HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-04-03, Page 14(C.E. COMING EVENTS .) U1-12 Volt LAWNMOWER BATTERY $33.33 SFAFORT11 519-527-0120 taWilif FARM EOUiPMENr UMrtr r 141 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 3, 19>i0 BLYTH FESTIVAL Box Office now open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 P.m. Call523-9300:to place your 1996 ticket order CE-i4x2cc ST. MARYS Community Players - present the musical Fiddler on the Roof. directed by John McHenry., at the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre, April 25-27 at 8 p m April 28 at 2 p.m. and May 1 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets $12 or $10 in advance at BA Home Scapes, St Marys; Big V, Stratford CE-14xlcc MONSTER EUCHRE Tournament, St. Joseph's R C Church. Clinton, . Wednesday, April 10. 8 p m Over $100 00 in prizes Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus CE-14xlcc SONGFEST. Londesboro United Church. Sunday, April 14, 7:30 p m. Featuring Bauman-Bramhill' Quartet, Lamplight Trio, Duet - Deb and Darlene, . Londesboro United Church Men's Choir and Instrumental - Gladys and Leona. Admission $5 00 .Children (6 12) $2.00. CE-14x2cc YOUR COMMUNITY needs you Become a Block Parent today -and help prevent clime in your neighborhood.- Call 527068.2 for your apointment- CE -14 1 , - - SEAFORTH Co Oper'ltive • Children's Centre' Inc is sponsoring their,2rtd anneal Hop- A-Thon,: raising dollars for Muscular :Dystrophy on April 3, 1996, 6 to 7 p m. al the Seaforth Fire Hall. For,niore iriformatien.call : -27-0682. CE -14-1 MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Brussels, Timet Treasure and Talent Auction, Friday, April 12.'1996. Live and silent auctions: Preview 5 ito 6 p m. ginner 6'tq 7 p.m. Auction 7:15 p.m Auctioneer: Kevin McArter All proceeds t'o access project For more information 887-6162 CE -14x2 • A BREATH OF SCOTLAND . Ronnie Coburn's best -of Scottish dance. music. song and 'comedy, Tuesday. April 23, 8 p m Lucknow - Community Centre. Advance -tickets adults $10; students $8: from Lions pr Five,County Pipe and Drum bland rnmbdrs. CE- 14x3cc HORSE: Don't miss out Register early for the 6th annual non- competitive Flame of !lope Trail Ride and Carriage Dri! a to raise money for diabetes research.. Saturday, May 25th. in Elmira. Lots of ler, and prizes. For more info and registration call 519 848-3001. CE 14x1 -3'YUK YUK-Comedians. Sat. April 20. 9.11 p.m. Tickets $-15 advance or $1704 at, the door Dance 11 , p:m - 1 a m. Doors open 8 p.m. at 'the; . Seaforth and District - Community Centres Lunch provided. ,Sponsored by Seaforth' Co Operative Children's Centre Inc. gall 527-0682 for details. CE - 14 1- MICHAEL- - BURGESS Live in Concert at Blyth Community Hall on Saturday, April 20, 8 p.m. Tickets $25.00 Call Blyth Festival, _(519) 523-9300.'CE-12x4cc THF PUBLIC is invited rto the annual meeting of the Van Egmond Foundation. The -meeting will be held April 10 at 8 p m. in the house. New members welcome and needed Guest speaker: Selly .Hengeveld. Topic: Thr Fryfogel Inn. CE -13-3 •MONKTON UNITED CHURCH Hain Supper, Wednesday, April 10, 5-7 p m. Adults $8. Children under 12 - S-4 Preschool Free. For tickets call Joan Hulley 347-2937. CE 12x3cc• - DECORATIVE Art Class (Tole), •beginners 4 weeks starting Thurs. April 11, 6:30-9 30 p.m. -at The Hobby Shop.' Learn how to do plastic canvas, Monday evenings for 4 weeks starting April 22, 7-9 p.m. $20. plus materials. For registration and more information call 527-2010. CE -14-2 GALLAGHER POWER Fencing Open House, Thursday, April 4, 1:30 p.m. on the farm of Evert Van Sligtenhorst, 3 miles north of Zurich on the Goshen Line. 5% discount until April 15, additional 5% April 4 only. 263-6208. 