HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-01-15, Page 9MYwow 11111ppslt111Mt ,wry ts, timer -11 ROAST BEEF DINNER at Mallon Hall. Sunday, January 19, 4-8 p.m -Adults ,57.00 Chddreu 63.50 Proceeds to support the Watton Miall. CE -03x1 UNE DANCING starts January 16 1997 at bleafortn and Dtatnct Community Centres at 7 p.m For more wttornytson phone Sherry at 527-1307. CE -03-1 SINGLES a DANCE Sunday -January 19th at the .Wtngham Legion Hall. Dancing from 7 p.m to 11 p.m. Music by The Country Trlutladows Dress cock Cr 03xlcc ALZHEIMER SOCiETY of Huron County 'Walk For Memories-. an -indoor winter walk -a -than, . - Saturday: January 25. 9:30 a: -m 12.30 p.rn at your focal High School CE' -03x Icc CHRISTOPHER Course i, beginning 1145 First 25 ratite wilt leach you to ettectiveiy, win ptropl ideas develop skit confidence beeorn organize your the your feet. control you - - For more information call Tom and Joanne 2152 CE -02-2. - - "JEAN -GHARES: Meeting Thursday, J Goode Cowmous_ Persons it Lunen a "n Tickets availatrie •02xLcc . - CLASSES oerng "Ober Hobby Shop are begmr losses, starling Monda 2C. 7.9 p rat , 6 weeks, Jlocnely 1 Sta5, rting' W dnesday • -knitting with 9 on 8 weeks starting cotton AAortday Marc P.ni 5 -weeks,, nbban e strafing Wednesday. M p.m' - 3 weeks Fo information c31i The Ho .627-2010 or.. at 53 Seafornr CE -02:2 LEADERSHIP Jan. 20. Cost. !rants CLC 1 bwldings• Serving Mitchell. Dublin spew more Sebnngvdle and surrounding area e over to your Please call 519-335-6366 or la is and self- 5i9-335.6663.0138xtfcc e a leader - MOF AND POWELL think on . Centres,. him r stage tripht complete ane of lambs r stagettnghtration and building materials. Free esti Malde mates. 18 Highway, Mitchell Tot Y 345- tree 1-800-863-6977. .1411111CLIC9FOR SALE: FOR -SATE! Firewood, welt eltled, hardwood. $30.00 per cord No ds4ivery. Phone 263-5151 aper 6 pm. 01-02)42 DOUBLE BED aluminum5par snowmobile Meier,e nose cone, spare Ore, 3 years 010 Exosilent condemn Asking $500 firm. Call 366-2895 01-02x4nxe FOR SALE Folk Harp with coyer tuning key and mstrucuonal video rand books. $1800 or best otter Phone 527-0783 evening:. 0 02x. OVERHEAD DOORS: Loolung tor a commeraal or r�estdentfai door then give Jim a call at Centra Door Norah We are drotrtbutors .no, Raynor and Gaga Overhead Maces We sell service and install overhead doors. Quality � products at competitive futons. in doors tor term driving sheds dairy barns and commeraar loin' Halt FREE CLASSIFIED AD January- 16 Do. you have an nevi for sale GenGerm'''. 390 whtch is less than $207 Pisco it . 3 0 FREE for one insertion m the 5 C 11 3E ArUGes for Sale column of - Huron E The Expositor. Thu ad must b - 25 words or less and the cost of the item must eu at Tne Tnis•afferappear In tau ad iers kniuini9 - nesses.phoee does. 27-0240 to bus. . January 527-0240 . before Monday 1 p.m to place_your ad Innyr� _ tit 01- -. . @ entre: , PICTURES gunners Have h 3 7-9 you left a piece of your mbrout 7- with The Huron Ea Vast Poem d c Mar 13. 7.9 rY have a number of unclaimed pre tures on tile, You:can pick them up. at our r more bey Shp u office 100 Marra S p Seaforth-M St m Male St ondaY through Friday, 9 1 - a.m - 5 p.m. 01,-01-tfnxe • 1 r • REN7 GEARED LIQUiC) MANURE rREMDVA- R`'.AGRI Cali Jeff -1eVnelt 519-34fi-2.371, r�4-Jr�••-.t i TWO BEDROOM house and smali shop on approximately one acre lot, lust 5 minutes east of Godertch on Hwy. 8: new fagn ethciency.oil furnace Pnce negotiable• 482 5357 12-03xttcc FOR RENT. Luxury Florida condo St Pete s Cleanraier area. 2 beorooms, 2 baths, 150 per day Jar • 26 to Feb. 8. Local owner Phone 1-519-273-3501. 