HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-08-30, Page 1615 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, August 30, 19$5 (47. CARDS OF THANKS HULLEY Bob and Margaret HuIley would like to thank our friends and neighbors from the Winthrop area who contributed to our new stereo system. It was a pleasant surprise. Please come and visit us. 47-35x1 MELADY Debbie Leigh and Kevin would like to thank Dr. Rodney and Dr. Percival and the O.B. staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for all their excellent care on the safe delivery of their daughter. Maddison Mary Catherine. Special thanks to Seaforth ambulance personnel for transporting us safely to Stratford General Hospital, and to Dr. Tejpar and all the wonderful, caring nurses in the special neo- natal unit. 47-35xlcc MELADY Thank you to our families and friends for their support, concem and prayers in the months leading up to Shayna's birth. Seven amniocentesis and 17 lengthy ultra sounds later, Shayna fooled everyone and arrived perfectly healthy. Special thanks to Grandma and Grandpa McGavin for taking care of the boys during all the appointments in London. We feel grateful and blessed to have a healthy baby. - Pat and Cathy 47-35-1 Meeting to be held on farm marketing By Brian Hall Farmers and representatives of commodity organizations are invited to a farm marketing meeting to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 7:30 p.m.ry, at the Central Huron Seconda 'School in Clinton. The meeting will introduce farmers to the National Fanners Association which currently provides marketing services to farmers in the U.S.A. The feature speaker of the meeting will be Steve Halloran, President of the National Farmers Association (U.S.A.). The National Farmers Association is a unique American general farm organization. The association's specialized mission is to improve agricultural commodity prices by acting as a group marketing and bargaining agent for its members. The organization began in 1955 as a farm protest movement and has evolved into a producer -owned marketing/price negotiating service. Today NFO handles millions of dollars in agricultural commodities daily on its members' behalf, in 34 major agricultural states in the U.S.A. -" Community Calendar - WED., AUG. 30 Hall opens at 6:30 p.m. 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 7:00-8:30 p.m. - Fitness/Step Training at the Arena with Drusilla 9:00-10:30 p.m. - Swingers Slo-Pitch at the Optimist Park FRI., SEPT. 1 3:00-7:00 p.m. - Firemens' MDA Collections at lights. 9:00-11:30 p.m. - Rats Slo-Pitch at the Optimist Park. SAT, SEPT. 2 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. -Child Find Fun Day at the Lions Park. MON. , SEPT. 4 7:30-10:30 p.m. - Bingo at Arena - TUES., SEPT. 5 8:00-10:15 p.m. - Harmony Hi -Utes practice at the Public School WED., SEPT. 6 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Joint Registration at the Arena - Hockey, Power Skating Ringette, Figure Skating, Minor Broomball, Jr. Curling and more. 7:00 p.m. - Seaforth Women's Institute meeting at the home of Viola Lawson. Guest Speaker Shaukat Mangalji, Pharmacist. 7:30 - Huron County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society in the Huron County Pioneer Museum, 110 North St. Goderich If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation , office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. the Romeros \E'' Inn. 236-7707 7 PLEASE RESERVE NOW! Hwy. #21 just north of St. Joseph :—:PARK • THEATRE GOOE RICH l()-__ SS rp PIItUR'� 5241811 1+1 FAMILY AKi 1 K111� ��rd ui ' r Court0U T D011. Ends Thursday FRIDAY - SUNDAY SEPT. 01 - 03 7 P.M. ONLY SPICIAI A_�D.D I D ATT •ACTIO N �,` MICKEY MOUSE sN THIS EDGE OF YOUR SEAT NAII BITER E 1 PI ODES 11'ITH S( SPENSE! 