HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-09-04, Page 44 -THE ON EXPOSITOR, $opt•mb.r 4, 1996 Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 DAVE SCOTT - Editor GREGOR CAMPBELL • Reporter BARB STOREY • distribution TERRI-LYNN DALE • General Manager & Advertising Monger MARY tviELLOR • Sales PAT ARMES - Office Manager DiANNE McGRATH - Subscriptions 8 Classifieds A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper SUBSCRIPTION RATES LOCAL - 32 50 a Year, in advance, plus 2 28 G 5 T SENIORS: 30 00 o yeor, in advance, plus 2 10 GS T USA & foreign 3;50 a yeor in odvance, plus $78 00 postage, G S T exempt SUBSCRIPTION RAIES•- Published weekly by Signol-Stor Publishing of 100 Main St , Seaforth Publication moil registration No 0696 held of Seaforth, Ontario Advertising is accepted on condition that .n the event of a typographical error, the odvertising space occupied by the erroneous dem, together with a reosonabte allowance for signature, will not be charged, but the balance of the odvertisement will be paid for of the applicable rate- In the event of o typographicol error, odvertismg goodi or services of o wrong price, goods or services moy not be sold Advertising is merely on offer to sell and may be withdrawn of ony time The Huron Expositor is not responsible for the toss or damoge of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other•moteriols used for reproduction purposes. Chonges of addreis, orders for subscriptions and undeliv- eroble copies ore to be sent to The Huron Expositor Wednesday, September 4, 1996 Editorial and Business Offices - 100 Main Slreet.,Seaforth Telephone (519) 527.0240 Fax (519) 527-2858 Moiling Address - P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK two Member of the Canadian Community Newspoper Association, Ontario Community Newspapers Associotion and the Ontario Press Council S In the Years Agone Fought Fenians FROM THE PAGES OF THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEPTEMBER 11, 1896 'THE VETERANS OF 1866 - A movement is on foot to secu're from the Dominion Government some recogni- tion of the serbices of those Volunteers who served their Queen and country dyring the time of the Fenian Raid in 1866. In the furtherance of this movement a meeting of the officers' and men in this , vicinity, who were on service on that memorable occasion, will , be held at the Commercial 'Hotel, Seaforth, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock. This meeting is called at the instance of the promoted of the movement, who are prominent military men in different parts of the Province, and who- desire the co-operation of all their col- leagues in arms in 1866, of ` whom there are still a number in this vicinity. LOCAL BRIEFS - An'other telephone has been added to the list in town. This week Mr. C.W. Papst placed an instrument in Mr. A. Cardno's bakery and confec- tionery store. Mr. Cardno's customers will now be able to get their bread by tele- phone. SEPTEMBER 9,1921 LETTER OF APPRECIA- TION - Mayor Golding received the following letter on Friday last from Hon. W.L. Mackenzie King, which 'speaks for itself; "Ottawa, 1st September, 1921. Dear Mr. Golding: - Permit me to extend to you and through you to the citi- zens of Seaforth a word of very sincere thanks and appreciation for the many courtesies extended to my colleague. Dr. Boland, and myself during our recent visit to your town. Permit me also to congratulate you upon the great success of the meeting over which you so ably presided. It was in every par, ticular a remarkable gather-. ing and will. I believe. prove a happy augury of the success • of the Liberal cause in thc Hurons in the election which from present indications is at last to he conceded by the Government. With all good wishes. believe Inc. Yours very sincerely, W. l.. Mackenzie King." SEPTEMBER 13, 1946 Some 35 Ohio State farm- ers, agricultural representa- tives and members of the Extension Service of the University of Ohio, travelling by chartered bus, who arc. on a Western Ontario farm tour, paid a short visit to Seaforth on Wednesday afternoon. While here the United States visitors inspected the poultry and stock farm of James M. Scott, adjoining Seaforth, being particularly interested in his poultry, poultry housing, stock barns and Durham herd. From there, they drove to W.L. Whyte's Holm Farm, for an 'inspection of his immense broiler plant, laying pens, hogs and cattle, and from there -visited theegg grading plant of Seaforth produce Limited, and the company's cold'storage plant. Could you cut it? You know you're from Wainfleet if . Yes, once again it's time for my annual tribute to back country Canada as - exemplified by my own home town, the place where horse buns are freshness dated and cows .get milked by hand because it's a lot more fun ... Wainfleet, Ontario. It's a huge township but a tiny town. It used to be a farming settlement on the Feeder Canal and now it's a pastoral village built on crafts and cash crops. It can be kind of confusing so please, permit me to describe in more detail, the people and the place where men are men and women think that's so -damn funny. You know you're from Wainfleet, if you're perfectly serious abut turning your trailer into a Bed & Breakfast next summer. You know you're ,from Wainfleet if you believe the Dutch have good reason to reform. • You know, you're from Wainfleet if your neighbour has three rusted -out cars on his front lawn and that makes _you just a teensy weensy bit jealous. • You know 'you're from Wainfleet if you think pipe bombing at the Olympics ought to be an official event. You know you're. - from Wainfleet- if your church has a hoist and a grease pit. You know you're from Wainfleet if the guy who cleans your septic tank also breeds bulldogs professionally. Seaforth town , council' passed a motion requesting the Department of Highways to install a blinker light at the intersection of Main Street on No. 8 Highway", as several accidents have , already occurred