HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-01-22, Page 6.aaaa_a-ry M.
More new babies arrive in Dublin community
Happy anniversary to a
very spacial couple, Gord and
Deb Phillips who celebrated
a special day January 19.
Babies are always good
CJoeawlations to Jdlnatd
Joyce Devereaux on the Congratulations. to proud
happy arrival of a darling grandparents, Tom and
baby girl, Salah Elizabeth, Eileen Sloan and Jim and
born Jan..2.'Big sisters Terri Aare Devereaux. -
Lyn, Kristen and Deanna are Congratulations to Louis
happy tor haves baby sister. and Joyce De Decker on the
Seaforth W.I. to host district annual in May
by Dorothy Dillon
. 345-2842
happy arrival of as -darling
baby girl, Bernice, -born at.
Seafott -Hospital, Jan. 6. !lig
sisters Sylvia, Connie and
Kelly. and big brother 74evor
are thrilled to have- anew
member of the family.
Congratulations to Paul and
Barb McDougall • and to
- Cassie, Becky and Atex,
(who are thrilled to have a
new baby brother), on the
safe arrival of Q.uinton
Jeremy Paul, born Dec. 31.
Congratulations to proud
grandparents, Hank and
Shirley Kramers, and
Clarence and Lula
Joe Eckert was pleased to
'have a visit from John Eckert
and Tanya from Waterloo
Talk slow, but think quick'
The Seaforth Women's
Institute held its January
meeting at the home of ()lave
Papplc.-Olave welcomed
everybody and opeated with a
reading "Whoa Snow''. The
Opening Ode and Mary
Stewart Collect were repeat-
ed. Roll call was answered by
nine members. Minutes of
the last meeting were given
by Helen MacKenzie. Helen
gave the treasurer's report
and a rzpon from the district
Seaforth Women's Institute
Death saddens community
The Hensall Shuffleboard
scores for January• 14 are as
follows: Hazel McEwen 565,
Bill Coleman 477. Alice
Thiel 476. Doris Hamilton
455, Helen McKay 442. Theo
Vandenboom 424, Emma
Campbell 367. Hugh McKay Mitten. Deepest sympathy .is
343. . extended to his family.
At Hensall United Church Vice President Bev Moir
Rev. Peebles was the guest opened the January. meeting
minister with Belva Fuss pro- of the Cannel Presbyterian
viding music for the ministry Church Women with,.a poem.
of song. Evelyn Elder told Dorothy Taylor conducted
the children's story. Ushering the worship service using
duties were looked after by "Facing A New Year as her
Hilda Payne and Dennis . topic. Dorothy also was
Martin. The community was -pianist for the evening.
saddened to hear of the sod- Marlene Bell and Kathy Bell
den passing of Rev. Henry served the refreshments.
by Liz Sangster
Events rescheduled after storm.
The storms last week
caused some postponements
at the Branch. The general -
meeting will now be held on
Thursday. January 23 at 8
Rm •
The Sunday dinner origi-
nally scheduled for last
Sunday has been rescheduled
to February 2. Hopefully the
weather will co-operate with
us then.
February 8 the Honors and
Awards dinner will be held.
Tickets are now on sale:
by Barbara Scott
Please get yours as soon - as
possible. There will be
.karaoke entertainment after-
wards. We hope our snowbird
members . are enjoying
warmer weather than we are.
At the going dawn ol the
sun and in the morning we
will remember them. -
will be hosting the District adjourned. Lunch was served
annual in May. The meeting by the hostesses Jean Keys,
was turned over to Viola Viola Lawson and Anona
Lawson. Viola introduced the Crozier. Viola -thanked Olave
guest speaker. •Louise Sloan. tar having the meeting.
She gave us some very inter- The next meeting will be at
esting tips and points in the the Northside United Church,
home care field. Clarissa a special meeting Feb. 19.
Stewan gave the mono "Take 1997 at 1:30. The committee
Time to Read". will be Marjorie Roost and
The meeting was Gladys Doig.
