HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-03-13, Page 10own and Country. (C.E. COMING EVENTS • HIBBERT UNITED Church, Staffa presents The Music MakinMoms on Saturday. March 30 at Upper Thames Elementary School, Mitchell at 8 p m Advance tickets Adults $8 00. Children $4 00 'At the door, Adults $10 Children $5 Pre-schoolers Free For tickets phone 345-2697 or 345 2595 CE- .11x3cc • BRUCEFIELO. and Kippon Food Grains Sunday, March • 1/ at 11 a m at Brt.cofield• Unitrid Church Guest speakers Ron and Nancy Kraomers from Mitchell: Everyone welcome. CE -11 1 SPRING SWIM and Fitness program .starts April . I. 1996, Vanastra Recreation Centre See March 19 Focus edition ., for schedule Calf 482 -3544 to register. CE-11x2cc - MARCH BREAK Swan times ere 3'00 p.m • 4 30 p in March 1110 15th and March 18.2? -plus regular Winter Swim Tirpe< .,t Vanastra Recreation Centra: ' ., 1482 3644 for more information (.11 1x i cc DECORATIVE Art Class (Tole)• beginners 4 weeks. starting Wednesday March 6 "30 9 30 p m at The Hobby ;het: ' Learn how to do plasiic c'rnv,is Monday 'i onings for 4 week.; r.t.utrng'ApriL 22. 79 p m $20 plus mateeats For registration <and more Information call 527 2010 CE -11 3 BEEF • LUNCHEON at Walton United Church. Wed March 27, 11 30 to 12 30 p.m Euchre to follow at 1 00 Cost $6 50 • CE-i1x2c - SPRING SALE and Food Drive Clothing and odds n ends ' ;.pride For each 3 non-perishable. food - items donated you will receive a coupon to purchase one item of clothing for 50 Gents March 21 • and 22 only Godench and Clinton Salvation Army _Thrift Stores. 66 Hamilton St. .Goderich and 80 King St . Clinton CE i t x2cc SEAFORTH OPTIMIST Club presents •'What Ever Floats Down the River" Poker.- Roily. Sunday March 31. Watch tor details CE - 11 -3 SINGLES DANCE Everyone - welcome • Saturday. March 23, 1996. S p m - 1 a in Clinton Legon 45 Kirk Street Members $5 00, non-members $7 00. couples $12 00 -DJ • MCL. Information Dave 482-3976; 482- 3533. Lunch provided Sponsors P'NP CE-11x2cc,• • MITCHELL FIGURE Skating Club presents "Under The Big Top", Frday. March 29 1996. 7p m Mit.-hell and District Arena featuring• Mitchell's Home Club Skaters Advance ticket; at arena, March 1.5 18 22 and 25 6.00- 7 30 p• m or at the door Adults $5. 12 yrs and under $2 Pre_ -school free CE -t1-2 •SOUP AND SALAD St Thomas Anglican Church. Wed March 13, 1996 1 1 30.-1 p m Everyone welcome CE-10x2c ' SEAFORTH HARMOi'iY Kings annual barbershop show - on Saturday. March 30 Tickets ay.,rlable at Bob and' Betty,s or from any member or calt 522-1301 CE 10-3 WESTWARD HCI Oh.- Oh annual barbershop • show pre:;ented by Seatorth Harmon-/ King- Seaforth -Community - Centre Saturday March 30 1 59 and 7 59 Adults $8 00 students $4 OCt0-3 EUCHRE PARTY St Joseph's R C - Church ,-inton Saturday March 23. 1 30 p m Pr :.:s Lunch provided Everyone welcome. Sponsors Knights of .Columbus Proceeds Clutton Public Hospital CE -11x2cc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Burgo every Monday 1st and 3rd Monday of .each month' $Tau Jackpot 2nd - and 4th Monday $1 000 Jackpot Door; open at 5 30 p m Ticket sales 6 30 p m SDCC CE 09-0 • SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY' presents. March Extravaganza with Lowdown, Saturday. March 16. at the Seaforth Agnplex Tickets $8 00 in .advance. $10 00 at the door Contact 527.1321 or 522-1300 CE 09-03 • �1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ♦ - e HOTEL/MOTEL mattress sets. Factory direct - all sizes Rent to own from $6 25 weekly Free delivery.. 