HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-09-06, Page 9Town and Country 1C.E. COMING EVENTS MONKTON G.I.R.L.S. Club 9th Annual Craft and Hobby Show tt Fireman's Brunch, at the Elma- Logan Arena, Monkton, on Sunday, September 24, from 10: am. - 4: pm. Babysitting available. Vendors should contact Diane Hahn 347-2742 ASAP. CE-36x3cc BLYTH FESTIVAL adds 3 p.m. matinee for Don Harron And Catherine McKinnon performance on September 30 after evening show sell out. Tickets for 3pm show are $25. Dinner is $10 each. Call 519-523-9300. CE-36x4cc THE HURON EXPOSITOR will soon publish the 1995-96 Seaforth- Mitchell-Clinton Phone Book. This is your opportunity to advertise your business and also to ensure that your phone number appears correctly. If you are new to the area or know of someone who may wish to be included in the phone book please call 527-0240. CE - 36x1 SINGLES DANCE Sunday, September 10, 1995 at the Wingham Legion Hall, Dancing from 7 pm to 11 pm. Music by The Wildwoods. No blue jeans. CE- 36xlcc THE HURON COUNTY Long Term Care Planning Committee plans for long term care services for Huron residents. Next meeting: September 13, 1995 at 9:30 am. at the OMAFRA Office, Clinton. Everyone welcome! CE-36xlcc LOSE POUNDS sensibly. Join Tops every Wednesday night, 7 p.m. at St. James School Library. For more information call 522- 1698. CE -36-2 ONTARIO FEDERATION of Agriculture Annual Regional Meeting for Huron County, Thursday, September 7, 8 p.m. Hu!lett Central School, Londesboro. Guest: Doug Lisle, new General Manager of OFA. Election of Regional Directors. Election of Convention Delegates. Everyone welcome. CE-36xlcc 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dance honouring Bill and Pat Thomson at Dungannon Agricultural Hall. Sat. Sept. 9, from 8:30 - 1. Everyone welcomed to help us celebrate this happy occasion. Best wishes only. CE- 36x1cc CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER Craft sale, business opportunity - Bluevale, September 16, 9:30 - 4 pm. Admission $1.00. Profits to Abused Women and Children's Miracle Network. Something for everyone. CE-36x2cc SEAFORTH MANOR Retirement Home invites seniors to attend the following event. September 6, at 1:30 pm. Stratford Oldtime Band. CE -36-1 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNAMENT - St. Joseph's R,C. Church, Clinton, Wednesday, September 13, 8 pm. Over $100.00 in prizes. .Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE-36xlcc BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS: First practice Monday, September 11. Choir welcomes new members for the 1995/96 season. No auditions necessary. Practices are every Monday night from 8: to 10: pm. at Blyth Festival, June Hill Room. Christmas concert December 10. Ceilidh in February and Gilbert & Sullivan "Mikado" May II. For information Phone Agnes Proulx 887-6446. CE -36x l cc CLINTON AND DISTRICT BADMINTON Club, 1995/96 season begins Wednesday, September 13, running through until May 1996, every Wednesday from 8 p.m. - 11 p.m., CHSS gym, Clinton. Yearly memberships: Adult single $30.00. Married couple $40.00, students $25.00. New members are always welcome. Bring your running shoes; racquets available. Lots of fun and fellowship. For more information call Bob Riehl, 482-7865. CE- 36x2cc THE SEAFORTH DINING Out Program for seniors and physically handicapped adults invites you to attond our September 21 dinner. We are celebrating our first anniversary at the Seaforth Community Centre with a fashion show. The cost is $7.00 for a delicious full course meal at 12 noon. To register call Johanna at 527-0265 or John at 482-9264 before September 20. Sponsored by the Seaforth Advisory Committee and Town and Country Homemakers. CE -36-2 I AM a minister interested in establishing a Seaforth Community Church with a full Gospel emphasis. If so please call (collect) 519-627-7778. CE -35x4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, September