The Huron Expositor, 1996-11-20, Page 5Letter to the Editor
`Don't close the hospital,' writes kids
Dear Editor:
The following short letters
were written to Seaforth
Community Hospital by the
Health students of the Grade
5/6 G class at Seaforth Public
School expressing their con-
cerns re: their hospital.
• I do not want Seaforth
Community Hospital to close
because my brother had
meningitis and if the hospital
was closed he would have
died. He is only 8 years old.
• 1 don't want you closed
because my brother is aller-
gic to milk, nuts. and
seafood. He can't wait for a
helicopter to come, from
London or anywhere else. We
have taken him to your hos-
pital three times already.
• I don't think thc hospital
should close down because
my grandparents just live in
Winthrop. My grandpa used
to smokc but now he doesn't
because he had a heart attack
and my grandma had to drive
him to the Scaforth Hospital
and then a helicopter had to
come pick him up and take
him to the London hospital.
If the Seaforth Hospital had
not been there 1, wouldn't
have a grandpa today and my
grandma would have been all
alone. Please, don't close
down your hospital.
• I think the •Seaforth
Community Hospital, should
not close. My grandpa almost
died but Seaforth Hospital
was there. So now alive.
• I would not like you to
close because my Mom.
works at the hospital and if it
closes 1 would have to move.
All my friends are in Seaforth
and I don't know what I
would do. Also a lot of my
friends in Seaforth are aller-
gic to things. I hope that
Seaforth Hospital will never
• I would not like the
Seaforth Community
Hospital to close because my
grandpa was in the war and
his name is Frank. Every
month he has to have surgery
on his knee from all the
pieces of metal from bombs
and hand grenades. He is still
in the hospital. I hope he gets
out soon.
• You have saved many
lives. We cannot let people
die because it takes so long to
go to Stratford Hospital.
Many parents will lose their
jobs. Our community should
not have to sacrifice their
lives because they think they
need to close hospitals down.
Think about it! Little children
should have many more. years
to live. I hope. they can keep
that advantage. So please
think about how many lives
you could kill. Please don't
close our hospital down.
• I don't want the hospital
to.close because in the sum-
mer my -sister was skipping
with her beach towel. She fell
and cut her tongue and her
chin. She had to go to the
.hospital and get stitches. If
the hospital closes other peo-
ple might die.
• I don't want the hospitals
to close because if you get
hurt you won't have any-
where close to go. You might
have to go very far away like
Stratford or somewhere else.
Hospitals give us a longer
chance to live and hospitals
give you medicine, x-rays
and other services.
• My friends and I would
like the Seaforth Hospital to
stay open because we won't
have someone to take care of
us. When I was in grade four
I had bacteria in my stomach
and it really hurt. I would
like to thank you again for
taking care of me and reading
my letter.
• I don't think they should
close the Scaforth
, Community Hospital because.
Thanks to church youth group
Dear Editor:
As many of your readers
would he aware there is a lot
going on in education right
now. In fact there arc more
I. changes unfolding in public
education right now since we
cstahlished the county boards
in 1969. As a'matter of fact
there may he more changes
unfolding than we have ever
witnessed in the entire histo-
ry of public education - a
small 140 year 61ip in the
Highway transfer
`equitable' says
Huron I141'P
Highways 83, 84 and 86
will he transferred to Huron
County with a one-time grant
of $4,465,950 before thc start
of next April, Huron MPP
Helen Johns, stated in corre-
spondence to Seaforth
Council made public at last
Tuesday night's meeting.
"The level and distribution
of compensation is both awl- •
table and reasonable given
today's financial situation," it
Ehe MPP was responding
to council's recent resolution
refusing to accept responsi-
bility for the downloading of
those highways. Arca munic-
ipal and county politiuians
arc concerned about the poor
condition of some of the
highways to he transferred.
"The ,ministry's primary
interest is to provide a high-
way system that meets
provincial objectives of mov-
ing large volumes of goods
and people throughout
Ontario. This includes getting
materials to market and
industry, facilitating interna-
tional and interprovincial
trade, and linking major
transportation centres of thc
province. Roads which no
longer fulfill this purpose arc
serving more of a local func-
tion and have been identified
as highway transfer candi-
dates." Johns' letter says.
The 1775 kilometres of
provincial highway to be
transferred to 50 municipali-
ties will benefit them, in the
following ways, according to
the provincial government:
• control of land use plan-
ning and zoning along these
• it will allow them to issue
entrance and building permits
adjacent to the road;'
• local development can
proceed under local control
and thcy will he in a better
position to set priorities along
these roads;
• it will decrease provincial
intervention and added
bureaucracy to the local deci-
sion making process.
entire history of civilized
'But this is not the purpose
of my Ietter.,1 want to offer a,,
public ,thank you to thc
young persons in the youth
group at the First
Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth; who operate under
the, leader§hip, and direction
of Dale McKichan.
During .the last week when
my work days have been
about 29 hours each day, in.
exchange for a donation to
support their local and inter-
national humanitarian aid
projects, they took over the
snow -clearing at my house
on a daily basis.
Itis this kind of communi-
ty -Minded behaviour which if
we practised it more, would
Icad to a better Ontario and a.
stringer Canada in' which' we
Paul Carroll
when 1 broke my arm they
fixed •it really well. Now I
can use it for playing games
and st'ilf•like that. We now
have helm Niter landing pad
and that's why I don't think
they should close the hospi-
tal. •.
• I don't want the Scaforth
Hospital to close'becausc my
Dad has cancer. Last year he
had to go to the hospital'
again every time he got out
and sometimes he had to go
10 the London Cancer Clinic.
• I was horn at Seaforth
Hospital and my sister 100. 1
think that it should not he
closed. A lot of people that I
know where hormthere too.
• If I -had gone to a different
hospital when my finger
almost got chopped off, my
mom would not have gone
because there was a blizzard.
• I think that. Seaforth
Community Hospital
shouldn't close. My parents
work at the hospital. My dad
is an ambulance attendant
and he has to do CPR. The
hospital is husy. We spent.
money on a helicopter land-
ing pad. It is nice too: We
have CPR courses. Think'of
all the little town and places
around Scafdrth that would
be disappointed toxo.
Call with your
news tips
at 527-0240
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Nov.mber 20, 1996-5
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