HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-12-04, Page 1818-11111 HURON IU(POSIITOII, Deosombet 4, 11111111 PHOTO BY CARLY PRICE HOLY ANGELS - These Christmas Angels were just a few of the many participants in the Santa Claus Parade. There were numerous floats this year decorated in the spirit of Christmas. Christmas sing -a -long at next drop-in 4-H leaders presented with five year certificates Congratulations to Dublin - area residents, Sheila and Winston Jibb and Lois McIntosh, 4-H leaders who received five year certificates for their hard work in the local 4-H program. Congratulations to John and Mary. Van Bakel who were honored at the Mitchell and District Community Centre when John officially conclud- ed his year as warden of the county. Happy 40th birthday to Dan Maloney, and happy 85th birthday to Harold Coleman. Congratulations to John Feeney BBA, MBA, son of Carl and Dorothy Feeney, who recently graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Masters Degree in Business Administration. We all wish you successful years ahead. Get well wishes are extend- ed to Frank Phillips who is recovering from a recent ill- ness. Heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to Alvin Hoff, Paul and Audrey Plan to come to our Christmas program for the Hensall and Arca Community Drop -In. This event is early this month and will he held on Thursday, December 12 at the Hensall United Church, The day will begin as usual with foot care at 10 a.rn. Please contact Marg Cole at 262-2304 to schedule your appointment. A Christmas luncheon will he held at noon. We will he hav- 71'161II1 SIDA7 FING6IPLERS ( Nov. 28) . MEN HIGH SINGLE; Gary Bedard :123_ 111611 TRIPLE; Ross Macdonald 787, DETT.Ek T)FIi►bi 2bb.• Itlacdonald 253/261/273; Rob Anderson 264/241/248; Doug Lconhardt 285/237:I Mr/rray Ifennewics 243/242: Mike Thomson 243/248; Dean Price 2,48; ; John Coleman 234; Brian BarEy 211.. TRIPLES OVER 600; Macdonald, Anderson 753. Leonhard) 695. IJcdard 683, Bennewies 671. Thomson 651. SEASON/ HIGH SINGLE. Leonhardt 369. SEASON/ IIUiJLIRIPLE; 952. f11GJIrAVERAGEr: Bennewies 261. WOMEN RIGH SINGLE; Dianne Steep 250. HIGH TRIPLE; Gayle Easun 623. WEEKLY SINGLES OVER 200; Easun 221/206; Cheryl Adair 219/213; Dianna Steep 250: Sue Alce 230; Tracy *(laver 217; Debbie Bedard 210. TRIPLES OVER 600; Easun, Adair 6(8).. SEASON/ HIGJLFLtiGLE Easun 291. - SEASON/ HIGH TRIPLE; Easun 769. 111611IntillAyERAGJL Easun 225. STANDINGS Murray's Misfits 51. Bits & Pieces 47, Mixed Nuts 36. Extremely Bad 36, Nuts &. Bolts 34 . Pin Spinners 20. ( Nov. 21) MEN ; HIGH SINGLE; Neil Bcuem+an 319. WG11 TRIPLE; Beuennan 850. BETTER THAN 200; 'letterman 220/319/311: Lconhardt 277/249/276, Bennewies 2.31/219/281: Bedard 254/219; MacDonald 249: 241/209: Thomson 233; Ralph Johnston 224.. Coleman 209 TRIPLES OVER 600; /letterman. Leonhardt 802, Bennewies 751. Bedard 669, MacDonald 637. Anderson 63 3. Thomson 61(1, Johnston 604 WOMEN HIGH SINGLE; Bedard 261 HIGH TRIPLE; Easun 666 WEEKLY SINGLES OVER 200; Falun 21(/236/22(1, Bedard. Bonnie Janmaat 21(1. Nancy Sue Thomson 209. TRIPLES OVER 600; Easun Bennewies 7PDJYAI d% C1D1D1171)A Y (Nov 26 results) MEN munAylattul George Johnston 232 WSillsl[YSil.li: G Johnston 114. HIGH TRIPLE; 0 Johnston 83(1 BETTER THAN 200: 0 Johnston 218/258/114; John Staffen 299/245/275; Ane Van Drepen 220/246/225; Bruce Ungarian 258/212; Reg Dick 220/216;Ralph Johnston 2(19; Darryl South 205 Hensall by 1 ii S;tri 1,r 262-271 ng a special guest at 1:15+ p.m. who hopes to humour us fora short while. Followving this we will have a short Christmas carol sing -a -long and card playing. The cost is $4 per person. Transportation can he provided if requested. BOWLING TRIPLES OVER 600; G. Johnston; Staffen 819; Van Diepen 6"I. Bruce Ungarian 604. WOMEN! 111611 AVERAGE: Carol Johnston 184.