O, 1696--9 SSIFIE DEADLINE: MONDAY, 1:00 PM CALL 527-0240 1C.E. COMING EVENTS • PORK CHOP BBQ, Thursday, Sept. 21st, 5-7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. Adults $8, children under 1243.50, children under 5 - $2.00. Tickets available from congregational members or at Hildebrand Paint and Paper. Take- outs available. CE -35x2 SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Prize Lists are now available at the Town Hall, The Huron Expositor and a number of other Seaforth businesses. CE -35-2 BRUCEFIELD Firemens Original Old Fashion Breakfast at Brucetield Fire Hall on September 9, 1995, 7 a.m. - 12:30 noon. Adults $5.00, children $3.00, under 6 Free. All you can eat. Take-outs available. CE -35x2 SNO SHOW sponsored by B & W Trailblazers Snowmobile Club, Sept. 9 and 10, Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun. noon -5 p.m., Seaforth Agricultural Society Buildings. CE- 35x2cc 60TH WEDDING Anniversary Open House honoring Mery and Doris Batkin at Huronview, Sunday, September 10th, 1-3 p.m., the dining room, left at front entrance. Best wishes only please. CE-35x2cc NORTH PERTH Community Hospice with support from Elma Mutual Insurance Company, presents "An Evening of Entertainment with Don Harron and Catherine McKinnon," Sat. Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Milverton Community Centre, Milverton. Raffle Prizes. Entertainment followed by dance and midnight lunch. Music by Hwy. 19 featuring Tina Newman. $25 per person. 291-5141 to reserve tickets. CE -34-8 TUESDAY BINGO at Vanastra Recreation Centre. More cash - more fun. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Jackpot and mini -jackpots. Call for information, 482-3544. CE-14xtfcc • �1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ♦ r EVEREST JENNINGS manual wheelchair, good shape, $300.00. Action Power 9000 electronic wheelchair has it's own battery charger. $2500.00. Trapeze for person's bed, has clamps and bar, $100.00. Phone 527-0752. 01-36x2 DON JACKSON figure skates size 5 1/2, Bauer figure skates size 4, Bauer figure skates size 2. Call 519-522-1030. 01-36x2c A HOUSEFUL OF brand new furniture, completely furnishes your livingroom, bedroom and dining area, 22 pieces in all for just $1493. Plus get a home entertainment centre as a bonus. Free delivery. No down payment, no monthly payments, no interest, nothing till April 15, 1996, OAC. Call toll free 7 days 1-800-667- 5898. Martens Furniture. 01- 36x1cc BARN WINDOWS - Custom pine sash windows for house, shed, barn use. John Hoonaard, Blyth 519-523-9445. 01-36x8cc WANTED: Good used sports equipment, Buy, Sell and Trade. Second Period Sports, 94 Main St. S., Seaforth, 527-1586. (We will pick up). 25-34-tf PAULA RED apples and pears, 51 Louisa St., Seaforth. Phone 527- 0622. 01-35x2 ATTENTION SPORTSMEN Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Underwood is having a huge Going Out of Business Sale. All guns, scopes, ammo, downriggers, fishfinders, reloading supplies, and cross bows aro marked down to clear. Don't miss this huge Clear Out Sale in Sporting Equipment. Phone 368-7182. 01-35x18 SHOP NOW! Order your History of Hibbert Township book for $50.00 and GST. After Nov. 1/95 $60.00. Gift Certificates available. Call or write: Hibbert Township Office, Dublin, On. NOK 1E0. 345-2931. 01-35x2cc Seaforth Minor Sports BINGO EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 7:30 District P. M. CommunSseforth ity Centres $2,000 IN PRIZES Plus SHARE THE WEALTH $750. JACKPOT...Must Ool DOOR OPEN 6:30 P.M. 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE • 1 TWO decorative hand carved wooden ash doors, 1W x 331/4" x 811/:". Window in each door with shutters. Must see to appreciate. Call Jim or Danica 527-2177 alter 5:30. 01-35x2 UPRIGHT piano in good condition. $1,000.00. Phone 627-1741. 01- 35-2 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE • I FALL IS COMING! Cross bow and compound bow, package deals on sale now. Call for details, Huron Sports Outfitters, Seaforth, 527- 0303 or 1-800-734-6242. 