HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-02-26, Page 11ettRT WATCH • CWCK • Jf5W ELLERY REPAIRS Free SStiptates • Fast Service SEAVORTr'I JEWELLERS 527-0270 4 1 / -11w1 i _11wa11 ,141esraey M, x'41 (C.E. COMING EVENTS INFORMATION SESSION: Viable Minority Representation on Region 18 Taming board. March 2. 2p.m 235 St George. Mrtclwll. Are you a mete:, of . vasrbk, mi ncsay community' Interested in ,lite process of choosing -a ttepresentabve tor the Tsarrpg aieard? Contact Valerie Peels 524 • 5747. CE-09xtot. +NAPPY 73th BIRTHDAY Cart i$armoneleaseaern us at an Open #souse 'bun lderch 9 Bassets )Munnawe Church. 2-4 p.m. -Best washes only. CE -09-1 AOAST•,BEEF DINNER at Walton lsall. Sunday, Search 2. 4-6 p.m •Adults .$7.00 chiWdten 13.60 • fenceeds to support Walton Nall CE -09.1 EUCHRE TOURNA.MErNT, Vanastra Recreation 'Centre. ♦Sunday. Match 2. 1:30 p.m. Cash .rehires. Lunch provided. Admission -365.00. Everyone .wetoome CE 4109x Ise -=HURON COUNTY -.BEEF -Producers-,Association. Oeef 138Q .rand dance, Saturday. March 8. 1997. B.M.O Community Centre. Brussels.• Dinner 6-8 pen. Dance :.8:30 -12:30 Music by 'beechwuod' .Tickets 812:00. per person. Contact local ditaotors .or . call Rosemarie 8rshup .887-8186 CE-o9xecc ST THOMAS A.C.W Seatorth, Soup . and Salad luncheon. Wednesday. Marcs, 12, 11:80:to 1.30 in the Parish Hall Pfice 2:5.00 Ali you can oat. CE -09-3 I HE HtURON PROVINCIAL Liberal Association s. Annual General Liirinyuci and Meeting -wilt -be held un March 3. at lire Seatorth Legion Hal. 1 h guest speaker will be Dalton McGinty' Ontario Liberal Leaner and Leader of the Ofhrxal Oppostbor- Everyone, welcome For tickets please contact 235- 2863- 482-9437. 3574855. 887 9381 or area Vice Presidents. CE 08x2 • YOUR LOCAL CHILDREN'S CENTRE INC. is sponsoring 10 fun packed days for children ages '5 - .. 12 years during the March Break '' Grime on.out.and have_finme Eon! Activities include Multiculleral experiences. Swimming. Bowling: • Sports and Games, Arts and Grafts and more The program .operates from 9 - 4 each day, March'l0 -14 & 17 - 21: 1997 at the Sealorth Public .School (Room 4) Staff is available - for ember and later arrivals & departure '10 oonventence working families at no . extra cost A • morning and • .afternoon snack and a nutritious luncte is. provided ,to the •children. Cost: $15 full day, 17 1/2,day or 160 lull week. Gall The Sealorth Co -Operative Children's Centre • Inc. to register or further program details. 527.0882. CE -07-4 '-,BABYStTTfNG COURSE ,being •offered by the Sealorth Co- Operabve Children's Centre Inc. on March 18 item 9 - 3:80 -room -4, ,SealorthPublic School: The,00trrse is - developed by the Lethbridge Community College. {lyes 11 - 13 years Gertifaoate provided upon completion. Workbook and lunch proyidild_(al a . & 49P) Please register inadvance by 9111l419 AR7- 0682.ro enswe.ypur,4pace.-Cost $27 per person. CE -07e4 .ALL SENIORS Dome And join us -for ttiaxrean - Fiesta . at .Sealarth slllaror•RetiWement.Home; Feb 27 ,at 2 p.m. in tenement ,Activities •rpom. A11 oempknantery: Ferrera 1010 p➢tp 8274)080. 0E4/7-3 TOURNAMENT Euchre at -Walton ThurlldaY Feb. - 27 at. 8f00 ptm. est prize 4$0. ,.ring .