+ RIGH SINGLE Johnston 290. HIGH TRIPLE; Johnston 669 BETTER TII_AN 200: Johnston. I)eh Stokes 204/2+19, Sue Stokes 22, Louise Dick 208. STANDINGS Bad Fowlers 46, Animals 43, Fighters 40: Climbers 35, Diggers 34. Eagles 33 SIB!'lIOAS 1 Nov. 29) HIGH SINGLE; A. McElmon 239. HIGH TRIPLE; J. Strong 579 BETTER THAN 200; McElmon, E Matzold 210/202; C. Perkins 206 WOMEN RIGH SINGLE; B. Leonhardt 262 HIGH TRIRLE; A. Wood 669. BETTER THAN 175; Wood 252/217/200: Leonhard! 262/197: G. Corbett 192. M. Fimlayson 184: 5 Strong 180.G. Munnings 177. TRIPLES OVER 500; Wood, Lconhardt 602. 1V7. 1/ADt'IIBS ILEAV1IE (Dec. 2 results) MEN 111611 SINGLE; George Los,: 246 111611 TRIPLE; Love 672. BETTER THAN 200: Love 229/246: Bob Dinsmore 238/219; Henry Verhoog 206/207; Don Nolan 242. Dean Price 241, Brian Geddes 210. Mark Iligenell and Mams Bos 2117 TRIPLES OVER 600' Love. Dinsmore 652. Verhoog 609. WOMEN HIGH SINGLE; Connie Manon 252 HIGH TRIPLE; Manon 6.40 WEEKLY SINGLES OVER 200; Marion 252/224, Julie Greidanus 213/204. Alison Verhoog 228 TRIPLES OVER 600; Marion STANDINGS Canadiens 55, Rangers 49, Bruins 48. Red Wings 43, Black Hawks 42. Maple Leafs 36 LitEl1%®gi ( Nov 29 ) HIGH SINGLE; Ikm Elliott 252 HIGH TRIPLE; Arie Van Diepen 719 BETTER THAN 200; Arte Van Drepen 223/251/245: Ron Stephen 217/214, Don Ocighlon 219, Merlin White 202/225, I)on Elliott 252, Ralph Johnston 245; Bill Raynard 217. TRIPLES OVER 600; Van 1)iepen Stephen 625. Deighton 6(19 11IG11 AVERAGE; Johnston 206 WOMEN HIGH SINGLE; Helen Nrcholxon 181. WW1 TRIPLE; Nicholson 501 HUM AVERAGE; Joanne Raidi 176 STANDINGS Snobirds 11. Blue Jays 29. Robins 28. Cardinals 21. Eagles 21. ('news 12 To make reservations contact Marg Cole at 262-2304 before noon Monday or Faye Blair -Skinner at 235-0258. If you arc looking for a spe- cial gift for a senior over the Christmas season we have gift certificates to our dining and drop-in programs. Give Faye a call and we will get a gift certificate ready for your special person. At Hensall United Church Rev. Henry Annen conducted a special white gift service. Douglas Klopp was the organist for. the singing of Christmas carols. The greeter was Dorothy Britnell: John Thomson and • Garry Aldcrdicc were the ushers with Cecil Pepper looking after the elevator. The first, Aflvent candle •was lit by. Laura Elder and her father Larry. The Afternoon Ladies meet on December 5 at the manse. The official Board meets December 11 at 8 p.m. 'The Christmas Eve service will he held on Tuesday, December 24 at 7:30 p.m. -The Hensall Shuffleboard scores for November 26 are as follows: Hazel McEwen 552. Pearl McKnight 529, Ina Williams 459, Dorothy Corbett.443, Alice Thiel 436, Doris Hamilton 429, Evelyn Venner 414, Tom Williams 412. Christmas trees will he available from Hensall Scout Movement on December 7. Trees may be obtained from 108 Queen SL Hensall. About 150 people braved the elements of the weather to take in the 11 th Annual Tree -Lighting festivities on Sunday evening, December 1. Prior to the lighting of the tree, folks enjoyed an open house in the upstairs of the village hall. The hall was decorated by members of the Hensall :Economic Development Committee in a Victorian Christmas theme. Here folks were able to view a nostalgic exhibit of memo- rabilia, enjoy old fashioned cider and popcorn halls and have a look at village col- lectibles for sale. The winner in the hest Victorian costume category v/as Rachael Towle, who for her effort received a village mascot puppet and key fob. Thanks to Hensall Public School, the children in Mrs. Hogarth's class who made the paper chains and to Mrs. Nicholson's class who. made the snowflake decora- tions for upstairs. Lawn bowlers` hold euchre The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club held a success- ful euchre at the hall, last Tuesday evening. Winners at cards were: men and ladies high, Velma Preszcator and •Jack Muir: Ione hands. Jean Keyes and Ross Gordon: consolation. Corry Klaver and Watson Reid Hostesses for the evening were Thelma Coombs, Corry Klaver and Mary Finlayson. Don't forget the Christmas euchre at the Legion Hall on Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. Hostesses will to Dorothy McCltiskie, Nellie Jansen and Isabelle Hunt. Come bring a sand- wich. a Christmas cookie or treat and enjoy an evening of cards sponsored by the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club. Hullett contracts snow blowing Hullett Council passed a motion at its Nov. 5 meeting that Bill Roy be hired to blow snow this winter on sideroad 20/21 of Conc. 9 at the rate of $27 per hour. and that Donald Nott blow snow from the streets in Alma at the rate of $35 an hour. SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LTD. 527-1610 "Insuring our Business Is Our Business' • .ionic • Commercial • Auto • Farm • Life • (hit of Province Travel Insurance Call Your Representative Today • Ken Cardno • Barb Watt • Lynn Pletsch • Joanne Williamson Hibbert '96 NEW YEAR'S EVE FINALE Tuesday, December 31,1996 Mitchell & District Community Centre 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Hot,Buffet At Midnight Mozart's Melody Makers Tickets: $25.00 Per Couple •:�� Available At: O Hibbert Township Office Edighoffer's, Mitchell Cardno's. Seaforth Any Committee Member Dublin by Dorothy Dillon 345-2883 q' Hoff, and Tim and Jfa*4ce Hoff, and families on the recent death of a dear wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Jean Hoff. All your many friends share love and concern at this difficult time. . Happy 50th anniversary to Arnold and Helena Stinnissen who celebrated recently. 1f you wish to secure a lifetime income from an RRSP or are interested in other RRSP investments at very competitive rates. call Arnold J. Stinnissen 527-0410 13 Sun Life THIS FRI. & SAT. Petty Theft Terrific Stix of Classic and New Rnck FRIDAY DEC. 13th NO FENCES Tribute to Garth Brooks Tickets on Sale+ \ow SAT. DEC 14 CHRISTMAS TOY DROP OFF Help Support the Christmas Bureau:! COMMERCIAL FIOTEI. I. Saturday CHRISTMAS TOY DROP-OFF Please bring a new Toy of any value for a needy child 'his holiday season and get in free to see a great band From Halifax: Loggerhead Recording Artists NICHOLSON with special gucst SEE SPOT RUN Two great recording acts with videos on Much Music, $2 cover at the door Sat. Dec 14 MCA Recording Artists HONEYMOON SUITE on their 1996 Tour Tickets S1G Advance Dece 'O HOTEL CALIFORNIA Boxin . SCARECROW J� �u *pMa Hwy 8 West. Clinton • 482-1234/ CENTRALIA • HURON PARK LIONS " BINGO.' PLACE. Mia+ Park Roc :entre DATE. Sunday. Dec 15 TIME 1 OOPM . Doors open at 12 noon TURKEY BINGO rYOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ M.C.L. SOUND ."FULL D.J. SERVICE' r W. Book Your Receptions, ✓ fBuck & Does early! ✓ For more info. call .ft r 482-9984 ✓ evenings •z ✓✓✓✓.f✓✓✓✓ 1✓✓✓✓✓✓ :.4 i Clinton District Snowmobile Club • II DRIVER TRAINING COURSE Dec. 7th at Brucefield United Church gam-3pm Cost 53Q.' - Lunch Inc. 'must he, 12 vis of age on date of course. To registeror for information call Lyle Haney 322-1300 Annual Brodhagen District Chamber of Commerce Snowmobile Poker Rally SATURDAY JAN. 4/97 Brodhagen Community Centre Registration 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Food Available in the hall claindate Feb. 1/9' FRI. 8 SAT. 7 d 9 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 PM y GU DANCE SAT. MAT. ONLY 2 P LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1100-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO JOIN US THIS WINTER FOR A 11/2 HOUR SLEIGH RIDE Leisurely sleigh ride through a bush of groomed trails. Your choice of a group ride (up to 15 people) or a 45 min. cutter ride for two. Includes a stop off at the shack for a hot drink. Hot food also available. For more information call: 348-8549 (leave message) BOOK YOUR RIDE TODAY! 4