1\.,4 i, ii1.,. nen SANDRA BULLOCK THE NET FRI - SUN. 8:45 PM ONLY o PARENTAL MON. - THURS. 8 PM GUIDANCE LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800 2b5 3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO WEDDING Sandra Ann McInally and Brain James Melady were uni ed in marriage at St.Columban Church on Saturday August 19, 1995. Sandra is the daughter of Dave & Adeline McInally of Seaforth and Brian is the son of Nancy & Gerry O'Reilly of R.R. #5, Seaforth and Brian Meladyof R.R. # 3 Mitchell. Maid of Honour was Ann Marie Beuerman ofBrodhagen. Bridesmaids were Deb Melody of Ottawa, Susan Rowcliffe of Seaforth, Lisa Henderson of Kitchener, racy Fortune of London, Diane Howson of Blyth. Junior bridesmaid was Meaghan O'Reilly of Seaforth and flowergirl was Colleen O'Reilly of Seaforth. Best Man was Dean Murray of Goderich. Ushers were Sean Melady of Seaforth, Steve McInally of Seaforth, Jason iieuttenmiller of Seaforth, Dave Sootiens of Seaforth, Brett Lee of ttiilton. Junior ushers were Gerard O'Reilly of Seaforth and Owen O'Reilly of Seaforth. Ring bearer was Cole Hulley of Hensall. Jayne Delaney Walsh of Stratford was organist and soloists were Lucille Delaney Danziera of Lambeth and Melissa Whitmore of Walton. Readings were done by Chad Lamont of Seaforth and Nehru Budna of Seaforth. Father Joseph Hardy officiated the ceremony. The couple will reside in London England for four months, then they will return to the area. GROUP Aropor, kit: Tot &to - f b' Thurs.. Aug. 24 Seaforth & District Youth Group BBD Party — Lions Park Swimming 4.5 BBQ to follow Youth bring your own Pop/Juice All youth age 13.18 welcomed Any questions call Kathleen 527-7108 • CHILD FIND FUN FAIR at Seaforth Lions Park Sat., Sept. 2 10-4p.m. Kid Check Booth (no charge) Food Booth Candy Scramble Visit from Barney Face Painting Balloon Bust & several other games Come out and help support your local Child Find The First Seaforth Scouts, Cubs and Beavers- are !taking reg- istration for the SCOUTS CANADA 1995/96 season. Registration will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 6th and Thursday, Sept. 7th at the Seaforth Community Centres. This is the first year that Scouting in Seaforth is Co-ed. Adult volunteers are required to assist with the new co-ed format. ATTENTION Sparks, Brownies and Girl Guides sign up is on WED., SEPT. 6/95 FROM 7-9 PM & THURS., SEPT. 7/95 FROM 7-9 PM at the Seaforth Arena Come out and meet the leaders For more information call: Sparks - Grace Wiggins - 522-0502 Brownies - Cheryl Ann Stadlebauer-Sampa - 522-0634 Girl Guides - Helen Vock - 522-0411 HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! * U Q U a —J CO a a otsa o cr a J 0 w AXIMUM TABLE BET * S100 MAXIMUM TABLE * License # P954204 CHARITY All Proceeds to ROTARY CLUB OF GRAND BEND S Nil 0 (LAS VEGAS STYLE RULES) * FREE ADMISSION THIS WEEKEND •- SEPTEMBER 1, 2 & 3 Fri. 4 p.m. - 4 a.m., Sat. noon - 4 a.m., Sun. noon - 1 a.m. Oakwo�o� . Hwy. 21 N. GRAND BEND t4 238-2324 'Ask a out our Meal ll'ackages' * Now Featuring . F OLD 'EM POKER GRAND BEND MOTORPLEX M11411 NHRA) UAW( ardor • VealPRESENT TOP FUEL DRAGSTER & WHEEL STANDER NHRA DRAG RACING.