HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-11-06, Page 16♦
IS -TRE HURON EXPOSITOR, November e, 11 1S
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MCCANN: -Surrounded by his
family, with Courage and dignity, at
his residence. on Tuesday,
October 22, 1996, William 'Bill' C.
McCann • of R R 13, Dashwood
(Mt. Carmel) in his 75th year.
Beloved husband of Mary L.
(Doyle) McCann. Loved father and
father-in-law of Dan McCann. Jane
Gillespie and her husband John.
Marg Wright and her husband
Gavin. Jim and. Deb McCann. Paul
and Ken -McCann, Brian and Jayne
McCann, Sill and Leanne McCann
and the late Denis McCann (1967)
Loving grandpa of 15
grandchildren Dear brother and
brother-in-law of Mary and Tom
Ryan, Madeline Regier, Ruby and
Herb -Person. Theresa. Irene; Nell
and Noreen McCann, Jack and
Gonna Doyle, Cecelia Connolly
and Marie Gelinas Loved by many
nieces and nephews and their
families Predeceased by his
parents, Alonzo and - Laura
(Dietrich) McCann, sister Jean
Lane, brothers Lawrence. Arnold,
Jack and Joo McCann. Rested at
the T Harry Hoffman and Sons
Funeral Home, Dashwood, with
visitation Wednesday afternoon
and evening Prayers at the funeral
home *Wednesday at 9 p m
Funeral mass was held at Our
'Lady -of Mt Carmel. Church, Mt.
Carmel on Thursday, October 24,
• 1996. at 1 1 a m Rev Father John •
Pirt celebrant Interment .Mt.
Carmel Cemetery If . desired
memorial donations to Perth -Huron
V 0 N . Town and Country
Homemakers or' chanty of choice
would be appreciated Mr McCann
was co founder and past president
of McCann Redi Mix Inc and long
time men1bei; of the Knights of
Columbus. 3rd degree et- the
Father J M Fogarty Council and
• honorary 4th degree of Brother
Andre Assembly 42-45xlcc
VANSLYKE: Rev. lames:: A
-memorial service for the late Rev
James ,Vanslyke,'will be held Sat.
Noe 9. 1996 at 3 30,p m at White
Oaks Church, 4531 Jalna Blyd.,
Londoh On 42-45-1
VIVIAN, Ella: Mrs. Ella Vivian. a
resident of the Seaforth Manor.
Seaforth and formerly of Staffs,
passed away at Seaforth
Community Hospital on Saturday.
November 2, 1996 in 'her 85th
year. Born in Hibbert Township on
June 16, 1917. she was the former
Margaret Ellen (Ella) Chappel. a
daughter of the late ()avid Chappel
and the former Mary Ellen Johns.
On November 30, 1935, she was'
married to Thomas Cameron
Vivian who predeceased her in
May 1984 Following 'their
marriage. the couple farmed at Lot
.t4. Concession 7 . of. Hibbert
Township until their retirement to
Staffa in 1963. Mrs' Vivian was a' -
member of Hibbert United Church
at Staffa and was.a life member of
the UCW of the church She was a
life member of the Staffa W.I. and
a former member of the Staffa
Cemetery .Board. She is survived
by her family Joy Scott and her
husband Duncan of R R. 2. Staffa,
George Vivian and his wife Joyce,
Gordon Vivian' and his wife Linda)
all of Mitchell and Carol Ann
Campbell and her hUsband Brian
of R R. 4, Walton,•one sister Janet
Deanng of RIR. 2, Staffa, Iwo
sisters-in-law Helen Vivian of -
London and Jean Vivian of the Ritz
Lutheran Villa, 'R. R. 5,' Mitchell.
Also surviving are ' sixteen
grandchildren and twenty-six great
, grandchildren. Besides her
husband she was predeceased by
three brothers Wilbert. Edward and
John Chappel. Fnends were
received at the Lockhart Funeral
' Home. 109 Montreal Si,.Mitchell
on Sunday 2.4 and 7-9 p.m. where
the funeral service was held on
Monday at 2 00 p m. with Rev.
Irene Richardson officiating.
