HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-11-27, Page 22Marching Unit Or Drop Off at I Faust Home Hardware 67 Ontario St., Mitchell Attention: Darryl Seigner I 20 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Novtambsr 27, 1996 Amos leavingBlyth after '97 season that with the tremendous amount of .energy she has given to rebuild the Festival, she couldn't be expected to go on forever," the board e press release continues. The Blyth Festival's Janet Amos has announced next season will be her last as artistic director. "Amos said she felt now was the time to leave because the Festival currently has strength in so many areas," a board of directors' press release states. "She cited the administrative staff under general manager Karen It then had an accumulate° Stewart, and the new energyoperating deficit of $229,000, at the board level." which now stands as a sur - By the time Amos leaves plus of $91,000. A capital after 1997 she will have guid- reserve fund of $72,000 has ed the Festival through ,nine also been put in place under of its 23 seasons. She was her most recent tenure, and . President Keith Roulston artistic director from 1980 the Festival's mortgage announced it has launched a though 1984, then returned in reduced by $85,316. search for her replacement. late 1993 when the Blyth the- "We• regret to learn of Applications will be accepted atre faced financial collapse. • Janet's decision but we know until Dec. 31, 1996. Playing on-stage with Frank Mills `highlight of life' BY DAVID SCOTT Expositor Editor It was a thrill of a lifetime - to play piano on-stage with Frank Mills. Pianist Carol Carter of Seaforth had that dream come true when she played "Music Box Dancer," a well known Frank Mills tune, sit- ting with Mills on the same bench playing the same piano Sunday afternoon and evening at Blyth Memorial Hall. The first step to this on- stage duct was made after Carter saw Mills for the first time in concert at Centennial Hall in London_ on February • 16, 1992. She sent a note backstage saying that she enjoyed playing his music, especially "Music Box Dancer" and "Peter Piper," and that it would be a high- light of her lifetto be able to 'perforin a piece with him someday. She waited after the performance to get his auto- graph and he said it would be nice to have her accompany him at a performance some t i nie. A few weeks later he sent a handwritten letter thanking ,her for her interest in his music. A few years lapsed, during which time Carol 'went+to See him in concert at Blyth, and then decided to further pursue hdr dream. On September 30, 1996 she wrote Mills a letter and sent it through his agent wonder - Drop in delayed The !"Drop in Days" that were to' have started Vast week have been delayed until :the new year at the Goderich office of the Huron Chapter of the Heart and `Stroke Foundation of Ontario hci:ausc of construction going on in the building. They will now start Jan, 15, from 2 to 4 p.m., and the third Wednesday oil each month thereafter_ Information will be avail- able then at the office, on the second floor at 39 West St., on chanter activities and healthy heart habits. Meeting postponed The Huron. Soil and Crop Improvement Association has announced the postponement of its annual meeting, origi- nally scheduled for tomor- row, until Monday. Dec. 16, still at thc Hensel! arena, • beginning at 7 p.m. The postponement will allow Tor summarizing as many trials as possible. The extended fall harvest left a significant number to be har- vested. Dr. Mark Sears of the University of Guelph and the Corn Borer Action Coalition is one of the guest speakers. Meeting pay approved On Oct. 8 council approved the following payments for September meeting atten- dance: Mayor Johnston, $290 (six events attended, not charged); kceve Bennett, $255; Deputy -Reeve Tcall, $195; Couns. Ball, $195; Ferguson, $120; Hak, $270; Rohinct, $150. Helping refugees Canadian Foodgrains Bank representatives have arrived in Kigali, Rwanda to assess the needs of refugees and determine how to get food to an estimated 1.1 million of them, in thc midst of chaos and instability in the region. • PIANO PLAYERS - Popular piano player Frank Mills and, Carol Carter of Seaforth take a break after one of their performances Sunday at Blyth Memorial Hall. ing whether she could play during his performance at Blyth last weekend. She didn't hear back until October 31 butwhen she did, it sounded promising. • `-When he (the agent) called me I thought I'd be able to do this. He said Frank was' sup- posed to call me the next day." Then nobody phoned. She was getting a little concerned. But finally, last