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Wednesday, May 8, 1998
Editorial and Business Offices • 100 Main Street.,Seaforth
Telephone (519) 527-0240 Fax (5191 527.2858 •
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Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 'WO
Member of the .Canadion Community Newspaper
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Expositor to
print names
of convicte
The Huron' Expositor has 'decided to carry
court news starting this week as we receive it
from the Goderich Signal -Star court reporter
and whent it pertains, to our readership. This
decision is based largely on the readership sur-
vey' conducted' by the paper a few years ago.
There were strong opinions voiced in writ-
ten comments with the surveys for both print-
ing and not printing names of those convicted
in court.
Printed below are three questions and their
answers from surveysmailed out to readers
and some clipped from the paper and sent in to
us. The fiat two questions relate to -court and
the third is printed as a point of interest and
comparison. = From reading The Expositor- the past several
months, readers might have come to the con-
clusion that drinking-andfdriving has disap-
peared from this area. In fact, it's a regular
occurrence: As well, break-ins have been up
across the county lately. We beltieve that by
printing the names of those convicted in court,
we are keeping you informed about the facts
df the crime situation in -your community. In
addition, we hope by printing names of those
convicted that it will act as a deterrent for
future crimes. - -
Here are the results:
6. Should The Huron Expositor report the
names of people convicted in court,
including impaired driving and assaults?
Yes -89 • -
No -51
Total 140
7. Would you support the printing of
names of those convicted in court if the
person convicted was a member of your
family or someone close to you?
Yes- 89
No -51
Total 140
8. Should The Huron Expositor print the
names of accident victims?
Yes -115
No 24 -
Total 139
Canada includes
What we really need in this
country is a bumper sticker
that reads:."My Canada
Includes the Truly Weird."
The following events are
true and all of them. occurred
on the same day a few weeks
A man and a woman were
mauled by lions when they
drove through African Lions
Safari, a wild animal park,
with their car windows down.
Bruce Cockburn can now
stop wondering where the
lions are. The answer is
Rockton, Ontario and it
sounds like they'd really •
rather be somewhere else.
The Serengeti perhaps.
Apparently signs were post-
ed around the park warning
people~to keep their windows
rolled up and not to leave
their vehicles. This may not
be enough. Now they may
have to post signs like:
"These lions ain't animated,
eh?" These kinds of encoun-
ters between wild animals
and people who confuse them
with Disney characters can
often be dangerous.
A few years ago a ranger in
Yellowstone National Park in
Wyoming came across a
tourist outside his vehicle,
although warning signs were.
clearly posted forbidding
such behaviour. There were
also: "Don't Feed the Bears!".
signs in the area.
According to the ranger, the
American tourist had pur-
posely left his driver side
J William 1
door open, had convinced his
wife to hold up a sandwich as
she sat in the front seat and
he was in the process of lur-
ing a large bear into the car
•after which he planned to
quickly slam the door and .
take a photograph through
the windshield of his wife
and the bear behind the '.
Well, there's no doubt this
photo was going to win the ;
guy a lot of points back at the
Moose Lodge in
Huckinshuck, Ohio.
But do you see how poten-
tially dangerous this scenario
is? Unlike bears in the circus,
this wild bear had no experi-
ence operating a motor vehi-
cle. All he had to do was ,
accidentally put the car in
gear and he could of run over
Ribbing :among puck buddies
Dear Editor, the arena. If your so-called
`Attn. Marc and Mouse; stars Cam Neely, Ray
Boston Bruins Fan Club, , Bourque and Adam Oates
fn response to your ad in would like some lessons on
the local newspaper this'past how to play the game, I am
week, I would like to try out
sure we could teach them a
for your team. I think I can thinf two -
play as well as tie team you One final thought before 1
had this past season even go and watch some real hock -
though I have been dead for cy togight on the tube. Have
about a decade'. I may even you ever thought of cheering
for a real hockey team. There
be able to round -up some Of seems to be quite a few out
my buddies up here and we there that are a`lot better than
would,be glad to cortie back the Bruins! Like maybe the
and help your 'team out. I Senators and the Ducks, or,.
would appreciate' it if' you
could get my old equipment
back front the showcase in
even the Whalers.