01-35-2 COMBINATION wood/oil furnace, D.M. Olson Free for the removal. Call after 6 p.m. 527-0363 Tom Peckitt. 01-35x2c WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call us...We buy it all, antiques, furniture, coins, etc. No Fuss - No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. 01- 35xtfcc DOUBLE PEDESTAL mahogany desk (suitable for student), 4 drawer chest of drawers, slide projector. Call 345-2038. 01-35-2 PERENNIALS: A good selection of perennials in 4" pots at $1.50, plants available from the garden starting at $3.00 a shovel. Mar - Tina's Perennials, Kinburn, 527- 1249. 01-35-4 PICKLING BEETS, green and yellow beans, green peppers, and field tomatoes at Dougall's Berries and Veggies. You pick or we pick. Two miles north of Exeter on Highway 4. 235-1491. 01-34x3cc OVEN READY roasting chickens, 6 to 11 lbs. Phone 345-2277. 01- 33x5 GUNS FOR SALE: Marlin .444 lever action and all shells $375.00. 6.5 x .55 Carl Gustafs Stad 1898 $150, shells extra. Ithaca 12 gauge Model 51 Featherlite semi - auto, full choke, $300.00. Prices firm. F.A.C. required. Call 524- 8414. 01-32x6nxe MCDOUGALL'S: At our store on Highway 8 west, we have sweet corn, glads, pork, beef, organic and cheddar cheese, honey and maple syrup. We are at Mitchell Market, Fridays 4-7. Store hours: Monday to Saturday, 10-7. 345- 2376. 01-35xtfcc BRADFORD EXCHANGE collector plates have just arrived. Excellent selection. Priced from $39.90. Jewellery repairs available. Thinking of You, Main Street, Mitchell, 348-4872. 01-32xtfcc NEW COMPUTERS with warranties. Best prices outside of city. Call Peter for quotes. 482- 5474. 01-27xtfcc THE SMALL DISH Has Arrived - over 150 channels, 18" in diam- eter. Call L & A Southwest Satel- lite, Dennis Fisher, 519-524-8271, Larry Fisher 519-524-9595. 01- 08xtfcc QUALITY RECONDITIONED used appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. Rent to own. Ozone friendly refrigerant removal and appliance tagging. Sales and Service. Second Chance Appli- ances, 235-4070. 01-18-tf FOR SALE. Steel buildings Quonset and Straightwall. A cheap building offers no flexibility, may even cost more. The answer, Future Steel, thousands of people can't be wrong. 1-800-668-8653. 01-35xbc ALL STEEL BUILDINGS.. -Rock Bottom Prices." 18x24, $2,177. 20x32 $3,912. 25x40 $4,550. 30x44 $6,124. 30x40 $6,323. 40x48 $7,643. 40x84 $12,999. Others. Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. 01-35xbc MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres, complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates. #8 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800-663-6977. 01-31-tf FREE CLASSIFIED AD Do you have an item for sale which is less than $20? Place it FREE for one insertion in the Articles for Sale column of The Huron Expositor. The ad must be 25 words or less and the cost of the item must appear in the ad. This offer does not apply to busl- nesses.Phone 527-0240 before Monday 1 p.m, to place your ad. 01-01-tfnxe PICTURES Have you left a piece of your past with The Huron Expositor? We have a number of unclaimed pic- tures on file. You can pick them up at our office, 100 Main St. S. Seaforth Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 01-01-tfnxe WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office nine weekly newspapers: The Walkerton Herald Times, The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, Tho Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-ffnxe a 3. • GARAGE/YARD SALE , GARAGE SALE - Saturday,September 9. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 258 Huron St., Clinton. Previous owner of a craft store, has lots of craft supplies for sale including some wedding supplies. Also some Battinburg Linen at 50% off. 03-36xlcc • 5. CARS FOR SALE 4' 1989 Buick Le Sabre, 2 door, Sports Edition. Fully loaded, very clean. Great condition. Certified $6,999.00. Phone 519-236-4014. 