14-02-2 16. FOR:BEVT PARTY TENT RENTAL No hassle met up. anywhere, fantastic rates tor weekday use (anniversary, birthday, shows/sales) Tiesma Industrial Coverings. 482-3540. 16-03x icc apartments 10 to Income Clinton, Exeter and Godencn tor women and children who have experienced abuse, 0811 Phoenix of Huron. 524-1820, 482- 5288, 235.3183. 17-02x2cc HENSALL Freshly ground hoer •one apartment with pnvate rachides eppltanoes 6265.00 TWO BEDROOM tarn house recently renovated located Av between 1 olhagen and Winthrop abit March 1 References requned Phone 545-21(18 18-03-2 TWO BEDROOM houseand wean �p lust 5 minuses east of Ciodench on Hwy 8 row (ugh efficiency oil furnace $500.00 monthly plus mettles References Phase Avaifabe February is: -482-5657 18.03xttcc THREE BEDROOM house tor ren t 2 Woks from uptown Seatorth le.00 per month plus utilises Phone 527-28 18-02xGas 2 FOUR fit FOUR -BEDROOM Egmondvtlle Available house 1- bin heat Jan. 1. Cies 5650 per month uekuee• extra Phone 482-6427 18-01-e MOVING INTO area and have immediate need tor a 3 bedroom and country house, preferably farm property In the Yon a Sealants, htbllkton • Mrtc/tetl area. Rbasecall as soon as Possible with detyls 905-774-3174. 24-03xtcc WANTED TO BU Y: Newer h in Seafonh and otr, no area. Dash buyer: no real estate agents. Reply stating a description of house and pnce wanted to: Drawer 4084 co The Huron Expositor. Box 69, Seafoith On. NOK 1WO. 25-02x2 FULL TIME herdsperson required condworled forlarrow to linrsti operation. Farm - bedroom experience en asset Phone alter 6 entrance, P.M. 519-522-1795 26-03-2 - -ANNUAL MEETING , or Cemetery Board and Plot • Wednesday, January 22. 1 p,m .: Brucekeld. United --CE-02x2cc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS - -__- - - G Owners- eat the -Par 997 at 2 ofbce Huron Expositor Ais Church nine weekly newspapers apa The.Walkeupn Herald Trines The .n Mncher vocate The Clinton 02 News-Record,The Godench Signal Star The Lakeshore Advance AN (Zurich Shoreline News. (Pon Elginl, Kiecardlne News, cuoknow 3 beer Sentinel and The Huron Expositor Hen 01 -01 -tame pain the lode 2827..17-01-tt 1981 Che" pickup Best otter FOR Baird s For your reading pleasure we have available onthiy hist and last all 1-519-243-2123 or 7-02xticc requued FULL TIME cook required. 262-3146 resume Im 10Drop Os Restaurant (forrmerrljy The Bistro). 5 - Main St. Seafarth. 28-03-1 coni ---__ Se -forth, LOOKING for student for bedroom work, after school and farm rad stove ,Could work into full time summer -0921. 17= Position, Call.845-2198, 26,03-2 ROUND - FLOOR 1 peer apartment, near Main Si. ° 2 small . 1 nments, fridge g Fltrrled Phone ,527 x2 • -ALL SENIORS please loin our King and Queen_ from our Snowflake Ball tor an evening of dancing to • Ute Zurich Connection Band on January. 16, 1997'at 7 p.m. at the Seaton!, Manor Retirement Home in the -basement Interaction room . ' Fbr: more Inforrria�tion call 527- 0030 CE -02-2 • SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday: 1st end 3rd Monday of each month 5760 Jackpot 2nd slid 4th 31,000 ' Jackpot. Doors penal a t 5:30 'p.m: Ticketopen at S. D. C . C sales 6:30 p.m _Lottery. licence irM297196. CE -0;41 1. ARTICLES FOR SALL. FOR SALE:- Motorized treadmill; barely used. Cali 887-9348. 