1.800 954 -BEGS. 01- IIXICC • REPOSSESSED Kenwood 200 watt Mega System, AM/FM receiver. 5 disc CD player plus 2 gigantic 3 -way bass • reflex speakers. Take over payments. Call 1-800-954.2337. 01-11 x 1 cc IFI MI HURON IXPOSITOR, March 13. 194-9 VADLINE: MONDAY, 1:00 PM CALL 527 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 2 PROM DRESSES with hairpieces and shoes to match, worn once. excellent condition, drycleaned - and pressed. If interested call 396- 7480 leave message 01-11 x3cc• - -LOST HEIR" coming to. The Hobby Shop We are taking orders now for the card game catled Lost Heir Stock should 'be here by April Put your order in now Phone 527-2010 01-11-2 - FOR SALE: a side of beef: Ken Gemmell. 522.1689. 01-11x2c FIREWOOD $35 00 face cord. Phone 527-2902 01 -11 -2 - RAINBOW TROUT: 6 for_$12.50. - Fresh, pan size Also available, open water fishing and pond stockers Rainbow Trout Hatchery, Belgrave, David Hedley, 357-2329. 01-11x6cc •' FLUORESCENT lights 24" x 48" four tube from the Met Phone 482- 3366 atter 6 p.m. Ten or more we deliver 01-10x3cc - FOR SALE' 'ii- of freezer beef Processed to your liking. Phone Matt Haney 522.-1375 01.10-2 DARK' BROWN 84" buttonback sofa and matching chair -Excellent condition, $350 00 for both Phone - 345 -2014. 01-10x2c hone345-2014.01-10x2c - REFINISHED Doherty pump organ (Made in Clinton). Old settee with 'new blue upholstery Jim Axtmann, 527-0107.01-10x2c MCDOUGALL'S on Highway 8 feature locally txoduced pork products (no fill or color added), all - kinds of cheese, maple syrup and honey Tuesday to Saturday 10-7 345-2376 01-C9xtfcc SECOND CHANCE SALES & SERVICE ' Offering •quality used appliances furniture and vehicles Call us at 235-4070 or visit us at 586. Main St S Exeter. 01.69-tf ' WANTED: -Good .used -sports equipment, Buy. Self and Trade. We now sharpen skates. Second Period Sports, 94 Main St. S , Seaforth.. 527-1586 (We _will pick up) 01-09-tf - MOFFATT AND POW 1 1.5 3udding entres complete til,. of lurnbe::r and budding. m.tterr:,l• Fr..- esti- nates #8 Highway Mrt<7hell .Tail fine 1 -800 66'l 697:. •)1 09 tt FREE CLASSIFIED AO )o you' have an- -5.1;.1 for sale vt-xh rs loc. than ;gni' Place .1t Hu. tar 'one rn':,. Rion 1n the Articles for 'Soli: Leta, r, •ot- The Huron Expositor I h,. ru must he 25 words cr i.c; 'hu .teen tnusi:..appl:.tr in ail; ,ad This otter dors riot apply tc 'busi- nesses Phone 52: 0240 beton: Monday 1 p n - 10 :,lac- ynr:r ad ')1 01-ttn;c• PICTURES • Have you Sett .a ; u- A your past .wth The Hwcr. L,<ostler^ We. have a nurr:r..:r ,t .,r,..lanned plc• sures on tile Y u ..v. pick :hem up it our office 1 .i) Vain Seaforth Ivlcrd.ay Friday 9 m - 5p m G' 61 itrlie - WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS. For your rr)adiny pu:.r ..F•: :•/I: have available .It :h. • 1-411• -n r •pc';Itor. 