HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-07-03, Page 171 S -TNI HURON tXPO$fTON, irk 3, 11111141 Entertainment PIANO RECI-i AL - A piano recital for the students of Carol Carter, ARCT, A. MUS., RMT, was held on the evening of June 9 at First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth. Front row, from left: Hilary Burgess, Shealyn Austin, Alicia Dick, Aline Shepherd, Willem Shepherd, Justin Yee, Evan Cronin, Kirsty Currie, Katherine Yee. Second row, left: Jasmine Foreman, Lindsey McClure, Danielle Vanden Hengel, Sydnie Lane, Nicole Kistner, Brock Smith, Kevin Wilbee, Stephen Henderson, Paul Foreman, Chris Longstaff, Joshua Bell, Shannon Austin, Jessica Burgess, Carol Carter. Third row, left: Jennifer Smith, Suzanne Shewan, Andrea Longstaff, Nicole Munro, Jamie Bell, Debbie Vanden Hengel, Danielle Kistner. Fourth row: Wendy Glauser, Angie Southgate, Janelle Gowan, Julie Duwyn, Erin Nicholson, Caroline Dyck, Betty Little, Marianne Vanden Henget, Bonnie Bannerman. Back row: Katie Thomas, Jennifer O'Rourke, Paul Spittal, Mark Phillips, Curtis Smith, Nick Longstaff. Absent from photo: Anna Mailloux, Bee Bee Foreman. (Photo submitted) Worst flood in 27 years turns much of Exeter and area into pool Exeter was hammered with About 100 homes were the Times Advocate. its worst flood damage in 27 affected when an east -west .The w,irst of rains came years when the town's drainage ditch and culvert before 1-30 a.m. and most drainage system couldn't couldn't handle the runoff had fallen an hour later. handle torrential rains shortly from millions of gallons of According to Ausahle after midnight on June 20. accumulated water, reports Bayfield Conservation Seaforth and area Sports ,SCOREBOARD Authority gauges about 3.5 inches of rain came down in an hour. Many crops were also dam- aged in the vicinity. CONTINUED from page 5 FASTBALL HURON COUNTY LEAGUE ( June 26 result ) C4th 0 at Zurich Panthers 9 FUTURE GAMES : Tonight (Weill; Lieury Redsox at SEAFORTII PLUMBING, R p.m. BLUEWATER-LEAGUE Squirt ( June 27 result ) Seaforth 17 Goderich Twp R C4TH WITH BAT: Joey Nesbitt, 4 hits ( 1 .HR); Mark Moffet and Ian Johnston, both 3 hits; Matt Johnston and Dave Austin, 2 hits. WINNING PITCHER: Johnston. ( lune 20) -' Seaforth 24 Colborne i 9 • SCORERS: Steve Carnochan 4 and Nesbitt, 4 funs; Moffett, 3 runs. WP: Camochan. (rune 14) Seaforth 21 Londesboro I THE LUMBER: Josh Holland, Camochan, Nesbitt each scored 4 • runs. . THE WINNING CHCCKER: 'Craig Nicholson. •( June 13)• Seaforth 20 Tuckersmith Twp 10 UN ATTACK: Nicholson, Holland and Johnston each crossed the plate on three occas- •sions. 1996 Ontario Junior Men's Elimination Tournament . (at Mitchell, July 5-7) OPENING ROUND tall Friday/double knockout) 10:30 a.m: Wellesley vs Woodstock. Smith Falls juveniles vs Simcoe. Shakespeare vs. Aberfoyle, ORSA vs Kemptvilte. Napanee bye.(Hoaro's Station withdrew). 12:30 p m- North Fredericksburg • vs Sebringville. Oshawa juveniles vs Bramalea, St. Catharines vs. Hickson -Cassel. Tara vs Moscow, Inverary vs Owen Sound. 2:30 p.m; Stittsville vs Colborne, Bridgeport vs Port Perry. Fingal - Boxall vs Markham, Merlin vs Oshawa juniors, Scarborough vs Atwood. 4:30 p m; Exeter vs Mitchell. 6:30 p.m; Opening ceremonies. BiTS & PiECES: Oshawa juve- niles are defending champions. BUCK & DOE for Terry McGregor Carol Axtmann Saturday, July 13, 1996 9:00 pm to 1:00 am Music by. D.J. Lunch Provided Age of Majority Tickets $5.00 ea. For more info call... 527-2821 HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY Mack & Janet Webster July 9, 1996 in honour of their parents' Anniversary Mary Ellen. Mark & Brian invite you to an OPEN HOUSE Saturday July 13 From 8 p.m. - ? at their home while Oshawa juniors were run- ners-up in last year's provincial championship. The top two teams in this.weekend's Mitchell tourna- ment will advance to the Canadian Nationals • next month - in Newfoundland. 47� BUCK & DOE for BARRY VINCENT & • BRENNA WEIN SATURDAY, JULY 6,1996 TICKETS $5/ PERSON AGE OF MAJORITY LUNCH PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION CALL 527-2204 OR 527-1639 GRADUATION!! WILLIAM HUGH NORRIS Ivan °t Betty Liu `1,:rn, are proud to announce the gradua tion of their son Hugh from Fan4hawe College on .June 12 1996 thigh graduated with .i diploma - in Mee h.tiiu'.i1 Engmecrtng Technician Design Ile previously .attended tapper 1'hilines-Elementary School .out Vlitctirll District Iltgh School Ilugh is currently employed by .1 Tech Design Ltd n \Vocxistock- e..9rrwe. ZOO speom yaw ttu..ct Seaforth Minor Sports Council 1 DOUBLE'S NITE B•I•N•G•O MONDAY, JULY 8, 7:30 P.M. Seaforth Arena DORS OPEN AT 5:30 P.M. All Game �� ,5o,000,. PRIZES paWill Be WI DOUBLED Prcoeeds to Seaforth Monor Sports Licence # M297196 Buck and Doe for MIKE PRESZCATOR (Rouske) and MELANIE McCONE FRIDAY, JULY 5 9:00 pm -1:00 am Age of Majority LUNCH PROVIDED For Tickets Call 526-7411 or 482-5548 Forthcoming Marriage :i,id Deb Plifntb are pie,ue,i to. announce -the forthcorn:ng marriage of their 'daughter ANGELA COLLEEN TO DANIEL PETER rein } Robert .Ind Helen .