01- 14x1cc BUS TRIP to Mary Maxim Outlet at Paris Tues. April 23 Cost: $10.00 .(not including lunch) Everyone Welcome For info 345-2525 or 345-2948 Sponsored by C 4th Ag. Society I lomecraft Division C.E. COMING EVENTS SWO 13TH Annual 'Fiddle" and Stepdance Championships, Stratford Fairgrounds Coliseum, -Strattorcl, June 28, 7.00 p.m., June 29. 10:30 a.m. Final and Show 7:00 p.m. Tickets at door. Advance tickets/camping information 519- 271-6115 CE-14xbc - SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday' of each month $750 Jackpot. 2nd and 4111 Monday $1.000 Jackpot Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S D.C.C. Lottery licence #M297189. CE-14-tf 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE CATHY'S SHOPPE, Old and New, VA miles north of Winthrop. turn right, second,place on left. 11 I'm .home I'm open. 527-1484. 01-14-3 REMOTE CONTROL. 6 disc C.D. changer made by Audiovex. Brand, new in box. • Forautomotive use. Remote charger, dash mounted control unit, plays through F.M. radio using an. interface. $275.00 firm. Call 51.9-348-9716 after -6 p.m. 01-14x4nxe 1650 CADET. hydrostatic with 50" Mower. Also 6 ft. molt flail mower. Phone -evenings. 519-527-1482. '01-14x4 , , 2 PROM DRESSES with hair pieces and shoes to snatch. Worn once. excellent condition, drycleaned and pressed. If interested call 399-7480 leave messa9e.0I-14x3nxe . FOR SALE: - 12 galvanized -farrowing crates Phone 527-0441. 01-14-1 - EXkRCISE BIKE. $30.00. Old church lectern $30 00. 8 sheets glass 3474xV/4", $35.00 each. 2 sheets glass,28x74x'/4" $25.00 each. Reel mower motor for parts $15.0d. 527 -0146'0l -14x3 ' EASTER BUNNIES for sale. Cute" and cuddly, $10.00 each. Call 527- i 2628 .after 6' -p m 1 or leave message 01-13-2 1 , - .. 'HOTEL/MOTEL mattress sets„ factory direct. Rent to . own by phone. Only $6.25 weekty. All sizes. '1 -800 -954 -BEDS. Free 'delivery. 01-14x 15c - ' KENWOOD, Tower of Power, 200 watts pure power. FM'AM receiver, remote 5 disc CD player, plus two :aud,uosphere research bass reflex speakers, take overpayments. Call 1-800-877-6689. Free delivery. 01- 14xlcc HITACHi 27 • t,lira•r:I.,rk rV. front ind rear audio viae:i lack panels. universal ',remote sin screen programming a'rci unt.rdiewablo'6 year parts, and labour warranty. Rent to own by . chore_ only - 78: week Call 1 300 394 0470 Free delivery 01-14 xcc TIRED OF your waterbed - Nged waterbed parts. Call 1 800 954 2337 01-14x1cc • REPOSSESSED KENWOOD '200 .vatt mega system FM'AM receiver. 5 disc CD player plus- two gigantic three way bass' reflex speakers Take over payments Call 1 800- 954-2337 Free delivery 01-14x 1cc 8 MM'Hitachi•Camcorder 12 x'200 M remote control. hag battery. all cords. etc Rent to O.vr, by Phone •Only $6 49/week Call 1-800-877: 6689. Free delivery 01' 14,x tcc. MITSUBISHI 35" Big Tube 'tv. Universal Rerhote on seri"., display, stand included ''..•nt to Own by Phone only $16 29,week. 1800-394-0470 01-14xtcc . • __ .REPOSSESSED Kenwood 200 watt mega system FM/AM receiver. 5 disc CO player plus two gigantic three way bass yeller( speakers Take Over Payments Call 1-800- 394-0470 Free delivery 01-14x'cc HITACHI 31" ultra black TV, surround sound. picture in picture, en screen programming, universal remote, volume correction and much more Rent to Own by Phone only $9 29iweek Cali 1.800-877- 6689 Free delivery 01.14x Ice • WESTINGHOUSE triple action washer. heavy duty, large capacity. 