Interment in Staffa Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jim Scott. Bob
Scott, Kevin dcott, &ad Vivian,
Andy Vivian, Steve Vivian and
Michael Campbell. all grandsons.
r 42-45x1cc
Brian: Chris and Alex are delighted
to announce the birth of Daniel
George Daniel was born on
November 1 1996 at 4 46 p m. at
Seaforth . Community • Hospital
weighing in at 8 Ib 15 oz. and
211:z" long Proud parents are
Charles and Carol Anne Regale,
Dublin PrOud grandparents are
Luella Regele of Dublin, 11th
grandchild for Ken and Anne
Williamson. Walton Special
mention of Jon and Lois
Dannewald of Mt Albert Proud
great grandparents, are George
and Marie Blake of Brussels 42-
.45x1 .
Brian, Lorie and big sister Ashley
are pleased to announce the sate
arrival of our little girl Brianna
Leslie born October 28, 1996 at
Stratford General Hospital,
weighing 6 lbs 14 oz Brianna is
the second grandchild for Neil and
Doris Williamson of Walton and
fourth 'grandchild for Dave and
Laverne Jamieson of Seaforth
Proud great grandparents are
Helen Williamson of Walton and
Meade , and Dorothy Baker of
Winthrop along with Ron Jamieson
of St Marys and Florence White of
Listowel 43-45x 1
Greg and Marianne of Elmira
announce with great pleasure the
birth of a son, Nigel Alexander. 8
lbs.. born Oct 23, 1996 at home A
little brother for Parker and Veda
Special .thanks to Carol Honey
their midwife Proud grandparents
are Pete and Bev Vander Vliet of
Dublin and ' Avellino and Evelyn
Baldin of Cape Breton Island 43-
With love and -thanks, Jeff and
Shannon -welcome the birth of their
second child. Mackenzie Lee
Jacob's• little sister arrived
Wednesday, October 30 at 11 03
a m weighing 8 lbs 4 oz Proud
grandparents are Ned and Marie
McGavin of Walton. Colleen t; Wott
of Exeter and Larry Rico of
Brussels 43-45 1
. Finally" Jacob EkJo.l Miller on
October 24, 1996 at 9 118 a m at
the Wiarton Hospital weighing in at
albs 3 oz Proud fest time parents
are . Jeremy and Tonya Mill('r i of
Wiarton Spoiling privileges go. ;to
proud grandparents Bill and'Sibyr
Henderson of Port Elgin and 8.11
and Judy Glassford of Wiarton •
Proud great grandparents are John
and -Ina Fisher of Clintop John and
Pearl , Hehrlerson of Seaforth
George and Rita Glassford of
Orangeville and , Olive , Burt .of
Wiarton •Gr'andpa Keri Miller and
Gleat Grandpa . and Grandma
Russell and Grace Miller are
smiling' down from, heaven Jacob
is anew playmate and cousin for
Austyn - and Aidan Miller of Port
Elgin and Teegan and Tristan
Wilson of Wiartdn Special thanks
to Dr Barker'arid the wonderful'
nursing staff at , the Wiarton
Hospital 43-115-1
'SHOBBROOK: In loving memory
of my husband Leonard Shobbrbok
who passed away one year ago.
November 6. 1995
• Alone but never quite Clone.
I face an empty chair. -
But sometimes In the silence.
11 imagine he is there •
My companion for so many years.
No longer here with me: ,
And yet in some mysterious way
He.keeps me company
Remembered always. Mary
46-45x1 . .
SHOBBROOK: In loving memory
of a' dear father and grandfather.
Leonard -Shobbrook who passed
away one year ago, November' 6.
1995 '
No farewells were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew,
And only God krc'Ns why
Our hearts ache with sadness
Secret tears still flow,
What it meant to lose you.
No one will ever know.
Sadly missed by your family.
