HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-01-01, Page 9(17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO SWOON 1111,OSIV''OIt, Jtarwery 1, IMP -0 Cm. cosomanstas -e q.MOf44STER EUCHRE TOURNAt11ENT,.S1 Joseph's R.0 :Ohurch. Ofallon. Wednesday, Alsnusuy-Sth, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 an • prises Lunch provided _Everyeetewelcome 'Sponsored by Knghts of _Columbus of-0lxtcc •NOTICE The Women's 8hMter ..and Counselling Service of Huron and Phoenix of Huron regret to :announce that they aro no longer ,able to financially support the Women's Resource Centre due to funding cuts The Centre will dose February 28 it no outer plan is put into place There will be a community rnlormatton meeting to discuss possibilities tor Community ownership to be held on Tuesday. January ' 1997 at 7 p.m. at the Women s Resource Centre At interested persons are invited to attend GE -01 WINTER SWIM and Fitness Program at Vanastra Recreation Centre starts Jan t 1997 Call 482-3544 to register CE-52x3cc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday 1st and 3rd MondaS o' eacr month $750 JacKpc: 2nd and 4th Monday $1.00:. Jackpo: Doors open at 5.30 a r Ticket sales 6.30 p rr S.D C Lottery hcencr ##M29719€ GE -0l -t' (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE MAKE 12 MONTHLY payments of $4151 ano a beautitu+ new iivrngroom suns Is yours, tnc1. sofa toveseat, chat. Call toil tier. 1-80c• 667-589E Marten, Furniture Kitchener 01-01 i • • DOCTOR STYLE norso buggy to, sate. $500 00 Galt 524-4167.._ 01. 01-x3nxr APPLE: Northam Spy! Ren . Delicious. 51 Louisa St Seatortt Call 527-0622 01-01,1 SEASONED lstored inside firewood for salt $48 per core deemed. $40 per cord, picked uG Pnone 263-5504 01-01- t' BRAND NEW Ultrassage massage chair. Best offer Pnone 482-7439 01-52 SAVE 1899.00 GAVE New 18- mini -dish, we blow our competition away Includes •$350.0G worth of free programming With 15 years experience L. & P Southwest Satellite can for all your satellite and antenna needs (519) 524 9595. Cali oay or night. 01-49xtfcc OVERHEAD DOORS. Looking tor' a commercial or residential door. Men give Jim a call at Centra Door Nortt, We are d►stnbutors for Raynor and Garaga Overhead doors We sect service and instal overhead doors Quality products at competitive pr►oes. Specializing in doors for farm driving sheds dairy barns anti oommeroial buildings. Serving Mttchelt, Dubbn fiebringvilie and surrounding area Please call 519-335.6386 or fax 519436-8663. 01.38xtfcc MOFFATT AND POWELL Sending Centres, complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates. 08 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1.800.8634977. 01.01-11 FREE CLASSIFIED AD Do you have an item for sale whtch is Jess N.: n $20? Place it FREE for one insertion in the Arhoies for Sate column of The Huron Expositor The ad must be 25 words or less and the 00st of the item must appear in the -ad This offer does -not apply to bust- nesses.Phone 527-0240 before Monday 1 p.m. to place your ad 01 -01 -time PICTURES Have you telt a piece of your past with The Huron Expositor? We have a number of unclaimed pic- tures on file. You oan pink them up at our office, 100 Main 8t. 5. 8eaforth Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 01-01-tfnxe WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pheasure we have available at the Huron Expositor olhce nine weekly newspapers The Walkerton Harald Timee, The Mitchell Advocate. The Clinton News -Record, The Goderioh,8ignpl Star. The Lakeshore Advance •(Zurich). Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Luoknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor 01.01 •dnxe EX ERS' WATCH • CLOCK 4'j8WELLIRY WALLS Free Estimates • East Service SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 527-0270 PETS 1• FOR SALE; Purebred (no papers) male Cooker Spaniel, 10 months old. all shots Preferably to a country home. Phone 527-2094 10.01.11 111 FARM LAND +WANTED tend to share crop lac .4997. 100 acres or more in ibealol'th -area Apply to Drawer 46003. GJo The Huron Expositor, i$ost419, Seatorth On NOK 1W0. 11.148-6 (16. FOR REN! PARTY TENT RENTAL No hassle anywhere tantasuc rate:, tor weekday use (anniversary otrthday shows/sates, Tiesma tndustnai Govenngs 482.3540 18-01x1cc TWO BEDROOM apartment near Main c Seatorhi fridge and stare. Available now $350 per montn. Utilises extra Phone 527- 0622 17-01x2 AN EXCELLENT value on 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments in Hensalf Heat, hydro, fridge and stove, fresh paint Included. So much room tor the dotter you have to see one today. Gall Steve or Shelly at 262 2827 17.01-N FOR RENT 3 bedroom 80 ft mobile home, 2 baths. 4 pc. and 6 pc -ensutte, targe yard. Seatorth. $495.00 plus utilises Available Jan 1st Call 273.8857 17-01-11 EGMONDVILLE Two bedroom second floor, gas heat, htdgo, stove, first and second. Available now. Call 233-3307 17-01-0 SECOND FLOOR, one bedroom apartment. hardwood floor, natural woodworl, Combined tutchen,hvingroom- Rent- includes heat fridge. stove (Hydro. extra; Launory in oasemenl Call 527 236' 17-01-tt ONE SINGLE 1 two oedroorr stove and fudge included. laundry tacthees. quiet focauon Call 524 4994. Available Dec 17-01-e CLINTON APARTMENTS Two - 2 bedroom apartments. 1400 plus utilities each month, one small 2 bedroom apartment, $350.00 plus utilities pc- month 2 bachelor apartments $350.00 utilities included. Call 482-7632 17-45xttcc MAPLE HILL apartments 45 Gnarier Street Clinton. 2 bedrooms 1 e baths air exchanger storage .controked entry sprinkling system wneetchair lrrendry. Cali 482-9454 or 482-7862 17-36xtfcc CLINTON One bedroom apartment, $315.00 monthly plus utibties. Available August 1. Phone t-905-852-3754 or 519-229-8365 17-28xticc TWO MONTHS FREE Rent 1 bedroom and bachelor apt in Seatorth Available immedaalety triage and stove supplied. starting at $282 plus utilities. Phone 519- 393-8921 ieave message 17.01-11 NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell Controlled entrance, laundry SaoithIes Suitable for seniors 076.18. Ca11348-9102. 1702xticc 18. HOUSES FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM house for rent. near Seatorth Public School. $460 per month utilities extra. Available now. Phone 627.0022. 18-01x2 HOUSE FOR RENT: .3 -bedroom house on blacktop road west of Winthrop. Availablo now Phone 027-0165 18.62x2 • THREE-BEDROOM house torrent. 2 blooks from `uptown Beaforth. 9025.00 per month plus utilities Available immediately. Has heat. Phone 6274816. 18-010 MOOSRN 2 bedroom oountry home.with family room, 1Vs.bsths, carport, on paved road north of Sesforth Phone 627-0870. 18- 60x3cc FOUR BEDROOM house in Egmondviilo. Available Jan 1. Gas heat 9660 per month. utilities extra. Phone 482-5427. 18-01-tf 226;HEI1P•WANTED LARGE FINANCIAL Services Company accepting $pphioattons from honest, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit All training available. Send resume to Exeter Pest Office, Box 83, NOM 186. 28-624 (30, EMPLOYMENT WAKPED MAN WITH TRUCK will do odd lobs. Phone Gam Holland, 627- 0954. 