-your _. Rvn :_partner. _Admssion 16,00. I,urloh;previded. CE -07-3 • (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE OLDER style woofer( telephone table an orepiMI condition, reasonably pfMd. Please eau inn (nines 6944762 01410aRpc efeIMELY TENT for 6,6paopte, sew. Miro -Coleman propane oampmg stove, never used Stereo muter console and microphone mixer amplifier Phone 522-0771.01.08-2 "LOOKING FOR A iNN4'. Gall (lust Entertainment! 519-233 7576 'Our prones can't be beat 80 channels tor 1 .year. 01-08-2 FOR SALE: Firewood. wee awed nardwood. 535.00 per card No delivery. Phone 263-5161 atter 6 p.m. 01-074 5879 18' dish includes eve progtamsning extended to February 2E8970350 value). L & A Southwest- Satellite and Antenna can fill :all your satettltu and antenna needs. 524 9595 01-O6xticc P1CTIlIREPRIMING Extensive selection..prolesaional .advice. creativity 10% oft all .prepaid orders always(E6zabeth s Art Gallery, 114 The Sentare, Gtiderich, 524.4600.01-06x48 c OVERHEAD DOORS:.Looking-tor a _commercial or residential door, -then.gwe.Jim a oali at Centra Door 'North We are - drstnbutors for -Raynor and , erecga Overhead ,(oors..Wo sell service and install -overhead_dttors..Quality products at competitive! priees..6pecr0flzung an doors -for farm driving sheds, dairy barns and .00mrtlerrral buildings. Serving Mitchell, Dublin. Sebrtngvdle•and au roundiog area. - f'lease cast -519435-6866 or fax 519-335-6563. 01-x9Ox!(cc PARE CLASSIP1ED.AD Do you have an Item for .sale which is less than 120? Place it FREE tor one Insertion in the Articles tor Salo column of The Huron Expositor The ad -must bg 25 words or fess and the cost o1 the item must appuar.rn the ad This oiler does riot apply to busr- rlesses Phone 527-0240 before Monday 1 p.m' to place your aid 0 I -0 I-Owni PICTURES Have you left, apiece of your past watt The Huron Expositor? We have a number of unclaimed_ pic- tures on -lite. You -can -pick them Up at' our otlace. 100 Main St S Seaforth Monday through Friday, 9 a.rr:.-.5'p.m . 01-01-ttnxe . WEEKLYrNEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we•have available at the Huron Eacpositor office nine weekly newt}papers: The Walkerton Herald Tames, -The Mitchell Advocate, The • Clinton News>Record, The Godench.Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port begin), Kincardine News, Luoknow -Sentinel andd-The Huron Expositor 01-01-tfnxe ONE set of tools for STANDARD. and .1145TRtC -in stock at: SEAFORTH 519 527-0120 JO AFORTH MINOR SPORTS. Jiit)poevery Monday- 1st and.,3rd *inestay of . each month WO ,lat:kpot. 2nd .and 4th Monday 11,000 44014001. Dews open .81 .. 6:80 p.m. Ticket gales 6;80 p.m. S, .0 LetUWy lice nee Al6107-08. GE-06-tf Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Wt. have extended our hours for the RRtiP season. OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENiENCE Wed., Feb. 26 9:30 am -91109m Thurs., Feb. e7 th,30 arn-99Opin Fri„ Feb. 2.8 930 are -9100 pm Sat., March 1 D:00 am-1r90pm Call today for an appointment or drop4e.,. CANADIAN EYYEiIt1AI, K -d JOFCoMNWW 519-527-41J1,00 Mein St 1Seaforth `\`JI;KrN;T ;(ARTICLES F(Ht BALE' MOFFATT AND POWELLBudding Centres, ooenoloae .also of (umber andeseediegremolasials. Free est, simIssa418 -leiLYltetieBbiob1) Toll lase 14 100-6536411177. 