HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-03-05, Page 3News and Views
NURSES TRAIN ON DIALYSIS - Back row, left: Seaforth community hospital RN's Bev
Smith and Judy Lamont, and Seaforth Manor RN's Cathy Broome, Tracy Gerber and
Joanne Ryan (absent) received training on the operation of portable peritoneal dialysis
machines prior to Mary McFadden's (front row, seated) retum from St. Joseph's in London.
Dialysis training at manor
Living with chronic renal
failure constitutes a major
change in lifestyle and an
integrated system of care
delivery helps minimize any
obstacles that may occur.
Before Mary McFadden
came to the nursing home,
she was doing her own dialy-
sis treatment. When she had a
stroke, she required hospital-
ization. While Mary was in
St. Joseph Hospital (SJH) in
London the staff at Scaforth
Community Hospital (SCH)
began to prepare for Mary's
admission back to the com-
munity hospital to be close to
her hushand and family. Staff
at SCH were given training
in dialysis at SJH and when
Mary was stable she was -
transferred back to Seaforth.
The next step in the inte-
grated care delivery was to
plan when she could join her
hushand Ralph in the
Seaforth Manor Nursing
Home. Three registered nurs-
es from the home also went
to St. Joseph's for training in
dialysis care and when Mary
was able to join Ralph in the
home, Louise Huyge (head
nurse of the dialysis unit at
St. Joe's) came to give fur-
ther training and thus assisted
with the smooth transition.
Dr. Woldnik also assisted in
making the transition plans.
it has been a positive expe-
rience both for Mary and
Ralph and the staff of the
SCH and Seaforth Manor. It
has accomplished the corpo-
rate vision of the home by
recognizing current trends
and care in health care,
adapting to thc resident's
needs and responding to fam-
ily and community expecta-
tions. Integrated care delivery
ensures a smooth transition
and in turn enhances the
quality of life.
Mary's machine - nick-
named "Florence" for
Florence Nightingale - is a
CCPD unit, meaning a con-
tinuous cycling peritoneal
dialysis. This allows Mary to
have complete freedom all
day long, a more liberal diet
and the machine basically
fills and drains while Mary
sleeps, which in turn gives
Mary a quality of life that
doesn't interfere with her
activities during the day.
Alternative benefits customer
CONTINUED from page 1
proposals to the ministry was
Feb. 28 (last Friday), but
MacKenzie was of .the opin-
ion that forwarding it by mid-
March was also enough time.
"It's kind of a moving tar-
get," he said of the deadline.
MacKenzie explained that
it's difficult to know exactly
what the government is plan-
ning, but said with the
municipal restructuring
already underway, the two
will likely work hand-in-
Study Began in November
A comprehensive study was
given approval in November
1996 to explore four possible
alternatives in an effort to
combine and/or amalgamate
the existing 17 municipal
electric utilities, plus the
Ontario Hydro rural service
The first alternative studied
would divide Huron -Perth
into eight utilities. The sec-
ond considered having four
utilities, the third would sec
two utilities - one for each
county, while the fourth alter-
native would have one utility
serving the two counties,
All four options were
reviewed by Scaforth PUC's
three commissioners. A
unanimous vote by the three
officials was received in
favour of alternative three.
Tom Phillips, Scaforth PUC
manager, who did note vote,
said the option chosen by
Huron -Perth utilities will
work because of the "strong
working relationship between
the two counties."
"The hest benefit for the
customer was alternative
three or four. I think it's good
people can work this well
together and come up with an
The study was based on
1995 rates. "It's all figures.
We had to sec what it would
be like to take over the rural
arca, what rate to charge and
what benefit there was to the
customers," said Phillips.
The on-going meetings
with Huron -Perth utilities are
a proactive approach to plan-
ning heforc the government
possibly decides to dictate
change to utilities.
"We felt we had to get
some information together.
We've had discussions, we
have a plan in place. We're
working on it and will con-
tinue to work on it. This is
just the first phase. The next
is a business plan," said
Phillips, who was at the
MEA annual meeting
Monday and Tuesday in
Competition for Hydro
The MEA is proposing
their own model of supplying
electric power to Ontario
which breaks away from
Ontario Hydro and creates
one power pool with one
operator. With 307 distribu-
tion utilities in the province
now, it is certain they will be
smaller because there will be
fewer municipalities.
MacKenzie said the gov-
ernment is expected to com-
ment anytime on the
Macdonald Report, which
essentially calls for the
absorption of Ontario Hydro
into the local utilities, and the
distribution of power reorga-
nized at the local level.
