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The Huron Expositor, 1997-02-26, Page 8
OGiGC v Huron County's Complete i El VEHICLE o IC CI RENTAL 1 CI IC Headquarters C 0 O Small & Mid-sized Cars -E 0111 Passenger & Cargo C O Nems. Pickup Trucks C CB I Daily, Weekly. Monthly C a 0 Insurance Rentals & 1 More Est) Free Delivery. C 13C C O CAR -&TRUCE RENTALS E DDiviaton of Suncoast Ford 1 al . 500 Huron Rd.. Goderich CI CALL COLLECT Ask for Helen 10 El C 0 113 f17 ©eeeeeeeeeeeeee°o 524-8347 13 CI it 111101MMi11,Trt■rl1 M, Nat Cents up by two after stunning comeback Seven snipers shared the wealth as the Contenaires skated to a workmanlike 7-2 win over the Lucan Irish in front of about 250 fans in Seaftxth Sunday night, to go two,pmcs pp in their first - sound Mot= Division play - dT. The Cents were incredible winning the opener of the best -of -seven Ontario Hockey Association Junior "D"evelopment League saves at Lucan Wednesday. Without warning they struck like lightning, scoring four times in six -and -a -half nnn- utcs in a stunning comeback, sealed by Steve Geiger's goal 1:40 into overtime, to steal a 4-3 win. The sones resumes tonight (Wednesday) at Lucan at 8:15 p.m..` Game four is Saturday. night in Seaforth 'tuning at 8•.30. hector leads the other Morcnz semi-final two games to none, after a pair squeakers over Mitchell on the weekend. 2-1 and 3-2. Bears in WOSSA Scan Ludwig swished six of Seaforth's senior Golden these, for 18 of -the 40 points Bears boys basketball team he put on -the board, 11 points earned a berth in the WOSSA better than his previous best "A" tournament this weekend •this Huron -Conference sea- in Mitchell, by hosting St. son. Marys to a 73-60 loss Friday Bruce Griffin and Brad afternoon. - Dillon each chipped•in anoth- Seaforth's shooters were er 11 points. Nine of guard down by six at the half, but Griffin's total were from still as hot as they have been three-point range. • - all season, according to coach Six schools will be at the . Paul Menary. hitting nine Mitchell tournament, Friday- field goals from three-point and Saturday. - range. Broomball roundup ( Feb. 19) PARR LINE 0 WINTHROP 0 It looks by the sco elhat Winthrop ladies had a bad game but this isn't the story. Winthrop played very well but couldn't buy a goal. Parr Line had lots of shots but Deb Hoggan. Winthrop's mighty goaltender, kept them out as well as she could. Deb, you played an EXCEI .ENT -game! Parr Line's goals were scored by . Chipper (Sharon Whitfield) with two of her own and Miss Tanya . Eckert and good old Bonnie O'Reilly with one each. Assistance from Billy (Heidi :Elliott), Kim Lee, little old Belindav(Glenda Chaput), and Cheryl Kruse. Not only did Chipper, Tanya and Bonnie score, but also assisted on each other's goals. GRADS 2 PARR LINE 0 - This game was exciting and a bit chippy. 1 guess.you can tell we are getting close to the end of the season, because everyone's tem- pers are flaring. Must be spring fever! The Grads pulled this one off, beating those poor old Parr Line guys yet again. Pan Line had their chances, but just Couldn't pull it between the posts. The Grads' goals were scored by The Mighty Little Steve Wynja. with assistance from Speedy Jim Uyenhuis. The Grads' second goal was scored by none other than Mac O'Neal. with assistance from The Prez himself, Rambo (Raymond. Ruston), assisted by • Mr. Mac's car pool buddy, Chris Gores. POLAR ICE 2 SOCIALITES 1 This game went into overtime. Both teams seemed fairly evenly matched. Polar Ice staned in the first period with a goal by Liz Becker. with help from Kim Ingaram and Liz Roheritsch. The girl that scored the Socialites goal to even it up. was very excited when the orage ball crossed the line to even it up. It went in at the right time, scored by newcomer Anne Walpher with no assistance. The game was very back and forth but finally Liz Roheritsch drove the ball into the net to win the game in overtime. She had assis- tance from Kim Finlayson and Vickie Innes. Good game, ladies. CYCL.ONES.3 ROYALS 1 Those poor old Royals go down again this week. It wasn't from lack of trying, the Cyclones just seined to have a little more gusto. Cyclones' goals were scored by AQdam O'Neil,.with an assist by Mike Dooreleyers, with a single from Murray Smith. The Royals lone