01:66-11 ti iIQBS'POR SALE FOR SALE: 1988 Wtaw Volvo 444 Cmmtias.41aoent inframe, 13 over 12 .8 -40's Good dean mach -Aeosnt aakety Phone 522-1974 06-Otix2c r7G, IIS' 1 £WCILi • cAIBPRS dt 1116i1� 18. HOUSES FOR RENT THRE( BEDROOM home gas heat. avertable March 1 $550.00 Call Culligan Real Estate 52 1577 18-09-1 26 KELP WANTED NANNY RECRJIRED for two gins 6 and 4 Must be avatiabte all hour.. live its or oui Valid driver s licence a must Gall 52/ 133' 2608x1 �7G,fECYBSC D • Ma& &111.01116 HU -GE RV SHOW 24th Annual recreational Vehicle Show Campground Operators and Associated -Suppliers in Attendance MARCH 13-1510 am -10 pm; MARCH 1610 am -5 pm at The Westem-Fair Grounds, London : Arnnissto, Seriu°r t) l kik''. . ,nre}1 untie -Presented by The London & St. Thomas RV Dearer: Association 1:or Mfr, Cell (819) 685-1110 (iCOMPUTERS, VIDEOS, ETC. 1Bill axnputer, good working oondiUon, 5.1 Word :Perfect new keybeard, $850. Phone 524-6116 evenings. 08-0bxbnxe (moms 1 ADORABLE _L1T}'ER trained kittens 1'0 .give away, looking for good homes. Phone 527-1750 • PREE-TO good home black Lab Collie cross, 1 year old. renals, all shots. playful, p e)erably to tarm family Gall 522-0984 evenings 10-09-2 �11J.-RA3t& .I AND D WANTED TO -RENT or -share crop farm Land. -Reply to Drawee/4086 deo The Huron. Expositor,-Uox 69. Sealonh, On. NOK 1W0 11J-08-3 17, APARTMENTS FOR REN'r .COSY TWO REDRQOMapartment in Clinton, prWate-entrance, Oise yard. quiet neighbourhood, heat -inctuded. Cag527-1661_(lays, 522- 0851 evenangs.'17-0941 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent in Clinton. $315,00-meethlY, utilities included: Phone 482-1293. 17 ;O8x11cc (26. HELP WANTED LARGE FINANCIAL SERVICES Company accupbng applications (born honest. motivated individuals with entrepreneurial sport Dili training evadable. Send resume to Exeter Post Office. Box 83. NOM 186.26.09x2 NANNY, full time. to (site care ot three children. Gall Liz Becker 527 2532. 26-09-3.. TCYIrAL IMAGE II 65 Main St , Seatorth is expanding their services We are looking tor a MASSAGE 1h C ERTIPIED KEFLEXOLOGIST --11AIRSTVIAST -- Please submit your resume by March 14, 1997 to Ril'AL (MACE 11 R,R.-41 DUBLIN NOK 11x0 GALL NOW ,and _eek :,phout Dur move in bonus on 1,, 2 . pnd 3 bedroom .apartments -located in Norwell. Heat, hydro. -*fee and stoveinclltded-Nipe, oleanbuilding , with country view: Phone pave Dr r Shelley 262.2827: 17 -RB -t1 CLINTON AP.ARTMENTS; THREE, two bedroom. apartments 4400.Q0 monthly plus utilities.. Phew- 7682. 17•-06eticc ONE BEDROOM inrquiet buildiefe *975 per -month irlpktdes Wet, PUC, laundry . (gggtias, .BarJri1ee and parking.:No-,pets. ,0111.624- .9076,or 027.0,002. 1'7-0541cc -HENSALL Fleshly .arzadllieped ground floor one bedroom Apartment with private .arttfitrloe, includes appliances, • $285.00 monthly. first and last requited Gall 1-619.243.2123 or 282-3146 17-02xtloc SEOGND-F1,OOR, foe b Ireom apartment, ba► tvioodiloor, natural woodwork. Combined kitcherierviemiteeRent includes heat, Wee,. salve. (Hydro extra) Laundry . in-.botement. • C,a11.627- 2869. slit 41 ONE -MINGLE, 1 two bridroan, stove and fridge included, laundry facilities, ,quiet (ovation.• Call 624- 4994. Available Dec. 1, 17-05.11 , MAPLE HILL . apartments, 46 Charles Street, Clinton, 2 bedrooms, 1 V: baths, air exchanger, storage, controlled entry, sprinkling system, wheeldlair. friendly. Call 482-9454 or 482-082. 