6 program -control Rent to Own by Phone only $6 25/week. Call 1- 800.954.2337 Free .delivery. 01- 14x1cc CUB CADET 1605 w/36" mower in excellent condition. $120000 or hest offer. Call 263 5216 alter 6 p m 01.13x2c (i. ARTICLES FOR SALE RAINBOW TROUT.6for $12.$0. Fresh, pan siie Also available, open water fishing and_ pond, stockers. Rainbow Trout Hatchery, Belgrave, David Hedley; 357-2329. 01-11 x6cc MCDOUGALL'S on Highway 8 feature locally produced pork products (no fill or color added), all kinds of cheese, maple syrup and honey. Tuesday to Saturday 10-7 345-2376. 01-094ttcc . SECOND CHANCE SALES & SERVICE Offering quality used appliances, furniture -and- vehicles. Call us at 235-4070_ or visit us at 586 Main St S Exeter: 01-09-tf - WANTED 'Good used sports equipment, Buy.. Sell and Trade. We now sharperr skates. Second Period Sports. 94 Main St. S., Seaforth, 527-1586. (We will pick up)'01- 14-tf - MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres, complete line of lumber and betiding materials Free esti- mates. tt8 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800:663-6977. 01-14-11 FREE CLASSIFIED AD •Do .you have an item for sale which is less than $20? -Place it FREE for one insertion in the Articles. for tale . colinln of The Huron. Expositor. The- ad must tie 25 words or less- and• the cost of • the item must appear in the ad. This offer does not apply to busi- nesses. Ptione 527-0240 before Monday 1 p m to place your ad. 01 01 tfnxe PICTURES Rave you -left a piece of. your past welt The 'Huron .Expositor? We have a number of unclaimed pic- tures on file. You can pick them up at our , office, 100 Main ,St. S. Seaforth Monday through Friday, 9 a m - a p.m 01-01-tfnxe , WEEKLY- NEWSPAPERS• For your reading pleasure we have 'available at the Huron Expositor ,office nine weekly newspapers: The Walkerton Herald Times, The Mitchell • Advocate. The Clinton ' News-Frlecord, Tho Go rich Signal Star. - The Lakeshore Adviance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), KincardineiNevrs, Lucknow- Sentinel and The Huion Expositor. 01.01- time (• ' - • WHY RENT? When you can rent - to -own Kenwood 200 watt stereo system with 5 --disc C.D. player, only $998 or $9.50/week; RCA 31" stereo surround sound TV, only $977. or $9 40/week, Hitachi 8 mm camcorder -remote control. only $888 or $8.75 week' RCA hi-fi 4 - head VCR, on screen, only $444 or $4,20/week; Kenwood car stereo' .CD player plus 6X9 (160 watts) - with amplifier, .only $1097 complete oe$10'50iweek. No money down, no payments for 100 days. Krazy Kellys, - 1-800-891.6015. • Rent -To - Own by Phone 1342 Weber St. East. Kitchener. 0)-1 1xbc ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. Rock bottom prices: Manufacturer direct. High sidewalls. 25x30 $2.588.00. 30x44 $4,966.00. 35x50 $7,977.00. 40x64 $9.888:00, 46x78 $14,4444.00. Others. Ends optional. Piorie(r 1-800-668-5422. 01-14xbc BEST BUILDING PRICES. Steel straightwall type, not quonset, 32x54 $9460; 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20.443, 60x126 $31,314. Other sizes ,,vailable. Misc. clearance. ''aragon, 24 hours, 1- 800-2F:-8499. 01-14xbd SAWMILL $4895. Saw logs into boards, planks, beams. Large ..capacity. Best sawmill value - anywhere. Free information. 1-800- 566.6899., Silvacralt Sawmills, 6625 Orden Dr. 8-2, Mississauga, Ont. ,.5T 1X2: 01-1-4xbc ORDER YOUR custom home package from Linwood Homes now and save 11%..For free information or $12 137 page plan book call Linwood Homes 1-800-668-6896. 