Monday, she heard hack. It was con- firmed., , She didn't actually expect to perform side-by-side with him. Carol thought. it would - have been great just to play during his show or at inter- mission. Basically she was a "guinea pig" - at least that's •what Mills' agent said. They'd never done anything like this before, said Carol. There was no prior audi- tion. udition. When she arrived the day of the concert they just went straight to rehearsal. Including practice time and the two performances, she was at the Blyth hall for over nine hours Sunday. A minute before going on stage, Carol asked herself, "Why am I doing this?" "I was a.little queasy," she says. But Mills had some words of comfort. "He said, 'Carol, just relax and enjoy yourself.' And the Seaforth piano teacher, who has taugtrea students for 30 years, l lac music take over. "It was very ex'citing." Mills read the letter on stage that she had written him at the end of September outlining her musical back- ground - a performer's diplo- ma from both the Western and Royal Conservatory of - Music - and her love of Mills' musip. She found him "a very per- sonable ersonable person" and "very accommodating." All of Carol's children were at the performance, along with her mother. Her daugh- ter-in-law videotaped the afternoon show. And one of her youngest students, an eight-year-old from Mitchell, was sitting in the front row. After the shows, Mills auto- graphed a poster of the per- formance with a personalized message - "Carol, A nice memory." How can you sum up an experience like that? "It was a highlight of my life." Form one municipality A committee on municipal reform made up Of represen- tatives from Mitchell and the Townships of Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan has rec- • ommended that one munici- pality be formed, with one council, one administration and a consolidated staff oper- ating from one location. The eight committee mem- bers, who have spent the past 10 months working on the report, delivered it to the four joint councils a week ago Monday, Nov. 18. *SAUNDERS* . 1 On Saturday, August 17th, 1996 at 3 o'clock on a gorgeous afternoon, Niki Phillips and Scott Saunders were united in marriage. Maid of honour was the bride's sister (and best friend) Mandi Poppe of Seaforth. First bridesmaid was Maryann Saunders (good friend of the bride and sister of the groom). Julie Babb of St. Paul's and Sherri Bennett of Seaforth were also bridesmaids and are good friends of the bride and groom. Best Man was Steve Saunders of Dublin, best friend and brother of the groom. First usher was Toby Phillips of Egmondvilie' a good friend of the groom and the brother of the bride. Jamie Stapleton of Dublin and Jeremy Stapleton 'of Uniondale were also ushers and are good friends of both the bride and groom. "The prettiest flowergirl" was Erin Feeney of Dublin, cousin of the groom, and the "Heart -breaking" ring bearer was Jordan Poppe of Spjprth, nephew of ttobride. Readers were Eric LaPierre of London, friend of the and. groom and Don Poppe, friend of the bride •and gr and brother-in-law of the bride. We would like to thank our parents milies, friends and wedding party for all of their love and support on such a wonderful day. Special thanks to Grandpa. P. for making everything so extra special. We love you all so much -you are such an important part of our lives. The memories that you made with us will forever be treasured in our hearts. Niki & Scott are residing in Mitchell. Niki & Scott Saunders XXXX Santa Claus Parade this Friday night Senior Shuffleboard contin- ues every Wednesday' after- noon at the Seaforth and District', Community Centres from 1:30 to 4 pm. All seniors arc welcome to come out and participate. Last week's winners v. rre: Ladies: 1 Lunn 463 M. McMillan 434 I. Lindemann 423 Men: K. Preszcator K. Lingelbach B. McLean 422 35'9 314 The CWL Bazaar will he held on Saturday, November 30 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. In the St. James ,School Auditorium. Come enjoy a Tea Room, Home Baking, Candy, a Penny Sale, Sewing and Crafts; a Mystery Prize and thc Draw for a Quilt. Hey Kids!! Better start making your Christmas Lists and checking thcm twice because Santa is coming to Town. Thc Annual Lions ecreation Preview by Marty Bedard Club SANTA CLAUS PARADE will be held on ,Friday, November 29, 1996, beginning at 7 pm. Please remember the parade route has changed this year and ‘bill,begin at the Co -Op Do It `Centre and travel up Main Street and will finish at the Ag Society's Round House located in the Arena Parking Lot. Tile kids will be able to visit with Santa at the Round House. The Seaforth