Douglas, .Donna -Lynne and Ted.
grandchildren and ' great
grandchildren 46-45x1
The family of the late Vera Ross
would like to thank friends
relatives and neighbors for their
expressions df kindness and
sympathy at the time of our
bereavement Special thanks to Dr
Woidnik, and staff at Seaforth
• Manor for all their kind compassion
and excellent care shown Vera in
her stay there Many thanks for the
beautiful floral arrangements
charitable donations and cards that
were received Special thanks also
to Ross and Ruth at Whitney Rrbey
Funeral Home, Jane Kuepter tor
her comforting message at the
funeral service Also to the
Northside UCW who provided •i
lovely lunch Your kindness will
always be remembered Alt and
Joy. Faye. Eric and Linda 47 45x1
The St Columban and area youth
group wishes t0 thank all who
contributed to the Food dank and
supported our haunted house A
big thank you to all parents who so
generously gave their time
throughout the day It was a great
success 47-45-1
A heartfelt thank you to my family
and friends for cards. flowers.
phone calls, gifts and help while I
have been ill. Special thanks to Or
Woldnik, nurses and staff of
Seatorth Hospital for their care and
kindness. Everything was greatly
appreciated - Beth Pryce .47 45-1
ball into the net. Quick pass-
es .from Achim Kuebler,
Andy Krijen and that's all
folks. -
Parr Line outplayed, outran
hut couldn't outscore the
opposing Winthrop team.
Scoring for Winthrop is
speedster Joe Ryan with
direct passing from Brett Lee
and shy Mark McNichol.
Great game by both teams.
• ,(The New Who's)
Well, Royals where did all
your goals go-- as none could
be found for this game. The
"New Who Team" seemed to
he on a roll as two swifty
goals were scored by
"Wonder Boy" -S. Eckert and
third . goal hy• (White
Lightening)' K. Van Den
Neucker. Well planned passes
by Robert Hunking (yeh!
right) and Mr. No Name or
-No Nurnher. Great game for
the team goalie Mr. Steve
Dearing' who definitely has to
run harder to the ---bench
when a penalty is going to he
assessed to the opposing
team. as it will help wear off
some of the excess tire tube
that you say is holding 'you
hack. (Chuckle, chuckle,- ha,
ha). Great game gents.
Words cannot tell you how much 1
- appreciated the surprise going
away parry Friday night at
Jalcquie's. From the Warrettes ball
team, staff. from SCH. friends,
neighbors and family you all made
it a very memorable night I'll never
forget. I'm taking the cards and
gifts with me so I'll always have a
part of you all close .by. - Lots of-
flove, Diane 47=45x1
I. would- like to thank Gr • Grace of
iiniversity Hospital Or . Rodney.
Jr, Zettel.and all the nursing staff
'or the excellent Cary: I received
'• while hospitalized ,n Seatorth A
>pecial thank you to the V 0 N for
thd_ir close 'monnonng which
enabled me to recupenatoiat home.
along with help from ~tome Care
personnel Thank you also for the
many cards. visas and gifts from)
members of Unit 5. the choir and
All others 'My heartfelt appreciatiog
to one and 'all 'It Will never he
forgotten Connie Robertson.
4.7.45'x 1•
was down 5-1 but stormed back to
take a 7-6 lead with 3:51 to play.
( Nov. 1 )
.Durham 1 at at SEAFORTH.4
Carnochan 2, Keegam. Teichert,
GOALIE; Pridham.
(Oct. 29
Mt. Forest 3 at SEAFORTH 6
Adam Leonhardt 2.: Ryan Van
Dooren. -
GOALIE,: Ken Pridham.
THE STORY: Pridham played
great game. Seaforth scores three
in third to salt it away. Highlight -
"not the referee."
f Nov. 3 )
Seaforth 3 at GODERICH 0. .
Finlayson, Marsha Denys; Melissa
Van Rakel.
MS. ZERO: Sarah Agar..
(.Nov. 2 ) .
West Lorne 2 at SEAFORTH 5
Fishes • -n Delvecchio 2. Denys.
• F''L'f URE (.AMF,S :'
Sat: at Seaforth 9 p.m.
3.41711 JDA iT iffeI I NTNG
2. Kyle Devereaux 2. Cody
McNaughton•2. Kyle Bennewies.
Kyle Henderson,•Jaslin MacDonald:
Barry Young.