•.dSTOMPIN' & ROCKIN' W/E 12 DAY RACE WEEKEND & BOTH CONCERTS S40. "gni 9 Wedding Margaret Marian Roberts Mennell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Roberts of Exeter and Guy Andrew Lee, son of Joyce Lee of Seaforth and Lloyd Lee of Dashwood were united in marriage officiated by Father J.F. Hardy at 7 p.m. on Friday, August 11, 1995 in St. James Parish, Seaforth, Ontario. The bride's matron of honour was her daughter, Jessica Mennell of London. Draven Hudie, also of London, ring bearer was carried down the aisle by his mother, Jessica. The best man was Bill Ward of Bornholm, friend of the groom. Leslie I-ludie of London, father of the ring bearer ushered guests. A reception was held afterwards at the Seaforth Legion Hall where Darrell Adams of Mitchell with his bagpipes piped in the wedding party. The newlywed couple reside in Seaforth. Happy 1 n Birthday Sept! Megan Cardno WTO Blue Jay Tickets Only 23. Seats Saturday, Sept. 09 1:35 p.m. Blue Jays vs Detroit Tigers Sunday, Sept. 10 1:35 p.m. Blue Jays vs Detroit Tigers Saturday, Sept. 16 1:35 p.m. Blue Jays vs Milwaukee Brewers Sunday, Sept. 17 1:35 p.m. Blue Jays vs Milwaukee Brewers Fettes Tours and Travel Ltd. 94 Ontario Street, Mitchell Phone 348-8492 LETS PLAY BALL! R Z H N N H i BUCK & DOE for . JEFF ROY "Nibs" SUE HODGINS „S�y-Q„ Friday, September 1st, 1995 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. D.J.'s - "The Neat Guys" Age of Majority For more information call: 524-2307 § OPEN HOUSE Come join us at Carousel Crafts rt �and Hobbies. We offer you a �• i • friendly relaxed.erwirppment to f paint in. There is a 10 week 0. E course for beginners, with stroke E by stroke instructions. We also S offer a wide range of classes for k S more advanoed painters. Our N classes run from Monday to i i Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon 3 and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. There are ►� Saturday classes and two weeks 11 li of flex flexible (shiftworkers) wecial classes. We ith ary 3 S variety of projects. For fun, the 1 g best prices, and a good time PA learning to paint, or teaming new g techniques join us at our OPEN p 4 HOUSE Sat. Sept. 9 9 a.m. - 4 1 p.m. and Sun Sept. 10 1 p.m. - 4 1 s p.m. Join us at Carousel Crafts E and Hobbies, R.R. N1 Vama (the old Hully Gully) or call us at 263- 3 r 3040. Don't be disappointed, register 1 E early as the classes fill quickly. II 1 0 you are not sure this is for you, t, come out Wed Sept. 6 we start alk E 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. and have your a first lesson. The cost is $5.00 per 3 s person which includes supplies and a project. �i ►.� laa oouwl roe Ira real Isal Irr Irl 3 .1c Z Z Z Z Z Z Z al SUNDAY NICHT N CONCERT SERIES N COIINTIIY & WES'I'El{N NIGII'I Sunday, September 3 ,� beginning at 6:30 pm Variety Night...Sin in , gg Dancing & Instrumentals Sponsored by GODERIOII IAKETO1'N RANI) * Bring Your Lawn Chairs * * IC Z Z Z Z Z Z NZ ZZ ••THIS SATURDAY —ADVANCE TICKETS (519) 238 -RACE —CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Gates Open 7 amf lime Trials Begin 8 AM REGULAR THUNDER SERIES Points Event - Over 300 Class Cars "TOP FUEL DRAGSTERS * WHEEL STANDER FEATURE "THE TIME MACHINE "CANADA'S FASTEST MOTORCYCLES $5000 in Car Class Payouts each day RODEO 4 PM " Roping " Bronc biding • Bull Riding " Steer Wrestling ADMISSION $ 10 Students 2 for 1 Seniors 1/2 Price POSITIVELY STOMPIN' and HOTEL CALIFORNIA ADMISSION (All day & night) $25. Students (w/card) & Seniors $15. CONCERT ONLY 510 in advance Licensed under LLBO Age of Majority Required F EE O'N E PARKING 3 KM E. OF GRAND BEND ON HWY, Bl - GRAND: s. EC BEND �MOTIORPLEX RACING RAIN DATE MON. SEPT 4