HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-07-31, Page 9(34. PERSONAL WEDDINGS Performed - your location of our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). For brochure . call: Rev. Morgan - Al Faiths. Pastoral Centre, Benmilter, 524.5724 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS AD AND NEWS DEADLINE The deadline for news copy, clas- sified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor, Seaforth is Monday at 1 p m. Phone 527- 0240 36-01-tinxe (3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (,•/. MORTGAGES • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of GORDON ROSS HULLEY All persons having claims against the estate of Gordon Ross Hulley, late of the Town of-Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 9th 'day of June, 1996, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of August, 1996, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 26th day of July 1996. MCCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street Seaforth,. Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Executor. "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" a BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 8 UNITS: 2 Commercial 6 Residential 3 UNITS: 1 Commercial 2 Residential. 4 UNITS: all residential with extra lot. 2 UNITS: both Commercial. • 1" 1 2•' Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6.50s Interest Personal Loans tl you qualify, payments gm, o8, Mo. Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10.000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts Calf (519) 363-0211 1-800.387.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38. AUCTION SALE (38. AUCTION SALE• RICHARD AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 We are accepting additions for upcoming auctions. call now. -`SS55-c,5'-i''�S.•�-..-... ` -oma o-��-.: �-�. -` o�-�. ti LARGE AUCTION Double Ring Auction of appliances; antiques; tools; guns and household effects held at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell THURS. AUG. 1 AT 4:00 P.M. Partial Listing: Beautiful oak extension table with 6 leaves; oak grandfather's open style clock; small spinning wheel; table top Victrola; blanket boxes; set of 5 press back chairs; set of 5 oak dining room chairs; washstands and dressers; settee; parlour tables; wicker tern stands; approx. 20 voilins and cases; press back high chair; wicker doll buggy; bridge' lamp; drop leaf table; cedar chest; deep freezers; RCA console T.V.with remote; partial chamber set; coal oil lamps; miniature flat -to -wall and dresser (old); Marconi floor model radio; nesting tables; flat -to -wall top; crocks; Supertest pail; cross -cut saws; flat irons; many small collectibles; double length flip -top Coke cooler; collectible dishes; ddishes; our usual offering of good household effects; bedroom and kitchen furniture; Samsonite patio furniture; power and hand tools; garden tools; Ariens roto tiller; guns including Riverside arms D.B. 12 ga.; Gooey model 84 12 ga; Enfield 303; Stevens D.B. 12 ga. model 311; musket loader. An interesting sale. PROP: Margaret MacLean of Tuckersmith-Township with additions Auctioneer: Doug Jacob 271-7894, 11 1 tititi 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • X w Ir X w cc X 2 W Ir 5 tu Ir • X w CC • W CC •X w Cc • &a... the Remax Lakefront Expert in Point Clark #i1 Lakefront, Very Affordable! Just 'educed to S147. 000 - great cottage on true lakefront wnh great Peach Well treed lot (65'x 198) Winter access - enjoy the rest of the summer On the beach Super retirement home in Pont. Clark. short block to lake • This home ,s 6 yrs. Old and about 2000 sq. ft. Oak kitchen, family •03m ar•d woodstove JaC11ZZi tublarge hv,ng and dining room, bnng aft the g•asdch ldren, 419 workshop with garage - landscaping is terrific. 5142,000 Do Call Dos ti:M-3600 Day or Night EeFront. Point Clark! at family cottage on a good beach Lakefront lot. or next door. a vaixall*'tstl lid build your own Do Call Don. This ,s Ire hest of the best on the beach _ 1 1st a large lot 120 wide on a beau - tit sandy beach A home wnh large Master Bedroom wnh ensile and Two bedrooms Huge Irving-roomld,n ung and &lice that would make a very cozy den or TV area with fireplace All open concept. 