17-:26tdfcc CLINTON: One bedroom apartment, 4315.00 monthly plus utilities. Available. t 1. Phone 1-905-862-3764,05 229.6365. 17-28xttcc 1 WO MONTHS FREE Rent- 1 bedroom . and bachelor apt in Sealorth Available immediately fridge and stove supplied, starting at 1282 plus utilities Phone 619 393-6921 leave message. 17-05-11 NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell. Controlled entrance, laundry facilities. Suitable for seniors. $67648. Call 348-9102. 17-02adfcc 41,E:11.4.0k142.04 Sun -North. Systems Ltd. has.an :immediate opening for .a . pyrrcppaing agent. This person should have a background in .agriculture .and/or construction. Computer and organizational •akills.are a Decessfty withan understanding .01 i¥Wentory-end 6•oetfgg fEhtperienee is not entirely necessary. :Please forward .a detailed 1021/100 10 -Sille#0102,66101ens Ltd. -928al w8Y et.iSeeforth 4401( IMO COMMID CATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LIMI'fi l) feq(UIies.an OITIVE-ser. #'QN 1 his is apart -lime position to begin,April1.4997 ' Quahfieatiens must ipcludc computer experience and.good. commupiuuionskills Please submit a cenfideIUII. resume to the undersigned by 4:00 p.m. pa March 12.1697 Sharon Chutcr Cereal Manager Tuckeunith Communications Co-cipctative Limited General Delivery KJPPElle, Ontario .NOM 2E0 We thank all applicants, but only those chosen for an interview will G91116003 illielLu•on EspettiHrls •C.E. Demilag Everxs Ob. Computers Videos, 22.4assiMMard 01. ArtiM* For ewe Eu. 23. Dressirresillepaey 03. (iaratlYrird Sec 09. Automouvs, Foreseer 04. Asa & Ar 10. Pets 24 Waresierelasni 05. Crake 6 Hobbies 25. Warred To Du r 05. Care for SerbifirMiarit26. hop wanted 06. Trucks For Sart 11A. For bete Geaea 27. warred Cameral 7A For (rise General 70. *mused To buy 70. *need to Rent 118.-*atred To buy 11C. Warped to tame .- 110. £moroyrnenr Marva 11E. t aeeloco. 11F. Fart Praouc' 33. Mracesaneous 70: 9rGyoies 110. Farm Equipment 34. Persona' 70 Moboyca5, ATVs. 1111. Fain Serve:es 3:,. Noone To r:►edaors 2e. business Opportunx 2s lenoers 30. Emproyment Wantec 31 Service Director, 3c. beuysitting Etc 11J. Farm Law 36. Aniiorxloemeris 7F: SttowrttObaea Z. 11K. farm filial Eagle 37. morleeees be/engin Auction sort 7G Nae. Vehicles 12.-fiase Es ere-forbale - Eduosaaorta (,arripers & losers 13 -::colla Morriss -40. Ulla di -Faun.: 711. boats. Motors & Manor.: IJ. Service Pens & Hammes 14 Vacation Properties 41 To Give Away 16. for Nen. .42. Ueatns 17, A0anrnar is For Tient ''3- Brim` 16:Mouses Forflenr '44. Engagements 7K. Swurrrrig Pool & 19 acorns For Rem 445' Mareage' beeeles 20. Acorns &board -46- in Memoriam animaiimmummar .47. Cards 0! ortnemics 10MAIMANEMCIR CLASSIFIED MIS i1BMONDAY 1t90:1fM1 For olrer.4tapessDeadIme is MONDAY 11:00 AM Ail -rases plus CTBT 25 WORDS - One Weak --135.00, two weeks 14.50 ea weak. three _weeks $4.08 ea. week. ,Additional words 20 cents. An additional /2.00 will be added libeling is necessary. In Memoriams -15.00 plus 35 cents per hire of verse. 'Card of Thanks.& -Birth Announcements -.25Words 15.00 Each .additional -word .10 vents. We are also able to place word ads in the following .papers 'Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell. Lucknow. Kincardine, Zurich, Walkerton & Port min. Sy placing an.ad in •The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in .any of the above papers for en additional $3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID - Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 P14 (29.