goal was scored on a strong shot by'Keith Innes. unassisted. iil'1MEN 1 PARR LINE 0 Here we go again, Parr Line guys- just uysjust can't seem to buy a win. h could have been due to the three goaltenders they had in one peri- od. They just couldn't decide who wanted to play! The game was back and forth. both teams having their chances. and they took it all the way to overtime. This game was very physical. Mr. Hair Pic, 1 think you are going to have to get a bit more rest before coming to the next gtytre. Three penalties just doesn't look good on your clean record! It was not to fa, into overtime when the Hitmen put one away. It was scored by Ncueker (Kevin VanDenNeucker), with help from his friend Hair Pie (Harold Hugill). WINTHROP 3 KNIGHTS 0 Was Winthrop oa fur: or whet? , They mutat have teen very keen for this gaze because they ended up with three: goals and probably Could have had more. Although they had their chances, The Knights couldn't put it between the posts. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Winthrop's goals were scored by -Loud (Steve Knight", Steve Leonhard( and the Speedy -Brett Lee. These guys had assistance fromDan Hoggart and Mike Hoven. Leonhard! and - Knight assisted each other as well. Tough game. Knights! V-ballers advance The junior girls' volleyball team •at Seaforth District High School advanced to the -WOSSA "A" tournament -on in a round-robin qualifier Friday at Clinton.. SDHS beat ;St. Anne's, twice, split with St. Marys and dost both games to Mitchell, so advanced on points to this Saturday's WOSSA tourney. -Mitchell finished first in the qualifier.. TAKING CONTROL The Contenaires stormed back from a 1.0 deficit after the first period Sunday on tome ice, with four goals that went unanswered in the sec- ond, to lead by three going into the third. The Cents' first and last goals of the game were scored on the power- play, by Steve Mclas ly and Jason Hayter respectively, with Brandon Catriveau, J.C. Kirk, Mark Van Dooren, Scott Henderson and Jason Henderson oonnecting in- between. - Corriveau added three assists and Soon Wood got his second -straight win in net. Lucan putted starting goalie Nathan Maudsley - after Seaforth's fourth goal with just under five minutes left in the second, but they put another three by Matt Fawcett, out -shooting the Irish 36-23. Wednesday's win will go down in history. as one of the wildest comebacks witnessed in wccent memory. WILD FINISH Down 3-0 with 4:49 left in regulation, the Centcnaites all of. a sudden made mince- meat of fanner London Beal goalie Mautlsley's shutout bid. Shaun- Anstett got it rolling when he connected on the powerplay, then 'Actually tapped a tough chase home, while being flattened on his face at the edge of the Lucan crease with 2:07 left. Anstett tied it :up with another goal, with 36 seconds left in the game and Wood on the Seaforth bench in favour of an extra attacker. "That's the first time that's worked in a long time,- said Centonaires' co-head coach Jim Campbell of the old Intl! the goalie" desperation ploy. The Cents have been scored on far more often than not -when trying it the past two seasons. Neither he nor the other two • coaches could explain the sudden surge of firepower- the Cents seemed to conjure out of .nowhere, after Seaforth shooters had solid chances but fired only blanks for the first 55 minutes.of the game. Brent Hulley set up both of Ansteit's markers. Anstett and Jason Murray assisted on Mcinally's, and Corrivcau got the puck to Geiger on the winner. who then disappeared for a bit under a mosh pit of delirious green jerseys. The Seaforth side of the Lucan stands also got seri- ously silly as fans could scant _believe they had just seen. it was 0-0 after the first period and 2-0 for Lucan Kathy .gets silver Kathy Devereaux of. Seaforth averaged a point a game while helping Ontario to silver medals at the Midget Nationals for women's hockey on the weekend at the Canada Winter Games in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. The I7 -year-old forward contributed a goal and -four assists to Ontario's four wins and a loss, 'to Quebec by a -score of 2-1 in Sunday's championship. _ Devereaux .was one of four members of the London Devilettes midgets on Ontario's team. She scored the first -goal in Ontario's 