30-51x3 (26. HELP WANTEI) N. 26. HELP WANTED r TTHE CORPORATION OF THE t: VILLAGE OF ZURICH CLERK` sAesURER (Employment contract position) The meteors is responsible tor adrrvrestenng the business affairs of the municipality in accordance with the policies and programs established by the Council Responsible tor all of the Mandel duties otthe Village, Including the preparation of me annual budget praparabon and oosecoon of all tax and noir-tax revenues anti payment 01 expenditures A tut lob descnpeon is available at the Municipal Otece Quasticaeons' -A strong tenanisat background or an accounting designation Win expenence is essentw -an AMCT derognaeon preterred .possesses strong management, communication and laced skate, -computer experience an asset Salary This is a contract position. Remuneration wit be based upon quatiticaeons of successful candidates Qualified applicants are invited to apply to wnnng including complete resume by January 9, 1997.at 12:00 noon. Mr. Dwayne LaPorte, Reev, Visage of Zunch 22 Main Street. West, Box 28( Zuncn, Ontano NOM 2T0 N. 29. TENDERS 29. TENDERS ti s The Huron County Board of Education Invites Proposal, from any interested patties to form a joint partnership to provide the schools and the broader Huron Counts Cons muntty with edaeatioaaLand community services through access to the Internet. Proposals must be received no hater than 4:00.p.m. January 17th, 1997. All interested panties must:atttend inaaformation meeting at the Education and Learning Resources Centra on Friday. January 19th. 1997, at 2:00 pan. For farther istorination, interested.appiicants should appI in writing or email to: Janet Beird.Jackson Superintsndeetof Business 'The Huron County Hoard of Education 163 Princess Street East Clinton, Ontario - • NOM 1LO A. Carter Chair jbj(iihuronededuion.ca 11 (0 t P. Carroll Director stiai� [31. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 � HURON VIDEO AND SOUND Installation eyelet ie for your Ghnstmas computer hardware, software or mini dish system. Calf Steve 887-9434. 31-62-2 FAX SERVICE Have your important documents faxed at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Matn St., Seatorth. 1st page - 814 x 11 44.00, add tonal pages to same phone number $1.00 To receive a tax at our entice the Dost is 11.00 per sheet (t3ST extra). For more information phone 5274240. 31.01xtt REPAIR AND :REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, hsndstripping, •also custom made furniture Melt to your plans. Robert Kerr, RRa1,.8ealorth. Phone 627- 0786. 31-01-0 .AUUMINUMAND CUSTOM WELD- ING, ornamental raikng, trailers. custdm hitches, pig/cattle penning. machinery repairs and fabricating Phone Peter, De Jong 623.4816. Londesboro. 31-01-0 9040TO copiES Photocopying Service.avaaiable at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main 61., 8eafotth. 814 x 11 copies -.25 cents per sheet, 8Va x 14 copier. - .85 vents per sheet, (GST end -PST extra). Phone 627.0240 31.01.11nxe 1 -011 • Lira Cleaning d Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 A'attoir an Meat Mar H , 83 - 3 1 2 miles east of Tryusfor • CU$T0A4KILUNGattd ?ROGUING Kill Days� -T�uesdays OUR $P(CIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed mealy the way you like it. 419/O124IG411MNEL *SAND 6 $10N • swam° • e4(CAVAIIII0 • TOPSOIL . SSPTIC SWIMS MS OFFICE A� Op4f� j� & SHOE...'lYtm V 3 Cl) t - -pais. 452-9212 34. PERSONAL 1 1 A.A. II you think you have a drink mq problem Alophohcs Anonymous has worked for millions .Call 627- 1660 or toll hoe i-800-708-9833 34.01-0 ARE YOU kving _ with a drinking problem? Al Anon oan help. Phone 527.1860. 34-01.1 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 AD AND NEWS DEADLINE The deadline for news Dopy, clas- sified and diepiay advertising for The Huron Expositor, Seslorth is Monday at 1 p.m Phone 527- 0240 36.01-tfnxe 37. MORTGAGES 1 N & laruoh& by It ettuoney Absokasy Nom Fees Available as tow IAS Psreornlloana A f< augktakfy ms 1-.nt A 41,88 '10,000 • 83.33 '15,000 '128.00 Coneolidste debts Cahl(�1fh, $$34211 18r 00187. 