HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-04-03, Page 7How many books can an eggshell hold?
New students, Ned
(Kindergarten), Laura (Grade
3) and Brian (4) Werriham;
and Nicholas (Grade 2) and .
• Ashley (3) Halley -were wel-
comed to the school this
The Kindergartens were
busy making chicks and eggs -
this week. They were doing
some experiments to see how
by Patty Banks
Mrs. Vivian spent her
Spring .Break in Florida. She
and her,family got, to go to
Disney World and Scaworld
.many books an eggshell . and took in a baseball game
could hold before it would where they cheered for the
-break. The magic number Blue Jays. Her class has been
was., seven big books. The making Easter Egg Pinatas-.
t.lass also welcomed- student They have also been studying
teacher Tracey -Fischer; from eggs. On Friday they put a
the Brussels/Cranbrook arca white egg.and a brown egg in
.to the class. She will be vinegar. and Monday they
working with the. class until • .will sec.w-h it happened. to
April 12, :The .class also said " them. They pla ed'a garbage
goodbye to their TA; Jennifer - garden as well. Into ihis gar -
Cochrane. She will be greatly den - went- some plastic,
missed. orange peel, tin toil and card-
• Mrs. Bennett had -the -hoard. The y want to see how -Helen •Craig.returned this
past week from Edmonton
where they attended the
World's- Figure Skating
Championship. Helen said
that it was enjoyable to see
the- upcoming and current
champions of the world. She
was situated' behind the
media and had clear viewing
of -what-is called the 'Kiss
and Cry area.' She and her
two sisters who were with
; Mrs. Strangway, working
with the Grade 4s, spent time
visiting family during the
break. Shc-said her -class has
been working at some co-
operative.games in gym. She
wondered if anyone had ever
heard. of the 'human pretzel'
Anyone attending • the
Harmony Kings barbershop
show. on Saturday would
have sten thc now famous
singers/actors Don
McDonald and.Gracmc Craig
of Walton. The very pale -
skinned Don played Tonto
(the Lein.: Ranger's sidekick)
vacation too as they drove to
Delaware to visit Graeme's
sister Sherrill
Despite a weather delay,
Watton WI- met at the Walton
Hall to share a heritage of
quilts. Members brought
quilts to be photographed for
the Tweedsmuir History.
Some of the quilts were made
by the members; others, by
grandmothers or other special
relatives.Piecing and
applique were the most com-
mon techniques used. Marion
Godkiri handled the photog-
raphy as she is the co-chair of
the Tweedsmuir committee
•along with Mary Humphries.
and Gracmc and a few men ' Other community .mem-
l'rom the chorus. played and
ang a few western son:,;, hers are welcome to contact
unding-very much like the Mary or Marion if they have
Sons of the Pioneers. quilts that they would like to
Leona McDonald and have photographed and be
included in this historic -
record of a significant pio-
neer activity of women. Plans
were finalized for the Walton
Branch Annual Meeting set
for April 17 at the hall in the
form of a pot -luck lunch.
Mrs. Winnie May, FWIO
board, will install the new
slate of officers.
Anyone interestet' in
learning about WI past and
present, can contact -PRO.
Ruth Axtmann or Pres.
Marjory Humphries. Leona
McDonald greeted worship-
pers on Palm Sunday at
Duff's United Church.
Brittany Holmes lit the Christ
Candle and the choir sang
their Introit, 'I am there.'
Rev. Banks -announced
that there will be a Maundy
Thursday service at the
' church starting at 7:30 pm.
The service on Easter Sunday
will start at 11:30 am. Don't
forgetto- turn your clock
ahead when you go tobed
Saturday night.
opportunity to visit Mexico long it will take for each item
during the Spring Break and to break down.
she said that -she is still get- A highlight for 1VIrs. Scott
ting acclimatized. She said- during the Spring -Break was
that it was a little difficult to to .see the musical. 'Beauty
go from summer to winter. ` and the Beast,' Shc said that
The class published their it was fantastic and would
Amaryllis hook and each recommend it to anyone. Her
-child got to take their hook class has -been working at
home. They have also been their math contracts: They
busy searching for the vari- - also had -visitors this:week.
ous signs of Spring. I always Mrs. Hciwc Lohh and her
look for Robins. Has anyone baby Mcryn came by to say her. cheered for Elvis.
seen any yet' - 'hello.' •. • Graeme and Michael had a
Kippen W.I. to host District Annual in Brucefield
Kippen East W.I. met at
the home of Dorothy Bell last
Tuesday with Grace
Drummond as co -hostess. l by Liz Sangster
The members ans:wercd 262-2715
the roll call with their
favourite part of the Mary
Stewart Collect, after the
Opening Ode was sung and
the Collect repeated. Grace
Drummond, president, read -a
poem on March. The Slice of
Huron. is to held in Seaforth;
Apo1:9r.IG2, with open house -
night on i rj11I 1.
the Dist 'Anita] which
Kippen is: to livill he
• fieldiMay 16 at,at'uceficld
United Church with 'Let's
Communicate' as the theme.