Unfortunately, he added,
Ontario Hydro has a different
view of the shape of restruc-
turing, and has made life dif-
ficult for those utilities work-
ing to restructure.
No Guarantee
There is no guarantee that
Ontario Hydro will even deal
with the public utilities in
these restructuring matters,
which adds to the overall
The business plan of
Ontario Hydro is threefold,
MacKenzie nc:ed—grow in
the generation, transmission
and distribution of power—
"and there's only one way to
grow in distribution and you
people are it."
On thc other hand, he
added, "you've made an
excellent start" by proceeding
with a study, and "should be
applauded for taking the ini-
MacKenzie notcd that there
are also 50 studies underway
across the province similar to
the Huron -Perth one, so oth-
ers are also working towards
the same thing.
The utilities also agreed to
send letters to each town and
township council in both
counties informing them of
their decision, and making
them aware that officials will
be available for any further
McKillop man sentenced to 12 months
SSP News Staff
A 21 -year-old. McKillop
Township man was sentenced
to 12 months in jail for six
charges relating to possessing
stolen property and theft, in
Goderich Criminal Court
Feb. 17.
Mark Keddy pleaded guilty
to break, enter and theft; theft
under $5,000; possession of
stolen property under $5,000;
possession of stolen property
exceeding $5,000; an attempt
to steal under $5,000 and a
breach of probation.
Court was told,
Sebringville OPP were called
to a Logan Township home
Nov. 30 for a break and enter.
They scared Keddy and other
youths from the home. The
group took some items from
the home.
On Dec. '13, Keddy and
another person drove away
with a 1986 pick-up truck
from the driveway of a
Clinton residence. When they
abandoned the vehicle, the
other person set fire to it.
On Nov. 13 and 14, the
accused and another person
had a vehicle stolen from the
Clinton area. It was later
found demolished and
engulfed flames in Stephen
Township by Exeter OPP on
Dec. 14. The fire was set by
the other person.,
Between Dec. 13 and 14,
CONTINUED on page 5
drillers must do
CONTINUED from page 1
The wells have to be "over-
drilled" and grouted from the
"Our staff cannot do this
work. It must be done by a
professional driller. As some
of these wells are within the
active landfill site it is impor-
tant they are done properly
and that a full-time inspec-
tion is carried out, the results
recorded and included in the
1997 annual report."
The total cost for drilling,
supervision and inspection is
estimated by Conestoga -
Rovers at $7,525. The work
should be completed some-
time between mid-April and
mid-July of 1997, according
to the consulting engineers.
Cleaned Silt from Pond
Upon scanning the 1997
MHLS board budget for a
final time, Bill Teall of
Seaforth had a question
regarding equipment rental of
$3,358 in 1996 compared to
the $1,000 which was bud-
"Is the problem solved
now')" asked Hunter.
"It gives it an outlet. It
(water) soaks into the ground.
There must have been a
metre of silt in the bottom.
Water couldn't get through to
the gravel."
"All ponds have to he
cleaned out once in a while,"
said Cox.
"If we couldn't keep the
water levels down, we were
going to have to pay money
for the engineers to design an
overflow ditch through the
bush," said Postill.
McLeod questioned the
$13,800 allotted for recycling
in the 1997 budget.
"We didn't chip any wood
(last year) but we will this
fall," said Postill.
Promotion raises
money for hospital
Total Image II of Main St.,
Seaforth recently donated
$614.37 towards the purchase
of heart equipment for
Seaforth Community
Hospital as part of its
Valentine's Day promotion.
February 26
Ex -Files:
Spotted Mistakes:
I) Page 1 - "presses" should
be "pressed" - Judy Lamont
2) Page 6 - "these" should
be "this" - Marg Henderson
3) Page 1 - "municipal rev-
enue L. Seaforth" should be
"in" - Dolly McQuaid
,NI HURON UPONTOR. Mask 1, taff -a
sewlee eeatire
We also carry a large supply of
- 24 Goderich St., E., Seaforth
Seaforth & District Minor Hockey Assoc.
requests that any proposed changes, additions, and/or
deletions to the constitution be submitted to the undersigned
by March 24, 1997
The format of these amendments to be:
a) current bylaw
b) your amendment
c) your reason for amendment
d) date
e) name and signature
The proposed amendments will be made public prior to their review at
the annual meeting on April 9, 1997, 7:30 pm at the Seaforth and
District Community Centres.
Copies of the current constitution available at the Seaforth Recreation
Mail or Drop off any changes to:
Seaforth Recreation Office
122 Duke St., P.O. Box 885
Seaforth, Ont.
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Total Image II
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preparing for vacation in the sun etc.
*sessions can be shared between family
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