The Huron Expositor, 1997-02-12, Page 13(47. ('Alt1ti ormAM(s ROleMIKON What a canny) oormruMny•we live tilt Onto 1 broke myeloid*, Ort Osc WI your rawly acts of !oldness have touched me and my tanwiy'in many -grays Thank you for land rand ltaweis oohs .arid earls, 11tMpana and your praSMtee. Thank •Ysu iso .arnboolimae 48116041110, ^dOtalarei ataaaaaiWillasib0 MOW in my-alasaatjry: 1 .Will aeon ---be yapdyr.3011aarv'aaDy' my tmlloMs 'aadrIkititatit' altars es you •have .iouNlgly awed about rite '{tllalaluay,-Aose Hobinson • 411.011x1 TOWNSEND TrevoiaatiSt tould/i tetothankDr Salsbury. Ot. Aal nape. Dr lZrrtith and all ilia OB nurses et Giadon Public Hoaplal for Me exOaMant care diatom out May Also we would bite to thank tunny and trends tot all the visas oaths. bowers and gifts We really appreciate it kens and Trevor 47 07 1 KONARSKI - We would Wee to expres .cots' sincere thanks tt al, out netgtibours and friends to' you' . support and express tont, of sympathy for 'sen' 1061 0' ow granddaughter Angie You, tnoughttulnes� it greatly appreciated and Wit, no b& torgoaen Frank and Ka 47-0' QV MINT •MotelietRtath councillors `wets -tor .than against a motion at last 7 ueiiday night's meeting to support a loner Prom the "1i)wnahip of 36epple "requesting 'mutlici- -palinas do congratulate John •Enobelen (Untarto's educe - lion -mtnister) and to support their rettian,t that teachers are made an essential Aervice so -as to eliminate strikes." 'The vote ,was two forand Otic against,'with twu.about, tions and one.withdtllwal, by Deputy4te ve "William Mall. •who is a teacher. so the motion didn't tarry. Corn John HaI1. also a teacher. was the only one who put up his hand .aguinbt the motion "l•rom now on Unt abstain- ing tmm all of these moron, 01 support we get." Cuun Baan Ferguson commented "They are ridiculous it doesn't man anything." in ,1 related but acparate mutter. council noted and filed correspondence from the "Hume Cuunn• Bout) of Education responding to the letter council sent (aster it Januar meeting) regarding the recent press coverage of a superintendent's severance package and other salary 1nCnCaase s • Council .'agt:nda notes "they request any requests tor ipiortnutlun about school board business be referred to the HCBJ: office " CLASSIFED Wi KETPLAOE Adrarlila Amoss Doran or Across the UMW 00608161118041 PIMPS. .,0610o. wop.°, M.Pap 41 i. prim P.41r'0. CM 04W4) it+s o sawino iontosol mosios nr.+i Wier pa, Opt.rwe.0 R.6.16N.K0801616.► n•em..r ^ ova. 0i.4SAS !: $88.66W, two tont semi 54•. re3o, 14*r10.000.. itlil3102' 80.4168MEY On (arra ens 0.016.00'. Ela POW Posen pawl mow ht mho aplaq nlremon cY ins' /01 a5/.11Si. iw 60050101.I` MO ARICE CHEAP. • 460 ser8 o.,o.ria. al c•..se es, ON. 1W1ni1..ol...bnnag* taus• "west ..