HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-02-21, Page 1Legion
Area students
_ compete in
public speaking
at Branch 156.
see page 13
County Landfill
County Councillors
debate the landfill
issue & approve
another study.
see page 2
wins Junior
scoring title:
See page 7
Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 — Seaforth, Ontario
injures arm
• Works Superintendent John
Forrest caught_. his aria in one -
of the - town - sanders early
Thursday. nrarning•:
Hc was operated on .later that
evening .at London's St.
".loscpti's . hospital aril in-
dieatioris are a tragedy has
been averted. -
The bone .Was broke half -way
up the forearm. .•
Works employee Doug
Anstctt, ►wit► was. just iiisick
the shop at. the time of the 8
tit. accident and rushed his
)ss by truck to Seaforth Tont-
unity 1lospilal, says nobody -
but John Claw it happen. Hc'
*Ids doctorssay the-iiI)Cration
w nt well, there was nu nerve
or 1 .' , i. damage and Forrest .
will - ' n full use of his arni,
alter rehabilitation and sonic
Skin grafting perhaps.
Austen . says fellow
- employees -- first (cared their
.superintendent -;had •iost liis
hand when. he walked in -the .
shop holding his. arm and said
lied had an accident. I� I� c tys
Forrest was ►vorking " oil . the
trackless ,snowblower.; .is op- -
. lxiscd to the I -ton atig'r, and
the men were close by inside
the Oak Street .town shed get-
ting ready to go on shift."
-• Anstcll praised the enrgcn- -
cy -team at-Scalia111 Coui-
niunity Hospital. He (Forrest)
-couldn't get out of the truck,
the • works eatplu) ec said, but
there was "It *s• of -help and
-quick." • •
Forrest has et urged for
Seaforth for the past 15 years.
McIntosh on
eighth egg term
Jim McIntosh,. an egg pro=
ducer from RR 4 Seaforth, has
hccn rc-elected to • his eighth
term' as a Director- of the
Ontario Egg Producers' Mar-
keting,. Board. ._
He is a nrcntbcr of the cgg
hoard executive. the Fgg "Indus-
try Advisory Committee and
• rhe Pullet Committee. Hr and
his wife Brenda, together with
their son, daughter and son-in-
law, operate McIntosh Poultry
Farms Limited.
Huron County
heading to
Hamilton protest
SSP News Staff
Thc • Ontario government
will be hearing from thou-
sands of protesters this week-
end during • the Hamilton
Action Days. and Iluron
County teachers hope to stake
their voices heard as they ;ire
sending five bus loads of
people to the rally. .
Wilhelmina Laurie, presi-
dent of the Huron Women
Teachers' Association, noted
that the. live h►` loads of
teachers will be - joining
almost 1,(XK) buses i•roin
across the province "just with
teachers' groups" to attend
the rally. Many thousands of
other protesters from the
public service will also he
gathering in Hamilton for
Action Days.
Laurie noted that teachers
have many conccrim with the
Harris .govcrnmcnl's hoer
CONTINUED on page 12
February 21, 1996 - 75 Cents Plus GST
HAPPY FLAG DAY CANADA Nichole Braun, 3, of RR 2 Bluevale, gets into the spirit of Canada's first Flag Day Iasi
Thursday. Children at the Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre made flags, wore maple leaf head -bands and had
maple leafs painted on their faces. Canada's maple leaf flag flew for the first time on Parliament Hill 31 years ago.
Seaforth Town Counr
Expenses 'out of hand,' says Reeve
Expositor Staff
Reeve Bill Bennett said
Coun. Brian Ferguson's expen-
ses were "out of hand" when
Seaforth Council reviewed its
statement of remuneration and
t3xpcnstss for I()95 at lust Tues-
day night's regular meeting.
That report shows Coun.
Ferguson got a total of
S5,134.62 last year, even More
than Mayor Irwin Johnston,
well back in second place at
Coun. Ferguson's conference
registrations :►tune cost
S 1,260.55 itt 1995, compared to
Coun. Hak who was
second highest in ibis category
at 5180.25.
'Mayor Johtlston's
registrations cast 5113.67 lust
year and the comparable figure
for Deputy -Reeve 'Tall was
S91.67. Council didn't pay a
cent in registrations for Reeve
Bennett and Counsellors John
Ball and leather Rnbinet in
Mayor Johnson agreed there
"has to be a policy es-
tablished", after Deputy -Reeve
Bill Ttlf observed it was "nut
going 00 without council's
pCnnlssiun" and a policy
should be considered before
this year's budget is set, par-
ticularly since cuui i1 ap-
proved cutting back on conven-
tions and sticking to seminars
last month. .
Council's total remuneration
(including stipends; utilagc and
Meals, conference registration
and lodging) fox 19)5 was
Remuneration and expenses
(made up of stipend, milage
and meals, conference
registration and lodging,
respectively) for individual
councillors last year. were:
('nun. Ferguson, S5,134.62
(69); Mayor JoliriOn, $4,1 i 8.67
($4,005/$0/$113.0A0); Coun.
kobinet,-$3,3302.21 ($3,270/
S32.211$00/$0): Coun. Hak,
S3,10419 (S2,940/520.94/
S1 25/50); Deputy -Reeve
Teal,. $2,968.86 ($2,655/
$222.19/$0)1.67/50); Coun.