'Rice nine. w',• kly v<i;.ip,;r> The Walkert.,ri Hr, kik? 7 is •.. The ktdchelt Ad..c.ate 're, Canton ^Jews Record : ! ,cd. n, r Signal Star The Lakt:sive Advance Zurich Shoreline New, ,x'011 • r_Igln, Kincaidps .. Sentinel and TI • •u.)n E cpo!;Iter SPRING PARTS SALE ON NOW! PRE -SEASON SAVINGS TILL MARCH 30 SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 WEEIJOLTT APM EQUPMENT LIMITED SPRING SALE Rainbow Vacuums • Power Heads •Casa and carry t595 •All taxes included - •1 year warranty •Hurry Limited Quantity Larry's Vac Shop 350 Moms St . Blyth. ON NOM 11.10 519-523-4205 Larry T Bolger 1800.830.3294 Proprietor t G. RFC VEHICLES • C.A.IQERS & TRAILERS ♦ (1. ARTICLES FOR. SALE WHY RENT? When you can rent - to -own Kenwood 200 watt stereo system with 5 disc C 0 player, only $998. or 59.50/week , RCA 31 - stereo surround sound TV only -$977 or $9 40rweek Hitachi 8 mm camcorder remote control, only $888 or $8 75 week' RCA hi-fi 4 - head VCR on screen, only $4.44 or $4 20iweek. Kenwood car stereo .CD player plus OX,3 , 16U watts) with amplifier only $1097 complete or $10 50/week No-inoney down - no payments tor 100 days.-Krazy Kellys 1,800 891 6015 Rent To - Own by Phone 1342 Weber St East Kitchener 01 i 1 xbc ALL STEEL BUIL DINGS Rock oottom prices Manufacturer direct High sidewalls 25x30 $2.588 00 30x44 $4 966 00 35x50 $7- 977 00 40x6.4 $9 d88 00 • 46i78 $14.444 00 Others F r,ds optional Pioneer 1 800-:;i`,9 :423 01 11 Mc SAWfv1ILL $4895 Saw logs into ba.ud5, planks .beams Large capacity Best sawmill value anywhere Free information 1-800- 566-6699 Sitvacraft Sawmills, 6625 Orden Dr B-2 Mississauga, (int L5T 1X2 01-11xbc WINTER CLEARANCE Sale 'in all duel buildings Many size, to •i.hoose from Quonsets. Str.iightwall-Ouonsets-or the new Trussless 'design Call . Future 1 900 668-8653-'01 l l xhc - BEST BUILDING i)FFICES Steel ;traightwall type: r.r;t ,uonset 32;54 .946u 46.': $14 233 50x90 $20.:11.: •ii;. .-6 `1,31 314 Other sizes :av:ulable Misc :learance Par.irjon 34 t.curs 1 = 300 263 849' t;. .1 5. CARS FOR SALE •-� 1,.ajt.. 3 E P 4X4•Comanchee Chief. - : soer'd good condition ' %filen,' ;necked Call 565-2334 P : ,-'u• -c:.: •: message 05- t 1•x3e4 7F SNOWMOBILES & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1978 Par Cera 5000 Ai ;tic C --at $1000 00 or test offer. Phone after 6 p in 482 266 7F 1 1 12 J11E. LIVESTOCK e - LIVESTOCK FOR - SALE: - Approximately 40-50 Neaner pigs on a weekly basis from a good' clean herd Phone 345-26631 at - noon or alter 6 11E-:0-2 •- �I1F. F: -SRM PRODUCT• .FOR SALE Red Clover Seed. Canada #1, cleaned,. Inoculated. and germ tested Phone 522-0648 Gilbert Vansteeiandt 1 .1 1141. FARM SERVICES r • REY-AGRA MANURE DISPOSAL • Large vacuum tank • High Floatation tires CALL 519-345-2478 or 527-1818 11J. FARM LAND • LAND WANTED for '96 season or. longer Seed soyabean production with premium paid on landlord share Unique scale -up share crop agreement.. Financial production And Landlord references available Also interested in land suitable for corn Mitchell: St Marys- Monkton area. Write to Box 58. Mitchell Advocate, P 0 Box 669. Mitchell. On NOK I NO 1 1 J 09 <4 • �11K. FARM REAL ESTATE\ CASH CROP farm for sale. 100 acres. 85 excellent crop land, good house, good drive shed 104' x 74' $270.000 Open for offers, Phone 519-887-6052 11K -11x1 12. REAL F.S•I.11'I MR SALE \ MUST SELL Four-bedroom. two 'ull baths hrcplacc arid many -extras Close to Bayfield Any reasonab1i7 offer will be :onsidcred C.rll 1135 5583 12- 11xtcc - - FOR SALE Lot al Seaforth Golf Course For information call 519- :367 2798 or fax 867 27'55 12 10 4 '6. REC VEHICLES • CAMPERS & TRAILERS ♦ / • HUGE R.V. SHOW! 23rd. Annual Recreational Vehicle Show. Campground Operators 8 Associated Suppliers also in Attendance. March 14-16 10-10 Sunday, March 17, 10-5 Western Fair Grounds, London. Presented by the London St. Thomas R.V. Dealers Assoc. Info 519-685-1110. 