-, Pnerin11 r st..- Pnerin. R. -CML *400413,)01 4C...0111318JS.iESSES /Gunn.o. tar 10;• up.•..+'. «ape+' r. ho. Win Mann r,0.'PswYwn v. 11003434014.00 60 •. 00010.00R$ 110r'COar/ PPP IPS onus.... .pew ✓ ows./ t••4..n". 40a•ar4r.4.001,64 .IW.04 to.. ape. prod ,1S *WV WW1 M few* «00 r•e4►00.8 4a., 0....34.411.100o.00s I C RAF0rnt.ARP151iatrr'r. NYMYr.p4r'.- Aae4N`• ▪ (.4.))/* 4. •.•.•o (muni seise... hili 64,1; YM. [PM sees 4G6103•0 HM 43...0760. Milt, .sr. p.vu .EW465-b54 a 1 41111,4558a5• LSAN1 M:C+07REEP643 Qom 140 Apt 12, I. #.40 If %2 040...100 I0 21.31. i0 .00041'76 argot 5....." .o,13*4 o &MP a M.0em01.M. 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W W 14o•.w• 14.anat4a4a.4nrra.• 010E 4 4144*6*.' r'AN..1 *411)0 SAW 1005 Iwo sumo$. pair. ink,. tom wPJ Y. 6.•• o•'oii .M*. 4.,4rnr horralrsri. 1,8004.1164180. 1.4..10 Enos a R 1- blas.. *. Orr -0 149E W. 1.14111103 mo,-*.. 411)rwAsskold 4310•4100.. M O.'.1100.614 1.8608.083 HM name. 14*60.0a 44.0.0406*.4n0460'-K1. 6004ra. 'Patel/001. 5100E 01034 * 0r0*060 IMP* Owl W ori 61. w.1,106WNW.. !646' 16 pi) 0* Mer I i•R..rery '-*0-00340- 0020001400')I 0t51s0 r Co ova am••.ranl rest I 4.4 .40005 n E 1)....4. Ara pm. 6.0.6080. 0*" wpm,' Foie M.s6n. try M• 4014.1.564. •0 2) ,aa 40144..S5•3 0m.wr. 60.4.44aowlo• 0.W640 ,' ra,".e,tlait Mlr"4" -•- .Mvt 400 tl1MStt PEO PI •t r4J.0^OM.P. b Ona • 04 »N 0•.'f4 ink.. ^04.11D41 eg4r,. r• M &anal.* 24.76'40.0 ). 241«,. egavonc . rro O• 4,4 m.. (00 0114.+:. VW*. ra. F'.. ••1,• ion Inn In 0014 ))4+ W» (09000.8 4.04 1y111100•1 104.5), to-. iIN•. 14114(5445.Atke. . o. Si ,1.05'41... 50001015 4807 W. n FARtNW S - fora (a.}. •14 :ti LMaea ono WLp41 A4•pr1.0•4/411 140641..,1" M(•.rr+w.aou.,W..D1► 644 'R•wr'9 L.ur te...e•.wn'. „oev /4.001 P... (#YEA2V P. 'a AY.ESin.411.0 0E0(k.03.1.1 boas p> 1•Y.WM .} t.. •'*.J 411., wen, .teI Plm.as ILMP.J 411E ».law 144 yaw, l .. &WA COOS *4.i' 1)14312' IR00 94110P.. 1 VI61e'33' r 1444' 1'"•4 a.r4n IM •o0 o4.N'S w4t4440•a•0• .045000cw44N0..09 tri I.w.4 .0.00)0 Er6O0 Ara. 5011. 54w[. *4160'9,• ..3114. Ir.110wW.4. na1"' MLA S/ 1(E iru.0«0 SAP. .J-0* Puri iris WW1 5.1.160001=• Kt DAN 00 3.:■44106)04.4 )!. 0660364.10 0.0800 '0 (WO floes and nocus H.)1 H4.. Ewa, /4100461'+1:. Din 6111.00035(4(405 -(eealgam) on Ow.ef,Cw7 mus*. mseprom0 4M. Minn" Inn &AnAa Wenn 414111.144 nrar4 441 No.4400 6.068 0. CM aflora -p04612533- 11110E SIE Fa 0.O•K 0. Dog.. imandi4s. iwa,• saw% *ASO* Sawm•n c4..l0...a u w tam .40. 54614044. fenny Inn* Mann* Lr UPI 6614KSs.a.1 *0 u Pot tapir. A 2 PPE Eris 410104.ia r+C ia.z .4'149+. aplrml<4' qsa.. tow ipe..4g4.M.t 4144.4. (MOd.41 ice 50 WA. 00...4414rs.76.