01-- 03x2c - SOFA BED country b� pattern. Excellent cixlditign: Phan 527-0296. 01-03x1 PROPANE FURNACE 114, BTU's, upright propane turnece • X800 BTU's. Call 34572076 atte 4 p.m. 01-03x2c FOR SALE Maternity clothe baby toys, infant clothing 9 mon and under, 2 infant snowsuits. A in excellent condition. Phone 62 • 1166. 01-02x2 MOVING SALEGrey sectional/sofa bed $300:00; beige sectional *60.00, glass top coffee and end tables $100.00, mini -stereo *60.00, weight .bench :$40.00; Brownie uniform *20.00; 2 large . area rugs, $60.00 each • PhOne 233-3460. 01-02x2cc EXCELLENT Oom apartments in I, hydro, fridge and a t included. So much dQftar you.'have to se y Call Steve or Shelly FULL OR PART TIME hen p value on 1, 2.and required for retail business in Hensel] Seaforth. Reply. to Drawer 14085 Nov is c/o The Huron Expositor P.O. Box room for .69, Seaforth, On. NOK IWO e- one 26-03-2 at 262- .220984, 06-03-2 moor 1983 CHEV pelf ton, 114,000 km. PC. en suite, .cylinder automatic -E 6495 Jan 03xlcc EGM secon stove. 1987,Skidob in excellent condition. Call 2 31600. 0.8.0. Call 348-0967. 7F - 03x2cc SECO -- ---- --- apartrne 1981 Arctic Cat Jag. 440, good wood shape. runs excellent, great heat, fr x060 second machine *600,00 090 heat. fr e Ce11482-6870 leave 03x Sec nlesaa9e- 7F- Ladner 2369. 1 RENT 3 le home, 2 baths, 4 pc. suite, barge yard, Se .00 piu"s uti 1st. Cell 273-6867 17-01-tf SMALL BUSINESS ADVISORS required to conduct Bassa s Plan bedroom 80. It evaluations and 10 mentor email and 6 business start-up. Business plan alorld analysts, cash flow condition Phone 524-8730 0g t es Available ONDVILLE • Two bedroom d -floor, -gas heat, fridge. first and last. Available now 33-3307. 17-01-tf ND FLOOR, one bedroom nt, hardwood floor, natural work Combined Iivirigrogm Rent Includes Idge, stove. (Hydro, extra) y in basement. Cali 527- 7-01-t NGL1 �----- two bedroom, d fridge inclujed, . quiet looar:hen. Gall - a le Dec. 1. 17-01-t APARJMENTS Two -2 apartments, .*400 plus each month, one small 2 apartment, *350,00 plus per month, 2 bachelor Is. $360.00 utilities 0811.482-7632 17-45xtfcc HILL apartments. 45 Street. Clinton. 2 11'2 baths, air storage. conUolled prinkling system friendly. Call 482454 . 17.361tttcc 000 1882 Yamaha Excell 3, 34 n10 ONE Si excellent condition Very stove an i dePendable Aging $1600.00 lamellas OBO- Phone 519-622-0603. 7F- 4994. Avtulab 03x1cc s, CLINTON Ibis 1979 JOHN DEERE free 340 bedroom II arr, immaldate condition, utilities 7- 81,000. or best Offer. Phone 622- bedroom 1646. 7F-03x2c utihlies pace on new 18y ,�mpet ors i dish including $350 worthoftree programming (ends Jan, 31/97) I.iA.Southweiat Satellite .0411day or night (519)524.9595 SPECIAL PURCHASE 12 VOLTaAERY 550 amp. 63/4x10"x8" is 65 BtcAFORTH 619.62740120 CiE aparlmen included TWO •YEAR old spayed tamale MAPLE loveable e. Black Lab. Free to a good Charles Phone 522-1616. 10.03-1 -- bedrooms NEEDED. Older e:pan r cat. VeryA good home lou ex (le affectionate but not,used entry, s to children or other pets. Phone -,46 - 88 627-0783 evenings. IO•02x2 °r 482-7862 FOR SALE Purebred . Shelties. u dShelties. Reedy to (go ,clan. 10. Call 627 0 63. 