ot'the Harris -reforms .whish . - constitute the largest transfer of r:espanttibility.and costs onto:the municipalities in the history of the province. ' Critics,are saying Harris and hisBay Street•boys cannotrelate.to the.average working stiff in Ontario. Oh please -- just look at our new lieutenant_governor Hilary Weston. We: can all ,relate to Galen and bilary Weston because they own approximately the aaMe • --number of -billions -of -dollars .as we. Ontario taxpayers, owe the government. And what's more, Hilary's first official act west() donate her $92,200 salary back to the . province of Ontario. So you see, she's just like one of us: now we're_ it avettkin' for nothin' ! (By running itis haat behind the seats in -his cars, Galen Weston coal prefab' y find $92.200 m charm. Do you realize these people are so rich that when they take one of thoso ehnap trips.to Cuba or the DR. they ;don't even ask for extra drinks on the plane so they can stash those little 1iquorboWes in their bae.and drink than later in their room!!) All we hear_about.aro the bums on•Welfare•but... have you driven in Toronto lately turd seen Mike's workforce program inaction? A year _ itgo-there_weae-about-a hundred young people on the street begging for money. Today thousands of them rush up and squeegee your .windshield without even - having to be asked! No, I think it's high time we took:a good look at some of the more liberal cotsosasiaes this government is mak*, rip ones the bleeding-heart trlidia refuse to print. •itfssteoday, atter an all-night -session of the conservative caucus, adccitem was made to allow all those people who voted Liberal „rend NDP at the las t ;provincial eieciieo, to live. ••titecently. censured tor .tdeelatipg the Tomato "megacity" a law, when, it was still jus t proposal lcgisfatim. a contrite Municipal Affairs Minister ALLeanhaanowncal that the winners of the next provincial eleaion would not be confirmed until people -had a chalice to vote. • Although referendum results of the six Toronto muaicipahtiest to be merged intoe tneyratity will be ignored by the government. the one with the highestnumber of•NO votes swill beawat+fded a casino. .• Although the rtmatgamation of school boards may cruse some inconvenience, . parents travelling to a • meeting with their kids' teacher will be eligible for frequent flyer points. • Minister of Transportation Al Qaladini's costly safety - check program for trucks will be scrapped and The flying wheels" circus -has been -sold titlsrael.as a defensive weapons' system. • Concerned about the massive off-loading of coats onto the municipalities. • Finance Minister. Ernie .Eves is offering low interest loans and free food drops to the first five Ontario cities • People jut trying to exist' CONTINUED from page 2 ' aren't the safest. Rut Stewart says • she .le •':%hey are. people :lust like you and I, just trying to • exist, just trying to live:" She thinks because •'Foodgrains_is a non-govern- •ment organization. the end use of its relief etiorts'arc less subject to political inter- ference.•In other words, more food gets where it is sup- posed to go. She learned that the last two years have seen record clops in Ethiopia, enough to feed the population. But this can change fast with drought, historically common in this • part of Africa. "They are proud people." Stewart says, "but they need help. $asieafly they arc developing from scratch. 'They want to do it their may, themselves. with respect. "The people are very friendly. It didn't matter where you •went. you_ saw people. but few spoke English." Ian McAllister of RR • I Zurich and Don Dittmer of Monkton both went on the sante African tour, as did par- ticipants from Breslau. Ontario; Virden, Manitoba: Red Deer. Alberta and Foodgrains communications coordinator Trish. Jordan, a Presbyterian; minister. Foodgrains • has been orga- nizing such food study tours for farmers ;and other donors of grain. cash or time, to Africa and other countries sinus 1 9ti7.: so they Dan "team - wore About the challenges and success stories related to feeding the world's estimated 500 million hungry people." .WHAT WE CAN "Wc arc doing what ',we an through the Canadian Fuodgrains Bank," Stewart says. "Trying to help thein out. better them in the end. pulling the world together in a way. or a small 'part of it. as partners. "Wc are working together at tearing down walls. Trying to be open-minded. willing to learn." fl'tanica coming soon to COF TiNUED'from page 4 would probably absolutely blow viewers away if ever shot Mimes. If Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber ever.gets interested in some- thing like this this - stated back! Opening this June at the Amax theatre at the fair- grounds in nearby Condon is Ttta►tica, .wf rich is described is "a fascinating non-fiction drama which tolls the story of the 1991.expoditiun to the wreck of the Titanic." It should be tin experienc:c, as is.Mvlua!ain Gorilla. ,Thegunilas comc.peross,as almost more humane than the humans and their tribes who slaughter each other with machetes in the Rwandan part of of our .world. - "We chose inountain gutil- las,as the subject fur our first film for a number of rea= sons." says the head of hoax Corporation's—Natural Histury Film Unit. "Firstly, they are so closely related tit us .we easily see them as indi- viduals; secondly .wc, knew ' that we cauk1;appn ch thetas closely in irdor to mike real- ly intimtue studies; and lastly. bceause they number only a few building; individuals, they Ur'ASirg a Foundation Mop Ottery 1 e Ouccess The Huron -Chapter of the Heart .and Stroke Foundation of Qntario expects to meet its •projectod target of $56,000 •frvat this .Febniary's,annysI door-to-door motes. still not completed ;due to inclement weather last month. The provincial chapter's mega• lottery has been termed ,a "huge suet ess, selling out three weeks early, .with 822 tickets sold in the Huron chapter's .area - resulting in three winners. one S 1 -million winner and two ,55,000 win- 1Thc fourth •odition of the "foundation's Heart Smart 'Crook ,Book is now available at the Gudcrich office un 339 West St. (524-4440). This time there is a video on the same featured along with the cook book. Sales of previous editions ;have totalled nearly 1 -million copies. A press. tekase from the arca chapter confirms "the [nighty 30 -seat• Big, bike for Stroke returns to Hump County on June b; at Seaforth. :Teams of 28 Plodging patlltri- pants • will ride the si Jelin course .with former 4NHL commentator ,P,at ,ligan driving tho big bike." "Fit for Bart" will take place the same day ,with Drusilla Leach coordinating the event at the community c ontres. Ten schools ',have now signed up ferulic "Jump Rupe for Float[" fpgratn ►n Harron. are an endangered species and represent,itll the classic conservation problems." The odds. are not good for this mountain gorillas, trapped in ,a -part of this Plan- et where kwnwn life itself is often held incredibly cheap. Perhaps our children will only ever,know the real King ,,Kings tbrough.such tasc1nat- iug titles, dose -encounters passed on thrpugh such films. and extraordinary achieve- ments. to declare bankruptcy. hi a "fair is fair" pica, of iegistatiou. "actual value" propeny assessment will hencetottii appty to tantiites of tour or more, now living moan. • Attorney f bene os l Zharie s Hamid: -will wtevat morin money out of the.ptnvinciil justice •system, •saving 42 billion in prison costs` by letting repeat oft atufers, go free lettere trial ' • The table neleasal by the government last week shooing their offloading of wcialand care programs onto the municipalities -wil l result an a 101A: prvpaty tax oat for you and I, basbeen. officially •cadoraed by Doug Henning. 7. Any single mother who oar prove poverty and show hardship will reoive tree tickets to The Three Tenors arSkybomc. •• Although the ceasing, of mon; hospitals is inevitable. the Canadian branch of Demurs Without Bonkers will.soon begin commuting • between Ontario and the tot'nter Yugosiavia. So don't fora megacity minute believe that the'Mike Hams -government is not listening to the people. When it was explained tolilike and Ernie that they could -rake m more money by nailing the rich than they could by bleeding the poor: they - bstened. in fact. once they'd done the math they realized their off-loading and cost-cutting torrid only work if they radically chance that equation... and created a lot more poor people. Cad with your news tips st 5274240 .PERIONAL. INCOME TAF RETURNS One.Fee: s20.a: Pick up-& delivery available Gail PETER STILES 4 John $t. 143118•838 L•0008 >F 8. 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Retail Value ikilp Ito $6.99 tiO $3.99da�� 1-: 67 Ow • t. eaforth 7 4 ••• Laser 'burger,/ done at The Loramar �uni+e Laser •fresanie *tale 1.404911s Many bent n skin lesions and cognitions such as broken blood vessels sod veins of the (ace, birth marks,. rosacea,.port-wine stains, warts. freckles. ;holes, sun ,cad age spots. skin tees ,aqd; pre -cancerous lesions can new be treated safely and effectively ,.with the state -of. e- 1419) AcyPiPP tom• This ;Krypton laser provides intense beams Dr. ado Caudal o f yellow and green light which .allows the physician 10 selectively treat these various types of skin lesions without damaging the surrounding WNW I tissue. This. procedure is gest and far less painful with -fewer complicatiuns.sad risks than other conventional treatments 4,adifirodpcos po scarring. What is, Laser Trainman Uke? With no anesthesia or "freezing" laser trcauncnt of a lesion feels like .a warns pin prick., Depending on the size of the lesion, the doctor may, .recommend some anesthetic cream to numb the .area to be treated. Some people will require a local anesthetic (freezing). This will be discussed with you at your consultation. Physician's Evaluation The physician at the Loramar Centre fqr • Cosmetic 1Nodreinc has pier health in mind. Prior to ,Ay laser surgery he will makejt careful evaluation of your skin lesion to be: seated. sH is iulpPrtast .in rule ,nut Any ,asspciatcd diseases. Not all lumps .acid _growths 4FC .benign or con be trepte ,by t taenia lasor,tat;is,000nit t ot:the doctor assess ejllept carefully and 4p4t treatment. What Rest+les Cai4tbe Patiesit Tr pot? Results of laser treatment can by quite dtarrwtic. Most people expert rte Cyt jlnli4.Pzv;e34e0t iM 4010 A109140rilM010104009 ML P$ffi+eff‘90 tittAions. Any ilk t#lii!t.. FPilAnOnP AF;$4464fe c 119 Ifil4inan shgttttirne t,illecau$e of sorption of t by tiss»e components this risk is minimal. There are many bcoefits to laser surgery not the least of which are: I. less invasive (i o stitcbes, etc.) 2. less time heshog 44.N. 3. no scartieg pr tlbtittslQ� 4.,much mure convenient ttf4atfucr►t,Af ;kin,prptlic4lis a119wi Bele;p4Iieatftp qt 11i91ltilefro ,yrhLle foot ,interfering .lvitjt 0109 l leCtivitics pr irk. - tTlhe;lr}fer sprAPI ,js, rho' i r. *irio ,41444i, r t, tf t6A,s r 4091e441,in 1cy 4rhts01194efil 11 OPP;4Avc any 4p111aisit ,RilMtitMs or cofeASas• PL4 4 QMltlt , the , I.orainar Centre Or ;Cosmetic Medicine S19 *24-4430,pr 1.1100.1964430.