12. REAL ESTATE FQR SALE - LEASING -Dance Bar Hotel and Restaurant or lust restaurant Turn key operation.' Hensall 519-262- 2314 12-07xtfcc - GOT A CAMPGROUND Membership/timeshare-1 We'll take it Amenca's largest oldest resale clearinghouse Resort • Sales International 1 800 423-5967 Timeshare rentals needed Call 24 hours a day 1? 1 1 xh; . EARN EXTRA INCOME. FROM YOUR HOME rtes quiet residential duplex :5 ;n Triple A condition Inciride; 2 2 bedroom apartments. carport. closed - xi deck and Inter ockinq brick double drivewat. Spac eiis neckyard close 'r schools and -lake " - - nir,rr� information call 524-1784 114. VACATION PROPERTIES WILDERNE, ' .i . ',Grthe-rn Ontario HK •1t,;. r.isUne Lake Trout .: -,1'.i ; • Sand Beaches. relaxatror S :2G 00 P P .veekly '•nfor.)11ti0n .vete nreen Hectares Eo'. Ontario PIP , . . ; d :111.. ,DAY CANAi. ;r:;. ! rExpldre Ontario ,'.o' I•.'; - .'Fat):rways. aboard tt11? '1.'4ly ••: i,.mde,d 38 aasstngor 14,nv:ail"t. '•i.uyageur" EnlOy the re,laxert 'atri)osphere. home -style (tcokrng and cheerful _brew- on• the c;iim waters of .the Trent•Sev):rn and - Rideau Waterway Send. for, nrochure to Ontario Wateryways 51 135 Main drltlia. On L31i 6J:: ;r, .:all 1 800-' 561 576-1 14 11 (br- 16. FOR RENT' • r .:OR RENT Gt1 .->q •tt of .vorkshbo sp.tc: '+..Cit:Ie tot sinyall nosiness or i;•.,nh) :;t :" S3G0 per .nonih 3G BIIc:i . . ,r. north Call' -i22 0956 or 52.- .-: CB 16.1 1 Y 1 `1-. APART11ENTS FOR RENT i-'JuG 3EDROOM Bruc,=field, tirst u d 'a:;t nionths rent. $353 00 r in,,nthly iancludes &heat. , ridge and ;Icor• .ivai(atile now ' ReletenCes-. tR > U t; oetore 6 00 .a m or after 4 u0 p ❑a vee.kdays anytime c.1.14urday add Sunday 17'• 11 xlcc CLINTON •T.vo -bachelor apartments-. :$375 00. *includes ot,litles large 2 -bedroom apartment. $450 00 per month plus eties Available naw Pion 482- nti2' 3 1 7 1 1 xticc '. - • FOR RENT 1 bi:dreorn apartment, het. hydro. fridge dove and laundry facilities,, 'available 5450 OOrmonth -bedroom ap.trtment, heat included 5350 00imonth For -details. call Maureen at 527 1577 17 1 1. 1 - DUNCAN HO(JSE. Seaforth, quality apartment ground. floor. one bedroom. one block from Post Ottice Private entrance Phone 52 0349 17 1 1-1t • TWO BEDROOM main floor duplex. lust ' '1 2 bfoLks from downtown.' 5350 00 plus utilities. :.all Sraror>r.at 0560 after 4 30 pin 17 11 3 UPPER DUPLEX, two bedroom. separate entrance, gas furnace. parking, no pets • References required Call 522-1833. 1'7-10-tf NICELY DECORATED 2 bedroom apartment in 5380 O0/month, heat and hydro included. Available - April 1st. Phone 395-5512 17-10x2cc RENT GEARED to Income Apartments in Clinton. Exeter and Godench for women and children who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron. 524-1620. 482- 5288. 235:3183 82-5288.235-3183 17 10x2cc • TWO 2 bedroorn apartments, quiet adult building. in excellent condition, available now. $380.00 rnonlhly , plus utilities. Leave message 482.5659 17 10x2cc ONE BEDROOM APT Main floor, open concept, natural wood, 2 fireplaces- Located in quiet building In Seaforth. $425. month Includes heat, 'hydro, laundry . facilities. parking 524-9076. 