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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1996-01-10, Page 1Peacekeeping
Corp. John Ryan
of St. Columban
returns from
duty in Bosnia.
See page 3 •
• 1076 .
Local residents
congratulate Mike
Watt on his gold
medal win.
see page 13
Huron Board of
Education reviews
various schools.
see page 11
Your Community -Newspaper Since 1860
Water rates to
go up February
Water is going to cost a ..
dollar more a Month' in
Scaforth beginning Feb. 1.-
. The Scaforth Public
Utility -Commission , has
.• approved a flat -rate ilwrease
to .S15- a•. month, .from the
present rate of S14. for all
bills issued on and alien
Feb. I. •
Monday's press release
from the local utility .-says
the money raised from the
increase will- boost. its
capital reser\ e land for the
-construction of 'a "water-
• storage facility" for, the
town? as WE "by-law No. 6
proposed by Count iltMarch
, _ 13. 1984."
A copy. of the . new rates I. in nest 'Week's The
lluron, fxpo.ortur.
Child airlifted -
A young child in distress
+' was airlifted by an emergen-
cy team front the heliport at
.Scaforth District Hospital 10
'Victoria Hospital in London
•. early New Year's.Evc after-
-meeting quiet
Nothing dramatic hap -
s pend when Scaforth and
some surrounding
municipalities sat down in a
Closed session ai Thom Hall Thursday night to dis-
cuss possible an►algaiiuttion.
-"It was very iulornial,'
Mayor Irwin Johnston says.
••Everybody had an . oppor-
. tunny, to speak. One of the
things that we talked about
was . shared • scry it cs, and -
equipment that could. Ix
shared by municipalities."
The heads of council: and
clerks frons Seafront,
ton, -and the townships- of
- Tuckcrsmith: McKiIlop,
Hullctt and' Hibbert at-
• Mayor Johnston says these
.. municipalities - traditionally
get together near the start of
-each Ncw Year, to (discuss
-mutual problems and the
Scaforth .tions and Fire arca,
both existing shared ser-
He says •this .year's
meeting is • scheduled for
Feb. 20, and Some of the
discussions began last week
will probably he continued.
Video sells well
Thc ' Homecoming '95
video proxluccd by former
Expositor editor Tim Cum-
ming has sold close to 400
copies. He says it would
have been far more difficult
without the cooperation of
local retailers who worked
hard to distribute it at no
Brussels plans
Brussels is; planning a
.homecoming next year•and
holes to have an official
theme and logo later this
Thc event is scheduled for
the long weekend at the
• start of August 1997- and
possible activities include a
barn and arena ( with a
1950s -60s theme) dances.,
barbecue; parade, school
reunion, fastball tournament
and Shriner's fish fry.
Fortner federal MP Mur-
ray Cardiff is Chair of the
homecoming Committee.
Seaforth, Ontario
January 10, 1996 — 75 Cents Plus GST
HIBBERT HISTORY REVISITED - Hibbert Township resident Tom Melady reads from the minutes of the first council meeting held in Hibbert January 5,
1646 at the 1996 New Year Levee on Sunday in Dublin. The township celebrates its sesquicentennial this -year. The first Hibbert council was chaired by
Robert Donkin and the minutes were recorded by clerk Edward Purcell. The theme of the annual levee was "Wardrobes of the Past." At right, Seaforth
Mayor Irwin Johnston and Reeve, Bill Bennett enjoy,, the festivies of the levee in traditional costume. .
Stores have mixed Christmas
Expositor.. Editor
than 20 per cern. Wal-Mart dian Tire dealer Brian
opened in Go&rich at the Cunningham. Although the
beginning of Novciiibcr. Unfor-
• tunatcly he had to lay UIT cine
Good, bad, • better or' worse employee and cut back the
and just the same. - hours of -others.
• . Scaforth merchants had This coming year Deighton
mixed responses tit how salts '
-were thi oliday- season Coml.
pared .td vprevious years when
asked by The Huron Cxpo:vilor
• recently. , -
For a few, marketing giant
Wal-Mart has grabbed a share
of sales away Iron, local
retailers: Other Main Street
stores actually experienced
higher salts than previous
years. But generally the con-
sensus was that things wcrc
slow all over.•
"Wal-Mart has Iiad a big,
effect on mc. It really hurt,"
said Dave Deighton, owner of
Stedmans.. His store carries a
lot of similhr merchandise to
Wal-Mart and Deighton noticed
sales drop "substantially" in
November and December, more
. Two of the lines of toys the
store carries won several mar, -
December numbers haven't ketiiig. awards. One was the
been worked out yeti, he says Thomas the Tank Engine,
sales were "okay." . which won. Best. Toy from the
"You always hope for more. Canadian toy testing council
I'm not - disappointed," said and a Toy Profile Golden Seal
predicts he'll have to cut hack Cunningham. • dward. The other was the line
the amount of. money he - He believes his sales wcrc .of 'Lamaze toys for toddlers
spends on donations and advcy- ' affected somewhat by the and babies. They won the
tising. "It's going to be tight." opening of Wal-Mart. "If the Parent's Choice Award, Parent-
ing Magazine Best Toy and
NAPPA honour award all for
1995. Thc Lamaze . line also
won Toy Profile's Golden. Seal
award. .
"We did really well," said
Barb Betties of Box Furniture
said "total sales were down
slightly over last December."
She also said traffic in the
store was down a bit.- "But
.overall we can't complain."