RICES GOALS Fyan Van TMoren.
Josh'Holland. Jason Brugger
BRUINS GOALS: Kevin Murray 1.
Keegan Teichert. Dan Nash. ( score-
, Sheet incomplete)
DUCKS GOALS: Trevor Engel 2.
Matthew Flanagan
I would like to thank .my family for
the lovely . birthday. dinner and
social evening with relatives and
friends and to all . who sent cards,
flowers and treats, thank you very
much - Jean Keys 47-45-1
We wish _to thank our tamely and
friends for their loving support,
best wishes, visits, flowers and
gifts in honor of Mackenzie's birth.
Special thanks also to Dr Hay and
all 'of the 08 nurses at Clinton
Public Hospital for the wonderful
care our family received. - Jeff,
,Shanrlon and Mackenzie 47-45-1
Community Calendar
V1/5D., NOV. 6
1.00-3:00 p.m.- Parents and Tots
Skating at the Arena
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior
.'Shuffleboard at Community
Centres •
430-5:30 p.m. - Novice and
Bunny Ringette at the Arena
5:30-6:30 p.m. - Atom I Hockey
practice at the Arena
6-30-7 30 p.rp. - Belle Ringette ,
practice at the Arena
700-9:011 p.m. - Step and
Aerobics Classes at the Arena
7:30-9:00 p.m. - Junior Broomball
at the' Arena
8:00-10:00 p.m. - Mixed' 1
Volleyball at the Highschool
9:00-11'30 p.m. - Ladies' and
Men's Broomball at(the Arena
THUR. , NOV. 7 ,
9:00-10:00 a.m. - Aerobic Class
al the Arena
4:00-6:00 p.m. - Figure Skating at
the Arena
7.30-9:00 p.m. - Junior Broomball
at the Arena
9:00-11:30 p.m. - Men's Broomball
at the Arena ,
• FRI, , NOV- 8
10:30-11.30 a.m. - Storyhour at.
the Seaforth Library
1:00-3:00 p.m. -Seniors' Bowling
at Starlight Lanes
4:15-7:15 p.m. -Minor Hockey at
the Arena •
7:15-8:15 p.m. - Tween Ringette
at the Arena.
8:15-11:00 p.m. - Wellesley vs -
Centenalres Jr. D Hockey
6:30-7:30 a.m. - Houseleague -
Sharks vs Kings -
Timekeeper is Parent of Ben
7:30-8:30 a.m. • Houseleague -
Panthers vs Bruins -
Timekeeper is parent of
Curtis Murray
8:30-9:30 a.m.- Houseleague
Blues vs Ducks -
Timekeeper is parent of Ryan •
Willis •
9:30.10:30 a..m.•Houseleague -
Whalers vs Oilers -Timekeeper
is.parent of Tyler Elligsen
10:30-11:30 a..m.- Houseleague -
Leafs vs Canadiens -
Timekeeper is parent of David
11:30-12:30 p.m. - Mites Hockey
. at the Arena
1:00-3:30 p.m. • Hospital Auxiliary
Bazaar at the Hospital
12:30-2:30 p.m. - Ringette
practices at the Arena
2:30-4:00 p m.- Public Skating at
the Arena
4 00-10.30 p m.- Minor Hockey
, Games at the Arena
SUN., NOV, 10
. 11:00-2:00 p.m.- Recreation
Hockey of the Arena
2:00-3-00 p.m.- Stephen Twsp vs
3:00-4:00 p.m. - Gins Hockey
4:00-8:15 p m. - Ringette Games
at the Arena
8:15411:30 p'.m. - Minor Hockey
Games at the Arena
• MON., NOV 11
4:30-9:00 p.m. - Figure Skating
at the Arena
7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports
-Bingo at the arena - Tonight's
host is Minor Hockey •
• 9:00-10:30 p.m. - Clinton vs
Beavers Oldtimers Hockey
TUES. , NOV. 12
9:00-11:00 a.m.- Aerobic and Line
Dancing at the Arena
9:00-11:30 a.m. - Parents and •
,Tots Playground at Northside
United Church Basement
1 30 - Seaforth Women's Institute
Meeting at Northside United
Church. "Please bong your own
10:00-12:00 noon • Parents and
Tots -Skating at the Arena
5:30-6:30 p.m. - Hockey Practice
at the Arena
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Hanover vs
Bantam Hockey at the Arena
7:30 p.m.. Seaforth Hospital
Auxiliary Meeting in Conference
Room *21
WED., NOV 13
1.p0-3:00 a.m.- Parents and Tots
Skating at the Arena
1:30-4:00 a.m. -.Senior
Shuffleboard at Community
5:30-6:30 p.m. - Atom I Hockey
• practice at the Arena
6:15 p.m. • Seaforth and District
Horticultural Society Annual
Meeting and Potluck Supper,
• Northside United Church
6:30-7:30 p.m. • Belle Ringette
practice at the Arena • .
