HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-01-24, Page 6OR ALL YOUR 7.11 CLEANING NEEDS... STEAMX11 Call Jeff Tyndall •Carpets •Couches & Chairs •Fire .S Water Restoration •Vehicles •Duct Work •Accoustical Ceilings •Indlan Carpets .Odour Problems -RES • (between WE DO NOT 527-1224 7-8 a m) PHONE SOLICIT •_Ati 6-1NI1 HURON EXPOSITOR, January 24, 11111111 Darts league underway Seaforth aik Legion by Barbara Scott Owing to the lack of space in the Expositor sometimes it isn't possible for the Legion column to be published. Please check at the. Legion when this happens for any dates and activities ctc. Last Saturday the ddrts league got underway again with 16 players. A great time was had. Play was consistent at both ends. There. is still room for more players at 7:30 pm each Saturday. The dinner hosted by the branch last Sunday was very well attended with 260 meals served. Thanks to all those who helped in any way and to the public for their support. At the general meeting last Thursday, Zonc ' Youth Education Chairman Len Stilling and Branch Chairman Charles Perkins presented cheques and certificates to -winners in the Zone level of the Poems, Posters and Essay competition. From the Seaforth schools, winners were Tanis VandcrMolen, Si. James School, Carly Price, Starla Wick and Tara McLellen- all from Seaforth High School. Congratulations to you all. First -place Tanis VandcrMolen is now entered in the District competition. Membership .Chainnan Al Nicholson reports there arc still some members who have not renewed their mcmbcrships. Please be sure to pay your dues by Jan. 31 or - you will have to be re- instated. The Honours and Awards dinner is on. -Feb. 9, social 6- 7pm, dinner 7-8pm, I',llllowed 'by entertainment by 'Lively Lou'. Tickets $8 per person from the branch - or Jim Watson. • The Provincial Service Officer will be at the branch on Feb. 8 at 9 am. Contact Cleave Coogfl�s for • , an appointment. Congratulations are in order for our pee. wee hockey team which won the district tournament in Durham. It was an exciting finish in an overtime/shootout against St. Marys. Also congratulations to Ann Wood'steam of seniors which won zone bowling and will now compete in . the district tournament at Elmira in February. The Auxiliary Charter was draped at the January meeting in honour of Edith Jessonic who passed away in December. To her family and friends we extend our sympathy. The solo tournament held Saturday was very successful with 20 tables in play. Mike gave lessons on.Tucsday and I'm sure if there is enough interest he will continue the classes. Saturday night the darts got started again. There is still lots of room for players to come on Saturday nights for a 7:30 start to a fun time. The next stag euchre will be held Wed. Jan. 24 at 8 pm. Monday nights is cribbage. In December some members of the Ladies Auxiliary travelled to London to attend the wedding of our adopted veterans Bill Akicns and Georgette. We wish thein lots of happiness in die future. Bill is a patient al Parkwood Hospital. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will rcrncrnber thein. Bus depots close A feed packaging plant at Brady Point south of 11 1itchcll burned to the ground a week ago Monday night, Jan. 8. Firefighters were at DI. Smith Packaging for three hours, and let the small -lied packaging plant burn out. Court House complete The newly -renovated Huron County Court House was of- ficially re -opened Friday, with MP Paul Stcckle, MPP Helen Johns and Warden Bill Clifford on attendance 'The S1.7 -million project under the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure 'Works program included renovations to the heating and electrical systems and improvements in acces- sibility for the disabled. LEGION CONTEST WINNERS - Local poster and poem contest winners were presented with their rewards at Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion last Wednesday night. Back row from left: Charles Perkins, branch youth education chairman; Starla Wick, coloured poster; Carly Price, poem; Len Stirling, zone youth education. Front row: Tara McLellen, black and white poster. Tanis Vander Molen, poem, first. Congratulations to new parents Happy birthday to Steve Shewan who recently celebrated his birthday. Steve, all your friends wish you a wonderful birthday and a good -year ahead! Your smile and your competence mean's() much! Congratulations to Gord and Deb Phillips, Seaforth, who also recently celebrated an anniversary. Your • many Dublin and area friends wish you happy years ahead! We love our get-togethers! Congratulations to Margaret. Ann and Richard Templeman, Dublin by Dorothy Dillon ' 345-2883 Mitchell, on the happy arrival of their new baby boy, Nathan John Ryan Templeman. Congratulations also to the proud grandparent~, Jean and Maurice -Ryan, Dublin, and Roberta and John Templeman, Starlit. Joe Eckert was visited by John Eckert and girlfriend, Tanya, Kitchener. Happy 82nd 'A very happy birthday goes out to Alphonse Cronin, a lifelong