05-34x3cc 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 305, 4 barrel, tires one year old, runs good, has some new parts. Call anytime (Goderich) 524-9742. 05- 34x6nxe 1983 Mercury Capri: Almost a Classic! But seriously, a great looking red car with a t -roof, power doors, windows. New battery, tires, muffler, $1,000 as is. Phone 238- 2998. Can be seen in Clinton. 05- 32x5nxe CO. PETS BEAGLE PUPS for sale, 6 weeks old. Good for hunting or pets. Dewormed and ready to go. $50. 528-5852 evenings. 10-35x2cc KITTENS: Free to a good home, 2 white with black markings, 18 weeks. 7 will be ready in 5 weeks. Call 527-2056. 10-35x2 FOR' SALE: German Shepherd puppies, CKC registered. First shots. Phone 519-392-6782. 10- 34x2cc BABY FERRETS for sale, hand raised, very tame. $40.00. Phone 527-2682. 10-34-3 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING - Experienced groomer. All breeds. By appointment only. Phone 527- 1760. 10-31-tf J 5. CARS FOR SALE r The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04 Antiques & An 4A. Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles- Carnpers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies ggaWinntaVaMa 08. Computers, Videos, Etc. 09. Automotive 10. Pets 11A. For Sale General 116. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Product 11G. Farm Equipment 1111. Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate flOggaitaiMMEMO 12 Real Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Board 22. tots For Rent 23. Commercial Property For Rent 24. Wanted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysittirg 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42 Deaths 43. Births 44 Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week $5.00, two weeks $4.50 ea. week, three weeks $4.00 ea. week. Additional words 18 cents. An additional $2.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $5.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $5.00. Each additional word .08 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich, Walkerton & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional $2.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/time share? We'll take it. America's largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967 Timeshare rentals needed. Call 24 hours a day. 12-35xbc NEED -A -VEHICLE? At COOLMAN AUTO SALES we finance you. Any income is your credit. For information call Exeter (519) 235-3573 11C. WANTED TO HIRE ♦ r COMBINE AND other farm related equipment operator needed. Experienced person who is mechanically inclined and able to manage field operations for a 200 acre hog farm, please apply. Telephone 519-887-6181 or Fax 519-887-6330. 11c-36x2cc 11F. FARM PRODUCT HAY & STRAW for sale. Weathered hay from 50c/bale. Phone 522-1871. 11F -35x2 11H. FARM SERVICES 4' TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL Coverings - made to size for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes etc. Vinyl, canvas, poly. New/repairs. Party Tent Rentals. Tlesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482- 3540. 11 H -36x 1 cc CUSTOM WHEAT PLANTING No till & Conventional Kevin Kale 345-2908 CUSTOM PLANTING OF WHEAT No till and conventional Alex Veens 522-0667 11J. FARM LAND I WANTED TO RENT CASH CROP LAND CaII J. Hugill 233-7467 (12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OFF HWY. 18, between Clinton/Seaforth, 79 acres, beautiful executive ranch on Bayfield River, 3 car garage, walk- out basement, cathedral ceiling, marble Jacuzzi, $940,000. Anxious to sell. 1-519-660-1946. 12-23x16 113. MOBILE HOMES r TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent in Kinburn area, available now, $400.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 482-7815. 13-35x2cc 1986 13 FOOT Terry Taurus, mint condition, sleeps nine, 12x26 insulated Florida room, patio door, fireplace, furnished, 8x8 shed, patio stones. Windmill Trailer Park, Fullerton 348-9348. 