01-t4xbc CARDINAL. A respected name in the building industry. We have the knowledge, the quality and the people for fast and efficient service. Call Aldo 905-477-4388. 01-14xbc 5. CARS FOR SALE .1987 PONTIAC Acadian, 2 door automatic, excellent condition throughout, only 84,000 original kms. $2800 as is, $3000 cert. or best offer. Call Goderich 524-2702. 05-14x6nxe 1994 Chief Cavalier, 2 door, 4 cylinder, auto, air, AM/FM 29,950 km., clean. no GST. Priced to sell. Debra Coleman, 522.0398.05-14-2 1986 CHEVETTE, 4 door, 5 speed, runs great, good body, little b safety: $800.00 o.b.o. as is. Phone 233.3460.05.12x3cc . 6. TRUCKS FOR SALE 1983 S10 pick up truck, selling with safety check.. Phone 523- 4396.06-14xlcc ATTENTION TRUCKERS MUST SELL 1989 Freightlmor conventional, 400 Cummins, 15 direct. air ride, 42" bunk, new tires Oct ;95 (95-98% rubber), new bearing roll, injectors. brake shoes. fan clutch •To_settle estate $25,000 00 Clinton 519- 482-9984 leave massage. 06- 13x6nxe 7A. FOR SALE GENERAL GOLF SEASON is around the corner! 13 piece ,non's Wilson Dyna -Power R H golf clubs, 3 woods_ (1,3,5). 9 irons (3-9, p.w ,' s.w.), putter Phone 528 2284 after 6 p m. 7A-13x4nxe I 7D. BICYCLES • l NEW AND USED bicycles all :sizes Mountain bicycles. all speeds, tricycles Will do repairs Phone 482 5698 7U-12xGcc 11G. REC VEHICLES • CAMPERS & TRAILERS 8' slide in truck camper, sleeps 4, 3 -way fridge, stove, furnace. sink and water tank Phone 523-4396. 7G-14xlcc. 1984 CORSAIR, 28 loot .trailer,. twin beds in back, dinette and couch, radius windows, awning. ;aerial. Bargain priced at $5.500 or best otter. 522 0472 7G -14x1 10. PETS • TO GIVE AWAY to good home, Collie mi'x, 10 months old, male, excellent temperamoiit. Phpne 522-0126. 10-14x1 - = - FOR SALE. Puppies, Australian Blue Heelers Border Collie Cross. Phone 34512355 after 6 p:m. 10-' 13x2Cc , . C11B. WANTED TO'BUY FARM TRACTOR 30-80 'hp, • preferably in running condition.; With or without loader_ Cash paid. Ca11 519-523-4260. 11 B-14xtcc (1IF. FARM PRODUCT 1 - BARLEY, BARLEY, mixed grain, and double cut red clover seed. All suitable for seed. Priced right. Phcne Robt. Fottferingham, 233-9190 11F-14-2, HAY FOR- SALE: Lavern Godkin, R.R. 1f 1. Walton. 527-1877. 11F - 14x1 - • • 11G. FARM EQUIPMENT • FIBERGLASS TANK.. 9000 .US . gallon, $2000.00, end transport fo'r J O.. planter, 14" power hacksaw, heavy duty, new mobile home oil furnace and tank. 519.522-1030. 11G-14x2cc (1111. FARM SERVICES TARPS , and Industrial Coverings made to. size for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes etc: Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs: Party Tent Rentals. Tiesma - Industrial Coverings, .Bayfield. 482-3540. 11H-14xicc' - CUSTOM FROST seeding by ATV, also hay -mixtures. Phone John Hoornard, 523-9445. 11 H-13x8cc REY•AGRA MANURE DISPOSAL • Large vacuum tank • High Floatation tires CALL 519-345-2478 or 527-1818 1IJ. FARM LAND • i WANTED TO RENT Good cash crop land by acre or shares. Call 233-7467. 11J -13x4 (12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE e 4. LAKE HURON SUNSETS! New Price. Beautiful all brick newer home with circular driveway in small quiet subdivision, 5 mins. south of Goderich just yards from the beach. Three bedrooms +. Large eat in country kitchen with lots of oak cabinets. Sunken living room, large attached garage with pit, main floor laundry, central vac, downdraft stare in large family room, -water softener, dishwasher, hot tub on back deck, beach access, large lot, very clean and nicely decorated. Call owner for viewing at (519) 524-4476 after 4:30 p.m. or leave message. 