resident of St. Columban, who celebrated his 82nd birthday on Saturday, Jan. 6. In the evening his family, friends and relatives gathered at the Cronin home to celebrate with.him. Several games of euchre were played, lots of visiting, lunch and birthday cake were enjoyed by all. May you enjoy many more happy and healthy years. John Ryan, a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, Youth program Businesses and service clubs arc going to be asked to sup- port Junior Achievement programs in Huron County classrooms again this year. Last year more than 350 county youths got their first taste of the business world through program classrooms. Organizers hope the figure is closer to 600 this year. The program raises all its funds locally. In its first time around last year, more than 40 St. Columban by Cecilia Ryan 345-2028 by Cecilia Ryan 345-2028 arrived home safely in Canada from Croatia. He and his wife, Shelley, and baby daughter, Kaitlyn, spent Christmas Eve with his parents, Ron and Mary Ryan and family. John, Shelley and Kaitlyn have since returned to their home in Edmonton. Mary Jo and Zack Nelson of RR 1 Lucknow spent New Years Day with Cecilia Ryan. needs support sponsors provi ed money and volunteer support. VON week This week is Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Week. "Quality health care in a familiar home environment may be an appealing alternative to institutional cart. However, a vast number of the general public is unaware this option is available to them in Perth - Huron Counties," states a press release from the registered charity. • Don and Eileen MacRae visited Don's daughter, Nora Anne, London, and her son _Trevor. Nora Anne was recovering from surgery. All your friends wish you a speedy recovery, Nora Anne! Joe Eckert enjoYed a_ visit from Barb Eckert and baby - Alex, and her friend, from "Toronto. Congratulations to Patrick and Joanne Flanagan, Seaforth, on the happy arrival of a new baby girl, Morgan Leigh, who was horn.onDec. 21. Brittany and Cassidy. are thrilled to have a new sister! Congratulations to proud grandparents Lorne and Agnes Flanagan of Dublin. Happy 2nd birthday to Jacob Flanagan; - Seaforth, from morainic Joanne; brothers Matthew and Mark ,and sister Kayla.. Grandparents, Dave arid Joyce Schenck, Seaforth, and Lorne and Agnes Flanagan, Dublin, also say 'Happy Birthday, Jacob!' Deepest sympathy of the community is extended to the Lennon. family on the death of Julia .Lennon, Cedarcroft Place, Strati. r.1, formerly of the Lennon Humcstcad, RR 1 Sebringville, who died Tues, Jan. 2 at the Stratford General Hospital. ' Deepest sympathy of the community is also extended td the relatives of Mark Gaunt who died recently at Ritz Lutheran Villa, RR 5 Mitchell. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to nice Rita Cook and nephev. Emery Gaunt, Kinkora; and to niece Anne Rowland, Dublin, and grand -nephew, Larry Cook, Dublin. Sympathy is also extended to all other relatives and friends. Our love and prayers are with you. Thought For Today Here's to our best friends, who know the worst about us, but refuse 40 belies it! 1 All Deposits Insured Within Umits Rates subject To Verification 61/20/0 5 YEAR ANNUAL Mott S. '.th 6% S 6, ON erre Costs. Mnir�1� 5 6 t,�� 301oW SYw Drys POW 1m/et:tried Centre Investment & Tax Planning Secure Investment Products ..: from people you can trust S ..AFORTH 98 Main St. 527-0420 Limited Time .Offer - Call now - $130./17 cu. yd. Truck Load Delivered within 20 miles Mileage charge Beyond That Large Quantity Discounts When You Haul!!! Craig Hardwoods Ltd. 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Its law square footage and sensible roof and foundation plan reduce construction costs. enabling you to allot more toward obtaming a prime ka- tion. Inside. the layout is spacious and comfortable 'rhe bedrooms arc a good site and share a three piece bath The master also features a walk-in closet. A huge open plan for Irving:kitchen provides ample room to set up a conversation and eating area. while still leaving spec for o.ernight guests to lav down their sleeping hags. This arra features a saulted ceiling and a cosy fireplace Floor to ceiling windows and a Targe front deck lend this Jcsign particularh well to a front view. Plans for V-68 ma) be obtained for S335.00 for a package of fisc complete sets of working prints and S29 IX) for each additional set of the same plan Allow SI2 01 cora to Roser the cost of postage and handling (P.0 residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 79- GST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovatisc plans are now asailahle in ()Ur home plan catalogue for S 13.85 including postage and handling and 79 GST Please make all cheques. money ordkrs. and Visa or Masicr('.ird authaniations pas able to Tynan features e 0 the Iluron 1.5p0w1tot Plan of the Week. 13659 • ION Avenue. Surrey. 8 (' . V3T 221.0 Sa_ES • SERV ':E • JIM ANDERSON TREE MOVING SERVICE Call Evenings Please 23-4894 Trees Nought and Sold l