Preparation 'plans were dis-.
cussed.IPilyllis Parsons intro-
duced the guest;(eaker,
Nancy Cleave, orNancy's
Fixin's, who gave the group
some ideas on how to dress
up their windows and bring
out curtain colour in .cushions
or throws, to tie, decorating
schemes together. Shc was
thanked by Rena Caldwell.
Mona Aldcrdice had a read-
ing 'The Bluebird' and Helen
MacLean stumped most of
the group with her soap con-
test. Ruby Triebner gave
courtesy remarks and thc
meeting closed with the W.I.
Centennial Song. Lunch was
served by. Thea- Wisch- and
Phyllis Parsons: . - -
The service at Hensall
United Church Opened with
pcople.carrying palm fronds.
the singing of 'Hosan.nah,
Loud, Hosannah." prayer for
worship, the prayer of
approach-- and the Lord's
Prayer -'
The _Thursday Afternoon
Ladies meet April 4. at 2 pm:
-There will he a special com-
-munion scrvicc April.4 at
7:30 pm. a remembrance ser --
vice April 5 at I() am, and a
sunrise service April 7 at 7
am, after which a bacon and
"egg breakfast will -he held. A
-service of 'joy and celebra-
tion' will he the same day at
10 am. .
To place -Easter (lowers in
the church phone Carol
Martin at 263-341 I.
Remember the Annual Beef
Supper on April 24. Call
Marg for tickets at 262-2304.
Junior choir practice will he
after school on Wednesday.
Bring non-perishable food
Quilting bee keeps hands busy
March is the month when
everyone: anxiously awaits
the arrival of Spring. We
truly believe,it will soon he
A quilting bee has kept
hands busy and minds from
the weather. Ladies have
almost completed the quilting
of a hand -'sewn quilt made by
Minnie Walters.
St: Patrick's Day was cele-
brated in fine style. The
'Notes of Yesteryear' enter-
tained residents and friends
with their music. Vanda
McNeil, the granddaughter of
Mac Campbell. thrilled the
audience with some great old
tyme step -dancing. It was
good to have Jim Kelly in the
crowd dressed in green from
head to foot!
This month, residents wel-
corned Rob Hiscox, lay
Pastor of thc Anglican
Church, to Maplewood
Manor. Rev. Cheryl Ann
Stadelbaucr-Sampa and
Pastor Rick Lucas also led in
worship service for the
month. Special thanks to
Brandon Meyers who came
from the Bethel Bih!e Church
to sing and play his guitar. .
Thanks also to the ladies 'of
St. James Church for coming
faithfully every week -to bring
comtnunion. Greatly appreci-
ated. - -
Carol Carter. Marion Rose
and Bill Gibson each enter-
tained.residents with their -
music; The sing -a -longs arc
always a popular event.
Rcsidcnts enjoyed dinner
out at the Bistro restaurant.
It's always fun to cat out.
The month ended on a
great note as residents attend-
ed the Harmony Kings
Concert. 'Westward Ho, Ho,
Ho.' was thoroughly cnjoycd
by all.
Geri Fashions of London
will be at Maplewood Manor
on Friday, April 1.9 from 12-4
pm with a fashion show at 2
pm. Hope you can come. -
Happy Easter to all!
Residents enjoy IPM movie
CONTINUED from page 6 Albert. Sornc of our residents
Julie Clark to our staff. even remembered. being
Jennifer Hargreaves has there. -
returned after injuring her
back in an accident. Welcome
hack Jen!
On March 22 the residents
cnjoycd watching a movie
about the 1946 ploughing
match that was held in Port
Welcome to Bill Pease!
Happy birthday to: John
Powell. April 23: Antjc
Vcldhuis. April 23, Annie
Hodgins. April 25 and Mary
McDougall. April 29.
items for, the food hank to
church on Sunday. 'Sharing
Time' leading .to
Confirmation will be held
immediately after church.
Bible study -will-he held
Tuesday, April 2.1:30 to 3
-pm. Presbytery Prayer
Request: Zurich and
•1-)ashwood. it is now time to
prepare small craft items for
the Spring yard sale.
-;Green pick-up will begin
April 3. in Hensall: Green-
- waste includes. grass clip-
pings, garden Waste, branches
and trimmings. Material
should he bundled. in lengths
no longer than ibur feet, or in
cardboard boxes. or contain-
ers. Please, do not . use hags.
Rcsidcnts must phone -the
inunicipal office (262-2812)
to a-rrangc - pickup in
advance. -
by Dorothy Dillon
345-2x83 .
