HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-12-11, Page 15PHONY $50 Ontario Provincial Police report a counterfeit Canadian $50 bill was detected at the .Toronto Dominion Bank in Seaforth last Friday and their investigation continues. Its serial number was FHH3472414. Community Calendar WED. , DEC. 11 1:00-3:00 p.m. - Parents' and Tots' Skating at the Arena 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at Community Centres 4:30-5:30 p.m. • Novice and Bunny Ringetteot the Arena 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Atom 1 Hockey at the Arena 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Belle Ringette. at the Arena 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Junior Broomball at the Arena 9:00-11:30 p.m. - Ladies' and Mens' Broomball at the Arena THUR., DEC. 12 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Games • Euchre Fundraiser at the Legion 4:00-6:00 p.m. - Figure Skating at the Arena • 6:00-7:30 p.m. Pee Wee II Hockey practice at the Arena 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Junior Broomball at the Arena 9:00-11:30 p.m. - Men's Broomball at the Arena FRI., DEC. 1'3 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Storyhour at the Seaforth Library 1:00-3:00 p.m. • Seniors' Bowling at Starlight Lanes 4:15-8:15 p.m. - Minor Hockey at the Arena 8:15-9:40 p.m. - Minto vs. Midgets Hockey at the Arena SAT, DEC. 14 6:30-7:30 a.m. - Houseleague Bruins vs. Blues - Timekeeper is parent of Tim McClure 7:30-8:30 a.m. - H9useleague Panthers vs. Ducks - Timekieeper is parent of Joey Tunney 8:30-9:30 a.m.- Houselealgue - Sharks vs. Canadians - Timekeeper is parent of Cory Chappel 9:$0-10:30 a..m. - Houseleague Oilers vs. Kings - Timekeeper is parent of Adam Broome 10:30-11:30 a..m. - Houseleague Leafs vs. Whalers - Timekeeper is tiarent of Kirsten Maloney 11:30-12:30 p.m. • Mites Hockey at the Arena 12:30-1:30 p.m.- Petite A & C Ringette at the Arena .1:30.2:30 p.m.- Tween Ringette at the Arena 2:00-3:00 p.m. - Christmas Crafts at the Library for Children ages 6to10 2:30-4:00 p.m.- Public Skating at the Arena' • 4:00-11:00 p.m.- Minor Hockey Games at the Arena SUN:, DEC. 15 1 T:00-2:00 p.m. -Recreation Hockey League at the Arena 2:00-5:00 p.m. - Exeter vs. Centenaires Hockey at the Arena • 5:00-8:00 p.m. - Ringette Games at the Arena 8 15-11:15 p.m at the Arena MON., DEC. 16 4:30-9:00 p.m. -Figure Skating at the Arena 7:30-10:30 p.m. -Minor Sports Bingo at the Arena - Tonight's host is Figure Skating 9:00-10:30 p.m. -Beavers Otdtimers Hockey TUES. , DEC. 17 9:00-11:30 a.m.-Parents' and Tots' Playground at Northside United Church Basement 10:00-12:00 noon -Parents' and Tots' Skating at the Arena 6:30-8:00 p.m. -Kincardine vs. PeeWee Hockey at the Arena • WED. , DEC. -18 1:00-3:00 p.m. -Parents' and Tots' Skating at the Arena 1:i0-4:00 p.m. -Senior Shuffleboard -at Community Centres 5:30-6:30 p.m. -Atom 1 Hockey practice at the Arena ' 6:30-7:30 p.m. -Belle Ringette at the Arena 7:30-9:00 p.m. -Junior Broomball at the Arena . 9:00-11:30 p.m. -Ladies' and Men's Broomball at the Arena - Minor Hockey f you re organizing a non-prof,tl event of interest to other Seaforth area residents. phone the irecreaocn office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mad the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO WO in advance of the scheduled date. Fre.e listing includes date, time, nacre of evert and location only. Space for the Colnmunity Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor THI PI URON !DEPOSITOR, D..smher 11, 11196-111 DHC supports satellite dialysis at Stratford General The local health council endorses kidney dialysis ser- vice for this district focussed on a satellite centre at Stratford General Hospital (SGH), it also recommends addi- • tional satellite dialysis ser- vice for Huron County be. investigated. • Dialysis keeps many with renal disease alive "For the majority of patients dependent on dialy- sis the quality of life is pro- foundlycompromised," states last week's press release from the Huron Perth District Health Council (DHC). "As well, many must travel sig- nificant distances to receive dialysis, at least three times a week for haemodialysis patients." The proposal endorsed hy the DHC was put together by .the University of Western Ontario/Victoria Hospital Corporation in London and Stratford General. The Stratford satellite would integrate with an exist- ing network, linked to the renal. program at Victoria in place for more than 20 years, and also serving residents in Oxford, Bruce and Wellington Counties. SERVICE CLOSER "Initial investigations have identified a potential of 53 patients in the catchment areas," the Huron Perth DHC's release continues. "Further review identified Teal! alternate Seaforth Council appointed Deputy Reeve Bill Teall as its alternate for the restructuring committee, "to stay abreast" and ensure representation at every meeting. Mayor Irwin Johnston and Coun. Brian Ferguson are its regulars. The restructuring commit- tees next meets Dec. 18. Coon. Fergusbn reported the Town of Goderich is in, contrary to confusing reports. .r3 i ,Ye iI a 3 TO 10 FRUITS AND VIOITA•LIS OAILY CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMM =EYJl* HAVELOCK COUNTRY JAMBOREE 'NEW WEEKEND' br 1997, Aug. 14-15-16-17, early bird and seniors tickets now on sale, makes excellent Christmas gift. 1-800.539-3353. BIG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA needs Distributors throughout Ontario Secure the rights to a disposable, high demand product consumed by virtually everyone! Investment $3,795.00. Financing 0.A.0 1-800.538.6054. TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL. Become part of Canada's fastest growing Travel Agency Franchise. Operate your business Full -Time, Part -Time, from your home, office or storefront. Investment 512,500. Call: 1-800-757-8580. 