7:00-9:00 p.m. - Step and
Aerobics Classes at the Arena
7:30-9:00 p.m. - Junior Broomball
at the Arena
8:00-10:00 p.m. - Mixed Volleyball
at the Highschool
9:00-11:30 p.m. - Ladies' and
Men's Broomball at the -Arena
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth
area residents, phone the recreeuon office 527-0882 or the
Expositor at 527-0240, or- mad the information to Community
Calender. The Huron Expositor. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontano, NOK 1 WO
well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date. time,
name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calender ,s
donated by The Huron Expositor
KINGS GOAIS:.GeofTrey Banks 3.
Kyle Brown 2. Darcy McCutcl)eon 2,
Michael Mcl-aughlln•2. McKenzie
Fisher, Joe Rapson
OILERS GOAL: Marc Delchiar8 .
LRAFS GOALS: Josh Nurse 2. Jim
Morris. Nick Packer
WHALERS TRIO: Megan Nolan.
John Crowley, BradleyHenderson -
WINNER! Scored by Packer
Verherne 2. Gerrid Dalton. Dave
`Chessel): Brent Coleman, Nathan
Chessel gets the goose egg.
(Nov. 31 •
H -P 'Akers 6 at CAMBRIDGE 5
NOTES: Chad McCallum of •
Walton had two assists in the
game.Lakers.record now four
- wins. nine losses. :
( Nov. 2/ at Clinton)
Brantford 7 at H -P takers 1
Sat INov. 16r London .it H -P
I.akers (at Clinton), 9:30 p.m.
Seaforth 10 at EXETER 5 •
Miltenhurg 3. Randi Wilson 3,
Shlety Marion, 2. Ashley Flanagan
Dianne Murray.
GOALIE?: Erica Diet/
Tara O'Reilly and Wilson each
also had three assists. 1-
PFT •'A.,
'(NovFE. 4) .
. ..Exeter 0 at SEA FORTH 6
Hiltz 3, Michelle Dorsi 2 Kayla
BIG FINISH: Sealnrth scored all
its goals in the last -half
(Nov. L exhibition) • -
Mitchell 2 al SFAFORTH 13'
Wood 3, Jessica Dtir.t 1, Angela
Eckert 2, Robyn .Nash 2. Emily
Maolney. Megan O'Reilly. Jessica
• Kockis.
GOALIE: Jen' • Brun '
81 1. I F: "R"
(Nov " 1', • . .
Forest 7 at SEAFORTH 4 - -
SEAFORTH (;OA.LS". Janclle
Wood 2,.Ahhy Dict.'. T Pridhan.
OOPS! Foresi scores liver .unan-
swered goals in second half
Nov 4i
Seaforth 29,11 ST ANNE'S 19
IOct 101 .
Wingham 40 at SEAFORTH 32
• (('arty Pncc 10.
Tart \Qrl.L-ll:ut 11)1
.It:'V EOR
Wingham 44 at SEAFORTH 48.
'(Amy Hanlon 20 .
Carali \4'(' ull 1
FLYING HIGH - The St. Anne's Eagles (dark jerseys) beat
Seaforth's junior Golden Bears twice last week - by about
30 points in a. tournament in Seaforth Saturday. and -by 10
in league play' on their own Clinton court Monday .
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