632 A*TRAL FUNDING INC. 42. DEATHS MCKENZIE, Bongos: In her 84th year Entered into rest at Sunnycrest Nursing Home on Deoember 23rd, 1996. Bernice Domino?, beloved wife of the late Henry (Mao) McKenzie of Osshawa. ,.Pledeoeased by her parents Mae -iDonanoe and Sam Dorranoe of tieaborth. Pradeoeased by her brothers John Dorrance of St Gatherings and Stan Dorrance of North Bay. Lovingly remembered by hereister-in-law Emily Dorrance of North Bay. Bernice will be sadly missed by her aunts and many cousins. Rested .a1 the Armstrong Funeral Home, 124 King Street East, Oshawa (906) 433-4711 with visitation on Friday, December 27 from 2-4 and 7-9. Interment will 'take place .at Maitland 1$ank Cemetery, Seatorth, On, in ,.the spring. Memorial donationsarz the Ontario Heart and Stroke Fowid8lioriaaartd,b0.appreciated. 42-01V1 J The Buron Expositors L CLASSIFIEDS C.E coming Events Or An)das For Sae. 03 (tarage/Yera Sate 04 Anaquee 8 An 4A Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sere Oki lrueks For Sate MOM 7A For Sale General 78 Wanted To Buy 7C Wetted To Rent 70. tango:, 7E Motorcyciac ATV's . Etc 7F, snowmobiles 6 Equpmen. 7G Roc Vehicles Campers 8 lraters 71-1. Boats. Motors 8 Menke 7J, Service Pans 6 Repairs 7K. S is -nine Poo/ h Supplies Orn Computers VWps Et. O i Automotive 10 Pats 1111111111111111 11/1. -Perigee Genreal 118 wanted To Buy 1tC. Warted To Htre 11D. Employment Whites 11E. Lkrestock 11F Farm Product 110 Paint Equipment 11N Farm BeMVk:es 11J F817711.3110 11K Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sete 13. Moble Homes 14 Vacation Pimentos 16. For Ren•. 17 Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms a Board 22 late For -nen: 23 Cenvrwrdat ProPPIS' Forgers 24 Wanted To Ren' 25 Warted Tolley 26 Hato welted 27 Wanted General 28 Bosoms Oppornutlty 20 Tenders 90 Emotoyment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32 BarweMp 33 MNsceaaneous 34 Persona 35 Notice To Credilor-, 36 Announcement. 37 Mortgages 98 Auction sate S9. Educations, 40 Lost 8 Found 41 To Gore Away 42.Deams 43. hirers . 44. Engagements 45 Mamegas 46. In Memoriam 4T. cams of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED AIDS IS MONDAY 1,80 PM For other papers Doadhne is MONDAY 1 t:00 AM All rates plus DAT 25 WORDS - One Week $5.00, two weeks $4.50 ee week. three weeks $4.00 ea. weak. Additional words 20 rent. Air addiuonat 92.00 will be added dinning is neaeaaar' In Memoriama - $5.00 plus 86 cents per line of verse Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $5.00. Each additional word .10 cents We are also .able to place word ads in Inc following papers Goderich, Clinton. Mitchell, Lucknow. Kincardine. Zurich Walkerton & fort Elgin. Hy placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the name ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional $3.00 THEME PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM,- f • 38. AUCTION SALE 38. AUCTION SALE / 1' LIQUIDATION AUCTION SALE 0' ..DAR AND RIESTAURANT EOUIPf1IENT NW FIXTURES Selling under direction of the secures creditor. assets o' IME iORRIER JOE TOi NIO'S RESTAURANT of-NANOVER at 667 10th Street. Hanover, Ontanc on Hwy 4 at the east side of Hanover, across from Hanover Motors on Monday. January 13th 1997 at 10:30-a.m Preview at 9:00 a.m. Cooking Equipment: Garland 38' gas range with oven: 25' grid. 2 bumers, and upper putt -out broiler; Garland 36 gas char -broiler. Garland 40" gas convection oven: Garland 15" 2 burner gas range: two Pitco 20' double basket gas deep fryers; Garland 16' electric french fry oabineuwarme:; Frymaster 16' electric pasta boiler, 58' tour tray s.s, steam table with butcher block prep shelf. Arcane cornmerctat radar range: Bakers Pride 78" gas .pizza oven with slate deck; Escan Metal inc Modal KTPE-10 pressurized. boiler; Bunn -O -Matic Spot coffee maker: 1T one piece 8.5. greaserexhaust system with Range Guard wet chemtoat. extinguishing system Food Preparation Equipment: Sommers meal sheer. L & M pizza dough - sheeter: Accu -Weigh digital bakery scale. 