Ball, 52,(•42.87 ('2,625/517.87
/S(1/50); Reeve Bennett,
42,126.64 (52.070/556.64/
The three members of
Seaforth's Police Services
Board received a total of
54,161.62 last year, individual-
ly accoun $, by: Chair Lin
Stcftler, .'$1 .98
$18.98/50/50); comm issioncr
Bob Dinsmore, $1,392.50
(51,195/571.44/ 561.80,564.26)
and, Deputy -Chair Teals,
51,3000.14 (51,275/525.14/50/
The statement of last year's
expenses also included four
special purpo c boards, which
together cost Seaforth
53,172.50, the most expensive
of which was recreation and
parks at $1,192.50.
Remuneration was 51,120 for
rnembers of Seaforth's Local
Architectural Conservation
Advisory Board, -5500 for the
committee of adjustment and
5360 for the planning board,
Council is trying to curtail
costs by eliminating
honorariums for these special
purpose boards this year, an
Initiative begun in the wake of
recent major cuts in transfer
payments from the Ontario
Later in last week's meeting,
Rccve Bennett also questioned
the cost and need for a police
services board in Seaforth, now
that it has engaged the OPP.
CONTINUED on page 3
New video helps promote tourism in Huron
SSP News Staff
Thc many gains features that
Huron County Iias to oiler to
tourists are omiiliiucd in a new
video titled !/Herne (.autly -
Onlario'.c B'rr.►l Coast.
Thc video, explained George
Morfopoulos, who 'maimed
the video with itis wife Pat,
owner of the Computer
Training Academy (crA) in
Clinton, was made with the
"express purpose of promoting
tourism in Huron County."
Thc couple did. however,
have other goals in mind when
they decided to put the video
together: Morli►Ixnllos noted
that Central Hun►n Secondary
School has •u multi -media
course, and they wanted to
raise awareness of this course.
At the sane time. he said, the
students front that course,
without the opportunity to use
the skills they learn locally,
will have to trove for work,
and thus their skills will low lust
to the community.
Therefore, he continued, four
multi -media students wcrc
hired for the summer when the
couple decided to sponsor the
video initiative. Also as part of
the project, computer infor-
mation kiosks wcrc placed
;:round the county, and used to
collect marketing information.
on what tourists are seeing in
the county, and what they like
and dislike.
Still as another feature of the
summer work for the students,
all businesses related to
tourism in Moron County wcrc
put on the Internet for free,
while individual merchants
wcrc given • the opportuaily to
upgrade their listing on a .uscr
pay basis, thus increasing the
awareness and use of modern
computer technology by the
county's businesses. Pulling the
busincsses•on the Internet was
Lcana Morfopoulos, daughter
of the video's producers.
The video, he said, was a
cooperative effort, as the Com-
puter Training Academy
funded the initiative, with the
support of the Huron Business
Development Corporation. Thc
Huron County Board of
Education was also involved,
as thcy'gavc permission for the
students to use the multi -media
facilities over the summer.
Input also came . from . the
CONTINUED on page 3
January -
except for
bar brawl
Expositor. Staff
1t was .a relatively - quiet .
January in Scalixth, Sgt: Frank -
Young of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police, Gcxlcrich dcta h-
tncnt, reported to the Seaford)
Police Services Board meeting
Thursday night.
.W said there were 43 ill
cidcnts in sown, eight liquor,
charges but no impaired. He
also said -jO temporary suspen-
sions were issued last - month,
four of these to snuwmobilcrs. •
• Hc confirntcd a- bar -roost
�rawl•in Seaforth Jan. 22:
Staff Sgt. Brian Baldwin, •
Cmdr. of the Gcxlcrich detach- -
ment, said the OPP would hope
any new bylaw tri restrict
heavy trucks from. residential
streets would be "enforceable".
If you do it by weight per
axle, for instance, y►u need a -
-scale. Another thing you might
key on would be the hill of
lading, he said.
- Much of thea meeting • was
spent" shifting - a good • lour
inches of paper' in bulletins:and
mailings from the board to the •
police for disposal, because the
OPP already.had copies. Sgt.
Young said hwould see what
Its could do about reducing the
duplication, much of it. un-
acccssary since Seaforth
switched from. Municipal to
OPP policing.'"
The hoard agreed its duties
will take less time because of
the switch, and will cut back w'
at least tight meetings in_ 1996, •
perhaps soinc-of these only on
an "emergency" basis.
Board members and officers
from 'the Gcxlcrich :detachment
spent much time reviewing this
year's draft budget. Sealorth's
OPP contract is for S376,481 in
1996. ,
In reviewing ,last ycar's-
figures, secretary Lin-Stcl'flcr
noted life insurance went up 60
per cent after last year's budget
was struck.
Chair Dinsmore asked Staff
Sgt. Baldwin to keep a: closer
.tab on long-distance calls at the
Seaforth OPP office, presenting •
the latest Bell Canada bill,
which was quite lengthy.
Scalorth's representative on the
ixtlicc board, ('our. Rill Tat;
suggested sonic kind of log..
The Goderich commander said
security would be a concern for
the OPP, which is moving
away from such logs and has a
V -net system for inter -detach-
ment exchanges and its own
system that deals with personal
calls by officers. He agreed the
if the last bill is an indication
for the year the total would be
well in excess of the 51,800
Staff Sgt. Baldwin said he
would put some kind of log
system inlace in Seaforth for
at least a fw months and "see
what happens".
The board again. applied to
the province for Seaforth to be
included in the province's
RIDE program, to control
impaired driving.
Secretary Steffler noted May
12 to 18 is Police Week and
said "this would be a perfect
year to pay attention to this."
She suggested the OPP delay a
planned local "waikaround" of
Main • Steel business to
introduce themselves to the
community until that week.
The board and Godcrich
detachment decided to check
around and think on it before
their next meeting, scheduled
for Apr 15. '