on this busy inter- section of, the county and provincial highway. SEPTEMBER 16,1971 A' joint pubic meeting between ratepaYers of Seaforth and Tuckersmith may be called within two weeks to discuss the.Van Egmgnd • property , in Egmoadville according to Seafot'th Reeves -John Flannery. . A move is afoot to have the building restored as an his- toric site. * * * While working in a field at Welt half of Lot 8, Conc, 4 McKillop last week, Vincent Murray noticed a` red object on the ground. Investigating he found it -was a red balloon from the Michigan National Bank of Flint Mich. advertising Flint's old fashioned side- walk sale." Another letter re You know you're from. Wainfleet if you refuse to use your turn signals because you think it'll eventually kill the battery. - You know you're from Wainfleet if the only two dates you can remember are the day Elvis died and the day you bumped into him at - the Avondale. You know you're from Wainfleet if you believe that "crack problem" with city kids could be solved if they just wore belts. • You know you're from Wainfleet if you're still a little.leary of bagels. You know you're from Wain fleet if you take particular 'interest in newspaper photos.of The Gay Pride Parade, to see if you can spot theneighbour's kid. • You know,. you're from Wainfleet if you were kinda surprised you didn't need a passport to get into. the International House of Pancakes. You know you're •from Wainfleet if you think we ought to make Mayor Stan "President For Life" and save money on all these elections. You know you're from Wainfleet if your response to .getting caught in a handicapped parking space was: "Hey! I pay taxes too!" -• You know you're from Wainfleet if you see nothing wrong with the water guy filing up your cistern from the Wainfleet Volunteer Fire Department truck. You know you're from Wainfleet if you went to see Babe and ruined the movie for your wife by pointing out all the technical faults in the. barnyard scenes.- - You know you're from Wainfleet if you met your girlfriend in drug rehab and you've convinced your wife it's part of your therapy program. • You know you're from Wainfleet if you're seriously thinking 'of patenting your idea of snap -on patio lanterns for Christmas lights so you never have to take the damn things down. You know you're from Wainfleet if you haven't enjoyed a good baseball game since - the Humane. Society banned donkeys from the sport. You know you're from Wainfleet if you can't believe you got pulled over- for breathalizer even with that "God. is My Co -Pilot" bumper sticker. - , -.You know you're from Wainfleet if you donated -a half a dozen rolls of Bounty to the flood 'Victims in Quebec. , You know . you're -from Wainfleet if you swear you only listen to the country and western station to find out who won the spreader. You know you're from- Wainfleet if you think hay fever is that restless feeling you get every time you get near a combine. You know, you're "from Wainfleet if you're still trying to make things up'to your son for blaming all those 1 -900 - SEX calls on him. You know you're from Wainfleet if you've .carried, a ' gun in your golf bag ever since your brother -in -law - said he .shot an eagle at Riverview. You know you're from Wainfleet if your last two:- children wo:children are named Garth and Shania: You know you're. from Wainfleet if you tell: your husband you're having an affair and he. gets mad because he thinks he'll havea wear a suit and tie. And finally, you know - you're from Waintleet if you never tire of telling strangers that the definition -of the word confusion is Father's Day in Dunnville. Help with sick animal hard to come by EDITOR'S NOTE: The following contains, graphic description and is not for the squeamish. Dear Editor: Our story begins on Friday evening, August 2, at about 10:30 p.m. We were sitting at the kitchen table with .two close friends of ours, Jack and Patti Geldholf. I heard through the open 'patio door a small meow. I went to inves- tigate, hut-. our German Shepherd Skip also heard this and pushed out past me. Skip found this very tiny kitten and proceeded to slobber all over it. I quickly saved the kitten (so I thought) from this unwanted bath, and took it into the house.- Well ouse.Well Mr. Editor my heart jumped into my throat when I got the kitten into the light. His/,.her right eye was gone, swollen to twice the size, and. get this, crawling, yes, crawl- ing with maggots. Not only this but his left front paw at the end was twice the size as his right and gapping'open with more maggots. This lit- tle kitten was so thin [ could feel every rib inside of it. It was also covered in what looked like oatmeal. I later found it was fly eggs. Well we had to decide what to do. LACAC . Common se nse and cool Dear Editor: Having just returned from summer holidays, I was able to catch up on the local news and views for the past two weeks in the local paper. I am motivated to respond to thc Town of Seaforth, your paper, as well as those who have written on our behalf, in support of the improvements made to the building which I partially own on Main Street in Seaforth. With respect to The Huron Expositor, I am amazed at the quality of your reporting and research abilities. Having spent thousands of dollars with your paper over the past number of years, 1 ,find my name spelled incorrectly on the front page in the August 21, 1996 issue of your paper. Interestingly enough, this issue was published on my birthday, a memory that I am sure to hold dearly. 