5272922. 17- 06xtfcc - r The Huron -Expositor's - SSIFIEDS C E Coming Events ' 08 Computers. Videos. 01 Articles For Sale - Etc 03 Garage/Yard Sale 09 Automotive 04 Antiques & Art 10 Pets 4A Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 7A For Sale General 78 Wanted To Buy 7C Wanted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E, Motorcycles: ATVs. - Etc 7F Snowmobiles & - Equipment - 7G Rec Vehicles - 1.2 Real Estate For Sale Campers & Trailers _ 13 Mobile Homes 7H Boats, Motors & 14 Vacation Properties Marine 16 For Rent 7J Service Parts-&- Repairs 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 7K Swimming Pool & 19 Rooms For Rent Suppt'es 20 Rooms & Board . A'NONSWASHOMMINN47 Cards al -hanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM • All rates plus GST . 25 WORDS - One Week .55 00, two weeks 34.50 ea week. three weeks 54.00 -ea. week. Additional words 20 cents.additional 32.00 will be added if billing is necessary. This includes btrth- :announcements.- In Memoriams - $5.00 plus :35 cents per line of verse- - Card of Thanks & Obituaries - 25 Words 55.00 Each -additional - word 10 Cents. ' We are also-ahle to place word ads in -the following papers: Gotterich. Clinton. Mitchell. Lucknow. 'Kincardine.. Zurich, Walkerton &, Port Elgin. 13y placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we. can place the same ad 125 words or less) -in any of the above papers for an additional 52.00 - THESE PRICES .ARE PRE -PAID • Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9100 AM to roll PM WEE t t A For Sale General 1113 Wanted To Buy. tic Wanted To Hire CID Employment- - Wanted - 11E Livestock 1?F Farm Product - .11G Farm Equipment 11 H Farm Services. 11J'Farm Land • 11 K Farm Real Estate 22 tots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 'For Rant •24 Wanted To Rent -- 25 Wanted To Buy - 26 Help Wanted 27 Wanted General 28 Business Opportunity 29• Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31' Service Directory • 32 Babysitting - 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36- Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam I 18. HOUSES FOR RENT r (17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM duplex close to downtown Seaforth, references required. Call 519-235-3220 after 6 pm. 17 -09 -It TWO MONTHS FREE Rent: 1. bedioom and - bachelgr apt. in Seaforth. Available immediately fridge and stove supplied. starting at $282 plus utilities.- 527-28Q8-, 519.393-6921 Leave message. 1711 09-tf' - ONE BEDROOM apartment fn Seaforth- - quiet street. na ural woodwork,. includes . appliances,' laundry - and utilities. $425 00. Phone 527-2922 or 524-9076' 17- 02xtfcc - HENSALL. Check out our price starting. ai $399 and up on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, heat: hydro, fridge and stove included.. All was are freshly painted and new carpet. For more information call Steve or Shelley at 262-2827.-17-08A • -NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchel. Controlled . entrance, llaundry. facilities. • S1tltable foL - seniors. • 1576 18. Call 348-9102. 17-02xtfcc -THREE BEDROOM apartment and one bedroom apartfnent. Available now Call 527.0409: 17-09-tf - ONE BEDROOM apartment in Dublin. No pets Available • Feb. • 1st. Phone 345-2792 1,7-09-11 ZURICH. freshly decorated. two bedroom upstairs apartment. Free parking and garbage, one black from downtown $325.'month. First and fast required. For Inquiries call 236-4014. 