- soy 41161626110110 44047614 55,3 154EL c.a.,. (30.55'1' • kV AdotMbl. • MI Jasi • a's rosy • Ons OM Oast ItAtt • neo t..m Oalhr.. SM. Elinin (10100040.38 • Wagon Oavu+o 4190 • (OVUM 004170 4034 • M (Aliens 43Yo •0WaMOAN v.(asew OAN •40fo 1016 ' NPaa, talluccmai=r- f Seater* sports SCORMIOARD NINIMFORTII & DJLS7R(CT 'MINOR H�AMBY waits Wet) 9 ) Clinton 4 WARMTH 7 •SN.AEOR7111 STARS: Mat ( haput. Kenric Clime, Brent ,Vi.us(1Jt.'1vier Vautrunerr. Wiliest Shephard. Connor Maloney and Scott 8otnerviltc •14fAwQt: ( Feb. 5) Seafoeah 6 $tBNSALt. 2 KKAFORTH SCOIMIRS:Joel Schenk 2. David Chase!! 2: Mike McLaughlin and Ryan Wilson (Feb. -4) Clinton 0111;AVOR1E14 SEA FORTH GOALS: David Chcuelt 2. Matt Camoctun.:;ud Mike McLaughlin 140V4C1:11 (Feb. 21 Clinton 0 at SKAFORIH'Jt WHITKWASH: Grady Beaver 2. Joe ()'Rourke 2. Troy Hopkins. Demck Wolfe. Brett (Vkellly and Joe kapsor i Elmo Logan 2 SBAFORTI17 (Feb. 01 Elms Logan . SI:A1Ft76fl'IH 7 SKAFORTIh SCORERS: Joe O'Rourke 2. Jot kapson 2. Tro> Hopkin,. L)enuk Wolfe and Brett C)'keiIh ATOtol (Feb. 8, Lurch 1 SRAFORTT( 3 SIiAFORTN SCORERS Nic Jansen. Barre Young and Luke Vic), (Feb .4, Durham 5 SSAFORTIR 2 SBAFORTTH SCORERS: Mark Kirkronne)1 and Caithan O'Reilly ATOM 11 (Feb. 81 Mitchell 2 SKAFORT114 SKAFORT71 SCORERS: Brad Henderson 2. Lance Laveny and Brent Coleman HIGIILLGHTP: Brad Henderson stntti-harxled !tool while 2 men sour, Staforth 4 H1;NSALL 13 SEMI -111TH SCORERS. Brad Henderson 2. Bill Nigh azid Darren Beaver 'Weber.* bawd Mike Weber of Egmond- sllle. has signed with the '0111ai;i(1 key Aasuciat;ot Junior "D"evelunment League's Exeter Hawks 1. \ 1 LLOYD EISLER & 1SABEU:li E3RASSEUR 11\ A World -Class Skating Performance Sautrday; February 22 7:301 ► THOhirtiON ARENA,LOKOON A avow e;au8i i Bbb P119010on, • 1ivawmnc (401011104 S W8H FOUNDAnaS Of (;.tt(t(4)A Tickets unlit $38.50 to $70.00. Available at all Taltdtdas.er.Ivrllie(ym ui 1uding all London Sunrise Recrialstbntaine- Ttkiihuire orders: (416),8724 090 or (519)16454010 or 10440 4371!21 4seam � ;�ow��i airQntario Ale, Me IP oatte4t••• 1011.1%0214 1 (Jan.171 (lodench b at SVaAF011111'2 SL,`AF(NtTF( (;(!ALS: Not Hlltitaon 2 TR.RWi 1 11 (lar). 31) Enna Logan 0 S1(ATORTH 7 S13AFORTTI SCOIRIIII6. Said Labbei, 2. Jason Deny s 2, Joey 'lunar . 'e river Engle aad42. Stephen lownshrp9•12l.1 SKAFORZ111 GOAL:'Matt Smale MAMMA (Fbb.•8) Duthan1 2 REAT0111111.6 SN.AFOR'1H•S:Adam Leonhard'. Jason Anta', Jared Lamochart. Cures Murray, Derek Nesbitt and Mare Glanville 1NTERMEI)MATL GIRLS (Feb. 91 Larkhill SEAFUILTti 1 SEAFOR171 SCORES: Neck Munro get, only goal (Feb. 6) beatorth 4 FORESi' .