1 find it interesting that thc first news that I read of a wrist slap or otherwise with respect to this issue, ' comes from the Expositor and not the Town itself. I would suggest that communications are lacking at some level. The only • request that has been received by this office is a :request that the proper forms be filed with respect to the change of the exterior door, which has since been com- plied with. At this point. I am still ,unaware of the outcome of our application. l look for- ward to hearing the results. I am curious as to what source the news comes from. With respect to the Town of Seaforth (and residents), I would hope that common sense would prevail. As a business person in this town, I have gone at lengths to pro- mote my business and to improve the environment in which I work. The renova- tions made to this building since our acquisition have been substantial to say the least. My property tax increases over the past years Letters to the Editor Our kids were here and saw the condition this kitten was apparently in. Well we began our phone crusade, first we called the OPP. The dispatcher told us they would send someone down, but they didn't 'know when they would arrive, quite 'understandable. When we , called back they suggested we call 'animal control which they said was Mr. Trick from Londesborough. When my husband called Mr. Trick he said he could not help because he as animal control only dealt with dogs. At this time Jack and Patti had to go home because they ,were so disgusted at people who. informed of this kitten's con- dition would not'do anything for it. Patti could not stand to look at the kitten any longer. The man from animal control said he could only act if Mr. James Crocker, our clerk treasurer; or Mrs. Cathy Garrick. our deputy clerk gave him direction to do so. My husband `then called Mr. Crocker. There was no heads better have proven to be a constant *reminder of the pride that you take in the improvements that have been made. 'i have always wondered what the penalties are to those proper- ty owners that show little consideration throughout the town. At this point, thc only friendly part of this town is the sign that you read when you :enter into it. As an ithmigrant to Seaforth from Hamilton, 1 find it a constant struggle to "fit in". At this point in time. approximately 80 per cent of my business revolves well outside of Seaforth and yet a similar percent of the proceeds are spent within the town. It is unfortunate that my family was not one of the first immi- grants to have found this wonderful berg but at least give credit to those whom have selected this town as a place to establish a home. Given a few decades, I would answer. He then called Mrs. Garrick. Before I'continue I want to add- that I was sitting and 'hol'ding this very weak kitten in my arms, and, yes I was sitting there crying. I had. to pick up the kleenex I was using to wipe my tears and squish the maggots which 'were falling from the kitten's eye onto my lap. When my husband got a hold of Cathy she informed him that Mr. Crocker was on holidays. and there was nothing she could do, and she didn't like being awakened for this. My hus- band became very upset and began giving her a hard time. She hung up on him. I want Cathy to know that my children were here all the time watching the maggots run in and oui of this little helpless animal's paw and eye. I think things would have been different had it been her son watching, or maybe she will raise her son to be the same as her, indif- ferent to a hurt animal. Sony Cathy but I'm calling it like I see it. than courts hope that my children's chil- dren may avoid having the stigma of not having a long term heritage attached to them. , . To those whom have writ- - ten in support of our little dilemma, thank you for your efforts. Admittedly, we have faulted in not following the proper procedures with respect to thc new door at our place of business. Even though the procedures and the reason behind them are questionable at times, at pre- sent, its the law. The courts are no place to resolve issues of this -nature and i am cer- tain cool heads and common sense will prevail in this issue. I have never been one for taking threats lightly and would welcome the challenge if it arises. I am confident that this will not be the case in this matter, but appreciate your support anyway. Sincerely, Harry DenHaan We called the emergency number for the vet -clinic and when the -vet called hack he asked us to keep this kitten until morning. While sitting here holding_ the kitten, I knew I could not even con- sider doing this: number one. the kitten was continuing to shake its..head either with - pain, or I just don't know, - and, two; my children were . sitting here watching this lit- tle animal suffer. We were also told we would have to pay.for_all thc bills arising from this. We told the vet we could not afford to and this is . not our kitten, it is a stray. The vet agreed to meet us at the clinic in Clinton. This was about '12:45 a.m. When .we pulled into the clinic parking lot we were soon approached by a police cruis- er. The officer approached my husband's side of the car and asked what was going. on. My husband told him we were waiting for the vet. and . why. I recognized officer Dwight Adams and asked him to conic around to my 'side of the oar and sec for himself. Officer Adams shone the flashlight inw the car and saw thc kitten laying on its back looking up at me not even struggling in my hands. When the vet (Pete Wiley) • arrived he was wonderful. He took one look at this sad little kitten and told us the most humane thing we could do was to put it to sleep. He said hc.could not save it. The white flaky stuff -covering and imbedded into it's fore- head was more ily eggs. We left ':Smokie" as I had named it. 1 had to call It something.- in his capable hands. He already had the needle in his hand. You know i had never believed in putting animals to sleep •until now. Well Mr. Editor. 1 know that if you print my story you will have to condense it. as 1 have tried - to do without leaving out anything. l just want to finish by saying to anyone who - could not help that night - if i am just an overly sensiuvc person then I want my chil- dren to grow up just like inc. •I also hope that should their pets ever need help and are wandering around in the night I hope they find a fami- ly just like mine to sit outside and mcow to. Sincerely. Shirley Bruggcr Seaforth