HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-02-26, Page 14access
14-1N11 II MM 1111, 101TM, i. ns y SS, $110117
9:00-1:00 A.M.
Bring your voices
and enjoy an
evening of karaoke
Board has concerns
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School Board is pleased it
isn't included in Ontario's
plans for amalgamation of
some boards, and feels it
"will result in greater equity
for our students."
But the area board is con-
cerned that the province's
proposal to reduce its number
of trustees to five, from 14,
"represents a total savings of
only $45,000 per year, but
more importantly represents a
significant loss of input and
control by the Catholic com-
The board's position is out-
lined in a letter it sent to par-
ents and separate school
f Planning A Wedding
• -Buck hc.Doe, Anniversary
• Or Amy Other Special Event? ii
✓ J
J Leave the music to us. ..
f For full D.J. Service
"Where the customer is first!!
'The 4th. Annual
An educational workshop
designed to educate and inform people
about HIV,and AIDS.
_ #.'resented by the
Huron County'HlV/AIDS Network.
Workshops will include: ,
basic AIDS information, current treatments,and
much more!
WHERE: The Huron County Health Unit,
Highway 4 South of Clinton
WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 1997
TIME: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
COST: $15.00 for adults '
Please register with payment by March 7, 1997.
Lunch is pioiddedt
For more information and to register, please
call the Huron County HIV/AIDS Netwotk.at
(519) 4821141 or fax at (519) 48271191.
ratepayers m the two couu
"While the Board is pleased
that changes appear imminent
in the method in which
school systems are funded, it
does have some concerns sur-
rounding the issue of the
right of Catholics to declare
themselves as separate school
supporters," this mailing
states. 'The suspension of the
right of separate school
boards to tax separate school
ratepayers could have seri-
ous, long-term repercus-
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School Board has accepted •a
tender of $140,170 for a
foundation that will accom-
modate 12 classrooms at St.
Anne's high school at Clinton
from Verateeg Contracting of
Heidelberg, Ontario.
Big boast
Technology :got a big -boost
in earlygrades for the Huron -
Penh County 'Roman
Catholic :Separate School
system with Friday's
announcement of a $1.2.mil-
lion grant from the Ontario
Ministry of Education and
This figure matches the
total for all grants for tech-
nology received in the past
decade, notes a press release
from the area board.
This latest technology
incentive partnership pro-
gram grant. along with part-
ner grant for Elgin County,
will allow for "integration of
technology in Grades 1, 2
and 3... (providing) a net-
worked multi -media environ-
mentincorporating-five com-
puters and the most up-to-
date support, hardware, soft-
ware and related materials."
The press release says the
grant "will support students
in approximately 61 primary
classrooms in Huron -Perth
and.24 in Elgin." •
Corporate and business
partners will match the
provincial grant dollars in
order to fulfill requirements
of theproject.
In the first stege the boards
will get about $600,000 to
begin the phase-in of equip-,
ment and staff training. By
June next year, "alt primary
students will be utilizing
technology and multi -media
approaches in their learning,"
the H-PRCSS Board says.
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Last month one of the. first
new Community CareAccess
Centres (CCAC) to become
operational was Huron
They _are a recent creation
of the Ontario's Ministry of
Health, and Huron's centre is
an amalgamation of the for-
mer home can program and
placement coordination ser-
vice with the aim of improv-
ing.access to information and
Huron CCAC chief execu-
tive officer.Carole Taylor
says in _a press release they
intend robe "user friendly"
and have one -telephone num-
ber for people to call. She
adds the centres offer "the
same or similar services to
those offered in .the -past,
including: nursing services,
professional therapies
(speech physiotherapy, occu-
pational therapy), social
work, nutrition services,
homemaking, personal sup-
port and respite care.
'The majority of these ser-
vices will continue to be pur-
chased from both non-profit
centre opens
and private agencies.
Admission to nursing homes
and homes for the aged is
also made through the
The Huron CCAC' is an
independent organization
governed by a board of direc-
tors chaired by Charles
To find out more about
Huron's CCAC call 482-3411
or 1-800.265=5591 fi,r co-
ordination of long-term care
services and referrals, and
482-5666 or 1-800-267-0535
for community information
and nursing home care.
Trout proposals
Those angling for rainbow
trout in the area.may face
new regulations this fall.
The -Rainbow Trout Review
Public Advisory Committee,
made up of more than two
dozen anglers' associations,
recommends maintaining the
Lake Huron and Georgian
Bay "trout fishery by:
• a reduced catch/posses-
sion limit to two rainbow;
• a protected slot size limit
of 19 to 25 inches total
length, with no rainbow
allowed to he harvested
between these lengths;
• specific river seasons clo-
sures, and "catch and release
only" seasons for tributaries
of the Lake and Bay.
• protecting and enhancing
stream habitat.
-For Huron Canny in panic-
ular, the area anglers' com-
mittee recommends imple-
menting specific "sanctuar-
ies" for the popular gamefish
on the Maitland River and
Gully Creek:
•On the Maitland, a night-
, time -only sanctuary 550
metres downstream from
Falls -Reserve Waterfall to the
first natural waterfall,
between Sept. 15 and Oct.