2 car garage Available immed+ately Jh,s rs beaut?ul' 5359 000 Do Call Don. #2 Lakeview 20 seconds to lakefront Just across the road and 4s splash, splash' A good year round 2 bedroom home 5 appli- ances - good sand beach - workshop - nice landscaping and the right omit 569.900. Oo Calf Don. Don has lakefront properties from Point Clark to Southampton. Building tots. cottages and homes Prices that will reflect the market For the best buy. Do CaII Don at 396-3500 Re/Max lake lands Real y Ltd. LAKE LANDS REALTY LTD. Downtown Kincardine 396-396-8444 • 8•XVLNJ•xb1N38•xd1N38•xvw38• V • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • REMAX • 42. DEATHS • ROSS, Wilfred John Mustard: On Tuesday, July 23rd at the Seaforth Manor in his 93rd year Long time resident farmer. he,. Keeper and horseman • of ;tin'n'y Twp' and later Brucefield , Lae long owner' trimer and orn' hni• driver of standardbred horses Beloved, lather' of Robert arid Beryl Faulds of R R 5. Clinton. I )on,dd Russ of Port Franks, William aitd Barbara Ross of Brucehalll Also wrwved by 13 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren' Precfeceiased by his wire Lottie Vance Faulds 1 grandson, 1 great llianddaughtcr. 1 sister Grace ,mid 1 brother Wallace Family sic!:tved friends at the Whitney Ribey l- 01ieral.'Hone. 137 Godench St W . Seatorih on Thursday from 7 9 p m and I hour prior to 2 p m funeral service on Friday at the funeral home Interment Baird Cemetery Pallbearers wire .V lnu • Kelly. Howard Allan, Err. Ron Driscoll, Bob Broad- and Stew i3roadfoot Honors,, t :allbcarer was Robert Speir Flower bearers were Steven Faulds Jaime Faulds. Don Ross Jr and Lawrence Ross. his grandsons Rev Bruce Cook officiated Menton:II donations to 1he Canadian C:mcr.'r Society would be appreu.t , 'd by the family 42'31 - 1 112. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. 42. DEATHS • • GODKIN, Bryan of McKillop Township and Riding Mountain Manitoba on July '1. 1996 at Neepawa Monro' Tal Hospital, Manitoba in his 41s; yoar . Bryan Godkin, son of June Andrews of Cookstown and the late Mervin Godkin and dear brother of Linda Godkin of Mississauga Survived by his "wile Susan McClure (Gregus) and children Anyta Pickett, Matthew and Kaley McClure, and several aunts and uncles. Funeral services were held at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St •W., Seaforth my 25. 1996 at 2 p m Int ',I Maitland •Bank Cemetery Rei B! uce Cook olhciated,. Pallbearers were Darrell Coleman, Janie McNichol, Pat Kyle. Bill Swinkels, Trace Dallas and Art Glanville 42-31-1 VINCENT, Edith (nee Hunt) passed away at Seaforth Manor July 26, 1996 in her 98th year. Rested at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth where a funeral service was held on Monday, July 29 at 2. p.m. She was predeceased by a sister Vera McMillan and brothers Frank, Homer and Clifford Hunt: Left to- mourn is . a sister-in-law Isabelle Hunt and many nieces and nephews. Rev. Nicholas Vandermey conducted the funeral service and the Ladies of First Presbyterian Church served lunch following burial in Maitland Bank Cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Anderson, Walter McClure, Francis Hunt, William Kerslake, Murray Pepper and Harvey McClure. Flower bearers -were Bill -McMillan and Bill Hunt. 42-31-1 i 43. BIRTHS • WETTLAUFER Paul and Cheryl (nee Regele) are pleased td announce the long anticipated arrival of their first child, a 'daughter, Sydney Ashton Michaela, Sydney arrived on July 15th, '1996 at Clinton Public Hospital at 9 43 p.m. weighing 7 lbs • 11 ozs Sydney will be welcomed home by "the girls", Murphy and . Bailey. Spoiling, privileges 'go to first time grandparents Harold and Donna Wottlaufor of Clinton, and Robert and Laurene Regele of 'Dublin, Aunt Sandra and Uncle Wayne. 43 31x1 1 WYNJA' Martin and Mary are -pleased to announce the arrival of Katelyn Dint, born Saturday. July 27, 1996 weighing 6 lbs 10 oz at 8:15 p.m' in Seaforth Community Hospital. A little playmate fur Amy and Dean'. Grandparents are Bert and Dini Lenselink of Harriston and Gerrit and Teresa Wynja of Seaforth. Special thanks to Dr Zettel and the nursing staff 43-31xlc ICANCER INFORMATION SERVICE CALL 1-800-263-6750 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE• 1 R.R.64 SEAFORTH -34 75 Acres! - R.R.i12 GODERICH - Lakefront winterized cottage' • • 1.; Y' • - 119 EAST WILLIAM STREET - Maintanance free exterior! • R.R.e1 BLYTH ' - Renovated schoolhouse! • 54 GEORGE ST., EAST - List 882.5001- 30 82.500!