HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-02-26, Page 3News and Views Lions kick of Easter Seals campaign BY DAVID St )TT Expositor Editor The Easter Seal Society of Ontario is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year and once again the Seaforth Lions Club is coor'tiinating fundraising efforts for the local area. The Lions look after the. mailingof donation pack- ages, collection of donations and issuingof receipts, according to Easter Seals chairman Tom Kale. The Seaforth Lions Club covers the town and surrounding area including the communi- ties of Walton, Dublin, Brodhagen , and Staffa. Residents should be receiv- ing their Easter Seal pack- ages soon. Last year Seaforth and dis- trict raised $5,600 for the charity which helps children with physical disabilities and their families across the province. "Through local fundraising efforts, children in Seaforth will receive sup- port for much-needed equip- ment and services," states the press release from the Society. "The seals help create awareness and generate essential funds for children with physical disabilities," says Kale. Easter Seals Facts: • Easter Seals provide din.ct Few at planning meeting BY GREGOR CAMPBELL Expositor Staff Few people attended Monday night's public meet- ing at Town Hall where pro- posed amendments to Seaforth's official plan and zoning bylaws were consid- ered. The town termed the pro- posed amendments mostly cosmetic and said the pur- pose of the public meeting was mainly housekeeping. County planner Cindy Fisher Chaired Monday's meeting and said the same. The owner of Boilersmith Industries. Charles Smith, was there, as were the owners of the post office building. No objections were received to owner Grant Bradley's application to change the zoning of that building on Main Street from "communi- ty facility" to "core area com- mercial." Smith felt the mating was not consistent -with democrat- ic principles in arguments he expressed at length in last week's The Huron Expositor. Correspondence was received from George Ring objecting to the process•as "deficient in extreme" and a "flagrant abuse of democratic process." Correspondence from the Huron County Health Unit and Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority stat- ed they had no objections to the proposed changes. Seaforth's Planning Advisory Committee met immediately after the meet- ing, and will now advise. council. Liberal leader in town Monday The new leader of Ontario's Liberal Party will be in Seaforth on Monday to meet with members of the party in Huron County. A press release from the Huron Provincial Liberal Association says Dalton McGuinty, MPP from Ottawa -South, "will speak on the many problems surround- ing the revolutionary changes that the Harris Government is instigating in Ontario." "The new Liberal leaders is interested in hearing the con- cerns of the people of Huron with regard to such topics as health care, education, municipal government and the economy," the press release concludes. OPP warn of scams in area OPP advise Huron County for verification." residents and businesses of a In the mail scam, business - couple of "scams" in the es get a letter from Nigeria area, one worked by phone (postmarked Ghana) asking and the other by mail. for help moving several The telephone scam works Nigerian bank accounts and like so - You get a call from offering a 30 per cent bonus someone who identifies of the account total for your themself as a representative help, up to $10 -million of a phone company working (U.S.). on behalf of Bell Canada. "Apparently once you con - You are advised money is tact them, they entice you to supposedly owed to Bell and attend in Nigeria and once has been outstanding for there, money is extorted from some years. you or else you are kid - Police say "that if you napped and your family has know this is false, press the to send ransom money," the OPP advisory states. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is investigat- ing. subject for more details - name of caller, name of col- lection agency, etc., then hang up and call Bell Canada Discussion on BIA bucks The executive of Seaforth's next year, and if so, what it Business Improvement should be. The Bucks are Association is discussing its supposed to benefit the busi- annual "BIA Buck" promo- nesses by keeping Christmas tion. shopping dollars in Seaforth, Minutes of a recent associa- as well as provide a benefit tion meeting, where this to as many families as possi- Christmas season's promo- ble by shopping in Seaforth tion were discussed, record : and saving 10 per cent by "They were sold in blocks doing so. If during the analy- of $300 per family, but after sis it is found that only a few the second week the banks businesses are receiving the allowed people to purchase Bucks, the program may have more than this limit. The to be re -assessed for next executive will have to decid- year." ed if there should be a limit BIA shot down in Wingham A petition with more than 70 names appears to have scuttled the formation of a business improvement area in Wingham. A bylaw that would have created the BIA got first and second reading by Wingham Council on Feb. 4. But since then, the petition signed by 33 per cent of the businesses that would have been in the improvement area (which is enough to kill it under the Ontario Municipal Act) has emerged. I Doug McBurney, who was involved organizing this peti- tion, says the consensus of those who signed seems to be that business tax in town is already too high, and busi- nesses already don't get a lot of service'from their tax dol- lars. He said other concerns were that once a BIA is formed they are quite diffi- cult to dissolve, and that few people on the proposed man- agement board own proper- ties within the BIA's borders, services to children with physical disabilities and their families in your community, through nursing, financial assistance for essential equip- ment, camps and parent sup- port programs. In addition the Society funds research and.advocates on issues relat- ed to children with physical disabilities. • 86 cents of every dollar contributed to the Society goes directly to providing services to children. • Easter Seals provides direct service to children and youth under 19 years of age who have neuromuscular, musculoskeletal or neurologi- cal conditions which limit Mobility and/or physical function. The most common disabling conditions are cere- bral palsy, spina bifida and neuromuscular disorders. • Only 7 per cent of Easter Seal funding comes from government grants. • More than 30 per cent of Easter Seal families have incomes below the poverty line. • More than 20 per cent of Easter Seat families are head- ed by a single parent, assum- ing primary responsibility for the daily care of the child. • Easter Seals saves taxpay- ers .money by helping chil- dren and teens live at home with their families and become independent adults. Retailers selling smokes to minors A survey in January- chase cigarettes... the retailer revealed 10 per cent of tobac- wasn't trapped into making co retailers in this county the sale. Our youth volun- were willing to sell cigarettes teers siinoly asked for a pack - to 15 and 16 -year-olds. age of cigarettes but no -A press release from the tobacco was actually pur- Huron County Health knit chased. If the retailer present - 'describes this as "a- passing ed cigarettes .to them, it was grade." - "A similar survey was con- ducted in 1994, before the Tobacco Control Act was passed. At that time 40 per cent of Huron -County retail- ers were willing to sell ciga- rettes to our underage volun- teers," . the press -release con- tinues. who is less than 19 years -old, Last month's survey- and says its involvement "is "involved sending minors, in part of a comprehensive strat- pairs to a tobacco retailer egy mandated by the where they would ask to pur- - Ministry of Health:" Almost one-quarter of Huron smokes considered a sale. . "The minors would then claim not to have enough money to pay for the ciga- rettes and leave the store." The Huron health unit has laid .1 3 charges against tobac- co retailers for selling or sup- plying tobacco to -a person A community health profile for Huron and Perth con- tained in this month's draft promotion plan for the two counties contains the follow- ing snippets: • 11 per cent of Perth and 19 per cent of the Huron labour force is in agriculture. compared to the provincial average of 2.4 per cent. • a smaller proportion has post secondary education and a greater percentage of our population has less than a Grade 9 education. • we have higher rates of alcohol related consequences, despite a lower rate of con- sumption when compared to the rest of the province. • close to a quarter of our population older than 12 smoke. • illicit