Harmony Kings invite you and your staff or group to a Christmas Dinner and Dance on Saturday, December 7, 1996, at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. Social Hour will be from 6 to 7 pm. Dinner from , 7 to 8:30 Theft averted at Mitchell Co-op Police say the theft of more • than $100,000 in goods was averted at the Mitchell branch of the Perth County Co-op early Sunday morning, Nov. 17, when they were alerted by a woman who thought something was amiss and immediately called police. Police arrived while the break and enter was in progress at about 5:20 a.m, and a van and pick-up that had been "hot-wired" and stolen .in town were "loaded to the brim" with property from the store, which includ- ed tools, chainsaws and work clothing. Two male suspects, a 24 - year -old from Strathroy and a 28 -year-old from London, immediately fled, leading police on a 40 -kilometre chase that ended whr~n they were apprehended in the bush by an OPP canine unit -after thc vehicles were purposeful- ly ditched near the edge of Chiselhurst, at the edge of at November meeting charged); Reeve William Bennett, $255; Deputy -Reeve William Teall, $285; Couns. John Ball, $240; Brian Fcrguson $390; Michael Hak, $300; Heather Robinet, $405. Council pay approved On Nov. 12 Seaforth Council approved the follow- ing payments for October meeting attendance: Mayor Irwin lohnston, $485 (seven events attended but not Tuckerstnith and Hibbcrt Townships cast of Hensall. No one was hurt. Both stolen vehicles had major damage. Speeds during the chase reached 120 kmh. Thc woman who .alerted police did not wish to be identified. The suspects fact numerous charges and' arc being held in custody in Stratford. 'Catered by Grace Campbell and' Dancing will be from 9 pm to ! am to the Royal Aires. Tickets aro $25'eaoli' and must be purchased by Friday, November 29, 1996. For more information or to reserve tables.please call 527-2204, 482-7272, 345- 2582 or 348-8834. , This event is sponsored by the Seaforth Harmony Kings and all money raised will be donated to their charity -- Harmonized for Speech. A great way to start the hol- iday season and to introduce children to the magic of bal- let, the Nutcracker comes to the Blyth Festival. This Ontario Ballet . Company Production will be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 8 pm and Wednesday, December 11, 1 pm and 8 pm. For tickets call the Box Office at 519-523-9300. • Come out and watch some basketball'at it's .best. The Thursday Night Rec. League the "Second Wind" team will be tipping off against the SDHS Senior Boys Team on Thursday, November 28 at 7 pm. Comc out and watch the fun and exciting action. The Seaforth Library will be doing Christmas Crafts on December 7 and -14, 1996, from 2 to 3 pm. This activity will be for children ages 6 to 10. Please pre -register at the librat'y or call 527-1430. • ® brussels.Walt n • TRAILBLAZERS • GET READY FOR SNOWMOBILING WEEK \I l% 1 mitt It Buy Your Permit for $86.00 by Dec. 1 and save! Cost is $110.00 after Dec. 1 Get yours at: - Middegaal Sports, Vincent's, U.A.P. & Wilson's Service Centre In Seaforth - Ken Hunsberger Message Therapy & McIver Ent. In Mitchell - Winthrop Store, McGavin's, Todd's Bakery, B & K Tire & Battery - In Monkton, Go Co Service Centre Xtt & John's Repair Shop Please respect our landowners. All trails will remain closed until further notice 40 Thank You From the Witch's Den CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE •Wooden Furniture •Wooden Crafts and more! November 28th 5:00-10:00 pm AT Harpurhey (5th house on the right coming from Seaforth) Penny 527-0391 Diane 522-2055 Clinton District Snowmobile Club DRIVER TRAINING COURSE Dec.- 7th at Brucefield United Church 9am-3pm Cost s30.°° - Lunch Inc. *must be 12 yrs of age on date of course. To register or for information call Lyle Haney 522-1300 Bethel Bible Church SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 AM This Sunday Only (Dec. 1) at St.Thomas Anglican Church John St. Seaforth The Mitchell Jaycees elfto Present the 1996 SANTA CLAUS PARADE Friday, December 6th 7:00 p.m. Main St., Mitchell (NEW ROUTE this year - St. David Street south from Rowland to Ontario Road west on Ontario Road to Ault Foods.) Group Name/Organization: Contact Person: Phone # Mailing Address.' Type of Entry: Float Band Please Mail Entry Form to Mr. Rob Sawyer 162 Waterloo St. Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1NO 348-8101 Smoke Alarms FOREVER If your smoke alarms are more than 10 years old, replace them with new ones. HURT ANO STROKE rOUNDAnow Improving your `rids against G,ris 41 killer Sharing a Healthier Future'v with Pam 7aPlgcllnn