- 115 GODERICH ST., EAST - List 8139.000' - R.R.12, SEAFORTH - 96.80 Acres' - 138 JAMES STREET - List 8105,000! - 30 CHALK ST., SOUTH List $109,0001 - 71 LONDON RD., EGMONDVILLE - List $99,000' • 10 FAIRWAY RD., EGMONDVILLE - List 8199,900! • R.R.111 BRUCEFIELD • List 8169,000! - WEE END DRIVE-BY'S SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1996 10:00 - 11:30 A.M. 118 GODERICH ST. EAST 8119,9001 HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG MLS REALTOR 4 Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI tl THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1996 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. 211 TURNSE,O RY STREET BRUSSELS • $119,0001 HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG BRAND NEW SIDING! Just starting out/ Then don't miss out on this excellent 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey with country sized kitchen; economical gas heat, 11/2 baths, full basement; side entry with large concrete porch' 'MAUREEN WILDFONG •LORIE ZULAUF •PERCY SCHNEIDER •DIANNE FREEMAN 482.3224 522-0575 565-5504 SEAFORTit SALES REPRESENTATIVES 4824500 PUT YOURSELF IN THE PICTURE Whether you're thinking o1 buying yo ,r first home or planning to retire, this one floor frame/aluminum sided horse is for you' 3 bedrooms, Tull basement, gas heat, porch 6 newer roof. 188,500! ONE OF THE BESTI Handsome. 2 storey, brick & frame home boasting 4 bedrooms, gas heat, 3 baths, central air with heat pump, double attached garage 8 more. Move up to this exceptional home. 8214,900! Tilt HURON IXPO$(TOR, July 31, 111!0.11 • 45. MARRIAGES BROWN• ROADHOUSE • A small beautiful wedding was held in Lindsay Memorial Park on July 4, 1996 at 7:30 p.m for Shawn and Tamarra Brown. Rev. Cliff Webster performed the ceremony. Jeanine Medland was maid of honor for Tamarra and Bill Brown Jr. was best man for his son Shawn Tamarra is the daughter of Pam and Roger •Roadhouse of Lindsay, and Shawn is the son of Bill and Lois Brown of Lindsay (formerly of Seaforth) Shawn and Tamarra are residing in Lindsay and would like to say many thanks to relatives from Seaforth area for lovely cards and gifts, which were greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. - Shawn and Tamarra Brown 45-31-1 (46. IN MEMORIAM• KELLY: In loving memory of Doreen who passed away August 2, 1994. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Lovingly remembered by Wilmer, Carol and Steve, Murray and Glenyce and Michael. 46-31x1 HILDEBRAND: In loving memory of Tyler Hildebrand who passed .away 5 years ago. August 1, 1991 Our thoughts are always with you. Your place no one .;an fill, In life we thought the world of you. -In death we love you still And though you left this earth, Much sooner than we planned, - We brave the sad times that come And fry to understand Cherished are the memories that - linger with us yet, Of love and laughter, happy times That wo won't ever forget Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mon, Dad" Jennir' and Emily 4631x1 MALCOLM: In loving rnumory of our dear father. Peter Malcolm, who passed away one year ago. August '5, 1995 A wonderful 'father, a person so rare. Content with his family and'atways there. - , He gave us love in the fullest measure, Care, devotion and memories to treasure, . Teaching the truth 0l nghtand wrong. r ' "His wisdom remembered our whole.lite long A smile ler all. a hear) of gold, . One of the best this world could hold, , - - Toiling and striving day to day. Facing whatever came his way. ' Being not sulhsh, for others he teed, Not to recoiJe but always to give The toars we shed we can wipe away, But the longing in our hearts will always stay. So forgive us Lord if we still weep, For a wonderful father we wanted to keep,' - 1f wishes could be granted. I know what mine would be. To hear his voice and see his smile, And share a pot of tea Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Annie. sons Bruce. Glenn, Charlie and daughter Moira, and his grandchildren and great grandchildren 4631 1 46. IN MEMORIAM HILDEBRAND: In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin, Tyler who passed away, August 1, 1991. Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day, No need for words except to say, Still loved and missed in every way. Remembered always Rick, Joan and family. 46-31-1 HILDEBRAND: In loving memory of Tyler Hildebrand who passed away August 1, 1991. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper so you'll hear, That I will always love and miss you, And wish that you were still here. Love always, cousin Jill. 43-31-1 HILDEBRAND: In loving memory of a dear grandson, Tyler Hildebrand, who passed away August 1, 1991. No further away than a picture, A smile or remembered phrase, Our loved ones live in memory --- So close in so many ways. For how often does a sun set, Bring nostalgic thoughts to mind, Of moments that our loved ones shared, In days now left behind. Lovingly remembered by Nana Hildebrand 43-31-1 WOOD: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Charlie, who passed away July 30, 1990 You are always on our minds. No natter what we do, All the time within our hearts, There are thoughts of you. Remembered always Rick, Joan and family 4631-1 WOOD: In loving memory of my grandfather, Charles Wood, who passed away July 30. 1990. A small tribute warm and tender, Just to say that I remember. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Jill 46.31x1 FCARDS OF THANKS. • HICKNELL The family of the late Francis Hicknell wish to express their deep appreciation and thanks to Ors. ' Rodney, Shepherd. Zettel and the ' nurses of Soaforth Community Hospital tor their care given while Francis was -ill Special thanks to . the kitchen stall for' the extra coffee. muffins, and kind words for 'the family To Mary Catherine and Shirley thank you for your ' kindness. To Fr. Hardy, Sister Rita and members of the pastoral care team for their • visits. •To our neighbors and friends 16r the food,. floral arrangements, sympathy and mass card and donations.' A special- thank you to the children both, past and present from bus 367 for.your gilts. To the Whitney- Rlbey Funeral Home stall, the St. Columban CWL for lunch, St.' Columban Choir for tho music and the Knights of Columbus for the honour guard. Thanks to the pallbearers, flower bearers and alter servers, to Sharon, Joanne, Irene •and Karen for having our meal prepared. The kindness shown to us will never be forgottetl. - Marie Hicknell. Joe and Mary -Ellen, Larry and Frances. Teresa and Martin, John and Sheila. Margaret and Chris and Stephen and their families. 47-31x1 • 12, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r MLS REALTOR "Call For Free Evaluation" Sharon Medd M.V.A. Assoc. Broker 527-0560 Fax 527-2763 • I I19NTEE 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 John Duddy 482-3652 Gordon Hill 233-3307 Jeff Jewitt 482-5158 Peter Damsma 482-9849 JUST LISTED: HARPURHEY 3, bedroom, brick sided, ranch style home. Single attached garage, family room in basement, hi-eff gas heating. Survey available. Country atmosphere. 898,900. r1I'I'i { • f .11011 NEWLY NEWLY LISTED: SOUTH OF BLYTH: 3 + 1 bedroom brick home in immaculate condition. Finished bsmt with new propane fireplace in family room. 2 garden sheds. Lovely landscaping. 8139,900. JUST LISTED: 30 Birch Si,, Seaforth: aluminum sided shop. 55' x 32'. Two sections. Use on side, rent the other out. Many possibilities. 158,900. SOLD SOLD SOLD 4 WINNIPEG RD., VANASTRA: 3 bedroom home with many upgrades. 849,900. NEWLY LISTED: Restaurant for sale. Busy cafe with seating for 48 people plus an "overflow" summer patio. 8185,010 includes business, equipment & building. 1-6 BRODHAOEN: Great summer home with potential of 5 bedrooms. With a little TLC this could be a great home. Originally duplexed. 869,900. SOLD SOLD SOLD: 12 acre hobby farm. 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home with family room. 26' x 36' bam with leans. Plus much more. 8146,000. HWY 118, WEST OF SEAFORTH: 20 acres of land zoned Future Development. Systematically tiled. Endless possibilities. New price 8102,500.