HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-06-19, Page 7Seaforth
Legion kik
by Barbara Scott
SPITTIN' IMAGE - Grade 2 and 3 students from Walton Public School, led by principal Helen Crocker,. give their best
effort in the watermelon seed spitting event, part of their Pioneer Picnic at the Seaforth and District Community Centres
on friday. There were -.games, bread -making, knitting and horse rides courtesy of Liz Thompson.
PLACE OF HISTORY - Many early settlers of this area have family markers in the
Egmondville Cemetery. At on6 point in the 1920's, the cemetery was considered full.
Family roots
CONTINUED from page 5
many more who have plots
and -family markers at
Egmondville Cemetery. We
tried to include as many as
we could but if any are miss-
ing, it was not done inten-
tionally. There are approxi-
mately 510( headstones in the
Egmondville Cemetery and
dozens of family names.
Fliom the 1984 Huron
County Historical Atlas. the
billowing families purchased
and retained farms ,in
Tuckcrsmith in the same fam-
ily surname since the original
dc. ! from the Canada
Company: Oldfield,
Carnochan. Landshorough,
Turner. Broadfoot, Traquair,
McLean. Bell, Cooper.
McDonald, Nott. Dallas.
McGregor. McIntosh. Some
families were listed more
than once).
"There's so many stories.
Every family has roots." said
"The Scott brothers.
William and Matthew. left all
their money to the hospital."
June 24. 1875 was a fateful
day for two Papplc brothers.
"One went down a well and
the gas got him. The other
one went down to help and
he was killed." They were 22
and 36 years old.
Milton Dietz has been chair
of the Egmondville Cetnetci-y
Board for a number of wears.
traced through cemetery
The hoard operates under the
Egmondville United Church.
When Norman stepped down
as secretary -treasurer, other
members of the hoard at the
time were Robert Tyndall.
Arthur Wallace (who has
served for 52 ygars and is
still on the hoard), Jan
Delvecchio, Lloyd Haney
and Leonard Jamieson.
The 1996 board includes
new members James Sampa,
Eric McIntosh and 'Norman
Eggert. • 1
Van Egmond employee
Gordon Dick has taken over
tier position of secretary -trea-
surer for the cemetery.
MacLean has not left the
cemetery behind altogether.
"He's nyw an advisor. He
helps anyone coming in look-
ing for histories. He knows
every tombstone," said Dietz.
who praises MacLean's long
service. "Hc did everything.
He was pretty dedicated. He's
become a historian."
MacLean has had a few
funny things happen over the
years at Egmondville
Cemetery. He remembers
once there was a man sitting
on a machine digging a hole
for a grave. Norman and
another man were looking in
the fresh hole and pointed at
something in the dirt.
"The guy stopped the
machine and said 'if there's
anything in that hole I'm get -
Senior golf team finishes
first in Zone tournament
Congratulations are in order
to our golf teams . At the
Zone CI tournament last
Saturday, the senior team
came first and in the regular
division our teams cattle first,
second and fifth. They now
go on to the District
Tournament at Pike Lake,
July 27.
The Ladies Auxiliary are
hosting a Sunday dinner for
the public on Sunday, June
The Provincial Service
Officer will he at the Branch
on Thursday. June 27 at 9
a.m. Contact Cleave Coombs
for an appointment.
Branch Golf, July 20. Tee
times start 9 a.rn. Sign on list
at Branch.
At the going down of the
sun and in the morning we
will remember them.
ting the hell out of here!' " •
On another occasion
MacLean and a few others
were digging a grave one
evening for a funeral the next
"Thererwas a light drizzle,
it was ,foggy. We had a coal
oil lamp hanging from a tree.
It would have made a good
picture. It looked like
Halloween." '
Cemeteries don't scare
Norman though..Hy finds
them peaceful, fascinating
places with many untold sto-
"When you're out on a
sunny day for a drive down
the road and you stop at a
cemetery. it's funny what
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TII( HURON EXPOSITOR, Juno 19, 19196-7
A Review of activities at
OB PRE -ADMIT CLINIC if you are an expectant Mom 34-38 weeks
pregnant and planning -to deliver ypur baby at Seaforth Community.
Hospital, please plan to attend this Clinic for shanng of admission infor-
mation Thursday, June 20th at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Rm. 2 of
Seaforth Community Hospital. To pre -register. contact Grace Dolmage
at 527`x650 Ext. 219.
PERINATAL INFORMATION SESSION geared to interested and
expectant couples/persons to be held at Seaforth Communhy.Hospital,
Conf. Rm. 2 Thursday, June 20th at 7:30 p.m. AGENDA:. Tour ((-
Birthing Room. In addition. any questions/concerns can he discussed
with Facilitators. Dr. Janet Zettel and Kay Mailloux. RN, 08-
EAST HURON LONG TERM CARE (LTC) Committee invite and
encourage you to join them Thursday, June 27,.1996 10:00 Hrs. in the
_Board Room of the Hospital. Guest'Speaker: Debbie Selkirk. Chair LTC
Committee District Health Council (DHC) & Provider Member on DHC
TOPIC: "Huron County Merge with Perth County LTC Planning
Committee, Role of East Huron's LTC Committee". There is immi-
nent change expected in September 1996. -
DIABETIC EDUCATION offered by Nurse Educator. Dianne Wotxl,
Reg.N. each Thursday 1-3 p.m. by appointment. Sclfreferrals accepted.
No fee. Topics include: Diet. Exercise, Insulin. oral A entc:.bfonitorin.g .
Technique, Travel. Days of Illness. Foot Care, Manaj ernvnt. To pre -reg-
ister, call 527-1650 Ext. 219.
A hig Thank You to all the participants (riders and pledgers) of the
recent "Big Bike Ride" Fundraiser. It was another hig success raising
$2.989.00 for Heart and Stroke: also for being the top•sponsors to all of
Huron County.
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