Yours in Hockey,
Cooney Weiland
Weiland retires fr
MAY 15, 1896
As announced last week, it
has been decided to celebrate
Queen's Birthday right royal,
ly in Seaforth, by holding a
monster celebration on
Monday, May 25'th. An ener-
getic committee have been at
work for some time arranging
a lengthy and attractive pro-
gramme for that day, and the
outcome is the long list or
'sports and other entertaining
features which has been
One look at the list will
convince the pleasure loving
public that Seaforth is the
place for them. The fun
begins early in the morning
with a monster bicycle
parade, at the conclusion of
which pries will be awarded
for the best character and
comic costumes in the
parade. After this, on the
recreation grounds, a novel
feature will be the lacrosse
and football competitions, for
which liberal prizes are
offered. In the afternoon the
band will parade the streets,
concluding at the recreation
Here, a lengthy programme,
consisting of bicycle races,
foot races, a football match,
and, a tug-of-war open to
teams. from any municipality,
which together with other
minor events, will form an
excellent afternoon's enter-
tainment. -
In the evening, a grand con-
cert will be held in Cardno:s
hall, when the prizes will be
awarded to the successful
competitors. And as a grand
finale to such a large day's
fun, a grand display of fire
works will be given from the
tower of the town buildings,
at the conclusion of the con-
cert. -
Donald McKinnon, of the
the truly weird
and killed that man:
No, I'm sorry but when it
comes to subduing and if
necessary, killing wild ani-
mals, it's best to leave this
distasteful and perilous job to.
bingo ladies.
On the same day the couple
in Rockton were caught ill a
drive-by back -scratching, -
Margaret McDonald of
Cobden, Ontario beat a
muskrat to death with her
bingo dabbers This actually
Cobden is a small town
near Ottawa. So small, the
town sign reads: "Welcome -
to Cobden. Beware of the
Dog!" Small? People in
Cobden refer to the nearby
town of Calabogie as "The
Big Apple."
Margaret McDonald was
walking along Meadow
Street (which kind of gives
the muskrat a territorial claim
right there) minding her own -
business when she was
attacked by a mentally
deranged male muskrat who -
was well known to local
human society inspectors , -
having once held his
estranged wife and cHildren
hostage for three days in a
'hole over on Eltnview.
Police are satisfied that the
attack by the muskrat is not
in any, way linked to death
threats on the' life of ground-
hog WiartodWilly by people
with guns who are upset
about Willy's inaccurate pre-
diction of an early -spring.
At the time of.the muskrat
attack, Willy was under --
police protection in Wiarton,
- and 1 am not making this up.
After hearing•a-rustling
noise under a pine tree.
Margaret kept walking but all
of a sudden the muskrat
attacked and bit her on the
ankle. After swatting at the
animal, she dropped her •
purse and the muskrat
pounced on the purse.
Purseless and attacked three
more times, Margaret
McDonald heat the.muskrat
into unconsciousness with a
nylon bag full of.hingo dab-.
hers. As you've probably
gathered. Margaret is an -avid
bingo player,.but.not much of• -
a negotiator.
We're all real happy that it
was a muskrat and not a -
drunk, and that Margaret iS a
bingo player and not a ten-
pin bowler.
Rather than bring in a coro-
oroner, a certified pingo caller '
was summoned and after 'er-
ifying the lumps,on the tour
corners of the muskrat', nog-
gin', the animal was official-
ly pronounced dead. . •
Police have now closed to
case and filedit under the • •
"B" - BONK!.,.BONK'' ,
And that's how Canada
became know as the ;'Land of
the Loony." We got that -name
- the old fashioned way --we
earned it.
Letters to the Editor
No need for new dump
Dear. Editor,
The experts have spoken.
Waste Management consul-
tants, that the county paid for,
warned Huron Council
„against proceeding with the
proposed Ashfield landfill. R.
Cave and Associates, came
outright in speaking against
the site- whereas consultant
Gore and Storie warned 'of.
the millions that the county
could lose by even building
the dump.
Both reports showed that
with proper engineering of
present 'sites. there was ample
space even in technically full
dumps. The life of even full
dumps could •be extended ,to
ten year more: The question
cries out to all taxpayers.
Why should Huron Council
add upwards to five million
to county costs. when in the
mouth of consultants, there is
no need for a new dump. -
Sincerely yours.