12- 13x6nxe The Hur�nExposit�r's SSIFIEDS C E. Coming Events 01 Anictes For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale • 04. Antiques &'An 4A. Crafts & Hobbies • 05 Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 7A For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy .7C. Wanted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs. Etc. 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment - 7G Rec. Vehicies- Campers & Trailers 7H Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & - Repairs -7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies VMMUNAMMiZa 08 Computers. Videos. Etc • • 09 Automotive 10 Pets t t A For Sale General 118 Wanted To Buy 11C Wanted To Hire- - 11 D Ernployment Wanted It E tavestock • • 4 t F Farm Product 11 G• Farm Equipment i t H Farris Services - 11 J Farm land 11K. Farm Real Estate INIVINNUMIMME 12 Real Estate For Sale 13 .Mobile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 'For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent - 19. Rooms •For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22 lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property For Rent 24 Wanted To Rent 25 Wanted To Buy 26 Help Wanted 27 Wanted General 28 Business Dpportuniry 29 Tenders ' 30 Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysming 33 Miscexaneous .34 Persona! 35. Ndtige To Creditors 36, Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sale, 39 Educauor,ai 40 LOST & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths " 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages . 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All -rates plus GST 25 WORDS. - One Week 55.00, two weeks $4 50 ea. week. t hl•ee -weeks $4.06 -ea. week. Additional words 20 cents An additional $2.00 -will he added if billing:is necessary. This incudes birth announcements. • In Memoriams - 55 011 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Obituaries_= 25 Words 55.00. Each additional word.10 cents. • We. are also able to place vyord ads in the following papers Goderich-, Clinton, Mitchell. Lucknow. Kincardine. Zurich. Walkerton & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad i25 words or legs,- in any. of the above papers.for an additional 52.00: THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Carl 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5.00'PM 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOW-1ST/4E TIME to get into the farming business. torn and wheat are the highest. they have • ever been and plenty - of cattle will be needed for Britain. 200 acre frarm, under drained, in Chesley. Call for details. 1-905-684-8748 or . 519- 578-7093 after hours. 12-13x4cc . .GOT A' CAMPGROUND- membership/timeshare?. We'll take., it. America's largest, oldest, resale • clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-59.67., Timeshare rentals neitded. Call 24 hours a day. 12-14xbc. (13. MOBILE HOMES 31 FT. Terry Taurus, 12x26 Florida , room, , fireplace, furnished, many extras, 8x8 shed, •must sell. Asking - $19,500. Excellent condition. Call 1-519-3489348. 1344x4cc . (14. VACATION PROPERTIES e • CABIN FOR SALE, located in• rustic riverside park, Port Albert. Includes generator, propane fridge; 'stove, lights. Asking $3500 o b.o. Call 519-351-5884. 14-14x1c0 , FAMILY 'COTTAGE Grand Bend, close to water, rented weekly in • summer months Large $600 00 . Small- 54000g: Weekend 'Sprung .ind Fall Call 393/3232 14 14)f2cc WILDERNESS Vacations Northern Ontario HK Cottages On Pristine Lake. Trot)/ . Fishing. Sand Beaches. Relaxation . $120 00 P P weekly! Intorination write Green Hectares, Box 227 Thessalon - Ontario POR 1L0 14 12x.tr;c. (16. FOR RtNT • 700 SO FT. of workshop'space. suitable - for small business or hobbyists, 30 Birch St Seaforth Call 522-0956 .or 52:' 2208 16 14x1. - " ' - FOR RENT Small • coamto►aal office space Available May 1. 