13-33x4cc 16. FOR RENT 8 acres for rent, SW Mitchell. Storage available In Mitchell for boats, trailers, etc. Phone after 8:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m. 887- 6296. 16-34x3cc • 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ♦ r RENT GEARED TO income apartments in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524-1620, 482- 5288, 235-3183. 17-36x2cc. A NEWLY DECORATED 2 bedroom apartment in duplex in Seaforth, close to uptown, has parking and garage, also has large backyard. Call 262-3232 after 4 p.m. 17-36x3 ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth, fridge and stove included, close to uptown. References required. Phone 527- 1680 days, 527-0282 nights. Available Oct. 1/95. 17-35-tf TWO BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth, newly decorated, $325.00 per month includes fridge and stove. Call 527-1138 after 6 p.m. 17-35-tf LARGE one bedroom, Brucefield, $323.00 monthly includes heat, fridge, stove. Available now. First and last month's rent. 482-3026 before 6:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. weekdays, anytime Saturday and Sunday. 17-33xtfcc FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, fridge and stove, 67 Main St., Seaforth, newly renovated, $300 per month. Phone Maureen at Culligan Real Estate, 527-1577 or Richard collect 1-519- 471-2155. 17-31-11 (17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ) NEWLY DECORATED apartment in a one storey duplex, with deck, yard and private driveway, in a quiet residential area of Seaforth. Phone 527-1027. 17-36-2 HENSALL: Furnished or unfurnished apartment. Colour TV, cable and utilities included. Call 262-2314. 17-36xttec LARGE two bedroom apartment in quiet fourplex. Available Sept. 1. New appliances, parking and heat included. $525.00/month. Ca11524- 9076. 17-31 xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment. Available in Sept. Also three bedroom apartment, uptown in Seaforth. Available in Nov. Phone 527-0409. 17-31-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth on quiet street. Includes utilities, laundry and appliances. $360 per month. Call 527-2922 or 524-9076. 17-30xtfcc HENSALL: Large one and two bedroom apartments, heat, hydro, fridge and stove included, laundry facilities on main floor. All units have new carpet. Special move -in bonus until August 30195. Move in and receive 2 months free rent. For more information call 262-2827 ask for Steve or Shelley. 17-31-tf LOVELY large, quiet, 2 bedroom apartment all on -ground floor, heat, hydro and all utilities supplied, patio deck, laundry facilities, fridge and stove, one block from uptown, ideal for mature tenant with references. Ca11522-0828. 17-31-tf CLINTON: two - 2 bedroom apartments, $450.00 monthly plus utilities, available now. First month free. Phone 482-7632. 17-32xtfcc EASTVIEW APTS. Mitchell and Silvercreek Apts., Seaforth. For Rent: Largo luxury 2 bedroom newer apts., controlled entry, in - suite laundry, fridge, stove, dish- washer, free move in bonus within 30 mile radius and ask for other move in bonus. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961, 519-565-5062. 17-31-tf HENSALL: Two bedroom apart- ment for rent. Available immediate- ly. $490.00/month. Heat and hydro included. Laundry facilities in build- ing. Superintendent residing In building. Call 262-3344 after 4 p.m. or apply at apartment No. 4, 120 King St., Hensall. 17-14xtfncc ONE BEDROOM apartments In Seaforth, carpeting throughout, fridge and stove included, on-site laundromat, $345 and $413 per month. Available immediately, also main floor apartments. Phone 527-2888. 17-31-0 TWO BEDROOM apartment, recently renovated, living space on ground level, two bedrooms up, heated, close to uptown. Call 527- 2752. 17-31-tf AVAILABLE APRIL 1, two bedroom apartment, in Hensall, fridge and stove and utilities included, $465.00/month. Phone 236-4961. 17-14xtfcc