The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-19, Page 51111MP•TIO ,••▪ •••••••▪ • N110,11 HE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE ......111.1101.11111114111111111.1.11111011.411111111101.401111111,0111114111111111101.00111111011,11111.0111.1.11111.,0101111101111111111.0 • '; . • ••• - • • - • • t • / r 1 4111110=1, I MINION 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111110111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111011111110111111111111111111111111111111 , Are You DissatistiO? Hensall 0 you. *ant a Better.. commanda Bigger Salary WRITE TO '' School of Comnie Clinton, Ontario to POOR, PARTICULARS REGARDING CLASSES. FOR, 817.1D,IONTS COMIN% DAILY BY TRAIN ,.. EXTRA TUITION 'given hecatiie,of ShOrt schOol day' couuss ;;11.,,• • ;• Stenographic -- Commercial SePretarial ‘• Special Courses,.. , WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, !day ee4.1,A.,:pith,.195 4eekTe,i10,e0kg, SITOTIUMT,...t.irrT'ViAtip. glace • PrinciPill. ' " opal . :e • Students MaY Enter at Any,Jiaalke:1 3 ,i`r.a. • ensalI e,.ric , I'410ifieke feFreer nensall and Blotk Yard. DgAiitits Cement, -Hydrated 14'ime . and Hard Piaster •We have been appointed dociii, deal - der 1, or: Gyprec Wall Boartl for lien - ;and snriadoiding distadct: This a 'fire proof "Wall* board Why Why build .to burn-?. Whenl need of betiding -supplita 'cOnsult .us its we Can supply fl;needs: ' DR. A. MOIR,. C. C. . AND.s1FRGEox Phone. 70 • J W.. PECK brad4te of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University; Montreal; Member ‘College of Physicaanaand Surgeons • „In Ontario; Licentiate of Medica•l (Unwell of ,Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical Staff of general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;- Office, .3 doors • east of Post Office. 1Pheite 56, Benoit.% Ontario. • AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP •limner -Graduate Carey !ones' Au.-; Otion School. Special course taken in Stegisterad Live Stock.. fall Weeded. Merehandise, Real Estate, • Farm Ades, 'Ate.' Rates hi keeping with prevailing prineti. Satisfaction :as - *tired, write Oscar Klopp., rZntich,. or 3wh'e 18,43,•4grich, • 1p8BORNE HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSIIRANCE--ComPANY Mead Office,- . Farquhar, 'Ont. "resident, • JOHN ALLISON lirIce-President, JAS. McKENZID ' DIRECTORS ' .• f1110S. RYAN SIMON DOW EOBT. NORRIS, . WN. /MOCK' -AGENTS • • Adki,ru. EsSEWY,,l'eentraiia, Agent for • Uslatirne and l3iddulph. • i OLIVER HAR.RIS, Munro, Agent for t'r HibberteRullerton -andj40e.t4;;'., ; 'w•Seeretary-Treasurerrce 0escIlw & STA/,414 , • t•rl S.0)110iters* t, h , • White Pine 1 1x6 v matched dressed on both si▪ des at $50 PER M. TIIIS IS THE .0111E TCP' In, WITH GOOD COAL WIIILli YOU' CAN GET IT AT A LOW ralcm A. J. cLATwoRTITY G R,ANTON en r '1'e stay., a ,. ; A: . . t 1 -aa eat uppoirate "fourth year at nis p .8. ,,..,......et:..s.t.: ment, CentraIe.INIcrliirVec f1 -41i_ ul r."1:64143i: ' Illira9ii're-p"'entntate there, (hap prdsPer- 'Mr: Ilieks,,h A- at e e (34 grea,IY. '7 T.-,-,frCt 1: 1W,i-Pli.'"intita- 7& wryh.,eti"..eii.e .6O.tirse, to tion to ',reineial.: ,a,.1. fi, Jai .p.:_,:_t. dothini:t_ Ith'aCtions: , of the, stationieg.., . ,. ,.. • ; HENSALIa NWT.E403L4,4 DASIriVirOCAD IVirs. G. Ilobkirk Visited in Exeter on Tuesdey. Mr. Garnet Case spent the, week- end in Toronto. ' Mr. E. Lindenfield has installed -d fine radio set. Mr. R. E. Cook is this week in Toronto on bueiness. Mr. Roy Dick returned to his home in Watford on Saturday. Mr. W. 0. CtOodujn was in London on Monday on business. Mr. 'Hy, Pale spent Sunday the guest of friends at Clinton. Mr. • Win. Higgins, of Clinton, vis- ited his brother on Friday. • Mr.J. 5'ines, of Clinton visited friends in town on Satdrday. Mrs. A. French of Kippen visited friends in town 01E Monday. Mr. -Laird JoynCof London, spent the •weelt•Lend at his home here. •,kss„,...M. Hodder, of Dutton. iting her,Sigter Mts. It. E. Cook; . Miss 'Nora skolliak visited:WV-0/0e, Week -end with friends 'and /relatives in Exeter., •• • te.:. , Mr. Jinn. 11,TcDoneida'whe'has been in Detroit,,for the:Vast "few mouths is home •-- Mr. Roy Parlmer of Brantford, spent . the week -end ,,the 'guest of friends in town. Misses Pearl . and Ruby -Churchill of Clinton visited over the week -end With friends in town. `, : • The,. Andual liensall Seed Silo* will' beheld -in thee town hall•on Fri- day,February 27t1i. • . , • ,Anetheil 'Old -Time Dance in the ,town hall:, on Thursday evening, Feb, 2.6th. on t; mies' it. ' The best .exiiibition. Jet hockey Mrs. Mitten Ortvirelli and gen •Lhiycl of London ,visite,Ceverr the week -end witii,Mr."and Mtg. J. W. .0rewein. In another column 'will he to,und h report of the hockey match between Exeter and •Hensall on Monday even - seen herel•thts7,sensonateek place on, Friday -eVeningelast.'when the fest Dashwoed:sextetasuffered defeat. at the i hancle',of le,..joeal puck chasers by a 'ecere'refi..; .