+ SF.FOR1II (;OALS. Jessica Finlayson 2. Jackie hot= . Nook Mona) HIGRIAGIITS: Jess Finlayson scored -with 24 seconds left to win the game and guarantee bealtath a position in the top tour heeding Into the haat round robin (Jan. 28 ) -baalmt1h.2 WAWORD 2 SSAYDi17111•SCORES:Mtsssha Denys (Jan. 27, bedoeth:2 SARNiA (1 SKAFORTII GOALS: twee Finlayson and Lori McKay (Heb. 08 DUCKS l0 IPANI1IRRs 4 DUCKS GOALS: Luke Vick 3. Won Chyme1 2. Jordan drew 2. #5 '', Kyle Be*ACwIea and Man Homer PA TIMR 1 GOALS: Nick Jansen 2 Kyte Henderson and 4 2' -ILU&Y 8 . I1RVIN511 BLUR$ GOALS: Ryan Van1ooren 4. Josh Dale. Mere Glmviik, Won Amor sad (lurnun Boggess ORIANS GOALS; Cory Nath 3. Beau Dili 2, Kevin Murrey 2, Adam Lsoobmdt. Dock VanDuvsn, Gattis Murray ted Dan Nash MOM GANADIANM 7 LIMN 2 CANADIANS GOALS: Daysd Veitewe 3. bran Colossi) 2, Greg Bowers and Dave Cheaaell 1.13AYS.1t+OALS:Nick Packer tad Ryan -Wilson WHALkdtS 4 U1L11NS4 WIAALI KS 8(.'(ittWi+: Stephen Harvey 2, 017 Land Ole ($j.PMS GO41Sa466 ?sada 19 BHARKS 4 ICINGS 2 811ANKs'HfTktS: Cal (J kniUy 2. 'Ben Hawn sad Brock Smith KINGS Ci1oWN/ W : Darcy. McCotcheon sad McKenna Fisiber RiI:GETi - HURDN.IF111 RTH -NOVICE (Fab. 8) Forest 4SKA TH 2 • SEAVWITH GOALS:S.Bruoker . and N. Kiauter. (Feb. 7) Forest l $$AFOR'1111.9 . li1SAFiRiTli,lk.INGIIRS:Julie Ditcbarme 3, Randi Wilson 2, K. VaaMiloatburg, A. Flatwaasand D:.Murray- (Feb. 2) St. MJtry's 5-64111.7 SKAf/LR1 ikCSAVARS:Julie Dacha/me 3, .kwtdi.Wilson 2. Erica Dietz. Ssdar4h 110 at EXUMA, 8 SKAV RITH.SNIPii1RS: kande :Wilson 5eXim Vint MiUenbur(; 2. Julio Ducil3trtne 2, Dianno Murray. tFcb. 5) Suattord 5 r4FORTf i,6 664,01111Wi1 WRs: •Emily ,Ratcliffe, 2, Fain V4nDoursn, Mary FiniayAon, Undaay(* ,*mm . and Nice)Ie.Kiltper- (Fab. 2) ? 3 at.tii64I1141uU 2 119OEMS: ,Micbolle Donn .and -isnot Dietz. 4J n..33) fiWARIAT#IrAAAtds;-1taily .2SatchUe 2, NiceleXisUiar. .(egTrigEVC" (Feb.19) Exeter 6 at 86411/0iirak7 filiAFUNTit 00046711%140111161 3, A. Dietz, .J. rBIlivt, ,04k. Devereaux and 1). Knipp. TWEEN$ (Feb. 30) Stratford 2 M *F14q '#k6 s•84011F44334$1$414sikRiAseh )30 Mi Oi/1FtANd,A. Ackert 444$1iiirt rl4L tri/ ffviilCsr CAWS: Txoclay C17(0); SDHS boys.bat- 4.46101 vs SHSS. .,Egcly,,iC14y Huron Semi Fluids. X14: *I4et Iloys HW+On „Itaaaagwnt a11115V,V1JLLRYM4L. . [mild: (MIM!+ T day l: Huron lased• BOWLING =WA zotomer met) 4, (!wept /ohamen 227 JRUMLIUMULk.; Bruce UagarIa, U2 . illIOnagrila mimosa 763 $1r,0aupPriaimam, - IWO- 1lrecc Uapernon 21 ! . Gordon Murray 2331230, Lavern 1408Zy 200. Ralph' Mbomou 205. Joe Vena are 222. John *Whin 299f1111239.