9.4 PM. THIS COULD be your destiny' Fastest growing pre -paid phone card co. Earn unlimited long distance Pays 6 days wk. No monthly quotas 1-800-672-5883 or 810.731.3707, fax 810.726- 5551. 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Call 1.800- 668.5111 ext. 536 for free brochure. MEXICO...FOR MATURE CANADIANS. Discovery Touts to investigate wintering and retirement opportunities while enjoying a low cost, high quality -visit. Phone 416.493.5599. • • Ws Affordable • B's Fast • Ws Easy • Ons NI Doss N All • NortMm Ottarlo 578 • Easton, Ondwio 5138 • Western Ontario 5130 • Control Ontario $134 • Alt Ontario 5384 • National Packages Available • CM this piper for ds/rllof those most physically able to be safely dialysed in the Stratford unit, i.e. 10 in num- ber. Stratford General will have five dialysis machines to serve these patients. It is expected those who now travel to London for treat- ment from an area surround- ing Stratford will come to SGH. "About 60 per cent of patients receive haemodialy- sis on this outpatient basis. The rest receive peritoneal dialysis which is carried out by the patients themselves at home or at work." The local DHC's delibera- tions noted this model they endorse provides for "a con- tinuum of care, including health promotion, disease prevention, early diagnosis, pre -dialysis, home peritoneal, home haemodialysis, self- care haemodialysis and full - care haemodialyses." It also involved the acade- mic health science centre, the regional referral centre and the local satellite service." Town appoints DePutter for four months For four months and $14.50 per hour, last' Monday Seaforth Council passed a bylaw immediately appoint- ing Andy DePutter as the town's chief building official, building inspector, property standards officer and bylaw enforcement officer. and the Township of Goderich. His interim probation allows for other options that may develop in ongoing restructuring/amalgamation discussions with other area municipalities. Administrator Jim Crocker told council Seaforth's cur- rent municipal building DePutter also remains the inspector agreement effec- building inspector for Clinton Lively ended at th'e end of Milk Karaoke Day a hoot at high school November, after both Hensall and Ushorne made other arrangements. "Tuckersmith, Stanley and Bayfield agreed to share the services of a building inspec- tor without a formal agree- ment," Crocker reported. "I sat in on the interview and see the merit in joining the other three municipalities in sharing (his) services as an interim measure." The Students' Council at SDHS has been very busy this past month planning activities for the student body. November's "Dynamite of the Month" was Mr. Johnston, in appreciation of his time and dedication to the happenings at the school. Canada Day was held on November 28. complete with red and white dress up day, and peameal bacon on a bum served by the students' coun- cil at lunch. The milk cam- paign reached its second tar- get of 800L of milk con- sumed, due in part to the great participation in Milk Karaoke Day. A few future singing sensations were dis- covered, hopefully their tal- ent will help the school win a crazy dance party in the milk contest. The student body also held its annual semi formal last Thursday. Festivities included pictures with Santa and Christmas decorations galore. Thank you to the formal committee for their time in preparation of the event. Coming Events: Angel Tree campaign - donations of non- perishable food items, cloth- ing, toys and money are still being collected for the Christmas Bureau. The con- test with Central Huron in Clinton is still going on so keep those donations coming ih. Christmas Assembly: The Christmas assembly will he held on Dec. 20. Start prepar- ing now for your part in the pre -Christmas festivities. A big thank you goes out to all those who contributed to the SDHS food booth at the toy show. Your support is greatly appreciated. STUDENTS AND COMMUNITY BE AWARE By Jane Powell SDHS students and the Seaforth community may not be aware of the expert infor- mation accessible to them about sexual health. In an interview at the high school on Tuesday (02) Public Health Nurse, Dianne Dawson explains: "I am here (SDHS) once a month offering students information on anything to Up slightly The value of building per- mits issued in Seaforth