HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-08-16, Page 22 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, August 10, 1905 Close-up Woman walks for families of victims BY TIM CUMMING Expositor Editor A mother -of -three walked through the haze in Seaforth on Monday with a severe sunburn on her neck, a blister on her foot and a smile on her face. The 39 -year-old woman had started a WaHeathen from her home town of Stratford, reach- ing Goderich on Sunday and hitting Seaforth on her way back on Monday. She made her way despite the sweltering heat which topped 30° Celsius. The Walkathon was the Stratford resident's way of dealing with the tragic deaths of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. The walking crusade is bringing attention ,to a special fund for legal fees for the French and Mahaffy fam- ilies. They have incurred legal expenses by opposing the pub- lic courtroom viewing . of videotapes showing assaults on their daughters. Three months ago the media accounts of the Paul Bernardo trial on charges of murder were so disturbing Dale Carr was waking up at night. "I felt the Lord was putting something in my heart to do something." She went to a friend and said the following: "We can't take on all the world's problems because we'd go nuts but there has got to be something to show these people they're not forgotten about." While some people spent their time taking in the gory details of the girls' murders some people, like Dale Carr, decided it was time to say 'What can we do to help?' She herself was once a victim of a brutal beating. Her own son, at the age of 8, once went missing for about nine to ten hours. With these experiences Dale Carr had received a glimpse of the pain the Mahaffy and French families now feel. She emphasizes, however, that what she experienced was only a small fraction of the pain inflicted upon the Mahaffy and French families. The Stratford woman trained for the alka • • . exercising at ' YMCA. Be . staring t event the avid walker had ever travelled on oot for more than 10 km at a e. That all changed hen her waikathon began in S i atford at 5:30 a.m. on Saturda . During her she was accompanied by people who have been caught up with her cause. Yvonne Flanagan walked with her from Sebringville to Mitchell. Cpl. Joe Ryan walked with her from St. Columban to Seaforth. The walk from Stratford to Seaforth was pleasant with well-wishers honking their horns and greeting her on the road. One Mitchell woman even broke down in tears as she talked to Carr about the campaign to help the Mahaffy and French families. A St. Columban family greeted her at the side of the road with wel- comes and hugs. Once she walked west past Seaforth, however, the honks TIM CUMMING PHOTO WALKATHON THROUGH SEAFORTH - Dale Carr travelled through Seaforth twice during her round trip walkathon from Stratford to Goderich and back. She is raising money for a legal defence fund for the Mahaffy and French families. stopped as people farther away from Stratford were unaware of her journey. For the first time on the trip, a little loneliness set in. She arrived in Clinton on Saturday night. By this time she had walked through an early morning downpour. The sun had severely burned her neck and created sun blisters. Undeterred, she headed out on the road Sunday. She arrived in Goderich on Sunday afternoon and returned to Clinton by Sunday night. On Monday she left Clinton at about 9 a.m. and had reached Seaforth before noon. There were no signs that Dale Carr was slowing down when she arrived in Seaforth on' Monday. In fact, on Sunday she had increased her speed from 4 km per hour to 5 km per hour. As she walked through Seaforth a local restaurant gave her driver a complimentary lunch while a local gas station filled the car's tank with gas...free of charge. Some local residents stopped Loss saddens. branch This past weekend was the SOth anniversary of the surren- der of Japan which brought about the end of World War II. Homecoming '95 weekend was very successful both for the town and Branch 156. The Guse Family show was enjoyed by all those who attended. Saturday was also very busy with the Karaoke show and old and new friends meeting at the Branch. The Ladies' Auxiliary and the Branch did a great job serving the food and refresh- ments. On Sunday the Ladies' Auxiliary once again outdid themselves by serving approxi- mately 350 people at the din- ner. The float in the parade was very good depicting the good work done by the