^Reg Disk '220. AAnc VaaDoopen 269, Darryl Smith 218t Oenlge Jobamon 299/275/ 249 ;SETM.-11. `ata: brace Uagarwn 677. Ant. VaaD3open 651 John Seam 709 iii 1113111.A.YMOUL Carol Johnston 106 GHHANG jL *.e Slakes 227 - Sae btokso 640 ::Cot Magnum 218: Sae Stokes 216 WIT= 'rums! MO Johnston 604 3J34NDINGS Bad Bowers 63. Annual, 75 Folmar 66. Diggers 64 Fairies 51. Climbers 59. 344 t7 mmieWmomi 2311224. kis OJtai4aaa-227420. Abut, Wilmot 211 Oe4asu.Y 612 44wlen4103 ff21&N1)tN(2.S Ourdina, IOP. Krum, 7! ltd Wag: 8 i Ranger, 73 440I0 Lots 7t Nuel hawk. (5 PMS (Feb 3) !nor* IAnaalore 383 PLL Densmore 780 Imintenrc 383. George Love 343/276. Isom 'Nolan '263: Near Verboog 2W218. Aapiro Andress' 232. Bruce Rowe 210. task Ryan 224 Dean Price 218. Robert Hogasith 207; Mark Htgesell 21M "f111PLId6 OVEI( tie- Lovc 682, thansore 780 Verhuo} 617 NOW -.1ftgl Conn:, Mara: 216 moi: Conine Marton 563 -WILY ONGL1 ; DYER 246: Ornate Marron 216 $TAN1)1NGS (.mo,ohen, (0) BMW, 7t) Rod wings 76 dopers Elf. Maple Leal s 34. Black !Hawks 67 WU M ' MEITAMITHIC Web. 6 >7/ RiiiiriVaiiraL: Moura. Bnanowses 256 liarsHAZIrldo&-Rol, Anderson 365. «encases 383 lloGH 'MINA; Anderson 9037 Murray bennewres 952 - John Coleman 304/3001252: Pet Ryan 208/202: Doug Lounhardt 342/248/228: Ralph Johnston 221(207: Ross MacDonald 217.• doh Anderson 365/ 234/254. Mike Thompson 212/327; Brian Barn - 204, tial! Bsuerrnan 230/225/242. Moray Bennewics 291/235/222. Pett Ryan 600 =MSS WISE, 764: Mike Thomson 724- Rob Anderson 903. Doug lawabstdt 818. Ralph Johnston 600:John Coleman 856. Neil B aumann 697 . Murray-Bennewies 748. )1.(JdlLO!' j(M/ AYE/CAW.: Gayle basun 231 W' SllyJiLE; Easun 286/291 MOH TRIPLE; basun 712/777 $JN11II. S IV 2VQ(6asun 203/223/286: Diana Steep 239/230. Money Sar Thompson 223; Donna Bateman 203 34111PLKKS OVRItAI(l:-tlasun 712. Swop 655 315114811Ca5 Muoroys'Misfas 73 6xueerely Bad 65 Biota Pieces 71 Pin Simmers 38 Mixed Nits 68 , tints & Bolts 57 ( Jsn.30) WAN Rditiminaltrita Maas' Beaacwies 256 UIQH 111,6NGLE: Drug Leonhard' 383/383. • aa,;W, lifi; Dung Leuahardl . 815; Mtrray.Bawewies 952 Brian Barry 210/206: Dean Price 201. Doug Laos(tstdt 383(231/201; John Coleman 228; doh Anderson 253/264/217; Pial Sdtsrman 216; .Mike 'Chanson 216/235; auris Macpusafd 260;.Ralph Johnston 2821203: Gary Boded 203/263(210. Mike TMoauon 600;,Roh Anderson 734. Doyg Leuabard',815. Gary Bedard 674;3/Mill Johnna 651 C•41820 basun 230. AlalaJliAllatip Eamon 265/291 pip, ,; Eamon 725n77. .4414146.4114 .F)4sun 262/265: 'Debbie Bedard 202120w239:•Nancy Sue Tbu*opson 238; Lieut./being 218: Tracy,1C)aver • 333. • 1,asun 725: Theasee.611.arld)6da4d 641. 