this year is up slightly from 1995, but both arc below the 1994 figure. The 1996 figure is $1.193,100. according to town totals, compared to $1,149,050 the year before and $1.634,700 in 1994. do with sexual health. i am placed in a centralized place (Guidance•Reading Room) where everyone congregates, but students wait until the crowd disperses for consulta- tion," she explains. "Students have accessibility to birth control as well as options available to them, but some- times students come in for information for projects which lead to other resources." "Everything -is confidential and no appointment is neces- sary," Dianne speaks assur- ingly. Dianne's monthly visits to the school take place from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and she can he reached at her office in Clinton at 482-3416 •or toll-free 1-800-265-5184. Dianne ' concludes, "Information concerning sex- ual health is available to any- one in the community." Dianne urges students to ask questions instead of feeling Bazaar big success uncertain about their sexual health, •Sign Language Lessons are heing offered to staff at SDHS on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. These classes are to teach signs that are used in the school setting, in order that teachers and staff will feel comfortable conversing with deaf students. •"Who or what was the pas- senger in the Russian Sputnik launched in November 1957?" Yes, it's Reach for the Top time again. On Nov. 29 in Clinton, the Junior Reach. team in Huron County gath- ered for a tournament to test their minds. Seaforth sent Sarah Agar, Heather Dale, Jenn Delvecchio, Amber Halfpenny, Brett Jewitt and Heather Rea; coached by Julie Agar, Kyle Rea and Mr. Ball. The team faced tough competition and was defeated in a tense consolation final match against St. Anne's. The Christmas spirit has hit Maplewood Manor with lots of activities for residents to enjoy. . The hard work of the bak- ing club and craft classes paid off as we celebrated another successful Christmas bazaar. Thanks to all those who supported this event. Residents held their annual "Fancily Dinner" on Nov. 23 where they enjoyed the com- pany of their family and friends. The event was com- plete with entertainment pro- vided by Cheryl Ann St. Onge and her choir and spe- cial violin music hy Dr. Carolin Shepherd. Members of the Presbyterian Youth Group were also on hand to help serve the guests. Thanks to all. Maplewood Legion came to Maplewood for a Remembrance Day ser- vice. Their visit is very meaningful to residents and greatly appreciated. Residents were able to complete their winter wardrobe when a Burlington company arrived with a great selection of clothing. This month the "Notes of Yesteryear" entertained resi- dents with their old tyme music. Marion Rose and Marie Thomas also visited and led in a sing -a -long. Church services for the month were led by Rev. This year. residents were Hiscox, Pastor Lucas, Rev. very proud to he part of the Hauser and Jane Keupfer. Santa Claus parade. It was The residents and staff of great to see the crowds that Maplewood Manor wish had gathered to watch. everyone a very happy and Memh.ers of the Seaforth safe holiday season. ,rt Mittens, socks, bats collected St. James CWL held its Christmas potluck dinner on Dec. 2 at Si James School. Twenty-three members enjoyed a delicious meal. A collection was made of mit- tens, socks and hats to he donated to the Huron County Christmas •Bureau. The bazaar was very suc- cessful with the quilt draw being the most popular attraction. • On November 24, 24 rosaries wcrc presented to the Grade 3 children who made their Solemn Communion. President Mary Barnes TAYLOR'S MARKET WHOLESALE & RETAIL OPEN 7 6y rs Come to Taylor's for... Sunday - pm •Fruit Baskets *Cheese Baskets •Veggie &Cheese Trays •Bulk Candy •Bulk Nuts *Seedless Oranges .Grapefruits & Grapes •Jams, Pickles & Chili Sauce •Christmas Cake •Christmas Cookies •Large Variety of .Pies •Tarts •large Selection of Christmas Trees •To Order Your Fresh Hayter's Turkey Call Today Happy Holidays Wishing you a warm, wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love. To alt, thanks for your business and support Arnold, Jean and Staff 212 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-3413 St. James Catholic Women's League strongly urged members to attend the Seaforth hospital meeting to support it. People were also urged to attend the District Health Council meet- ing on Dec. 10, as our hospi- tal is not safe from the threat of closure. World Day of Prayer will be held on March 7. 1997 at St. James Church. Representatives of all local churches will meet in January to organize the day. CWL Fun Night will .be held in Milverton on Feb. 5. Some of our members are going to perform a skit. Christmas gifts will be given to Father Hardy, Seaforth Manor, Maplewood Manor and the sick and shut- ins. Several Seaforth students attending ,St. Michael's Catholic Secondary School are going to visit the Dominican Republic on a poverty awareness trip. The League is making a donation toward the purchase of arti- cles to take to the people there.