HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-02-21, Page 10(32. BABYSITTING J 10-THI NITRON EXPOSITOR, February 21, 199 (31. SERVICE DIRECTORY• REPAIR AND REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR81, Seaforth. Phone 527- 0786. 31-054 rA. ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELD- ING, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De' Jong. 523-4816, Londesboro. 31-05-11 . CHILD CARE available near Segferth High School. Call Karen at 527-2434 32-08-2 -• 34. PERSONAL A.A. If you think you have a drink- ing problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527- 1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833. 34-05-tf ADOPTEES/BIRTH Parents/Family members, Canada Wide National Registry and search assistance 1- 800-871-8477. Information hne 1- 800-871-8477. 'E-mail - ftcwnr@georgian net. 34.08xbc CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics :have answers to your problems or questions about health, love, elationship, money, lucky numbers $3.49aninuto. 18+, 24 hours. 1. 00-451-4336 34- 08xbc Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. THINKING OF SELLING? GOOD THINKING! *PROPERTIES ARE MOVING* IN THE LAST 21/2 MONTHS, OUR SEAFORTH OFFICE HAS SOLD THESE 10 FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: 40 ELEANOR ST., MITCHELL JUST LISTED By MAUREEN JUST LISTED By MAUREEN 9 WEST FRONT ST., EGMONDVILLE - List $105,0004 - A 86 NAPIER ST., MITCHELL - List 5155.000.1 - JUS LISTED By LORIE 104 71 LONDON RD., EGMONDVILLE - List 599,000 - JUST LISTED By MAUREEN JUST LISTED By MAUREEN 36 CALEDONIA TERRACE, GODERICH - List 5185,000.1 - Jus LISTED By LORIE 132 MILL STREET - List 5214.900' R.R.N1, DUBLIN - Lim S159.000' - Jus LISTED By MAUREEN 99 WEST WILLIAM STREET - List 5119,000 MAUREEN WILDFONO LORIE ZULAUF rcnn.r SCHNEIDER 482.3224 522-0515 585-5504 SEAFORTH SALES REPRESENTATIVES MLS REALTOR Seaforth Office:, 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! (M. PERSONAL • WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian. people acacias Canada for companionship or marriage? S A S E. Free information. State age Ashgrove. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B C VOE IMO. 34-O7xbc• CLAIRVOYANT PSYCHICS Genuine psychics with amazing; strong. powerful skills. Sensational results. Stop searching. Call now 1-900-451-3778 $2 99 min 18, 24 hrs.I.C.C. 34-08xbc HEAVENLY .PSYCHIC answers. Friends of tliousands. Multi- talented international reputable psychics: Ask for • your free astrochart. Relationships, health, future, career. $2 99/min 18. 24 hrs. 1-900-451.3783. 34 O8xbc PUT EXCITEMENT back into your life with sensuous lingerie and other adult aides. Colour catalogues $5. Credit cards welcome. Call The Cat's Meow 1- 800.816 -MEOW. or our website: WWW.WCL ON CA/-CATSMEOW. 34-08xbc • ACCURATE, professional, live. gifted psychics. ESP. Taro -card readings. Having bad luck in your job, home. love- life? Will reunite you with your loved ones For holy call 24 hours,a day; $2'75./minute Must bo 18+ 24 Fours, 1 800-451- -4336. 34-08xbc )5. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • r • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM GEORGE BUTSON All persons having claims against the estate of William George Butson, late of the' Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day • of November, 1995 are hereby notified to send in full particulars,of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1>'ith day of March, 1996, after which dale the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, 'Ontario this 19th day of February, 1'996. McCONNEL(_, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executrix ANNOUNCEMENTS 38. AUCf10N SALE • r RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON - 482-7898 Saturday March 9 - RICHARD LOBB AUCTION BUILDING CLINTON, furniture. antiques. etc. We are accepting additions DOUG JACOB AUCTIONS 519-271-7894 i/ it )' y, THURS., MAR. 7 at 5:00 P.M. f i Auction of appliances; ((f�1. '•f antiques & household effects r (f at the Jacob Auction Centre. 