Legion . with their donations to miror sports, bursaries and just finan- cial support where needed. Everyone who helped in any way, and they are too numer- ous to mention, deserve a big vote of thanks for all the hard work put into this event. Homecoming '95 will long be remembered. Saturday, August 12 Branch 156 hosted the Ontario Com- mand Provincial Lawn Bowling tourney. Twenty-four teams from all over the province participated. Collingwood Legion won, Port Hope was second and Seaforth Muir's team" came third. Provincial Seaforth Legion by Barbara Scott Sports officer Dave Patterson, District Sports 'officer Art Riordan, Deputy District sports Al Fischer and Zone C-1 Sports Linda Gridzak, who is also Branch 156 sports officer, were in charge of this event. District 'C' Commander Mike Atkinson brought greetings from the District and Mayor Irwin Johnston welcomed everyone to Seaforth. Zone C-1 Colour Sgt. Jim Brown was in charge of the Colour Party and Charlie Neilson played the pipes. fhe Ladies' Auxiliary again served a delicious roast beef dinner. The Branch was saddened to hear of the death of Comrade Peter Malcolm last week. Peter was a past President of the Branch. A Legion service was held with Comrade Major Frank Golding in charge. To his wife Annie, his family and friends we offer our sincere sympathies. 'They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.' to give Dale Carr a donation to the campaign; which she polite- ly declined. The long-distance walker stresses she's not handl- ingany money and people can donate to the French and Mahaffy fund by calling 1-900- 595-1234. By calling the num- ber $10 will automatically be charged to the phone bill and all proceeds will go towards the legal expenses of the Mahaffy and French families. Dale Carr has three children: Jennifer, 19; Craig, 17 and Melissa, 13. The Stratford resident started her campaign on August 12, the 13th birth- day of her daughter Melissa. McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth. 527.1140 •Service 'Selection •Savings •Satisfaction 'Leasing 'Complete BODY SHOP Service •To support the Mahaffy-French legal expense fund phone 1-900-595- 1234. $10 will be added to your phone bill. The daughter escorted her mother during the trip. She has spent hour after hour in the car accompanying her mother. When the mother was feeling discouraged it was the daughter who was encouraging her to go on, • saying 'Remember, we're doing this for the girls.' The daughter said she was surprised when her mother decided to do the walkathon but praised her for the effort. "She's helping them (the Mahaffy and French families) and getting the word out about the (legal fund) number," says Melissa. Dale Carr was also escorted on her journey by her friend Joan Alli, who was driving the car. Despite the long days of driving at a snail's pace, Joan said the time was passing quickly. "I'm surprised how fast the time's going." Despite the massive physical undertaking of walking more than 150 kilometres, Dale Carr feels good about her effort. "Next to having my children this is probably the best thing I have ever done in my life." The member of Jubilee Vine- yard Christian Fellowship gives God the credit for helping her on her journey. • "I just thank God I have only one blister," she said. "I could have 10." Although the walkathon may have been personally rewarding for the woman who completed it, this walk was not about Dale Carr. It was about supporting two families who are facing a ter- rible crisis. It is about two girls whose lives and dreams were horribly crushed. It is about the survivors who now have holes in their existence which will - never be filled. It is about a legal fund...so victims won't be further victimized by paying the bills to fight a system with which they disagree. Te -em Farm Presents its own Peaches & Cream Sweet Corn (also in freezer quantities) Field Tomatoes (also in canning quantities) & other.fruits and vegetables in season TE -EM FARM fT arrle ree. rs Parake EN 9 to 8 Mon. to Fri., 9to6Sat. &Sun. RR 1 1 Bayfield, Ont. NOM 1 GO Ted and Emma Vander Wooden (519) 482-3020 DON'T GETALL WORKED �c OP OYER C9R PROB66�IS JUST STOP IN M... a AND RECEIVE... Great service by a Class A Mechanic • small engine repair • brakes • exhaust • FWD • etc... iGe :..SE" WAtCHttat FOR GRAND OPENING SPECIALSI 23 027 rich $20East 68 Ontario Rd. 348.9150 Mitchell 1800-561-0183 CONGRATULATIONS & THANK YOU CMI Sgitt toys ligl Tam t raids • Ida-Tmatiip'A' fi ig § Special