drug use is signifi- cantly below provincial rates. • despite lower motor vehi- cle accidents, fatalities resulting are higher than provincial rates. Huron and Perth are among the top three least compliant counties with resect to safety belt use. It's Our 33rd Anniversary SALE welsher Mayfair Single Roll...Book Orders 4 ok OFF � SUNWORTHY 40SAVINGS ON ALL SUNWOHIHY BOOKOUOENS • n : ' ve even more on our In-store specials. HUNDREDS OF ROLLS IN STOCK. :l/toorc PA11is 1O0/ °OFF BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS To make room for Benjamin Moore's New Interiors Woodstains all Instock discontinued Interior Woodstains are 1/2 PRICE SAVE NOW WITH THESE CASH PRICES HILDEBRAND HINT AND PAPER 527-1880 Main St. Seaforth • we are much less ethnical- ly diverse than the rest of the province with more than 90 per cent of people speaking. English at home. Salvage yard bylaw Hullett Council passed a bylaw to license and regulate automobile and salvage yards in the township at its Feb. 4 meeting. Council also agreed to its $63.13 share in the purchase of a cell phone for the drainage superintendent. The bylaw was passed authorizing Hullett's entry into a letter of intent to finance the Central Huron Municipalities Restructuring Project. January accounts amount- ing .to $64,063.38 were approved, passed and paid. THU HURON IXPO$ITOIl. P•Mwry 1111. 110•7-3 HEALTH ON THE HILL - A Review dactivNics at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Seaforth Community Hospital WELCOMES two Grade 12 Seaforth District High School Co-operative Education Students. Tanis Glanville hopes to observe/work in various clinical areas ie. Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Lab with plans to pursue a career in. ambulance and emergency care. Laura Small is gaining clerical experience and hopes to also attend College, in the Fall to accom- plish her goals. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP a self-help program offered at no cost providing support and. practical information by trained facilitators for patients, families and friends through informal dis- cussion groups. You are invited to join us to talk or just listen. No registration is needed and you are welcome to come as often as you wish-. Next Sessions are held Wednesday. February. 26th et 7:30 p.m, at the Seaforth Manor. For information contact Joan Chesney 527-1650 or Shirley Dinsmore at 527-0655. - INVITATION TO RN/RPN'S in the community to attend infor- mative session to be presented -by Linda Balvert, RN College of Nurses Rep. on the -new requirements for Ontario Nurses regard- ing the -Quality Assurance Program. Inservice to be held:in Conference Room"2 Tuesday. March 25th from 2:15-3:15 p m. OR 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please pre -register by calling 527-1650 Ext: 219. .•. HEART TO HEART Cardiac Rehabilitation Classes begin March 27th and run leach Thurs. evening front 7-9 p.m. until May - 8th. Each night focuses an a different aspect of heart disease -and features Guest Speakers.. Anyone with heart disease is strongly encouraged to attend these informative sessions. To register con- tact Val Poisson at 527.0320 or 5274650 Ext. 250. .DIABETIC EDUCATION offered- by Nurse Educator, Dianne Wood, Reg.N.. each Thursday 1-3 p.m. by appointment. Self referrals accepted. No fee. Topics include: Diet, Exercise. Insulin. Oral Agents. Monitoring Technique. Travel, Dgys df Illness. Foot Care, Management: To pre -register, call 527-1650 Ext. 219. IIIININ MIN � DO YOU I KNOW 1 ANYONE... who likes rock climbing, dirt bikes, watercraft, pool tables, Isports cars, traveling, Virtual Reality, hot tubs, etc. 1 WESTERN FAIR Feb. 28 Mar. 1, 2 L ONE DOLLAR OFF regular admission with this ad. t• MEM t• MEM MMIaltr 1997 OPEN HOUSE and SPRAYER PERFORMANCE CLINICS WED., MARCH 12/97 Clinics, 10 AM or 1:30 PM LUNCH 12 to 1:00 AM PLEASE R.S.V.P. TO ANN BY MARCH 10/97 PLAN TO ATTEND .t.. • Sprayer Performancp Clinic - settings, maintenance, upgrade kits and performance improving, ideas • The Hardi Sprayer Line-up - OuY New Addition • The Free Vincent Sprayer Calibration Program • 1997 Parts Book Presentation ... Our best savings of the year! Up to 10% off your parts purchases. �HARDI} 11111111, a. • SAVE UP TO 25kON SELECT SPRAYER PARTS A DAY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS..ONLY THIS DAY! 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