HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-03-05, Page 9(wtcowNt; EYRIES 1 W.&1!OM1N EV N % Btioopmaet,1 HASESALL REGISTRATION Sunday. March 16 1997. at 8,00hagen from 2 4 p.m. -For more tnlorrnabon Gall 34b-9982. CE -1022c.. BRODHAGEN GNAWER OF Commerce Minor tiaII -glance. Saturday March 22 4997 .,at droanagen Hall. 9 p.nl. to 1:a:m Music by - 0 J Tickets :47.00 parson. Lunch included. For tickets Galt 34t0O82 CE-10x3cc OWL Q,ARD-DARTY at St Vincent de -Paul Church• - tail ort Friday. March 14, 1997 ,at 8 p.m Adnussion 41.50 Lunch and' prises..QE-.10x2cc S6AFORTH ANO DISTRICT Hofhcutlutal Soctely. Spring Potluck Supper and meeting WecMnesday, March 12. 6 15 p.m Nonacide Untied Church Video presentauoin •on Cuddy Gardens S1rathroy. CE 10-1 ST PATRICK'S DAY Hot Beet luncheon with cards to Whew March 12 et Quit's United Church -- Walton Lunch 11:30 12:30 Gards at 1. $6.50 per person. CE 10x1 ALL SENIORS corm- and loin us tut St Petwck:. Day Dinner ono Dance at Sualorth _ Manor Retirement Home on March 17 Dinner 5 p.m Dance 7 p.m Al cumpitmentary For shore intorntation -527.0030. CE -10.2 . IHE HURON BRUCE Progressive Conservative Association. (Fduetal. Anyone Isom the nwu,cipalibes of klcKikop, Sealorth and T uckersmnth wanting to volaat -the upcoming Federal nomination meeting being helo on April 12 1997 should attend a meeting being held at ilio Whew- Hall "(at the back of Tremeet Printers+ in Seatorrh on Mardi 11• 1997 ler Ule purpose o1 picking delegates to the nomination meeting 11 unable to attend contact - (Sealorth, Ker Campbell (home', 527.0137 or (work, 233-3195. (Tucker&mtih, Vern Atderdice [n3-5988 lMcKiilop, Earl •McSpadden 527 1807 EE -t0-1 MONSTER 'EUCH.RE -T QURNAMENT:.Si.,foseph:s R.0 Church. Clinton. 'Wednesday. March 1.2th, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes Lunch provided Everyone welcome Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE-10xI -HAPPY 85th BIRTHDAY Mary :Rooboi. Please help us celebrate .at an Open House, Saturday, March 8. Hapset! United Church, 2- 4 p.m. Best wishes only. CE -10x1 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, friday. March 7, ,8 p.m. at Duff's United church Walton Speaker Rev. ,lames Murray. Families welcome. ohdd care avallable.•CE-10x1 ALL SENIORS come and loin us for our Irish Sing -a -long w..o Puo night. at Sealorth Manor Retirement Home, in the basement activity room. on. March 20, .7 - 9 p.m. For more information tali 627- 0030. CE -10-3 HURON COUNTY BEEF Producers ,Assoc,iation. Seel 8130 and :dance, Saturday. March 8, 1997...13.M.G't;,lomnluniIy Centre, aruaaels. Dinner .6-8 p.m. Dance 8:30 -12:30 Music by 71810301wood-. Tickets .$12.00 per penton. Contact local directors or 9aIl.filosemario Bishop 887-6186 OEr9K2cc AT. THOMAS A.C,W. •Sealorth, \aSoup ,and Salad luncheon, .Wednesday, . Ntarch 12. 