Masks to Sharon Undue for sdrddia6, Assists' Coad, Mew ek. kwCask Calm N PLAYERS Mark & Kent Moffet Colin & Dave Kloibhoffer David Austin Quentin Burgess josh Holland Paul Poisson Mike Delvecchio Kyle Devereaux Jason Denys Craig Nicholson Jeremy Hildebrand Steve Carnochan Joey Nesbitt it NOTICE RE SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS This notice is to advise residents of the County of Huron that the County will be SPOT SPRAYING WEEDS in rural areas commencing June 5, 1995, for a period of approximately 12 - 14 weeks. Pesticides to be used are ESTAPROP, Registration No. 14803; AMITROL-T, Registration No. 16548, and DIPHENOPROP 700, Registration No. 15707. To be controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial Weed Control Act. This notice complies with regulation 914 of the Pesticides Act. For further information and for the locations of the roads to be treated, please call the Huron County Weed Inspector at 519-524-8394. Collect calls will be accepted. MGLI"� at rs Oa�ev4a Sen Ellet �e 1 -eats ks plus page t°Map Sm;th °nave �°r°n Stew a9° Bea SUMMER SHOWC4SE HOCKEY GAME Wednesday, August 23rd 7:30 pm pan WildfongColgateUniversity at the tt priseoll NHL Linesman Seaforth and District Community Centres featuring... DAVE MCLLWAIN CCM HOCKEY SCHOOL STAFF VS. LOCAL TALENT (JR. A, B, NCAA, CIAU AND TBE PROS) Proceeds will be donated to Seaforth Centenaires Jr. D. Hockey Club and the Seaforth and District Minor Hockey Association eiea'gets Oe' fan wooever �a wot oke `Kan ,j,‘1 tev� a`� ��n9 a ne vol . r 041 /6t Vit. 0 pet Seaforth Public Utilities Commission Class Environmental Assessment Expansion of Water Storage Notice of Completion The Seaforth P.U.C. is planning a project to replace the existing elevated water tank. This will allow the P.U.C. to increase the water storage capacity of the Town, increase normal system pressures, allow the water system to meet peak demands while maintaining pressures and fire reserves, and replace the existing elevated tank which is structurally deteriorating. The project involves the construction of a new composite type elevated storage tank on the P.U.C. owned property at the west end of Elizabeth Street. The site is currently a grass field on the south side of Elizabeth Street, and there are currently two unused drilled wells at this location. The site is preferred for the following reasons: • This site has the lowest capital cost, as compared to the other alternative sites that were considered. • There are operational advantages to siting new storage at this site (i.e. potential to significantly improve fire protection to the downtown business area). • The property is already owned by the P.U.C., and its zoning permits the construction of a water storage facility. • The site can be maintained ina park -like setting. The above project is being planned under Schedule B of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects (June 1993). An Environmental Screening Report has been completed to document the Class EA process. By this Notice, the Report is being placed in the public record for review. Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice, and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Seaforth P.U.C. intends to proceed with the design and constnlction of the water storage project. An Environmental Screening Report, documenting the EA process followed, is available for review at the following location: Seaforth P.U.C. Phone: (519) 527-0530 Box 719, Main Street Fax: (519) 527-2561 Seaforth, Ontario. NOK IWO Interested persons should provide written comments to the Seaforth P.U.C. on the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comments shall be directed to the address above. If serious environmental concerns arise regarding the project, which cannot be resolved in discussions with the municipality, a person/party may request that the Minister of Environment and Energy "bump -up" the project to a higher level of environmental assessment. "Bump -up" requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within 30 calendar days of this Notice. A copy of the request shall be sent to the Seaforth P.U.C. If there is no request for a "bump -up" received by September 15, 1995, the water storage project will proceed to design and construction as presented in the planning documentation. Minister of Environment and Energy 135 St. Clair Avenue 15th Floor Toronto, Ontario. M4V 1P5 This Notice issued August 16, 1995. Tom Phillips, Manager Seaforth P.U.C.