1996. .Call 527-2010 days or 522 1822 evenings 16 14 4 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RENT GEARED to : income apartments in Clinton Exeter and Goderich for women and children. who have experienced abuse; Call Phoenix of Huron, 524 1620..482- 5288. 235-3183 17: 14 x 2cc • BRUCEFIELD One large bedroom apartment. fridge.- stove and heat included, $323 00 monthly First and last month rent Available now or April 1st References. 482 3026 before 6 a.m or alter 4 p m weekdays. anytime Saturday and Sunday! 17-14x 'cc • MODERN.apartmemt in duplex at street level with parking. deck and yard, in a quiet:residential area of Seaforth. Call 527 1027 17-13-3 AFFORDA^LE bachetorapartment in quiet heritage budding, suitable for a mature tenant (no stairs) • Rent includes heat (hydro extra). t•idge and stove Laundry facilities ,n basement. Calf 527 2369 17.14- tf 111. APARTMENTS FOR RENT i SEAFORTH • One . bedroom apt. 360 00 per month i„crudes heat .and hydro and laundry, facilities Call 524-9076 17'i- CLINTON, Two bachelor apartments. • 5375 00 'includes utilities; large 2,+ bedroom ' apartment, $450.00 poi month plus uuhnes Available. now Phone 482= 1293 17-f lxttcc • - D'UNCAN HOUSE, Seaforth. quality � apartment,. ground , floor, 11ne t edroOn, bee bl-ock'ttnml Bost Office Private entrance- Phone • 527-0349. 17,-14 11 ONE BEDRO,dM APTIMain floor, ,.open concept, - natural wood, 2 tueplaces Located)n quint budding in Seaforth'$425.:month "includes heat hydro., laundry - facilities. parking 524 9076. 52% 2922. 17- 06xtfcc TWO BEDROOM duplex'close to downtown Seaforth. .i .3fcrences required Call519 235-3220 after 6 pm' 1.7 14 ft, •- TWO - MONTHS FREE' Rent .1 , bedroom and bachelor apt". rn Seaforth Available immediately , fridge and stove supptir.d 'starting at $282 plus ubhucs . 527-288(3' 519,393-6921 leave me -'age 1i* - 14 tf ONE BEDROOM apa•tment Seaforth, quiet street natural woodwotk, includes appliances. laundry and. utilities. ; $425 00 Phone -527-292-2 or 524 7J76 ,- 02xttcc - HENSALL• Check out :Per price starting.at 5399 .ind up en 1 and 2 ' bedroom apartments. heat. hydro, fudgeand stove included All'unrts are froshly,painted and new carpet. For more information cart Stele or I ShelleY at 262-2827 17 t4-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment in Dublin -No pets Available Feb • lst Phone 345-2314 .17-0,9.d - • 201CH. freshly decorated. 'two - bedroom upstairs apartment. Free parking and garbage one- block from downtown 5325.month. -First and last required Fprinquinescall 236-4014 17-490 • . MAPLE HILL apartments,- 45 Charles St. Clinton. with 2 bed- , rooms, 1;: baths, air exchanger, storage, controlled entry, sprinkling system, wheelchair friendly Call • 482-9454 or 4,32-7862. ! 7-39xtfcc LOVELY large. _quiet. 2 bedroom apartment all on -ground (loot, heyat, hydro and •all utilities supplied, patio deck, laundry facilities, fridge . and stove, one block from uptown, ideal for mature tenant with refer- ences Call 522-0828 17,14 -ft - • AVAILABLE APRIL 1, two bedroom apartment, in Hensall, fridge and stove and utilities included, 5465 00/month Phone 236-4961. 17-14xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth, includes fridge and stove. laundry facilities. no pets, suitable for seniors• immediate possession Call 524 4994 17-14- 'd