Buttsscy Farag of Bousscy's
Beauty "Boutique said sales
were down about 10 per cern.
this year but the last two weeks
• Continued on page 3
In response to the slow Christ- 'weather is good and the roads.
mas sales and the effect of arc clear, people tend to shop
Wal-Mart, he -,is- going to adjust out of town. Our weekend sales
the layout of his store. "I'm were less," said Cunningham..
expanding into the basics. 1 (Canadian Tire is open on both
don't want 10 have to worry . Saturday-and'Sunday).
about consumers going out of • New Bob and Betty's man-
. town to pick up those things."
He' has also expanded .his
.video tape selection and says
he has ' "no choice" - but to
remain open for his extended
hours (9 a.m.-to 9 P.M. Mon. -
Sat. & 12-5 • p.m. •Sunday)
which have been in effect for
two years -in May.
This was the first Christmas
season in Seal:oriltfor Cana -
ager Danica McNichol said
sales were comparable to last
year's numbers under previous
owner Bob Beuttenmillcr. She
was pleased with sales in her
first Christmas in business.
Randy and Shirley Brookcr
were also pleased with their
first Christmas in business at
the Family Express toy store.
"It was super," said Randy.
Some cuts smaller than expected
SSP News Stall
Surrounding rural areas got
good ncws.•to start the Ncw
Year when details 01- provincial
budget cuts arrived that weren't
anywhere near as big as they
all expected.
.Ontario's actual flimsier cuts
to townships in the immediate
arca ranged Iron) one to six per
cern. Thc clerk/treasurers of all
these municipalises say they
were surprised and expecting
far worse, most were braced
for cuts closer to 20 or 25 per
Hensall was -the only village
around here to have its grant
reduced by about this amount,
23 per cent.
But up the road, Zurich's
1996 grant is bigger than last
McKillop's grant reduction is
52,055 or a Where one ler cent.
Its total grant this year is
5307,000. compared to
S309,055 last year. •
Despite cuts, county sti
SSP News Staff
Word has finally filtered
down from the provincial gov-
ernment about the budget cuts
announced Nov. 29. 1995.
In his opening remarks to
Huron • County Council on
Thursday. Warden 13111 Clifford
said unconditional grants and
road grants from the pmvincc to
Huron County will be reduced
by 23 per cent in 1996.
Unconditional grants will he
cut by S 173.00() and road grants
will he reduced by $948,987.
Clifford said the reductions
by the province will increase
the tax burden on the county by
just under 14 per cant, but he
added the county is still alining
at a icro per cent increase in the
mill rate.
In order to meet council's tar-
get of no increase, Clifford said
county departments will discuss
Thc figure is "substantitilly
Tess than expected" at 3.93 per
cent for Hibbert, or. a' S10,072
cut, leaving this year's grant al
S246,084 against 5256, 156 for
1995. Tbat's a smaller cut than
Inst year's figure of. 512,000
for mails/alone.
HuIIEK says Ontario has
earmarked $307,570 for it. in -
1996, down slightly from the
5309,526 the township got in
provincial grants in 1994.
Tuckcrsniitlh loses 524,000.39
this year, or six per cent. The
municipality will get S398.595
this year compared to 5422,634
in 1995.
Thc cuts are all part and
parcel of the recently elected
Ontario government's attempt
to eliminate its enormous
deficit and balance provincial
But cities seem to have taken
by far the biggest bit, and in
general say they were cepa-
, ling the cuts in. transfers to be
as deep. •
- On average, the guts amount
to 28.5 per cent tor urban
Continual on page 3
11 wants zero mill rate
the impact of the reductions and
will consider some of the ways
that service levels can he
adjusted to accomrn(xlate•thcm.
The reduced grants have been
Combined and renamed the
Ontario- Municipal Support
Program and they will have
fewer restrictions on how the
county can use the funds. but it
will still mean tough decisions
will have to he made in the
coming years.
Clifford said the provincial
cabinet plans to meet again in
late January to announce over-
all cuts to the health and social
service • budget envelopes,
which will in turn he passed
along to municipal programs
for implementation on Apr. 1.
He said the provincial gov-
ernment has also announced
similar cuts will be put in place
for the 1997 budgets.
And as a result, said the
Warden, "We will all spend a
Continued on page 3
Police Report
stolen in town
A snowmobile was stolen
in Seaforth Friday. Ontario
Provincial Police at
Ooderich say it was a 1982
Yamaha 250 "Enticer",
black with red stripes, stolen
on Goderich St. E., and
their investigation continues.
Another snowmobile was'
stolen on Mill Street in Eg-
monndville the day before
Christmas, but Tater
recovered Ma *of gas near•
St. Cojumban.
Provincial Police . at
Goderich also report a num-
ber of other incidents in the
area between Dec. 24 . and
Jan. 6.
A 44 -year-old - man suf.
fered first. and second
degree burns to his hands,
arms, face and back in ars
explosion followed by a fire
in West Wawanosh
Township early Friday mor-
ning. •
William John Dankwardt,
of Conc. 11 St. Helens was
repairing a pick-up truck in
his shed. Police believe
gasoline fumes caused the
explosion, but the provincial
labour ministry 'Jtnct—fire
marshall's office tire inves-
Dankwardt was oaken by
ambulance to Wingham
hospital and later transferred
to Clinton.
A barbecue and propane
tank valued at $60() was
stolen from a residence on
Conc. 8 of McKillop
Township on Boxing Day.
A car was stolen from the
parking lot of Tops bar in
Nana*tra on Dec. 24.
Arson destroyed 115 hales
of hay valued at $2,875 on
Conc. 2 of Stanley
Township on Dec. 28.
Fishing gear, snowmobile
helmets, hockey equipment
and miscellaneous items
with an estimated value of
51,650 were stolen when a
residence on Sutton Drive in
Colborne Township was
• broken into s metime bet-
ween Doc. 25 and 27.