72 anti 6C S.S. prep cupboards, s.s. shelving, 63" 3 compartment s.s awe!, 6C s.s. prep tabtelaink unit; two 48- Infra -red warming tights. 48 two compartment emitted sank; 87 SS pre -wash table with wand and 42' SS atter wast table Or comer dishwasher; Refrigeration Equipment: Global 12'' .x corm, sectional walk-in cor Curtis model WIF 69 u` x 80 4z. sectional walk-tn freezer; live 'Metro refrigeration storage racks; Atlas 87' s.s. 3 door sell contaaneo under counter beer refrigerator; Atlas s.s. 72" 3 door under counter beer refrigerator; Beverage -Air 34" top load cooler: Scotsman Model CM500WE 30" upright ice machine; Torapp 48' s.s. 2 door cooter with ' prep top: Beverage -Air 46- s.s. 2.door sandmen prep coo►f'; 21 co: ti chest freezer; Woods upright fleeter; 31' ice cream freeze, Silver King .refrigerated milk dispenser; Abco 5 flavour beverage fountain; McGann': 7 flavour gun -type soft drink dispenser; brass 2 spout draft beer head: • Karina ice tea dispensing machine Diattware, Cookware, G1sasware, Smatiwares: Approx. 60 18` x 26' • baking trays; quantity of various sizes 8.5. pots, bowls, and trays. good aeleotlon of commercial kitchen utensils. quantity of restaurant were china, including dinner plates. platters, bowls, mugs, etc , round and square server trays; quantity of cutlery and hays, quantity of bar glasses. beer steins, pitchers, etc.. quantity of commercial try and saute pans. french fry press; anfhoiat plants; Regina commercial upright vacuum, - Pioneer 8 CD players sound system with speakers, sanitary waste cans. turd many unlisted items Dining Room Fixtures: 13 tour seat rectwlguler pedwstat tabtes, forest green with oak trim; 6 four seat round pedestal tables, forest green with oak trim, 3 Qouble pedestal six seat booth tables; 5 doubts pedestal four seat booth tables; booth benches with green padded seats. 8 oak waitress station; 2 two seal rectangular pedestal tables; 9 padded . chrome swivel bar stools; 22 lead glass welling light fixtures 17' U- shaped oak and pine bar with column and mirror bat.k setting 26 upholstered wood dining room chairs: 30 metal "6' style chairs; black light menu board; neon beer signs; high chairs Antiques: 5 antique shelf docks , ornamental horns and trumpets; oak case pendulum watt clock. - Oflloe Equipment: Guard -All 22' x 25" x e8" box safe. 2 and 4 drawer hie cabinets, metal s.p. desk; calculator; NCR Model 5000 3 terminal computerized food order and invoice system. Remarks: This is a complete dispersal of a Targe restaurant and bar operation featuring good quality modern equipment. Removal male day and January 14th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Terms: Cash or approttsd Adages with identificationidentification. S__ DRAM iicrnN aro 1n* UW )un Snider, CPPA, AucIiolttst 519-371-9940 519-3764371 HAROLD WORKMAN REAL ESTATE 108 Springhill Drive Staffs Large lot. 887,000. lfio r en r r 1 2 Isabelle 81 Seatorth. 4 bdrm . 4 miles Welat of Egm • • vIlte apace for 2 more, $149,600. 3 acres built saes.o00. We wish to thank you tor the continuing business we have received over the years and wish you peace and goodwill in 1997! HAROLDWORKMANAROMMA 161. lgy(b Rea, i B MARLENE LINDSAY ASSOCIATE iiiR 43 Toronto Street Mashie 34614SVA A