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. } 1 ' SAT., MAR. 16 at 10:30 A.M. • `. Clearing auction of farm ;'eq• uipment; beef cows; and antiques, 4 1/2 km. east 01 ', : , Shakespeare and 2 km. north for George Mohr. WED., MAR. 20 at 12:00 1 i NOON Clearing auction of y 4 tractors; combine implements } 1; & misc. items held 1. 1/2 mile •, • east of Mitchell to-Sideroad 5 •1; and 1 mile north for Wayne .) and Gwen Boville. { SAT., MAR. 23 at 10:00 A.M. ji {. Clearing sale of tractors; }, .4 c• ombine; trucks; implements; /i 1. & misc items to be' held 3 1/2 }? 4 m• ile east of Medina off •. Highway_ 19 North of yi } Suncros'd Farms to settle the 4) Estate of the Late Clarence !' • Rounds. !' i: TUES., MAR. 26 at 12:00 •' } NOON Clearing sale of . tractors; combine: trucks; '0' . implements & misc. items to }' be held:2 112 mile north of '}' I Brodhagen for Ken Rock. '2 WED.," MAR. 27 at 12:00'2 NOON Clearing sale of tractors: combine; '0 • implements; beet cows & 1; • calves and misc. items held 5 1 • miles north of Sebringville & /; { 1/2 mile west for Jim and ;f; • Marleta Schragner. 1 {, WED., APRIL 3 at 10:00 A.M. 4, 4 Annual farm equipment $: 1 c• onsignment sale at the. .j 1 J• acob Auction Yard in .}. Mitchell. Consign' now for advertising. Phone 271-7894 '1, 1 to consign a full line or single '1, i.; item. , 1' ii •; • 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS: AD AND NEWS DEADLINE The deadline. for news copy• clas- sified and display' advertising for The Huron Expositor. Seaforth is Morfday at 1 p.m , Phoney 527- 0240. 36 -01 -time NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hibbert passed By-law No. 26-1996 on the 121h day'of February, 1996 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By=law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Hibbert not later than the 12th day of March. 1996 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By- law and the reasons in support of the objection.. An.explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, is attached. Maps showing the location of the lands affected by the By-law and a complete copy of the tly-law are available for inspection in, my office during regular office hours. 'Dated at the Township of Hibbert this 21st day of February, 1996. Pat Taylor Clerk Township of'Hibbert • Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 Telephone: (519) 345-2931 Only inifividuals. cortiorationsr and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal - may not be filed t7y an unincorpprated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of'an individual who is a member of the association or the group. • MLS: REALTOR "Call For Free Evaluation" Sharon Medd M.V.A. Assoc. Broker 527-0560 Fax 527-2763 ivisINTEE Mary Vanden Henget Sales Rep. 527-0968 Fax 527-2673 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 John Duddy 482-3652 Gordon Hill 233-3307 Peter Damsma 482-9849 Le is sa a-1. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24/98 10:30 am to 12 Noon 49 VICTORIA BLVD., VANASTRA . LISTED AT 584,900. - Vendor will consider assisting in financing' Home featuring new oak kitchen, great family room and new root & windows. all in 1994 Fabulous sun room 24' x 6' 86 OODERICH STREET. SEAFORTH - Century old home with hardwood floors, 9 bedrooms, 4 baths, formal dining, eat -in kitchen, family room. gas furnace. original woodwork throughout. many possibilities. 5180,000. fi HERITAGE ESTATES, SEAFORTH - For just 52000. down this 14' x 80' mobilehome could be yours. Featuring 4 pc. & 6 pc. bathrooms. 3 bedrooms, Targe lot overlooking the river. BRUCEFIELD -Great family home plus 6 person hot tub. Vendor will Ilook at trees for mobile home. 8129,900. HWY. 01, BRUCEFIELD - - Exceptionally clean home plus sunken living room. 3 bedrooms featured on tit 200' x 110' Listed at 589,900 • 37. MORTGAGES • r 11 & 2nd Mortgage Money Available as low as 6.50% Interest Personal Loans If you quality. payments Amt. Aoprox. Mo. Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 ' 83 33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363-02111-806-387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. (39. EDUCATIONAL LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School - of Auctioneering. Next class April 13- 19.'96. Contact: Southwestern Ont:irio School of Auctioneering, R.H. 85, Woodstock, On. N4S 7V9 519.537-2115. 39-08xbc • 43. BIRTHS • r O'CONNELL Daryl and Lori and big sister Lana are thrilled to announce the arrival of Cori Elizabeth born. on Sat February 17, 1996 at Stratford General . Hospital Proud grandparents are Lally and June • O'Connell and. Keri and- Marion McClure. 43 -08 -lar • . (46. IN MEMORI:111 • GEDDES: Irl lowug memory of Carole Geddes why passed away Feb. 22. 1989 The circle is cast, We are between the worlds, - Beyond the bounds of time. Where night arid day: Birth and deem, joy and sorrow Meet as one. Always loved and inrssr:d by your family`'" 46-08x1nxe BE A SUCCESSFUL„Writer..with our great home -study course. Call fur your free book. 1-800-267- 1829 Tile Writing Scho.,l, 2486-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, On. K t L - 6R2 39.08xbc • - - A NEW CAREER. Loam income. Tax preparation or_ basic bookkeeping: - Tax deductible, certificate courses. For free brochures• no obligation: U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pemtlina Hwy. Winnipeg. Manitoba, R3T 286. 1- 800 665-5144 -. Enquire about exclusive franchise territories. 39- 08xbc • A NEW CAREER? Trained apartrnent/condo . managers needed across Canada. Wo train. Job search assistance. Also - specializing in relocation .to B.C. Information/brochure call 1-800- 665-8339.-39-0Bxbc • RECEIVE - FREE Information._- Dance course on video. Country, social. tine dancing. folkiore. tap - dance. Never seen reiolutionary modem technique. Write to: Canad'A'Merica, 2021 Aylwin Street, Montreal, H1W 3C4. High quality product 39-08xbc J 43. BIRTHS CAMPBELL Brad and Brenda are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Robert Bradley, born on February 12, 1996 at St. Joseph's Health Centre. London, weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz. Propd grandparents are Ken and Joan Campbell, Dublin and the Aziz families of Leamington, and great grandparents- Archie and Cora Somerville, Seaforth, 43-08)0ar - HOGGART Troy and Sandra (nee Wynja) are happy to announce the safe arrival of their' daughter, Megan Teresa, born February 12, 1996 at Clinton Public Hospital. Megan weighed 6. lbs. 8 oz. and was 18-5' long. Proud grandparents are Gordon and Laura Hoggart of Londesbpro and Gerrit and Teresa Wynja of Seaforth. A great grandchild fort Wes Hoggart of Seaforth and Richard and Lillian Dicks of Winthrop. '43-08x 1 cc KYLE , Peter and Janice and big sister Victoria , announce the birth of Marga'et Elizabeth, 7 lbs. 9 oz. at Brantford General Hospital on February 14. 1996. Proud grandparents ale Dominic and Grace Murray, Seaforth and Bob and Gladys Kyle of Ayr. 43-08xlar MARTENE Big brother Ryan is delighted to announce the arrival of his new little playmate, Kalen John: Kalen arrived at Seaforth Hospital on February 12, 1996 weighing 8 lbs' 12 oz. Proud parents are Pete and Tammy Martens. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents John and Mary Lou Driscoll and Gerald and June Martene. Another great grandson for Dorothy Driscoll and Elda Koehler. 43 -08 -lar MICHAEL -SCOTT James, our healthy 7 Ib. 4 oz. son was born on Tuesday,- Feb. 6, 1996 at 9:02 a.m. in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Proud first-time parents are,Lori and Ron Michael - Scott, Willowdale. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents Niki Michael, Toronto, and Laverne Scott and Joan Betties, Egmondville. James is the first great-grandson, of Harold James Coleman. Seaforth, and is the ninth great-grandchild for Mina Scott, Seaforth. 43-08x tar RAPIEN Brad and Lisa are happy to announce the arrival of Elias William. born Feb 11, 1996 Proud grandparents are William and Wilhelmina Poppe and Neil and. Diana Rapien. 43-08x 1 ar ROCK Craig and Judy thank God for, the safe arrival of their first child, Travis Craig. Ho arrived January 18, 1996 at 6:48 a m weighing a healthy 8 lbs. 10. oz. Proud grandparents are John and Anne Middegaal of Sealorth and Ken and Carol Rock of Strafford A very special thanks to Dr Comtois and Mary Anne for their excellent prenatal Care and also to Daddy for his speedy driving and T.1 C 43.08xter GEODES: In memory of a dear friend Carole Geddes who passed - away Feb 22, 1989. cannot see her smile again,.or hear her laugh, • Orily memories are all that last, • My friend is in God's keeping, As life -goes by.uften 1 think of her. - Arid all. the things we shared, Fun. laughter and tears. . -. My memory keeps ail these years, , Fur my friend who is gone A -promise I did make Always remembered by someone . who shared hor time cf lite In God's keeping she'll remain. - To Babe from her friend 46:08x1 SOMERVILLE: In loving memory„ . of Margaret Somerville ;aho passed away one year ago,. February 21. - 1995 In our hearts your memory -lingers, - Sweotly. tender,. fond :arid true: There is nota day, dear mother. - "That we. do not think of you. Always loved and remembered. by - your tamily' 46-00x1 - ' • • SOMERVILLE: In loving memory • ot.Margaret Somerville tvhb passed , - away February, 21, 1995. - Upright, and just in all ter ways, Loyal and true through all her days, • - Silently suffered, patiently tiote, ;-God took her horse to sulfer.nb • - - Lovingly remembered by - Bryan and Pat 46-08x1 - 'E7. CARDS OF THANKS HICKNELL - Words do not start to express my thank'. to all who came out op the 10th of February, to help celebrate my 65th b rthda'y. The cards, gifts, arid . bust wishes : wero.. greatly appreciated. I especially wish to thank the children ftoin my bus - 367 who took the time and made the many wonderful cards. Prances 47;08x 1 ' HEARD • Sincere thank you 'to family and friends for all your kindness while was in University and Seaforth Hospitals and since my' return hone. Your visits, gifts, flowers and oilers of help were most appreciated. Special thanks to Or: - Zettel and the excellent staff, of Seaforth Hospital. = Juen 47-08-1 HOGGART. I would like to thank all my family and friends for the gifts, flowers and visits I received during our stay --at Clinton Public Hospital. • Also special thanks to the OB staff, Dr. Lal and Dr. Salsbury for their excellent care. -- Sincerely, Troy, Sandra and Megan 47-08xlcc MARTENE We would like to thank everyone for the visits. gifts, 'flowers and cards we received.' Special thanks to Dr. Woldnik tor Kalen's safe delivery and to two great nurse's, Clara and Diane for their wonderful support. Thanks also to the other nurses for the excellent care we received. Hugs and kisses to Grandpa and Grandma Driscoll and Aunt Tina for looking alter Ryan. - Tammy and Kalen 47-08-1 NESBITT Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards. flowers and visits I received while in Stratford Hospital and since returning home. Thanks ,te Or. Percival and Dr. Pototschnick, Community Nursing Services and Homecare. Many thanks to my family far their help, with special thanks to Dorothy and also to• Evelyn for the TLC in her home while convalescing. - Florence 47-O8x1cc • RIEHL ' With the sudden passing away of - my sister, Marie Cameron, I would like to say thank you to my friends and neighbors tor their sympathy cards, flowers, telephone calls and tasty supper sent in to us. - Don arid Isabel Riehl 47-08xlc 111 CANCER INFORMATION SERVICE CALL 1-800-263-6750 r p