-TENDERs 29. TENDERS Tito I1 County load 2d:cdt1C11 invites tenders for UKF SAFETY UPGRADES 10 VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL. F. E. MADi L 1, SECONDARY SCHOOL. Sealed tender, addressed to , ire Huron Cuunty Beard of Education will be received at the otTiee of he Huron County board of Education. 163 Princess Street, Clinton, Ontario. NUM 1 LO, until 1:00 p.m. un 'Thence) , March t Y.1097. Terecere two a,eparatostrgiee . Bid elands in the amount of 52,300 for Victoria Public School and 118.000 tory. 1 . Madill Secondary School. are required 10aceompan� the tenders The successful bidders will be required to provirle,a 509. Performance Bond or Agreement to Bond .with Use tender submissioi. The Ownerse:ccpt a certified cheque in ihe.amuuntof 50°• of U, estimated cost -in lieu of Bunds A limited number of tender documents will be available to General or 't;Eecuical Contrae ors one. as ot Wedtxsda' , February 26. 199', heel the oflice of Garratt & Markley itz Architects:516 Huron Suers_ Stratford. (kllasia. NSA 5 t upon deposit of a candied cheque in dee amount or 8100,00 per set Lowest or anytender not necessarily Accepted A. Caner chair 441148, 1'. Lanett Director V.ipinuomminignomavapur (2LBUSLNES OPPORTUNITY) 31. SERVICE DIRECTOR!) 31 MVi10E R CT *Y FAX -4 0RV10E Have your important documents faxed .at the Huron Expositor 'offile, 180 Main 8t., Sealorth tat ,page -.6Yt x 11 84.00, additional papas to . parte phone numper 11,00. To reeMve .a tax at per ollioe.tlre cost .is ./1.00.per-sheet. (GBT.extte). For more infonnabon phone 627 -0240,31 -Olen '(;10. aw;P :WANTED s.. TOO MANY Christmas bills? Jpin Princess -House today. lnuoducieg, . a tine line .Of g111 ,and eXs4aite accesspries $25.Q0.irweappeer •P19880,9811 Jen 519-3574370 26- Eltlployment epportuniticslur EXPERIENCLD TEMERs 4�J tV .uc now accepting applications fur tiic t,usitiu 1 of dual Teller Grade 12 Mandatory "Smart Solutions" training an asset. Please send detailed typed resume with handwritten covering letter. by March 10, 1997 to MILS. GAIL PRASbe TELLER SUPLHVIMJR "CONFRDENTIAI. Nu Phone Calls Please Only those selected for an litter vires will be notified 'Clinton tfonmunity CREDIT UNipN LIMITED 48 Ontario Street,.Sox 310 Clinton, OntarketiAM 140 ALUMINUMAND CUSTOM YitEkp- ING.:ornamental taikny. trailers. custom hitches, pig/sattlepennieg, machinery repairs and Iabr Phone Peter ,De Jong 523.48:6. Leedeseroro. 31.054( .9340To ooPIfies Photopppying -Servige maii*ble,pt the Huron Expaattor since. -100 Maan.St , Soatorth.-414.x 11 poples -.25 cents par ahem. 8Y: x 14 coptgs - ,35 cenlsptfr sheet. &Er and:PST gxtra). Phone -627.08 0. .31-01-1nXe duet 01 .e- 4taair spd1 1g faratfAic's intenaace I jablin .72235 f,1%Ct, 51942749ST Blip Non D.o en/notloneT- CerirtYrCi+la 'Our Lotation or Yours" • t IP of us or LeSTOM ItILUNC aid PROCESSING Ki l Day, Tuesday OUR SPECIALTY Ilene: cured and smoked meals piucessed elattly tie way you like it *ow 441E/ELPIAND & STONE '410l1002314 • �� CAVATIMG • TOPSOIL SYSTEMS QFFHHE SHOP.... 4824920 21