Cookies chdn'tturn out well
Fun and Fitness got every-
one off to a good start
Monday morning as we
huffed and puffed Mir ,way
• through the exercise routine.
The afternoon was more
relaxing with many enjoying
a family video called Andre,
about a friendship between a
seal and a shy nine-year-old
girl: It was based on a true
story. Leader. Kim :Bilke and
her Girl Guides held their
regular meeting at
Queensway and spent time
with their buddies in the
Retirement Home.
The Tuesday church service
became a' communal effort
when our minister was
unable to come. -A devotional
was presented by staff and
volunteer Sharen Dignan
played piano while favorite
hymns were sung. • •
Pastoral cart= volunteer
• Winnie Hut -nn provided visi-
tation Wednesday afternoon
as well as leading bible study
for several interested resi-
dents. •
Baking group met Friday
Call Dave or
Gregor al 527-
0240 with your
news tips
cis Livestock
Local steers sell at Brusse
sales at Brussels Fed cattle: 597, cows: 378.
Livestock for the week end- veal calves: 292, lambs and
ing January 17, 1997. goats: 33; stockers: 717.
Fed cattle: 553; cows: 294; Thc market at Brussels
veal calves: 160; lambs and Livestock saw the fed steers
goats: light.run due to weath- and heifers selling steady.
er conditions; stockers: 668. Thc cows sold steady also.
Both fed steers and heifers Veal sold on a steady trade.
sold at steady prices on a There was a light run of
good strong .active trade. lambs which sold on a steady
Cows also traded steady. Veal market. Calves sold .$2.00 -
sold a steady trade. Friday $8.00 higher with yearlings
stockers sold steady. selling on a strong active
There were 311 steers on trade.
offer selling from 87.00 to There were 371 steers on
92:00 to the high of 101.00. offer selling from 87.00 to
Sixteen steers consigned by 92.00 to the high of 98.75.
Jim Howatt. Londesborough Eight steers consigned by
averaging 1446 lbs. sold- for Terry McCarthy. ,Dublin
an average of 91.22 with averaging 1377 lbs. sold for
sales to 101.00. an average of 89.98 with
There were 224 heifers on sales to 93.25.
offer selling from 87.00 to There were 210 heifers on
92.00 to the high of 98.00. offer selling from 87.00 to
Three heifers consigned by 92.00 to the high of 98.75.
Charles l+ischer, Brussels Four heifers consigned by
averaging 1195 lbs. sold for Murray Smith, Dublin aver -
an average of 88.93 with aging 1186 lbs. sold for an
sales to 90.00. average of 88.69 with sales to
Fourteen heifers consigned 91.00.
by Gerald Rathwell. Twelve heifers consigned
Brucefield averaging 1242 by George Roney. Staffa
lbs. sold for an average of averaging 1203.Ibs. sold for'
83.32 with sales to 88.50. an average of 86.57 with
sales to 89.75.
There were 294 cows on
offer selling from 28.00 to
51.00 to the high of 59.50
There were 18 bulls on
offer selling from'44.00 to
51.50 to the high of 58:50.
There were 160 veal on
offer selling plain hol:. 60.00
to 75.00; hol: 85.00 to
100.00: beef: 85.00 to
Five veal consigned by
John Schwartzentruber,.
Brussels averaging 660 lbs.
sold for an average of,94.87
with sales to 104.00.
Lambs: Due to weather too
few to determine trade.
The sales at Brussels
Livestock for the week end-
ing Jan. ID, 1997,
Four heifers consigned by
Charles Fischer, Brussels
averaging 1258 lbs. sold for
an average of 86.43 with
sales ro 88.25, -
Eight heifers consigned by
Gerald Rsthwell, ,Brucefield
averaging 1243 lbs. sold for
an average of 84.32 with
sales to 8730.
There were 378 cows on
offer ,selling .iron 30.00 to
53.00 to the high of.64;00.
There ,were 16 bulls on
offer ,stilling from 39.50 to
- 57:00 to Om high of'65.00.
