HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-01-10, Page 7Two .weekend wins put Cents in second
Wins over Lucan and Delhi
in Seaforth on the weekend
vaulted the Centeuaires back
into sole possession of second
place in the Moroni Division
of the Ontario Hockey As-
sociation's Junior
"D"evelopment League.
The Cents jumped over the
shot -staffed Lucan Irish 6, now
two points back in third, with a
9-1 victory Sunday altemoon
and just edged Delhi in a
"snorer" Friday night 4-3.
The men should Ix' separated
from the boys this week though
when the Scaforth juniors play
three crucial games in four
days, all on the road. Tonight
they have a rematch with the
Irish, who should have all their
players suspended in a brawl at
Exeter over the Christmas
holidays back in the lineup, at
Lucan at 8:15. Friday night
they play the division -leading
Hawks, who they now trail by
seven points, at Exeter at 8:30.
And Saturday night they play
the Applejacks, with .the best
record in the McConnell C'on-
ference at 19-8 (with'three. of
those losses in overtime), at
Wellesley at 8:15.
The Irish only 'had 16 players
on the scoresheet for Sunday
afternoon's game, and went
with -a goalie who normally
plays backup.' Captain Steve
Matthews, Steve 1 tudson and
Jeremy Jemec were all serving
the second game of a suspen-
sion, and goalie Knevt ('arson
did not play.
Front-line forwards Jason
Henderson and Don Rivers also
didn't play for the Cents, both
still recovering -from shoulder
Mark Van Dooren led the
way for the locals with a hat
trick, as Seaforth led 2-1 alter
the first perital and 4-1 after
-Tim Barton turned die tide
for good midway through that
second period when he scored
a humongous goal on a
brettkaway while the Cents
were playing a minute -and -a -
half two men short.
Shaun Anstett also scored
twice, with other single goals
scored by Brandon Corrivcau,
Jeff Volland and Jason Hayter.
The final period got a hair
chippy, as the Cents salted the
win away with case by virtue
of four powerplay goals.
The Cents were lucky to
escape with a win against the
team with the worst record in
the entire league Friday.
Goaltender Scott Wood
literally stood on his head with
a spectacular stop to thwart a
Delhi breakaway in the third
period that could have tied it
and maybe swung : the points
the other way, a save that even
had the Delhi players
congratulating him after. the
McLlwain plays game after
being cut for 30 stitches
Dave McLlwain had a rough
Saturday night.
The inteniational Hockey
League'all-star got whacked in
the face . witi a high stick in
the middle of the second period
awhile his team, the Cleveland
Lumberjacks, was beating the
Chicago Wolves 5-2.
Dave took 30 stitches, from
the comer of his mouth back to
his ear, and needed plastic
Nevertheless -he was back in
action by the time they got to
Phoenix in Cleveland Sunday,
sporting a face shield, for the
Lumberjacks' second 5-2 win
of the weekend, this time over
He also scored .his 21st goal
of the season in that game.
A bizarre incident, other than
Dave's injury, interrupted
Saturday's game in front of an
estimated 13,(x)0 fans at
Chicago's Rosemount Arena.
Players were swinging their
sticks at a bat that swooped,
down to the playing surface
before stunning itself- by run-
ning into the glass, where it
fell to the ice by the boards
and was then escorted from the
ice by a player with a towel.
Meanwhile, McLlwain con-
tinues to be one of the bit
forwards in the "I" and will be
in the major pro league's all-
star game at 1louston Saturday
night. -
The game will be on ESPN
2, for those with access to a
Paul McLlwain MVP in Sr. A
For the second year in a row
Seaforth's Paul McLlwain was
named the most valuable player
in the Western Ontario Athletic
Association's senior A hockey
all-star game, leading his con-
fcrence to a 10-9 win in the
annual game Saturday at Pal-
McLlwain, now 23, who
played five seasons for
Seaforth's junior C'entenaires
before moving. on to senior
ranks, scored four goals and
added an assist.
Akey organizes triple 'A'
to step up from the average
He says a player can domi-
nate at the 'CC' level but still
not get noticed by junior scouts.
in 'AAA', however. Akcy
says games as early as peewee
are regularly scouted by juniors
because the -competition is a
truer measure of potential.
"For kids who have aspira-
tions," says Akey. "this is the
way to go."
On Friday. he said a zone
executive has been formed and
CONTINUF,D on page 12
by Blake Patterson
Triple 'A' minor hockey is on
its way !