040,318 45 filtsta 71,Mwi'ey's Miafus 68. ,Mjsmi NOM 66, $attate<YBad 38. Nies & Bolts 57, lin Spinners 51 .0 AMP 46•46141 Wij'i30) 1 ,14041Milf4511Mikklisn278 typn674. 10,; Wdbtpn.217/278: ,Robr'rn Hogarih 273;,ritiojpe Lovc .r4i;r411,11� Iloaty Verbargp.2(3/245. 0pb 7611391 0,,236:a ••w$40 4l 4501 12,30; peon BSc 223( 39. Dan tiolpn ;(1`�SI,.0N.04n.�•�0��3:0� $prtin VaaBakel 215; ..0749 a'Wr*•4ra.4� e5. RioOat i►Erk Axon . se Lave 44 .4on,NP3Rn /t4Ap lY;Vorhoga•,634:,1419DPIt •1�* D n-Ptipo106. INMAtikM14 Jokes Mortis 244. 4444-164.114wra I Janie, Giel4aaus 412.4001341 4007 1416' ItiaraleS (Fob 7t JHGIt SINGER; Dm Mot 299 111tH TRIFLE:: Elliot 75h RELLEit 111i1N_218: Playa: Albrecht -205 Bruce Unitarian 226. Merlin White. 212. Ron Stephen 280/248. Doug Hemet 227. Ralph Johnston 233. Gar!, Barmen 211/215/223. Ara VanDiepon- 268/213. Don Elliott 299/38/ TRIPLES OVER 418.; Arse Van Deepen 663. Don Ellion 758 icon Stephen 634 ,Gary Bennett 669 stlrr.H AV10i!G>` : Van IAepen 216 HIGH SINGLE:; Botuuo Bieber 22'9 111101' 11211 ; Jtranno Rtatdt 571 ajhilijj .- V r 2YO:Tdetma Coomb, 208: Bonnie Bieber 229. Joanna kaidt 210 !!(Gtr AVKI8AG18: Kathy Coombs 178 ,SThND1NQ 'SiwMrds 7) . Blue Jays 53. Eagles 49. Robins 55. Cardinals 36. Crows 51 (Jan 31, MIGIO1NGLE; Al Nicholson 288 �HL:t1 TILPL: Ralpltiohssusn 807 IMMO T IAPt2a0; ion 1)esgiwn 210/224: Gary Bennett 218/247. Atte VanDrepon 280. Mersin White 228. Run Stephen 274/220; Baru' unman 215/200. Kober/ Renlpe) 240: iialph Johnston 280/27712.51 1 T181�1.ILti t)VW( 649: Ane Van Deepen 637. Gary I1emlett 661- Ralph Johnston 807; Run Stephen 683 a.jj ev` ram 6..: yen Diepen 2)6, 1 IN1 i111�.: Marg Uaganan 276 !!hitt TRIPJAL M. Unganan 602 $ (GUS (IVIKAR9;Unparuus 276 11*G111 AVISRA(JIS: Kathy Coombs 178 1PLHi)y81i iso: Unganas 602 STANDINGS' Snobuds 67. Bina lays) 53. {:ashes 46,Rot*es 48. - Cardinal s 36. Crows 44. (Feb 7 ) Mai UnalaihiSala 3. Aubin 273. _ils1=_la_1; 1. Anhui 582 - 1 Moban 273: R Bounce 214. C Wey 206 Mj LSKIJ ;A..Woud229. W,ljl,_jy,_;; G. Gabon 613 R12aC�Jtl�.TtlA('l 425: A aloud 229(221; G. Ced(CII 2I1(201fZO1 Finlayson (92. (1 Miumiugs 190;-M. McClure 187; 8. Leuntwdt 380 : 0 Curbdr 613: A .Wood 565; M. hhinlaysull 511; J. Bailey 503. =AMMO (Jan 31) . E. Mau** 134 6usausiom E..Mat4.old 635 E M(auold 2141:1.Anhui 238; C,1Po4kras 235: A MgElmun 213: C. ,Way 211 MOW ,1114440$11141), awyv4 445401143* _ .A. ,Wtxld Mo. s till -M1 t 1 :Aai4Y 344/1114;,A44 1106203491111/6 mighoutu: J1,LWDAd 1. $Mky.• hilaSqk*We tit 09441IOWNLKY sbus3d **Ole d MIkPiattefi by 19940011904 AP a1' ctu4be tYpent 3 figiM tM NM - tivJt• AssPi040.1Kon 5C981$09,441) report sheets are AY/40414)4c At We ,»weal% or piliefIi ipvsl'kr Jtf4ce•