The Huron Expositor, 1996-05-15, Page 96 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR. May 1L. 1t11i
A community garden is in
the works for Egmondville.
Organizers hope the seed
grows and are open to all
They aren't exactly sure
where it will all end but they
know where this garden will
go, behind the Van Egmond
House and between the
The notion for a "commu-
nity garden" was approved
by the Van Egmond
Foundation last Wednesday.
Members feel any extra veg-
etables could go to the needy
via the new food hank in
Seaforth, spearheaded by.
area clergy.
Milton Dietz says he has
no idea how big this garden
will end up being, but the
board wants input - all kinds,
for instance:
How many people are inter-
What kind of expertise is
out there and would'garden-
ers be willing to share and
teach others how to grow?
garden planned at Van Egmond House
How should it all be orga- with any extra veggies donat-
nized? How shall it be tilled, ed to the foodbank.
Residents of the Bluewater
Youth Centre have agreed to
cut grass.
and with what?
Dietz says . produce would
probably go to participants,
Anybody with any bright
ideas about this communi
garden and how it might
grow or go is asked to call
Dietz at 522-0440.
FOODGRAINS DONATION - The Youth Group at 1st
Presbyterian Church in Seaforth dont, d $600 to the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday. Fr row from left:
Mike Dillon, Ryan Powell, Dale Ann cKichan, Jill
McKichan, Jamie Bell. Back row: Ian McMillan, Ryan
Nicholson, lan McKichan, Chris Bach, Erin Nicholson, Jim -
Murray (Foodgrains bank), Julie Shewan.
Fire destroys chicken barn at Holmesville
Fire destroyed a chicken
barn near Holmesville early
on Saturday morning, May. 4.
Clinton and Goderich fire
departments responded to the
alarm, which sounded at 5:55
a.m. from RR 2 Clinton, at
the farm of Nick Rasa. There
were no chickens in the barn
at.the time, however set-up
equipment was destroyed. The day before that,
On the day before, about 20 Thursday, the Clinton fire
pigs were lost in a. blaze and department also answered an
owners Bill and Joyce alarm raised because of grass
Dawson say 30 more will fire on Highway 8 towards
have to be destroyed in Seaforth, which began with a
another fire in Stanley person from the area burning
papers. The fire got away
from him and ruined about
24 bails of hay.
Township. Brucefield and
Bayfield fire departments
fought that blaze.
Shutterbugs pick up photo basics on picnic
The -third and fourth meet-
ing of the Shutterbugs was
held at Pine Lake. Members
of the McKillop 4-H club all
packed a picnic supper,
bathing suits, towels and of
course our cameras. We had
the opportunity to take action
pictures of each other when
we were playing different
sports. We had fun playing
basketball, tennis, soccer and
Andrea Flanagan, our
junior 4-H leader, taught us
that the proper time to take
Landscapers' an action picture is when the
person is half -way through
The Seaforth landscaping 4-
H group met at Vanden
Hoven's on May 6. Roll call
followed the pledge.
We went to Paul and Mary
Eisler's house in St.
Columban. When we got
there we looked at a garden
full of perennials growing
along the side of the, founda-
tion. We went into a gazebo
and Mary showed us some
pictures.of the yard when the
landscaping was just being
We went for a walk through
the garden and she showed us
how they'huilt the arbour and
how they built the ponds. She
told us what all the different
kinds of flowers were and
when they would bloom.
Mary and Paul gave us all a
ground -cover plant. Mike
Van Bakcl thanked Mary and
Paul for having us to sec their
.garden. We all had a good
would like to thank
everyone who visited
us during our Open
House and Petting
Zoo. Thank -you also
to the following
people for sharing
their animals with us.
VTanne Culbert
Murray Johnston
Brenda De Jong
Arnold Campbell
Sue Hannon
Dixie Bowden
Ken Scott
Mike Watson
Bill Bennett
.Mope to see you
next year!
Dr. Brian MAn
and staff.
the motion. At Pine Lake
there is a pond and lots of
trees so we could take some
nice scenery pictures. We
tried taking reflection pic-
tures in the water. We learned
to try and not have too much
clutter behind the object that
we're photographing. Our
next meeting is May 20 at
Annual auction earns millions
Wore than 25,000 people Organizers say this year's
a expected in New event is a special milestone
Hamburg a week Saturday, "since the proceeds from this
May 25, for the 30th Ontario sale, added to the 29 previous
Mennonite Relief Sale. ones will exceed $8 -million.
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• R E C F N S F \1 E X T
Canada's Farm Community
Important Enough to Count Twice
As a proud member of Canada's. farm '
community, May 14 is doubly important for you.
On May 14, farm operators across Canada are
required to complete a Census of Agriculture
questionnaire, as well as a Census of
Population form.
Why is the Census of Agriculture important?
The Census of Agriculture is the backbone
of Canada's agricultural statistics program. It
provides valuable information on the agri-
culture industry, from the county/township/
rural municipality level to the national level.
How is the information used?
Census of Agriculture data provide the back-
ground to support producers' lobbying
efforts to legislators and the public, and to
defend agricultural interests in international
trade negotiations.
Why is the Census of Population Important?
Census information is important to your
community, and to you. In order for your
community to get funding for education,
health and social services, everyone must
be counted.
What do I do if I didn't receive a census form?
If you do not receive your Census of
Agriculture and/or Census of Population
form by May 14, please call 1 800 216-2299.
Do I have to fill out both census forms?
Yes. Farm operators across Canada must, by
law, complete a Census of Agriculture
questionnaire in addition to their Census of
Population form.
Remember, by law, your census
information is kept confidential.
Personal census information cannot be
given to anyone by Statistics Canada —
not banks, not another government depart-
ment, not another person.
If you have any questions, please call:
1 800 216-2299