Happy Easter
Joe Eckert 'was thrilled to
he with his daughter. Mary,
on her birthday! He also
enjoyed a -visit from Sandra
Storey and her boyfriend.
i wish all my readers a
very Happy Easter!
Thought For Today
There's it wonderful
01 Spring in the air, -
And may Easter bring us
Happiness beyond com-
by Barbara Scott
Last Legion
meat draw
great success
The last meat draw was a
great success. Thcrc will he
another one for hams on
April 6. 4-6 pm. Thcrc.will
he entertainment.
it has also been decided to
have one more wcck of
Monday night crihhage on
April 8 at 8 pm.
The Branch needs .scimc-
onc to'. work alternate
Saturday evenings starting
April t 3. Contact Tom Barry.
Thcrc will he i solo tourna-
ment on Saturday April 13.
Registration is at 12:30 pm.
Games start at 1 pm.
A Sunday .dinner will he
held on April 21. 4-6:30 pm.
Desserts and help will he
needed. The "execuuvc meet-
ing is April I1 at 8 pm and
the general meeting will he
held on April 18 at 8.pm.
Al the going down of the
sun and in the morning we
will remember them.
Seaforth & District
Community Centres
POOL '95
(as of Mar. 28/96)
1. G&DII . 1113
2. Bach 1 1112
3. Bob Henderson 1107
4. G & b IlI 1106
5. T.N.L. H9 1102
6. ice Hogs 1100
7. Billy Boy (3) 1099
8. Joe III 1096
9. Brett 2 • 1094
10. Tammy Marten 1093
11. M.H.R.R. + S I 1089
12. Couch Potato 3 1084
13. Wayne Regele #2 - 1079
14. Bob. McNaughton H3 1078
15. Leafs = Cup #2 1075
16. Stormin Norman 1074.
17. First Place 1072
18. Harry Jansen 1063
19. Cooner #1 1052
20. Sparky I 1044
21. Terry Gray #1 1038
22. Couch Potato I 1034
23. G & D I 1033
24. Gull 1032
25. Yzerman 1029
26. M.H.R.R. +SII 1027
27. Jim #2 1026
28. John Van IJeshout '1026
29. -Pens I 1026
30. Prime Time I 1026
31. Kev C. I 1023
32. Paul Dolmage 1023
33. Dutch Trio I 1021
34. Glen Carter 1021
35. Cooner # 2 1019
36. Probed 1019
37. Hammer Them 1 1018
38. C.M.M.S.F. 1017
39. C.U.B. 1017
40. Habs Miss Playoffs 1017
41. Nora Flick 1017
42. Roy's Raiders 1016
43. Marty Bedard 1014
44. Billy Boy (2) 1013
45. George Love 1013
46. Bobby Clarke #16 1011
47. JessicaBurgess 1010
48. Team Electric 1007
49. John Wilson 1006
50. A&W#3 1005
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Sundays open 10 a m .88 m
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Seaforth Rec,ation Department
Illowith Instructor ANITA HANSEN
Classes begin -
Tues., April 16, 1996
Beginners... 7:00-8:00 pm
Intermediate...8:00-9:00 pm
at the
- Seaforth & District Community Centres
• Registration Fee $45.00 for 10 weeks
Interested persons must -pre -register by calling
527-0882 -
Class size is limited so register early.
Be Involved!
- f Ir non ('ounty is preparing a New ('ounty flan.
_The• flan will deal with cornnrrrnity. economic
and girt,( use issues. phase 11 of the process is
a series of workshops to discuss .the values
Identified in the recently c•ortipietcrl
Community Action" Kits. Everyone, Is
encouraged lo. attend and partlepate-Irl the
- disc•usstolts.
Open House & Registration at 7:00 p.m.
Locations.. Dates
I. 7.euich 1'tihlie• School - We'd. Apr. 17
2. Brussels Public School Thurs. Apr. 18.-
2. Clinton High Sehool (CRSS) Wed. Apr.2.1
4. lironkside Public School Thurs. Apr.25.
•5: Exeter high School Wed. May 1
6. \Vinglian High School Thurs. May 9
7. Scaiforlh Iligh School Thurs. May 1f
-R. Goderteh.11igh School . Wed. May 22
9. Stephen Central Pub. Sch "ihurs.May.3O
10. l lowlck Public -School Wed. June 5
'lo accommodate non-resident laud owners
(other Cot oily residents also welcome):
Open House &-Registration at 9:30 a.m.
11. Kirfgsbridge Separate. Sell. Sat. July 6
12. Hayfield Comm. Centre Sat. July 1:1
Reminder: individuals. groups anti
ort•;:►nizallons who have _not returned their
CllllMundy- Action.Kits are encouraged to cin
:i '40(11) as possible. For fur therinformal trnr.
please contact the Huron County Planning
and Development Department: -
• 519-524-2188
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