17-49xtf LARGE one bedroom apartment for rent. Rent Includes heat (hydro extra), fridge and stove. Controlled entrance and laundry - tactlities. Clean, quiet heritage building. Phone 527-2369. 17-09-11 MAPLE HILL apartments. • 45 Charles St. Clinton, with 2 bed- rooms; 1''2 baths, air exchanger. storage. controlled entry, sprinkling system. wheelchair friendly. Call 482 9454 or 482-7862. 17-39xtfcc LOVELY large. quiet. 2 bedroom apartment all on -ground floor, heat. hydro and all utilities supplied, patio deck, laundry facilities. fudge and stove, one block from uptown. ideal for mature tenant with refer- ences- Call 522-0828. 17-09-tf AVAILABLE APRiL 1, two bedroom .apartment. In Hensall. fridge and stove and utilities Included, 5465 00imonth Phone 236-4961 17. 14xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment .In Seaforth, Includes fridge and stove- laundry facilities, no pets. suitable for sensors. immediate possession. Call 524-4994 17.09- tf ' (18. HOUSES FOR RENT• r FOUR BEDROOM house near Seaforth. Available April 15. References required Apply to Drawer $4065 Go The Huron Expositor. Box 69. Seaforth. On NOK 1WO. 18-110 HOUSE FCR SALE 'r; tie moved 3' bedroom bungalow ('.all :519) 348-4457 18.10i2cc FQR RENT 2- bedroom 1 tloot home, gas furnace river view and ;undock, - $516 00 per inonth 21 Front St. E: Egmondville Phone Kirkton 229-8957 18 08- tf MODERN country t1'ome, -two: bedroom near town of_Seaforth Available April 1 References required l.Callr52r1-1069- 18:10ir2' X25. WANTED TO BUY' \ j YOUNG FAMILY looking for chain fencing for backyard post not necessary Call 482 3645. 25;111-1 t BILL S AUTO WRECKER' Wanted ,crap cars trucks and parts Lot 12. Concession t4 Phpne 519- 887 6510 25.08x6 - J _26. HELP WANTED - r Nj2AiOPPORTUNITY ,aarn up to $5d0 plus per week At home .stuffing envelopes in your spare time More details 4end S.A.S.E. to M S 114. -'311-506Q Tecumseh Ad . East Windsor On. N8T 101. • 26-10x3cc 'TIRED -OF WORKING for somebne •elsii' No gimmick or Investment. Serious sales minded- individuals only Excellent , opportunity, compensation and benefits: Age no barrier' Full or parttime Write T R C of Canada. Dept 2000, Box 711 'Ft Worth,. TX 7(3101 U.S A 25'10x2 - HOMEWORKERS. earn up to $500lweekly doing assetnbly work - in your home... No experience needed. Send stamper) envelope for details Smith s Homework Agency Box 99. Dungannon. On: • NbM 1R0 26-09x4cc ' CARPENTER looking -tor full time help Experience required. Apply in waling to Drawer #4263 Go The Huron Expositor P 0.. Box 69, -S•:.dorth.On NOK 1WO 26-09-3 ASSEMBLE crafts in your home, earn up to 512-.00 per hour A self- addressed envelope brings full details Assembly work. Box 6. RR 6. Godench. On N7A 3Y3. 26- 09x4cc APPLICATIONS for the position of FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN at St. Anne's Catholic Secondary School Clinton,Ontario- will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon March 22;' 1996 G.L. Blanchette Superintendent df Education Huron•Perth County R.C.S.S. Board PO. Box 70 Dublin, Ontario NOK 1 E0 Telephone (519) 345.2440 M.Mlller • Chairperson of the Board J.S. Brown. M.A., Ed.D., Director of Education r