10-02x2 GOLDEN RETRIEVER registered hips and yes Guaranteed, first shots, tatie0ed Phone 1-619,361-1486. 10.02rt4cc PUREBRED Rottweiler ,ptf9s Ask for Jeff or Diane. (619),482- 7762. 10-03x2cc 11G. FARM EQUIPMENT 180 -M F -TRACTOR p.s., multi power $5000• -Take trade. Tpunt axle trailer with beaver tail plu braces 81400. Call 519-848-2753s` 11 G-03x2cc Rifin �rrwttas' . lho Inovernen! 101 active, healthy Irving CLINTON -One bedroom 4Perhnent, *315,00 monthly. plus utililies. Available August 1-P hone 616-2294365 17dt8xtfcc $365 TWO MONTHS FREE Rent 1 1fAom and bachelor apt in .SeatOrth Available Immediate) fridge and stoves y starting al 6282 plus utilities. Phone 619- 393-6'62 I leave mosses°, l 7-01-tf NEWER 2 _1 --"`- bedroom unit,,Miell Controlled entrance, facilities Suitable for �,,�tph�jepmfe $676.18. GeU 348-9192..17.0 c APARTMENTPOR RENT One bam rrooapartments availabk Brussels. Fridge & stove supplied Laundry facilities in building, Rent is pared to your income with utiliti= included. Maximum rent is 4423.00 Call Shirley al 1.4140.265-1720 1 people skills re9lired • ....vsieig and occaswnal Coervictract for business services Please send resume by Jan. 24/97 to the Huron County Small Business Resource Centre, Att'n C. Leeming, Box 1120, Seaforth, NOK 1 WO 26-03x lcc The Huron Epogjt0rSS DS �s oft CornpMrs Maps 22. Lois its For Rer,• 09 Automotive 23 Commerc :a Procan 10 Pets For Herr 24. We n,ad to Fier, 25. Warned to tau 26 Hap *mew: 27 W1lrsed Genera 28.8rWiess opooruryt\ 29 renews 30. Employment Went, 3 service ()tremor, 32. rsaoyamru 33 44somientious 34 Person, 3 Notice to Creditor, 11J. Farre Lana Annonoe 11K Fame Real lade - 37. munet11ef1t 5 9a- Auction that 12 Hee( Estate For Sale 39. EOtroaticna• 13. mobile pones 40. Lost 8 Fauna 114.6 Vacation Properties 41. To Give Away 12. Deaths 17 Apartments For Rpt 43. Burins 18. Houses For Rant 44. Endowment, 19 Rooms For Rent 45. Menages 20. Rooms 3 Beam 46. inMomoriam DRAtium FOR rr-AS8 47. Cams of Thanks For o ther.papers Deadline is M jNDAY 11200D MONDAY 1909 9111 �>Uead/iae is MONDAY 11(90 AM 25 WORDS - One Week $ ra0t0es plias DST weeks $4.00 ea. week. Additional words 20 •60 •a week. three 62.00 hill be added if billing is necessary cents. An additional in A4emhanks & B or�K - 65.00 plus 35 cents per ane of verse - additoral word .lU cents Announcements - 25 words 55.00. lsacl: We are also able to place word ads in the following Goderrch, Clinton, Mitchell, l:ucknow. Kincardine, Walkerton & Port Elgin,. By Papers W can place the a Placwg an ad in The Zurich cmc ad (25 words or Huron he above Papers for an additional 63.00 Masa in any of the above THESE PRICES ARE; PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Mopday.to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 P51 29. TENDERS C.E. Coning Swims 01 Articles For bale 03. Garage/Yard acne 04 Ailiques & An 4A. Crabs & Hobbies 05. Cara For Bait 06 Trucks For Bale 7A For kyle (senora, 79 Wanted To Su, 7C Wantisd To Her' 7D. bicycle, 7E. Motorcycies ATVs Etc 7F. snowmobiles n Ecenprnen 70 Rec. Vehicle, Campera8 Trailers 7H. 8aats. Motors 6 Manna 7.1 thews Pana 8 HePeirs 7F(, Eivelniming Pod s 11A. t%or •ale GOMM' 118. Wanted Tetley 11 C. Athiniad To Hire 110. employment 11E. IJsieMocx 1$F Farm Product i1G. Farmegii4ntMm 111 Earth Bermes Tie Byron qty Itrd Milduatios will accept applications for the following: CONTRACT CUSTODIAN ,ODER I Plainly marked sealed tenders Will be r I cleBlgned prior to 12:00 received by file un_ I for contracting custodial se con, Friday, January 24, 1997, . Vanastra, Ontario, etiectivee Feb atVa1, 19 7:PSchool All interested ry 1997: • parties must attend an information meeting pi tour of the facility .at 3:30 p.m. on Monte 20,.1997. All tenders Y• January forms, Which. must -be sudtltittgd•on offttkal tender Thowest h will be available only at the time of the tour. ory tender may not necessarily be'accepted. 