HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-03-13, Page 6Director of Education and Huron MPP go to war over cuts to education `This is crisis of enormous • Dear. Editor, business person that would on promises already made for ity/sick leave thing will- save Open Tetter to Helen Johns, allow this to happen. Bring.. funding top=ups for 1995!) money - bur, Helen, that's Huron MPP. - - on the bailiffs! Bloated administration over the next thirty years! With respect, I express to Your government is now costs? Get real! This crisis is now. It's 199(1- . .you, my dismay and my presiding over a financial Circumstances advanced a and by the time school extreme disappointment! The mess which cannot be planned down -sizing last hoards can set out the rates measures announced by resolved. There is surely now week! We've already found for this fiscalyear, we will be Minister John Snobelen yes- a crisis of enormous propor-- the $200,000 hinted we 40% -through the current terday are. at hest, a sham. . tions.- - • might need for a_ smaller spending period. Our munici- i cannot believe that your. - We are the practitioners. administration. Education pal -partners knew -their status government, blessed with the We work.on the front lines of leadership in Huron is one at Christmas time. Across business sense and acumen it public education. We know third smaller today; and I've Ontario, we in education is said to possess. would how to $et this jots -done. moved -a team of secretaries" spend many more tax dollars offer us such meagre and Surely there can be some way. out to the schools to -help thanthe entire municipal sec - untimely first- steps in the to let us help you with this teachers get more technologi- .tor. Why do you continue to massive reduction of over enormous task? Et is no won- cally literate. There is no treat us as unworthy business one billion dollars from the - der that governments get more blood in that stone.: partners? public education system in accused of working in never, ' Custodial services? Pick up - The -single hope I •had, . Ontario. Who perpetuates - never land! The authors of a .broom! We already have when your government was - this travesty upon you? this document know not what the lowest expenditure by a elected, was that we.might Today we know nothing they have'done! You would long shot, without exception, finally see a commonsense. more than we have already he wiser to demolish the for cleaning Our buildings, of business -like approach.tQQ my speculated in- the three Mowat Block than to perpet- every single school hoard in craft. As I get ready for my months preceding - following. uatc this charade. Southwestern Ontario. Do we- thirtieth year in public educa- the Nov. 29 announcements Come visit our schools! A now stop sweeping she tion, I am ashamed that -we by Ernie Eves. •You and your delay in capital construction . floors? have stooped solow. Cabinet MUST tell us where grants? Who cares - Huron Wasteful bus routes? Take a " Stop insulting us. If you we stand. It is uncon- public education doesn't have ride! Our. highly integrated can't do better than that, it's ' . scionahlc that our multi-hil- a nickel coming from•you in school bus system, which time to take the Michigan lion dollar a year public edu= - 1996-97 for that purpose.- combines•in-house service approach. When we run -out cation business should he You still owe us well over a with Major contracting out in of money this Spring, let's denied its financial ground million dollars in unpaid cap: - the private sector, and con- close the schools! I'm seri- rules - at this time of extreme ital grants from 1995. i nests:closely with the routes - ous. Maybe then we can -get budgetary constraint - until increased the hank' interest of our -Catholic counterparts. some corrective action" for close to .half the spending -line in, our budget almost --:has been reduced in cost by this injustice in . year is finished! April $200,000 yesterday - one overhalf a million dollars per funding direction. _ announcements (and then more percentage point on the . annum in the iast.three years. ' :May budgets!) of the expect- mill rate for property tax Do.wc take the buses off the -- cd-to-he-even-moreconvo- ratepayers because this gov- road:' - - lined General Legislative crnmtnt'has not yet paid last . And the rest of the stuff is Grants is a perversion. I can- year's hills! (And i know - just window dressing. not imagine any competent - your government will renege Sure the retirernent'gratu= TIM MNAON IXPOSITON, March 13, 191111-3 OQOiiGii�oGoi�Gii�IGO€1 Huron County's Complete ��11 as 1VEHICLE v a RENTAL a 0 0 Small & Mid-stzed.Cars E 0 Passenger & Cargo E QI -dans, Pickup Trucks a 0 I Daily, Weekly. Monthly1 al0 Insurance Rentals & a More -113- 0 D Free Delivery 00Ask about our full E 0 transportation service E 01 a cs 0 13 S . a° Headquarters Regretfully Paul Carroll Director of Education and Secretary -Treasurer `soundsmore . political:than 'profess-ionai' Dear Editor, Huron County understand with the :teachers. We have require, please do not hesitate -Open lever to Paul Carroll this -government's mandate. removed.. the need for the to let- me know and I will Director of Education. ,- have worked to assist us. Board to employ and there- inform the Minister. i am in receipt of your letter . ,have been very supporti v, fore- pay department heads, of yesterday (March 1), -,have. 