•On Gully, a sanctuary for
all waters of the creek and its
tributaries from Oct. 1 to the
Friday preceding the last
Saturday in April.
Goderich Criminal Court
Judge accepts officer's word on driver
SSP News Staff
-A police officer correctly
identifed a 28 -year-old
Seaforth area man, disquali-
fied from driving, as the dri-
ver of a car which was later
reported stolen, ruled a judge.
Judge RG Hunter sentenced
Patrick Kyle to, serve 45 day:.
in jail on Saturdays ane
Sundays for driving while dis-
qualified. in Goderich
Criminal Court, Feb. 10. Kyle
is on probation until the time
is served.
Kyle represented himself
and pleaded not guilty.
A Goderich OPP officer tes-
tified he saw Kyle driving as
they approached an intert3ec-
tion Aug.17 at 8 p.m.
The officer said he had
information Kyle was disqual-
ifiedand the of3ieer turned -on
his emergency lights.
By the time he turned to
pursue the car, the officer said;
it was parked on the wrong
shoulder of the road with no
driver in sight. The engine
was running, the stereo was
on, and the driver's side door
was open.
The officer said he called
out into the surrounding corn
fields for Kyle to come out.
He pattoled the area until dark
and checked for Kyle at his
home, two miles down the
road from the intersection. He
never found Kyle.
"Why _didn't you catch your
suspect so he could be
charged'"" asked Kyle, in a
cross-examination of the offi-
"Because 1 knew. who you
were. I knew where you lived.
I could contact you the next
day. 1 knew it was you,"
responded the officer.
,Kyle •testified • he was -tot
driving the car seen. by the
officer at 8 p.nl. At that time,
his girlfriend reported the car
as stolen.
The officer testified he first
heard the report at 10:05 p.m.
when he returned a telephone
call from Kyle's girlfriend.
Before the call, there was no
record of such a report on the
dispatch computer, said the
officer. .
If the report came in -earlier,
hc would have been notified
because he was the officer on
patrol, said the officer.
Kyle said be learned thecar-
was missing when his girl-
friend telephoned him at his
brother's place in Exeter.
Kyle called three people
who testified they were pre-
sent when Kyle got the call.
Each witness placed the call at
different times between 8 p.m.
and 9 p.m.
Judge RG Hunter said he
accepts the officer could iden-
tify•Kyle as the driver and the
stolen report came after the'
car was abandoned.
Four cars hit. seen punching two other vehicles
Man charged for rampagein paig lot
A 32 -year-old Listowel man seen hitting two vehicles with
was sentenced to 45 days in „ his fist as he left the beer tent
' jail and a two-year driving at the Lion Park in 'Seaforth
prohibition for drinking and July 27.
driving in a Seaforth parking When he got into his car, he
lot. drove forward. hitting four
vehicles. The incident caused
modest damage.
Warren Ward pleaded guilty
to a drinking and driving
offense, in Goderich Criminal
Cour, Fab. 10.
Court was told. Ward was
Ward admited to drinking
alcohol that day, but had. no
idea how he drove into the
cars, said Ward's defense
Full bottle of beer found in car,
An 18 -year-old Seaforth key in the car's ignition and a
martpleaded guilty to a drink- full bottle of beer near the
ing and driving offense in front scat on Nov. 16.
Goderich Criminal Court, An OPP officer observed
Feb. 3.Bjerg had signs of impaire-
Court was told, Gordon ment. •
Bjerg parked behind a Clinton Bjerg took two Breathalyser
convenience store .with the tests which registered_ 122 mg
lawyer,- Michael Donnelly.
He also said, Ward denies
hitting the cars with his fist.
Judge ‘ RG Hunter -accepted
Donnelly's request for Ward
to serve jail time on an inter-
mittent basis. '
Ward -was sentenced. to
serve'his 45 days in jail on
Thursdays and Fridays. Until
the time is served, Ward is on
probation. Ward is prohibited
from driving for two years.
driver charged
and 120 mg of alcohol in 100
ml of blood_ •
The legal limit is 80 mg.
Bjerg was 11ned1750 or 13
days in jail. He was also
issued a one-year driving pro-
hibition. - -
New Orleans Pizza -
,A Seaforth family Business!
John and-Cindrtiuntof-Seaforth'are pleased to announce
their purchase of the Seaforth New Orleans Pizza,frandlise•
The Hunt's, who have 7 years-afiexperience in.the400d
business, .are eagerly looking forward to their new venture.
The business will be run as a.family one, and the Mums are
l ooldng forward to serving all; their friends and family and the
community of Seaforth. John and -Cindybelieve,inrthe.future
of Seaforth, and plan to be very active in supportingand
promoting the community.
The Hunts will continue the --New Orleans Pizza tradition. of
serving great food at great prices. They are glad to be part qf.a
franchise that is not only 100% Canadian, but is locally owned
and operated by a Stratford resident.
Please come down to see what is happening at .
New Orleans Pizza...a Seaforth Family business looking
forward to serving you!
- John & Cindy Hunt