11:30 to 1:30, .in the' Parish Hall. Price $5.00. All you can oat. CE -09.3 YQ LQGAL ;CHILDREN'S NtRE *$C. is ppoa oring t0 tun packed days Ipr.phi1,clten,ages 5 - ' 12 years during,the March Break. Come on outand have some f'trn! ,Activities include Multicultutat experiences, Swimming. Bawling. Sports and Games; Ar(s,and Crafts iq ,rpare.•The.prostam ope(alas ,kptn,r4gach'440i,March 1A-14 .d 17 ,21,-11107 at the•Seatorth Public $04tcp I. (Room .:4) Staff as ,available „or earlier and letter arrivals a .departure leo convenience w,olkinig lamilies,at no extra coal. A morning . and afternoon snack .and a.nutetions lunch is provided -.to the chiklcen. -Cosh. $15 full qty, -$7 1d2 4ay.or 080 full week. Call The Sertforth t•C,o-Operative Children's Centre fib• 13gialrar or further s7682. CE -07,4 tam Y (TTiNG 'GQV R$E being offered . by the Soaforth06 Operative Childrun's Contra lnc.on Mar h 18 from 9 - 3:30 Agin .4, Sealorth Public Slchool. The course is developed by the Lethbridge Community College.es 11 - 13 years. Cortiticale,,prdvided upon completion Workbp9k and lunch provided (pizza E pop) t=( register in advance by q.Iktl .092 to engirt yeet�s,�{$qs, 442 par Pers*n'.. 0714 RUT. 4OR SPORTS -.logo twisty Monday 1st and 8rd ,Mon(4y o1 each Month $760 Jackpot and and 4th Monday $1.000 Jackpot moors opori at 5:80. p.m ladert-aeles 6:30 p.m b.D.C•C Letter) licence *M297196 CE -0941 $12111111111n1C011111ATUILOS' (7G.163111111MillinitiL 1I1W�1 (1. iARTICL ESI ORAtliiE. f GRADUATION -dress .••stau-5, pink with black polka ,dors . and shat racket Mao for mut dress, mhde math pint, and gruan hewers Phone 492-7982. 01t031 FOR: BALE Fuewood, i*YlL:outed hardwood. -$85100 per :OW :No -delivery Phone atler-6 p.m 01-07,4 a 18' -rim sateath) dish! 70_ tree channels digital picture land sound Rent to own -by ;pbone $8.90 per week 1-80019542337 0t-10x3cc --- OVERHEAD 000RS: Loolugg.tor a Goinrnerual or residontial ,door then gave Jim::( call at Centre Door Noun We are distt►butas ,tor Raynor and L;aiaga Overhead dbors Wu sell seance .and install overhead doots Quality.. products et oonrpetdao prices . Spurxaia(09 in doors for lawn droving sheds. dairy barn:, artd coinmerGipl uuddinys. Serving Mnoheu, Dublin. SpAnngvillo and surrounding:area. Please cal, 519.335-6366 or tax 519.335-6562 01.38xffcc W000 BURNING insert with glans dao!, excellent conduton, $175.00 Gan 527.1819 evenings. 01-10.1 MOFFAT T AND POWELL Budding Centres-compleln hen of lumber and budoang matatiats Free esti- mates. -08 Highway. Mitchell. Toll free 1.800-663.6977. 01.0541 -FREE CLASSIFIEDAD Do you have an item •tor sate which s less than $207 Place it FREE for one insertion in the Articles for Sale column of The Huron Expositor The ad roust be 25 words or less and the cost. of the item must appearin the ad This offer does riot apply to the( 527-0240 before Monday 1 -.p.m 10 place your ad 01-01-ttnxe - PICTURES Have you kilt a piece ot your past with The Huron Expositor) We have a number ot unclaimed pic- tures on file You can pick them up at our office. 