'and have offeree: creative which was previously legis faxed it to the Minister and - solutions. ,The Minister sug lated. We have removed the have discussed it with him. gested that your letter con-. floor for sick 'leave -which We were, to say the least, 'tains no solutions or.sugges- was previously legislated. We surprised by the tone. the tions hut rather is a tirade of will also have the results of content and the list of.indi- negative.comments. As' out- the studies released by the victuals you dtcided,to share _ lined in the Sweeney Report, summer-witti respect to lay your '-disgust' with this let- 47% of the educational dol=:. people. employed in specific ' ''..ter sounds more political than lars are spent outs'id,e the. areas. Each of these items professional!! Suffice it to say clatsroom. Whether this is ' can bring about' savings in . t(Jat this government was Icft 'true in-Hurbn,County or not, the' next round of- negotia- witl $100 billion of debt and it is still a reality that -:the tions and will lead to savings, ' 'we are making tough choices 'His must, deal with. He, for the taxpayers Of Huron • to reduce the debt, get the is the provincial Minister of and Ontario.• province hack on track and in Education! . this case maintain -a high I understand that you _are 1 am sure that your Board - •standard in our education not pleased with the toolkit. and the parents of Huron are system. I can only speculate that you not prepared -to close the Many of our- transfer part- would have liked us to open -school system in. the Spring ners as well as the. provincial . collective agreements and do and can tise thesetools to . government itself, have been the negotiating with- the:find. savings. Paul,. if you are asked to assist us in our mis- teachers. You have always not ahlc to manage the difti=-, -sion. Our transfer partners in had the option to negotiate . cult decisions this will Child dies in unlicensed child care • Dear Editor. was napping in had a broken that—someone' is the first step On Jan. I3, 19'05, Mercedes hinge which enabled her to toward ensuring- that they Fraser died while neing cared push down the side and try to 'receive the hest -possible for in an unregulated. unli- climb out. The bottom of her care.If this ihformation saves sensed. home -child care situ- sweatshirt became entangled 'only one child. then we have ation. Mercedes was put on the hinge, 'strangling her. accomplished our goal. The down for a nap in an upstairs She was only 13 months old. -Seaforth Co-operative bedroom. The playpen sl.e There were nine children Children's Centre is pleased under age five in the home to have a copy of • Home MPP's could that day. Not one of the par- Child Care: A Caregiver's ents was aware of the number Guide' by author Lee Dunster' of children being cared for by in their resource library.. Call ' ' the'hurtle child care provider. '519-527-0682 for further - child carr and safety infor- mation. . - set example -,Yours truly,. Helen Johns. MPP klMSiuLb • Thedford 1ST IN ��fi SERVICE • 1-80.0-263-0626 TMEP. COUNTRY KOLE by slashing There is someone who can. gine your children the care, understanding and nurturing their wages that you want. for them: CONTINUED from page 4 Learning how to recognise pa t Perhaps MPP's could set an txamplc by slashing their own lucra'ive• wage and pen- sion packages by 21%. Let's slap some tax on the exces- sive -profits of a quarter of a billion dollars reported by Canada's major hanks in•thc last fiscal quarter. Let's increase our corporate taxes. which are among the lowest in the industriali,ed world. Let's start ,our public house- cleaning at the executive level and work our way down. Let's take some from ' those who have it to spare first, before we take every- thing from those who do not. Collective solidarity has - nevcr been More important than right now. It is the only peaceful tool we have at our disposal to tight the powerful and greedy. If you took_ the.. time to talk to some of the people on the picket lines, you would soon find out this is not about 'big union big deals.' Respectfully. Anne Harrison Scaforth, ON Shirley Brooker Scaforth, ON CLEANING UP THE WORLD STARTS AT HAVE US PREPARE YOUR 1995 PERSONAL TAX RETURN Accurately and Efficiently Serving Individuals, Businesses and Farmers. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT OUR OFFICE LOCATED IN SEAFORTH 263.3039 or 527-0132 1-800-567-0844 W.H. 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