\dc.'tair;utott ,inti Rick and Lynn rhe•,:erermnru :vdg take place at the .\orth,rde United Church. Seatorth. ,1n',aturday, fitly 13, I990 at 1 p m. Open reception to iollo:c .rt 5eaforth and Dtstrrct cominionty Centres at 9 p.nt. Wedding Cindy Elizabeth McNall and Patrick William Nigh we're united in marriage on May 4, 1996 at St..Janicy t mitotic Church. Seaforth. Father ,Joseph Hardy offteiai,• i the- double ring ceremony. Cindy is the daughter of Cecil and Carni Mc Nall of Seaforth. Pat is the son of Bob and,ktsie Niglt of F.ginnnrlville. .The maid of honor was Linda James. friend of the couple. The matron of honor wait .Jennifer Roth altin a trawl of the .couple. The bridesmaids were Lori Nigh, sister of the groom,• Bev Van Maar and Carrie Nero also friends of the &milk• Tlie tlotiergirls were .Jessica McClure and Amber .Jan&'s'('nleinit,i: godchildren of the bride and groom. The hest man was Tom Nigh, brother nt'the groom. The ushers are .Jim Nigh, brother of the groom, Siev.'tt McNutt. brother of the bride, Darren Akey, .Jim Roth; Jeff Alee kick \taeLet and Trevor Fortune all friends of the couple. Trevor Fortune also provided the readings during the ceremony. Candles were lit by Jane Uighant. sister of the grnnrn and offering was served by Lynn McClure and Sue Nigh also sisters of. the groom. Music was provided by soloisrAngela Smith, friend of the couple and organist Cheryl Ann St. tinge Ntromtor•ies were. captured by LAF's professional p graphs of Stratford at the - beautiful home of Harry and Di ero at. F,ginonriville. . Candlelight dinner and rec. tot was hold at. Seaforth C..ommtmity Centres. The, master of ceremonies was Donald Morris of St. Catharines, uncle of the groom. Blessing hefo* dilnner was giver by Trevor Price, friend of the couple: The couple reside in Se Pat and Cindy would like to extend special thanks and friends for making this day a memorable one. I<'atie's 50 kigtie Teall In 6 more months. Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary Jim & Donna MIc Llwain An Open Reception will be held at the Seaforth Agriculture Complex Sat.. July 6. 1996 8:30 pm to 1:00 am "Best Wishes Only" 1 Susan Carter graduated June 25th from Conestoga College with a diploma .in Business Admini.stratio.n Accounting. Susan. is curt ren_tly employed •with Regal Capital Planners. Congratulations Susan. Mom, Glenda, Darryl and Mau GRADUATION Carol Ann McQuaid graduated from the University of Toronto on lune I'.' 1996 with Distinction. and was tin the Dean's Himour Roll in her final vsar of studies. Sift' received an Honours Bachelor -of Arts Degree with a double motor in English .rod. Hivtorv. Cama Ann is a graduate ',it St. fames Separate Schon(. Seafnrth and St. Michael's- Secondary School, Stratton]. tike; will he, attending the 'Faculty ,tt Education -at the l ntv,'rsity ttf Toronto in September tor the division of Intermediate?Senior studies specializing in Students with High Academic Potential. ONTARIO DRUG BENEFITS IMPORTANT News for Seniors and People Receiving Social Assistance Because the federal government has reduced transfer payments for Ontario's health and social services by $2.1 billion over the next two years, the Ontario government must act now to preserve its drug programs. Starting July 15, Ontario Drug Benefit recipients will contribute a small amount toward their prescription costs. Ontario is the last province to introduce co -payments. How much you pay depends on your income. You will pay up to $2 per prescription if you are: • single, 65 or over, with a net income of Tess than $16,018 per year • a couple, both over 65, with a combined net income of less than $24,175 per year • living in a nursing home, home for the aged or home for special care • receiving welfare or family benefits • receiving home care You're 65 and your income is higher than the above? Then you pay the first $100 of your drug costs each year. After that, you'll pay only the ODB dispensing fee of up to $6.11 per prescription. You have extra health insurance from a private company? Call your company. It may cover co -payment costs. Call the Ministry of Health at 1-888-405-0405 if you have more questions. Or look for information sheets at your pharmacy. CD Ontario A