3-1 win over Saskatchewan Saturday. Ontario beat Manitoba 4-0 and demolished Newfoundland 12-0 Friday. Observers described Sunday's final as "close checking and penalty -filled." Karen Hughes of the University of Toronto Blues coached the squad of 20, whittled down from 360 players who attended six camps across the province, in chopped down.to hO.and then 32 players. Kathy's both older brothers are also good hockey players. Mike plays for' the University of Waterloo and Boyd was a star on Canada's national junitr,.team when they won gold medals around Christmas. - atter two. The eventual out- come seemed assured when the Irish again scored 15 sec- onds into the third to take the 3-0 lead, that disappeared about 15 minutes later in so dramatic fashion. Seaforth out -shot Lucan 37- 34 on the game. Game five has been sched- uled for a week Wednesday, March 5, at Lucan, again at 8:15. Games six and seven, if necessary, arc scheduled for that Friday and Saturday. March 7 and 8 in Seaford) at 8:30 and Lucan at 8:15 respectively. DNA JUNIOR "DRVEL.OPMENT LEAGUE Arys7LoF..TEvEN PL4YOFE' (GAME 2/Feb. 23) Lucan 2 at SEAFORTH 7 . (GAME I/Feb, 19) Saioeth4 atLUCAN 3 (0T) FUiillE GAMES : Seaford' at Lucan. 8:15 p.m. • Sat: Lucan AT SEAFORTH, Wed (Mar. 55; Seaford' at Lucan (if aeccessary), 8:15 pan. Pri(Mar.71- Lucan AT SBARMTH (if necessary), 8:30. • Sat (Mar. 81; Seaforth at Lucan (if necessary). 8:25 {tat. Best RSP Rate 5• 75% 5 yrs as of Feb 24/97 f-1fr INVESTMENTS 2773 Godsrieh 1x00.265-5503 MALS O 1st GRAY INSURANCE BROKERS Allan Carter, Broker . - Hoke -Auto Commercial Farm 522=0399 Ssafoith 1-000.265-0959 Strathroy PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS One Fee: *2V° Call PETER STILES ams BAYFIELD I41118 -S338-008 COUNSELLING • Marriage • family • Personal Growth • Learning Disabilities BRIAN O'REiLLY, os.w. tw Huron cisfrood St. 82-9249 PM() TU 1\(; • REPAIRS • REBUILL,r, 5 RECOVERED • DAMPP CHASERF • REGULATING • BENCHE' BRUCE PULSIFER 34a $223 ne,rateu. Being forced out of business by arsonists in our Brantford location has totally devasta.ted Krmtsy Kellyaa. Although Canadian General Insurance have adjusters working over time to settle our claim, we need to generate "cash flow" immedi- ately. W.B. McKaty preaidesst of Krazy Kelly's has ordered company wide that all produ.ets be lie at*d>lted regardless of cost. Folks, don't swiss out on the Largest distress male in Krasny history. anAter.FQRD THIEy Ev�6ITOR. SRT F ere ,A ;, IRE The Ontario F.. "�CCtstc'Jarri roc Mar"4+La o K. __rimy re our Ki office thedestroyed a • i 3 ' sm k Pc►timy Kelly's 7:V Electronics a� dr cr meter rj� Irrc (/cd to �C APPbiari � Ycr1 ter t that erippvd analarrn scene At 3 a.m. ICystore. . ;:�'',( _ ;.>� "�,«, ► { taken. waif a° gein �: Several =e was stet tom thieve* Kelly's.ugh a : s n. ud6o speakers flats. 7 ys, tar' a A saW aver and IrCreus q d,. c .re • y dY helped �'`d t four risen and �• • . 50r -Y status .,'m. ►W Wanted 1, All Television Sets, Stereo Components, Car Stereos, Phones, Video Recorders. Video Cameras, Microwaves Ovens, Blasters, and many more other terriffic items. (Some One Only and Some One Of a Kind). Approximately 350 Colour TV's, 250 Stereo Components, 81 Microwaves Ovens, 112 Car Stereos, 22 Cordless Phones, 75 -Residential Phones, 13 Big Screens, 36 Video Cameras. 216 Video Recorders will be disposed of including RCA, TOSHIBA. JtENWOOD, TEAC, SHERWOOD. HITACHI. MITSUBISHI, SHARP, SANYO, OPTEX. HARMONY etc. • MANY ITEMS BELOW COST! arta! L sting: HS Video Recorder $149, hones 10. : : , Camcor . s 75, Video Tapes T 120 $1.44, 25" Colour TVS $333., 31" Stereo TV $888., Blasters with CD $89., Cilmcorder Cases $19.95, Remote Converters $29.95, Cassette Blasters $29.95, Tripods $34., Answering Machines $58., 5 PC System $588., Surround Sound Systems $988., Big Screen TVS From $1,629., 37" Colour TV $1499, 46" Surround Big Screen $1629, RCA Satellite Dishes $544 Pius Many More items Too Many To Mention!! All Sales Final... All items sold as is with full manufacturers warranty. Tering:: Cash.. VISA. Mastercard. or Rent 'lb Own. Some one-ot-a-funds, end -of -lines demos, a0 warranteed TWO PAYS ONLY &sdady,llarch 1st..10 am to 5 pm & Sunday, March 2nd...11 am to 4 pm Godrich Columbus Centre 390 Parsons Court, (off Suncoast Driiv