1 We thank those. who submit a tender and advise oni those i who. are _chosen for an interview y will receive a reply. Shelley King • Business Manager • • Huron County Board of Eduction 163. Princess Street East Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 R�,, �Brown Chair staV Sparling's Propane is a growing, value-added propane marketer , providigg service to customers in Southern Ontario DATA rFTV Immediate openi• CLERK ng Imnt p ng at our BI individual with. excellent communication kaliffice fur a detall-oriented song f skills, responsible for data mmunfcatiorl and fnterpeisonat with computerized accounting. alintry Applicants must.be familiar programs• and type a minimum f 75 words t' wordprocessing secondary education and Secondar peerrminute. Post experience required. Y education chid Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m . January 24, 1997. Apply in person to Jim Gilmore: Sperling's Propane Co. 14 Highway 4 South Blyth, Ontario NQM 1H0 Telephone: 519-523-42,56 TolviiivAd try . .l poo -,Services Town and Country.Sypport home support 'workers Services requires shifts in prkers to ,work •a variety of 1h. You .would ,be support people .with personal': care, ho meal preparati.-)n in their .home pipg •time d. A . SP pA ,E lalusi. trertw Since tis i • The hours %are part-time ,and include days, .evenings, nights,ac�c{.wse ds. cations: •IteJccellent communication skills *Level 11 Holme Support certifi or.eperlence In s ate Preterrecf in their homepol tiBtUvidtlls •transportation esseetial Reply to: - Town and Country Support Services PO. Box 969 Wingt/am, Untarifo NOG 2W0 P. Carroll Director 26. HELP WA1y'1'Ep -NEEDED Chrid Care Provider to - come into our theme. 1-3 children APProx 2 days per week to start. plus eves and weelur41ds as needed Must•havo trarisportatior,- and bo willing to drive: ctuidren to amanitas as needed Some mea, preparation, etc. Some shop notice call -ins rind odd hours Availability • very important. Ii Interested, please lax reply to 622-0708, including expected rate at pay 26-02-2 MAN WITH tools, truck and trailer available for small jobs. Call Cam Holland 527-004 30.02x3 31. SERVICE I/RRECTORY CAR AND TRUCK Triune and flDer repairs. custom . welding. trailers. truck rocks, race car building. Rear of 30 Birch St. Seaforlh, 522-0g*6 or -627-2208 31.020 -FAX-ifidiYrCE Have your important documents faxed at the Hlupn Expositor office. 100 Main St., Seatorth. tat .p6pe -.8Vr x 11 14,90. a Ilgnpl pi p to same photoumber O To reeekm a lax at opt elope the post is $1.O0par attain. (AST extra), Fpr more.inlorrtyttion Phone 527-0240.,31-01xtr HEP/jtR ,41t1D :8 FINISHING of furniture ,and antiques. h 1x0$09, .Also custom made furniture buflt.to yppr plans. Robert Kerr, pOl, s$.911fp0h.,Phone 527 0786. 31 -01 -if ' aftaliar •TR E At18Tp • T0�1L • WPC Susi Ms OFFICE &SHOP....482. R3 Clinton ....