100 Main St S. Sealorth Monday through Friday, 9 a.m - 5 p,rn. 01-01-tlnxe WEEiKLY-N6WBPAPERS • - For your reading pleaswewe have .available at the Huron Expositor -ofhctl nine weekly newspapers. The Walkerton Herald Trines, The Mitchell Advocate, The -Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich) Shoreline News (Pon Elgin). Kincardine News, Lucknow -Sentinel arid The Huron Expositor 01-01-11nxe WATCIL. • CLOCK • j6WE1.I.fiRY ,1tbrAlES F roe Estimates • Feast Service SfiiQJ;TH JEWELLERS 527-0270 c It's that time again to make a hat for our ANNUAL VIIIK PARTS AALE : it*hr Mr -n. 1N 'o 913*r 0,1er, 1r9p Assort• Sfl1WQRTH 51¢ S?7.0120 • -- ----- -(5dGARS, tR 114E 1,986 TOW+Z, . pod condition. :51600 ,as is. 4010 certified Phono 519427.4362.05-10.1 19,94 CIMC Sierra SL, 4x4 V: ton pick up, mint condition, low .km., 1,750 certified. Phone 52$-3945. 06-1.1 FOR a 1846 hila Volvo 444 • Cunumlir Recent lnframo, 13 over 12 & -45's.. Good clean truck. Recent safety. Phone 5122-1,974. j)6-,49x2c (7F.NQWMUE&& ulrvN r!a11 r ) 7r7, ,si RY SHOW 118th Annual RecraultimullViettiote lBttuw Campground Operatff t sand Associated flapplie rst inAAttendance M jROj111 ' 110_11n4t)p11lifMAROH TIE itDamenpn ,atTftiVIN.em:Fair Grounds,London Ct,ildret` untie' imp . �-r M..NsdrbyT el,olndematitt lboansalWaeratoteamiaaaration Mori hlto 024111(01104105-4M1111 (7K,SWIMMING L S 4 - @AR L Y . DIRDr N0,7AXAAXE On ;above ground pools . and outdoor spas Gal! .fpr free inlor labor brochures .Bock cby April 4th anti aavc. R io1Qu1•s$Poois and Spas, .Wtrlgttatn. 1-600716- 8685-7K-1Qx4cc (8ifOliftinti'MOESSATC.) 48M computer. good -wotItgg oondtaon. 5.1 ,Wo& Perfect, new heyboai+d. 4350 - Phone 524=811.6 evenings 0805x6nxe 110.111 -FRE -TO ;gotxi hoarse black Lab Court moss. 1 ides old, tamale, 811 shots. pleylul preterably to' 3arm handy Gall 522-0984 evenirrgs t0-092 11E•. uvEsSl'li'OQK - 12 STOCKER BLONDE aces, 7 steers, 5 traders 600 to 600 lbs Bill Stemon Days 348.9I60. evenings 345-2050 11E-10x1oc 11F. ►Yl!tt1W HIM e WANTED-;B.8P-=P4W Healthy pigs -with problems. ruptures. etc. they may not make it to market. G49887-9328. 1IF- t 03 (liH:kARM_:3$itvICBS - TARPS AND Industrial Coverin$s : -made to size for trucks. trailers, ,gravity boxes .etc Vinyl, oaniras, poly • Newirepairs Party Tent Rentals. Tiesma Indusirtal Coverings. Bayhetd .4824540 11H-lQxtcc L1QUIL) MANURE REMOVAL REY-AGRA Call Jeff Reynen 519-345-2478 519.527-181 t 11UJ.,FARM, LAND WANTED Land to share crop: for 1997. 50 acres of more in6eatorth area Apply to Drawer ,44087 c/o TOO" Huron Expositor, P.O. box 69, Seatorth.On. NOK 1yY0. 