At a meeting last Tuesday In
Scaforth• regional hockey
enthusiasts decided Huron and
Perth counties will join forces
to form an 'AAA' zone.
it will reach from Lucknow
to Embro. and from Goderich to
Tavistock -- taking in 41 com-
Zone co-ordinator Charlie
Akey says triple '.A' is needed
beeausc exceptionally talented
players need somewhere to go
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V. Tozer A.P.R. Sherratt
Chair Director
game, and Fiore than made up
for a real softie he let -in earlier
in the game. Wood also made
a couple of dandy stops when
the Cents needed theta Sunday,
and has been officially con-
firmed as one of the two star-
ting goaltenders for the Yeck
Conference in the all-star game
at Lucan later this month.
All told though, the Cents did
not play well and dodged a
bullet picking up die two points
and setting up Sunday's battle
for second in the standings.
Tito Barton's powerplay goal
at 1:47 of the third was the
Dwight Gingcrich potted a
pair of goals and an assist to
pace the Cents, and Brent
Nutley got the other.
Seaforth led 2-0 after the
first, but the two teams were
tied at 3-3 entering the final 20
minutes in front of 157 fans.
First Period
I. Luc-Adamthwaite (Crcx•nlec)
2. C4th-Vanl)uoren (Mclnally)
3. C4th-Corriveau (Carroll, Tim
Barton) 18:25
Penalties: 0. Henderson, Luc
(hook) 3:49; Jarentchenku,: Luc-
uc(hold) 7:48; Cornish, Luc,
I)unseith, C4th (rough after
whistle) 11:00; Dunsi•ith, C4th
(hcwk) 16:21; Bodnar, Luc (rough
after whistle), Corriveau (2x
rough after whistle) 20:(X)
Second Period .
4. C4th-Tim Barton 8:58 sh
5. C4th-Volland (Carroll,
Mclnally) 14:19 pp
Penalties: Cornish, Luc (high
stick-), VariDooren, C41h (cross
check) 4:02; Jarentehenko, Luc
(cross check) 4:38; I lulley, C4th
(trip) 5:46; I layter, C4th (rough
after whistle) 7:19; Wright, C4th
(rough) 7:48; Jarenuhenko; Luc,
Anstett, C4th (rough after whistle)
11:39; Jenkcn, Luc (high stick)
13:55; Volland, C-lth Ohl) 16:33
Third Period .
6. C4th-VanDouren (Volland, Tim
Barton) 4:52 pp
7. C4th-Llaytcr (Tim Barton,
Corriveau) 5:37 pp
8. C4th-Anstett (I layter) 6:31 pp
9. C4th-VanDoori'n (Wright,
Mclnally) 14:56 pp
10. C4th-Anstett (Vanl)cxlren,
Schcxnderwoerd) 17:23
Penalties: Euuns, Luc (inter)
3:30; Jenken, Luc (trip), Robb, Luc
(inter) 5:31; Wright, C4th (int)
7:15; Hulley, C4th (high stick),
Akey, C4th (bench minor,
ejection, served by Wick) 8:14;
Bodnar, Luc (rough) 11:50;
Cornish, Luc (high stick) 14:46
Shote on goal: Lucan
6/12/3=21; Seaforth 11/11/9=31
Goal: Lucan, Birch; Seaforth;
Referee: Paul Petrie
Attendance: 133
First Period
1. C4th-Gingerich (Volland,
Schoonderwoerd) 14:27
2. C4th-flulley (Wright,
Cingerich) 16:10
Penalties: none
Second Period
3. Delhi -Smith (Helmer, Irwin)
4. Cath-Gingerich (Kirk, Volland)
5. Delhi-Warboys (Dickson) 11:54
6. Delhi -Irwin (Phillips) 13:39
Penalties: none
Third Period
7. C4th-Tim Barton (Mulley,
Duoscith) 1".47 pp
Penalties: 1lelmer, Delhi (high
stick) 0:50; Hayter, Ctth (cross.
check) 2:38; Dunseith, C4th (mise)
5:43; Kungl, Delhi (trip), Kirk,
C4th (board) 8:20; Vich, Delhi,
McCallum, C4th (fight, game -
tnisc) , 14:16; Clarkson, Delhi
(rough), Corriveau, C4th
(hit:hstick, rough).18:39
Shuts on goal: Delhi 9/9/8=26,
C4th 18/16/9=43
'Gnat: Delhi; Shelton; Scaforth,
Referee: 13111 Waye
Attendance: 157
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