There were 292 veal on
offer selling: plain hot: 50.00
.to 75.00; ,hol: 80100 ,to
100.00; beef: .85.00 ,to
Four veal consigned by
John Verburg. Londesboro
averaging 658 lbs. sold for an
average of 101.23 with sales
to 113.00.
Lambs: under 50 lbs.
180.00 to 200.00; 50 to 80
lbs. 175.00 to 200.00; 95 to
109 lbs. 142.50 to 147.50.
Sheep: 55.0() to 62.50.
The sales at Brussels
Livestock for the week end-
ing Jan. 3, 1997.
Fed cattle: 437; cows: 167:
veal calves 253: lambs and
goats 52; stockers: 379.
All weights of fed cattle
sold on a good steady trade.
On Thursday veal and lambs
sold steady. All classes of
stockers sold on a steady
There were 205 steers on
offer selling from 87.00 to
92.00 to the high of 101.00.
Eleven steers consigned by
Howard Martin. Brussels
averaging 1219 lbs. sold for
an average of 88.39 with
sales to 89.50.
There were 227 heifers on
offer selling from 87.00 to
92.00 to the high of 99.25.
Twenty-six heifers con-
signed by Paul Butter,
Londesborough averaging
1107 lbs. sold for an average
of 86.39 with.sales to 88.00.
Five heifers consigned by
'Bev Hamilton, Hensall aver-
aging 1.145 lbs. sold for .an
average of 86.90 with take. to
There were 167 cows on
offer soiling from 30.00 to
53.00 to the.high of 6250.
Ten hol. cows consigned -by
-Bill Van Nes,-Ethel averaging
1256 'lbs. sold. for an.aversige
of 45.20 with sales to 55.00.
There •were 253 veal on
offer selling: plain hol: 50.00
.10 75:00; hol: 85:00 to
100,00; . beef: 50,00 .to
afternoon and created deli-
cious ginger muffins. We
were not so fortunate with
our oatmeal chocolate cook-
ies. Welire not sure what went
wrong. but it could have been
something to do with. "too-
toomany hands".
Friendship Friday evening
in the retirement home
lounge went ahead as
planned even though our
entertainer Doug Insley was
unable to make it through the
inclement weather. Residents
enjoyed a card party instead.
January 23. 7 p.m. Birthday
Party, "Games Night".
February 7, 7:30 p.m.
Friendship Friday in the
Retirement Home Lounge
with Clare Masse and
Andrew Rau.
Court news
We are re -running last
week's court news which left
our office making sense but
was rearranged in Goderich
before press time and subse-
quently paragraphs were
placed down in an incorrect
We apologize to our readers
and to those named in the
story for the mix-up.
SSP News Staff
Two Seaforth area men
pleaded guilty to possessing
cannabis during Goderich
criminal court Jan. 6.
Derek Gridzak, a 21 -year-
old from Seaforth, and Allan
Kling. a 22 -year-old. from
Egmondville. represented
themselves and were tried at
the same time for the offense.
Court was told, OPP on
patrol saw three males exit a
parked vehicle in Seaforth
Nov. 23 at 1 a.m.
Police smelled marijuana
coming from the vehicle.
Gridzak told police he had
shared his joint with, Kling.
Police found a baggie con-
taining a small amount of
marijuana when searching
In the car's console, police
found a baggie of marijuana
which Gridzak said belonged
to him.
Gridzak:and Kling were
both fined $100 or one day in
jail for the offense.
A 24 -year-old Seaforth man
caught driving after losing his
license for a:drinking and dri-
ving charge, . was sontoneed to
60 days in jail.
William P. Campbell plead-
ed guilty to .operating a vehi-
cle while he was disqualified.
Court was -told Goderich
OPP stopped Campbell as he
was driving in Seaforth for a
seat -belt violation Oct. 24.
At that time, police discov-
-ered Campbell had lost his
license . for a year from a pre-
vious -drinking and driving
conviction June 24.
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