11J-10.6 WANTED TO RENT- or, stwre.crop farm land Reply to Drawer 14086 cio The Huron Expositor, j3ox, 59, Sealorth. On. NOK 1WO. 11J-08.13 1u1C,i►AAMi E4L:EKpl(;�E FARM FOR SALE; Hwy 21; south of Bayfield, good barn.with sli!ble. paved barnyard. eteelp{aniary,. ke ,vyater pipeitne, 61,949s Aiii.d.-figk home. 246-4748. 11,K -10x1 C16.;bQK}�6i1�T s. „PARTY TENT, Rk►4' AL No hassle sat up. anywhere. Fantastic latus , ler weekday use (anniversary, birthday, shows/( (es). tesnia tedu ithal Coverings. 4824540. 16.1 gx2oc TWO BACHELORJWARTMb'l TS Irid9e And stove ,inctvoeld, Availattte now 527.0421. ,1.1.Ip W+RQE Seal 4h .bedroom aparlmont, fridge land stove included. utilities extra. Av.aitable imm•Itidiateiy. Phone 527- 0555 Or 627.1271 alter 6 p.m 17- 10-11 RENT GEARED TO INCOME apartments in Clinton, Exeter acid Goderich for .women and chikll ,who have experienced abuse. CAII ,Phoenix of Huron 524-1620. 42- '408. 235-3183 2- ,, 8.235.3183 17-10x2cc 1T 6DHQQM pt• 414,i0P. Irile stove.. pgv}r,ii_te, p l dock titiolu,S✓90-` 11.. • (! gape .lAov.glipfi .)11y1 , tf' • 1W9 6QROQj1 apartment , 4v ,April 1, ,$425.00 plus kulil.��sp�Call .8297--2Qg ((days or 5772111W Yr 144 :111' 1044 fiketilltMERSAIRMENT. i IWARDROOM in )suis( mudding 3375 per month includes heat, PVC. •ta►ndry fa:iattes, page And .parting No pets Gall 524- 9076 or'11274922 17-136a.toc 146N$ALL iRrwt9y oonditiortwd ground floor nae ;hadnonm apartment web *ovate .nuance, includes ,Appliances. Max monthly, hist ,and last required Call 1•,6TQ-243-21W or 26;2* $46 17.0211tfoc ;SAND FLOOR. one !bedroom ,apartment, tbWRtW;Qoilllgar, natural wood-wor-h C-nmbanod kttohennivinpreem Rent irtoludes haat, trtclpe. stove. (HYdtp extra). Laundry in tweerpent Gell - 27- 2369 17.04 ONE SINGLE, 1 -Iwo bedroom, sieve and hidgo eto4uskrd..eleat fY (abilities, quiet location. Gall 524- 4994 Available Dec 1 17-05-0 MAPLE HiLL apartments. 45 Clerics Street, Clinton, 2 bedrooms. t+ia paths.8,ir exchanger, storage. controlled entry. - sprinkling system. wheelchair trlendly. G44482-9464 9r 452-7862-17.36kttoc CLINTON- One bedroom apartment, $315.00 monthly plus , ulihtres Available August 1 Phone 1405-8523754 or 519.229.8365 17-28xticc TWO •MQNTHS -FREE .fent: 1 -,pedroom -anti-bachelor apt in Sealorth .Avat►a*3e .un,itedaalpjy fridge aud stove suppled, starling .at $282 plus utilities. Phone 519- 393.6921 leave-awssa9e. 17-95-0 'NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell. -ConU9Ued entrance, laundry tamaties Seeable for Aeneas. $576. l8. Calf 34&9102. 17-O xtfQc UPPER DUPLEX. 2 ,bedroom. separate entrance. own pas furnace. -parking. no pets: .suit couple 'Available :April, t f3e(erencos. Ca11522-1533 17.10- 11 - TWO LOCATIONS available to Clinton • New two bedroom, quiet4 .piox, cohlrellod entry. .4 appliances. laundry • lacikties avedable Ideal for seniors ($450:00 iitnd:$475,00 month)), plus utilities 519.695-2264.