HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-04-24, Page 5THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Aa.0 24. 10611-8
Past ministry didn't see danger in
human consumption of scrapie meat
CONTINUED from page 4
million and the export of
sheep and sheep products out
of the country is valued at
$1.5 million. Of this 1.5 mil-
lion per year, $600,000 is
attributable to the export of
breeding animals. During the
fiscal year 1980-81, compen-
sation paid by Agriculture
Canada for the destruction of
scrapie infested herd was
equal to the value of the
exported breeding animals
It continued, "there is no
evidence that the disease
scrapie caused any economic
loss in Canadian sheep flocks
due to a Toss of production. It
would appear that the sole
reason for have a Scrapie
Eradication Program is to
protect a very small export
market, and if cost -benefit
analysis is performed, the
benefit -cost ratio would be
low ($600,000 of exported
breeding stock divided by
more than $600,000 in pro-
gram costs). IT IS THERE-
The report used Iceland as
an example. "In Iceland there
is no attempt to eradicate the
disease from the country. A
-program is employed to assist
farmers in areas where losses
to scrapie are heavy and to
help prevent its spread.
Flocks in endemic areas
which suffer a high rate of
W.I. hears fir
Kippen East Women's
Institute visited the Exeter
fire station April 16. Firc
Chief John Morgan and pre-
vention officer Leroy
Edwards showed a film 'Fire
Safety for Seniors', stating
the importance of having
smoke detectors checked
twice a year and to make sure
they are in working order.
Han your exit in case of fire
long before it is needed. If
there is a fire remain calm,
stay in your apartment if the
fire is somewhere else in the
building. Put wet towels at
the bottom of the door to
keep the smoke out and if
necessary get down on the
floor to avoid smoke inhala-
tion. Fire equipment is very
sophisticated and costly but
when needed is useful and
necessary. Dorothy Bell
thanked thc gentlemen and
presented them with a gift. .
The ladies then travelled to
Grace Drutnmond's apart-
ment for their annual meet-
ing. Thi roll call was
answered by 'How many
working smoke deteciors do
you have?' The group had 11
ladies join again.
Hilda Payne reported on the
district hoard meeting,
reminding the group of the
district annual May 16 (vot-
ing delegates to be Triebner.
Payne and Eyre), the picnic
on July 2 and the county rally
September 30.
Plans were finalized for thc
district annual to he held at
Bruccficld Church, May 16 at
6pm. Mona Alderdice read a
smile 'Ode To A
Mammogram' and Rena
Caldwell told the group of
the 'Monkey's Viewpoint.'
Next year's program plan-
ning meeting is to be held
April 22 at Alderdice's.
The Afternoon Ladies'
Group met at Hensall United
Church, April 4. Ann Annen
chaired the meeting, Sadie
, Craig was the hostess. The
group sang with Isabel
Rogerson as pianist. Ann
Anncn's Easter theme was
`Joy from a stone rolled
away.' Twenty-one visits
were made. Ann had three
Easter contests. During the
social time Evelyn Flynn and
Ilene Rannie served lunch.
Hensall Sunset Seniors met
at thc United Church, April
15 for a pot -luck dinner,
which was enjoyed by 24
members. Euchre winners:
high, Emma Campbell,
Murray Craig; low, Sadie
Craig, Vcra Smalc; lone
hands, Hugh McKay.
Oddfcllows and Rchekahs
from Exeter, Brussels,
Clinton, Scaforth and
mortality (10 to 20%) and his vehicle. I turned my head
newly infected flocks that are for a second and he had cut
detected in areas where the off her head - never asking
disease was previously me for paper, a bag or plastic
unknown are ordered slaugh- to take care of the blood. I
tered and compensation is almost collapsed from what
paid up to a maximum of the he had done to one of my
value of the carcass for meat. favourites. I take the reader
With this type of program, back to he Canadex out of
Iceland has maintained the Whelan's office: "It is not
rate of diagnosis at a fairly known whether there are
constant level. In Iceland reservoirs for the infection
where a cultural practice of such as wild field mice, rats,
eating boiled sheep's heads deer, other rodents, or
occurs, the incidence of- whether the soil, feed build -
Creutzfeldt -Jakob disease is ings, or fences can remain
no different than in other infested for long periods_of
parts of the world. To date time."
there has been no positive'. This is the information that
association between scrapie the Tate Wilma Oke, your
in sheep and human dis- reporter, and I pondered over
eases." for hours and hours. In.
Some readers will remem- Whelan's view, I was sacri-
ber .that Animal Health ficing not only my she
advised me that my animals meat market and skir
would all be shot and buried ness developed over ten
on the farm. Later I was simply so that sheep coulu ..
advised that my operation exported. There was no dan-
was at a standstill, i.e. no ger in eating the meat, yet I
sales, yet Animal Staff insist- couldn't even sell my healthy
cd there was no danger. in Iambs. Animals were held up
eating the meat. I should _ for months with no compen-
point out at this stage that I sation for food or labour. A
assumed they would all be call to the Huron Federation
rendered down if.not shot at of Agriculture brought no
the farm. response and even a trip to
My awakening to the fact Federation headquarters did
that something was seriously not provide the support that
wrong with Whalen's staff should have been given. My
came when I reported a third MP Cardiff stopped the first
suspect - a beautiful, heavy- attempt to take the flock, in
in -lamb ewe. The Animal the midst of lambing. On
Health Vet took her outside their second attempt,
and near his vehicle. I was exhausted from the lambing,
expecting him to load her on CONTINUED from page 5
e safety tips
by Liz Sangster
#i 262-2715
Brucefield attended morning
worship at Hensall United
This is your last day to b'uy
a ticket for the annual beef
supper. Call Marg Cole at
262-2304 or the Hensall
United Church at 262-29.35
for tickets.
Senior choir practice will •
be Friday evening at 7:30pm.
There is no practice for the
junior choir this week.
The Thursday Afternoon
Ladies meet May 2. The
Friendship Circle meet May
6. A bale will be packed on
June 3. The Carmel
Presbyterian Anniversary
will be May 12.
Congratulations to Edna
Caldwell of Exeter and for-
merly of Kippers, who cele-
brated her 90th birthday with
an open house at Hensall
United Church, Saturday.
Hensall Tinker Tots Co-op
Nursery School annual meet-
ing will be held Wednesday,
May 1 at 7pm at the Hensall
Public School. Members past
and present are encouraged to
attend. Childcare will be pro-
vided for school-age (ages
3+) in the nursery school
room. Also invited are those
considering the nursery
school for September. This
meeting is for families of
Kids' Club too.
Reunion for
Stoney Creek'
,school in May
Dear Editor,
An era in education in
Ontario is coming to a close.
Saltfleet High School in his-
toric Stoney Creek, which
opened its doors in 1927, will
be moving from its original
site this June to a new build-
ing on the escarpment. A
final reunion in the old
school is being planned for
the weekend of May 10. 11
and 12, 1996. Former stu-
dents and staff interested in
information regarding this
'end of an era' reunion
should contact:
Saltflcct High School
Reunion Committee
Stoney Creek, ON
L8G 3V3
Phone: 905-664-1519
Fax: 905-664-8533
Glen Whitwell
Committee Char
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