. Robert McQueen•
om hocke
In the Yeai's
10th concession of
Tuckersmith. delivered to
Messrs. Winter & Donovan
in Seaforth; on Wednesday
last, a magnificent pair of
geldings. One of these horses
is eight ,years old. and weighs
1,960 pounds, while the
other, which is five years old. -
weighs 1.700 pounds, and
although not quite so'heavy,.
is considered equally as/good
a horse as the other. There' -
were purchased for $3(X1.
MAY 13, 1921
FOOTBALL - Wednesday
night the boys turned out and
had a stiff work out for an
hour. The grounds are being
put into shape and some red-
hot football will be'dished up
during the season. After the
practice, a meeting was held.
and the team to represent
Seaforth against Dublin on
Friday night was selected.
Dot Reid was appointed
captain, and the boys will
work well with Dot as leader.
Friday's game is called for
6:15 p.m. A collection will
be taken on the field. The
next game will be on May
24th between Tuckersmith
and Scatorth.
* • •
Do you remember when
whiskey sold at 50 cents a
gallon in Seaforth'' We were
shown a hill recently which
was rendered on August
12th, 1867. to a former
prominent resident of this
town, in which this was the
prevailing price for this com-
modity at that time.
In renewing his subscription
to The Expositor, under date
of May 4th, Mr. Alex Ross,
of Edmonton, Alberta, says:
"Enclosed please find order
for S2. my 54th subscription,
to your -paper. I should judge
not many of your subscribers
can, beat that record."
MAY 17, 1946
McKillop ratepayers meet-
ing in- Winthrop Hall
Wednesday night. unani-
mously endorsed the entry of
the township into the
Seaforth High School Area.
The hall was completely
filled .and a number of
ratepayers stood throughout
the more than three hour
meeting which ended after
midnight. Reeve N.R.
Dorrance was chairman of
the meeting. -
* • •
ATLANTIC - An egg on
which had been written the
name and address pf Mrs.
J.W. Little. of McKillop
Township, arrived safely in
England, it was revealed .this
week when Mrs. Little
received a letter from a shop-
keeper near Birmingham.
The.case of eggs containing
the egg with her address was
handled through the Isaac
Hudson produce store.
"You will be 'rather sur-
prised how far your egg
cam," the letter said. "i had
been opening a case of eggs
when I found one with your
name and address; it had
travelled all the way from
Canada to the Co-operative
Grocery Shop, Yardley Rd.,
Acocks Green. Acocks Green
is a village about four miles.
from the city."
A capacity audience thor-
oughly enjoyed, "Strawberry
Fair," presented by the Glee
Club of the public school in
the SHS auditorium Friday
Under the direction of Mi.,
M.E. Turnbull. with Mrs. 1 ,A' '
Stewart as piagist. the,pro-
.gram consisted of. solos.
duets. double trios and chi' --
,ruses. The 'staging adde,1
much to the enjoyment. of the
evening.- a spring 'setting.
enhanced by otos-soul:.• hal-
loons and colored spotlight..
MAY 20, 1971 '
Cooney Weiland. a product
of Egmondville and one of
hockey:s greats has retired
from •hockey. _Harvard
.University where he has,
coached for 2.1 years. :hon-
oured him at a testimonial
dinner recently in Boston.
Among the 350 guests we're
Frank Kling. Seafprth.and
-Cooney's brothers. Roy and
William Weiland of Toronto.
Cooney Weiland was feted
at the Harvard Cluh of .
Boston with an assortment of .
gifts including a bungalow to
be built on his property in
Sherborn, Mass.
Among the guests on hand
to honor him were Milt
Schmidt. General Manager of
the Boston Bruins: 'Dit
Clapper, the NHL's first -).)-
year man and Weiland's linc-
mate-with the Boston- Bruins.
Snooks Kcllcs. Hockcs
coach at Boston College: and
Bill Cleary. a former Harvard .
hockey star who is succeed-
ing Weiland as coach.-
oach:In addition. Mr. Weiland
received dozens of telegrams
and letters from former play-
ers and associates.
Cooney Weiland was coach
of the year in Eastern hockey
and in the U.S,. during 1970-
Cooney was elated. -
"Now this is something."
said Cooney:1'm really hon-
oured. I always said that
hockey was the greatest game
in the world and that it
attracted the greatest people."