-17-1Q4Fc QQ$Y TwQBFPRQOMpahtment irr Qlirrten. private entrance. nice yard. quiet neighbourhood. .heat included.Cal1-527.1681 days. 52.2- 0351 evenings 17.09-6 TWO 8EOR9OM ;apartment ,tor reravin'Pkpton. ;$375.00 meatjtly, u%daIies includud.,Phone02-12) 3. 17.081(doc -PALL NOW and alk 8bolt :Per, move In ;bonus on 1, 2 and 3 bedreem apartments ,bated in Hensel) Heat, hydro, dodge bpd ttoye incly¢ed: Nice, cleant a7Fjit1� „with oo,untry view. Phone Steve or PtilfeY 262.2827 17484 C4ifiT9 ARTMsNT. THREE, 1yto,bedroom apartments $400.09 monthly plus utilities Phone 482- 7632 17-06xtfcc "4444#41011M11184/W) 2 Moray inreviriPIPP. IjvJtJ�r:. , n. *MP- AWN ttiAHGE FINANC*1. (Company accept). fkun honest, moth, ml , ,dtttit1 . entrepreneurial spirit• AwninHing available .Send resp A g Post Oftic.a,(Nt00,40 ,1S6 26.09x2 ,MANY, Christmas . 38110? ,'pin ,,tincess.Houso today. 10[00 t :lino lino of gilt 'and accessories $25.99 joy t. Please call Jan 544i. o7A4Fc Ibran Expositor" 13 -Oeww Events 01 +tassaiss Por Sege 53- Gsstoely ni SIN .94.Onagues &Air - a1A. Latest. Hobbies 116.0awFor awe AB.Ta start -or title thriiFeelleatIleasml 't!S.v1AYtslsOtfatipy ?C. tIssaarkrAsel noilaavoies se. computers .Magas. Ftc 6e. Automate 10. Plats MOM H141..9ar flabo laanasi MO. • Ile lad Tokio tC.All ak drIoNiee 140.Ei aleymest Miaow tit£-lrivpoiesk • 11Fit7nnFPeplbeet 11WttfisrmE,ptpsent Mc. •1H1.Trann Swam • 11J.iern laical 90.wnnounowne is 1F:8tiwrwlibiss4 I1K.Firrtrtistt£rlla/a 87 MOS 311riMef t� >f soon Bale 7G:tisc'.MltrrMsg• '12 4 61 sI6 e6 letbrt9tle t)>0.%Y1a01ior1ei Asiryalst�3hdlasa .x.4lsslletirrrtss.lroal8ourld 7H.8sats: Motors 8 X11 To roe -Away 14 Jldsrialr ivPrepeYss --J:8erinice Partsd f!)�Ferttaet 42. .fit rs -17:4:68ansinlsior Neat 43.:1 /s 11t Srvirirr►Irig pool a ' 18.. HtioansTOouses to rilsnt , r -britt M.�.ralpaysmecas te'A�m o anieminiumimi �. tagarts a Board 46..inalientortern Sumerres 47.1Zealsof litesto fli+MiseripgfwesiDerdline,iR lllS>!D NO MI • tAllit:wtasyslltar Ogf 25 'WORDS - One.Week 65.00,-two•weeks $.00 -ea. week. dhree .sved,ira.314:00 en. .week. ,Additional words.20Sonia- AY1n.additional 32.QDwill beadded if billow is neeeeeary. In'Stemoriams -35.00 plea 35 oenta,per hae.orvalise- 'CanI of Thanks liir Birth Annnuaceaienta-.95'Words $5100: %soh aridiI.waal ward anoints. .We a,te also able to place word ails .w Abe :(allowing .papers Generic*, Clinton, MitdheIl, .I.uaknow, 1Kipaarrdine..Yurioh. Wallisrtun & Pert Rigin. By,placing an rid in The Mum taipositer we San place the dame.rrd (25 werds or leea).in any of the above Aspens k r en ta4dttionat,$.'3.Q0. ` HESE;PRi0E;SABEPRE+PAID Gall SL .0A40 -MMRnrisy,w:Eriday19tU0.4111,10 5:00 PM .r2 20 24 26 26 27 26 20 310 01 TR ttb 24 316 sr •_Lalr+Fortaint 'Qgtenismal Property 'For tient Wanted To Rent .Waned lo Buy +WM /210949 Viii Wilms OppeeereW 'ignites Erripioonal r%Ma asa nervosa graaat gy •attsatlanaous Personal Naze To araphia '(36•'K131.FIWANTBD - NANNY. cull. time to tale care of threechlldrwl jolt Liz -Becker 527 2832 26-09-3 MATURE PART TIME relpal sates -help Interest in hsh,tl9 archery and bunting •helpful Some weekend and evening'hours Apply to Huron Sports Outfitters Hwy rt4..l0ppen.Oi. NOM.4E0 26=10-3 :A -MATURE short order cook required Apply in writing to Sealpriii Freeze K1149. R.R. 12. :Sealorth On NOK • 1 W0.66 -119-i1 TIRE SERV*CE TECHNICIAN' PermanenUFu0 tune pubes $incline changing and -repair of Gres, general shop ma,ntenpnoo .A valid drovers license tequtred Mechanical ,abihly tan asset Technical Uaihrrr9 to be provided SerlQus applicants -only please , Resumes w4l be accepted poet •d p.m •.March 17th Mail Or deliver resume by mai or an person -to Kinlarm Tia,' Lid RIR. 12. Kincardine, Qnlartp,-(42Z 2X4 „Ain Larry -Kraemer •No telephone applications will be accuplod 26 10x2cc FULL TIME position available for -breeding and handling of sows. Please fax resume -to 5194387- 6330 pr o 4I Acre,T Farms. fop 987.6191. 26-tpx2cc aLIERVICEDIRECIW ' FAX SERVICE Have ,your nnporlant documents taxed at -the Huron "Expositor office. 100 Main St.. Sealorth let page - 842 x 11 54.00. additional peace, to same phone number 11.00. To • receive a fax at our officio the opal is 51.00 per sheet (CiST extra) .For mere attenuation -phone -527.0249 31.91)tt REPAIR AND 'REFINISHING Of furniture and antiques, bandetrataltrek pt6P 6349 matte ttrrnitlrreiftlal t:19'your:f11ans Robert Kerr, RRet, Sealorth Phone 527- 0786 -31.0841 ALUMINUMAN0 CUSTOM WELD- ING. ornamental railing. armlets. . custool•hilches, pt9(oajtie penning. • machinery repairs and •tabrlcatng.- Phone .Peter De ,Jpng 523-4816. Londeabpro 31.9941 Rt QW-VRAISS Pho,ocop,,►ng $erdice available at -the Huron ,Eatpositor office. 100 Main St , Sealobth. 10'2x 11 copies -.25 cents. per sheet. 9V, x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet (GST and PST extra) Phone 627.02.40. 31.01-1Inxe (26.~Aktifinv. . $ OOJAF WVE 'Wc are pee .Af.the:premibr,f {(social services 4lrgaflt7-atiQr15 in N4i0 4111c0441.•Q$4( outstartd498:rc11utatu,n as one uf.tiienlOSI reliable 4nd ,successful cgmp8Rics in ,Cajlada -has -been . nurtpred for over : l2 ) years. • We ore .lot>tcing,fpr,inflivitluu(s"vhp: • have R�pplitude Ip C4 ce: r are 4.01f741clplay4d: •have a sales.Or. m#ek6tingsb til groupti: •• arc high aghievcrs: • • have high Cthir pl 51apOrtis; attd ▪ a<c,intcrested;ip e4411418,uIIIiinile41 cq fpensatipn. If 'you feel this,prR;'lle:.{$ ibes.ypp..please 1.9r1v 11 spur .res(rrrie. in cu1104n0,•1u: 414. McArldie olitallai =74. ' ........�..._.-pew:_..-..--.✓.-_.....-......-. ,._.e.,..»..a.-- , OWS WNW . ...� 40•-1 P f mr11• -` l 9144040,#941 ARRI€00949 4/901090/4000P t. ; .7 4, . 'I:1;., rs and Propgs01 Forgo clerk -A6100' k, Aloft Hous, nday. • throtJOh $riti,sy. rgcteivet1 at.tl>Q ]O��ff�ic�e of the lt CI - +;+,pI t( %,111lRl11'�, ipJ!•