-5.`ietthe ice was in fair. conditioate,a,ndeeleeth ,teams put up 4 stiff battle., e t -f • ka • Pei cP's la e the , locals nelphtea.;pne,„eounter.. a-. gainet .the, yieipreijr,Iia,the second • stenzathe..gagim.,fziOpyid,,.'itp pick up somewhatAllth teenis, tallying 3 Wilde each,.,,,Insaiigfitgthe score to 5,4 in . favor. °X Sitore. ' In the last heat •' the; :10,c'elai Managed to bulge. the ..DaSli*Ostid;,,tVrine twice Ilhdeon in l.cii 'the local boys kept the.pieCl.t.:04.7,4,44 tie. net at all times.. The genie Wee fast and. clean penaltieS„..lheing sserved„...g, to plaYeraTand te we64; •HeAfferPa.,.. ,left Wing man turned, in the .best ,r,anae,fiir, the Hen sail crew.1-Itiderkeiii:geal also di good work, thig is :11i.e:..first appear ance , between the , po,ste: Evelan and Gazier,',' fer "paeap shecl. also pu • Mr_ Alonzo Ortwein• of Detroit was a visitOr in 'town onl Saturday, returning on Sunday to Detroit by 'motor. • " • • • Mrs'. M. Pope"whh has' been visit- ing for' the past twa months with relatives i., Windsor retured 'home Priday:' Mr. Wm. Stone, Jr. of Detrejt, Was a 'guest in town Ion Saturday. .He returned to Detroit on Sunday by motor,• • „ Mr. cLaugh In_ of Richmond -Hill, hag thken'Over the' position of teller - in -the local branch of the Standard. d Bank -of Canada. • • ,up geed exh#i4iftli:•• . The many friends of Mr. An.drew t Johnson will be very sorry to here that he continues very poorly with no sign of improvement. Miss Violet Whitelside and 'Miss Dorothy Welsh, who are :attending Stratford Normal, spent'A'.few days recently With relatives in. tOwn. • We are in receipt Of a communi- cation ,trom a Hensall resident, but owing to- the lack of space, it will not be pulalished :next week. I good eroWd attended the Orch- estra dance in the tow -n. hall on Fri- day evening last -and everyone who attended -report a very enjoyable evening. - • Don't forget the lecture •by Rey. W. E. Donnelly of Exeter "Wagon Loads of' Gold" -'to be- given _hi the Methodist church. on' Friday evening February 20th: •• • 'Mrs: Andre'W$151! Seaforth who was here .last,Week attending the fuher- al of her. mother ,the late Mrs. Dick retUrned to her lionie 'Monday, ac- companied by her sister 'Miss Vio- let. • ' '` ,• ..• ; -Mrs.' Jas. A.'13eil received a letter from her son Elliott'who lives at Rdseburg, Oregon,' Elliott says the weather out there is • very- wet, and the frosts have chine a lot of darna.ge te the early' fruits. and, •vegetables and that times have been very dull out there . since last year. --"-The line:Alive' ' "" '' ? ' ' • .. ' el . • .Hensall ..,:•',:;;;. '•,,pashwood Hudson •- - ' . , _ C. Shaddoek L. Defense Gazier •G;'Knapp R. Defense.: Tiernan Blowes ... - A., Wing 1, •,. .Evelan'd :11Oggarth • : T.4. „W,in,g-., ,,, Gazier E. Shaddock; ,,,-Centre.c., . Eveland Tasemore . ''snbs ' Calfas a. •., ..ee.e?e: , • ., , :',;,, • ' SCHOCILREPORT .l.,.:frgi, . eteport for .,Jaaaaary.-, •• .Primary itoom„.Heneall. Patialic, School Prira- arY ,A,. Mildre,d Fellick,aMyrria And - sen, .equalf, Irene e- -*Mal% Minnie Sangster, Dorothy. Dam:emend; Not-• maneSinclate„Creieleeeleddere ' Prim-. ary,,Bee-Kennetheeelenns, ,May Little, Mare' ireColiP4.1, •.rklelee }Jigging, Lillian Beesw,axaarllarrY .1 -;lark, , Sr. I=0liveel3regla Katherine'Drysdale, Jr. II A-e-AiebelafFeeaeyiela. I-Ode:7 brand, Har,vey kenelsenegethn Fariii-i,:. her,, Dorothy 3)34detene, Jean White - .side, Lern..9eMcleeeRddieligelfe, lvfar, .geret kennenge,eStewareeeeell, Hugh - ie Mclequgale Aernelip eFeber, Jr. II. B-e-Ray,PaterSoneearold Brad- ,shaw,. Lloyd,' e.Lieedenfield, ,. Helen .Glenn, :•Mal3r lifilelPhiPere--DOethY Cook,. Harold Slipeeett, .-gerbert Had= den, MalcelneAellies, Jack Young, PejeleYe Ifle:EfanloreA., ) ; t NEiMeS eine*order eof Inuit ,e.'• •!:. ' ''-'1'1 70 0.1'.eq3ndliaaidli I'l'eacheie le ,...,.....e'len .te tjW•'.'.;',4 yen of ;to .1(,...).( Alice Illigginse82e eVearicineMeI y 75, :d e 0 ,Sr .• .1.11,-4-Ruth;I:MacLaughli -05,j B ella agin al e ,e72,5,e1Sybil '.(Bitedshaw 5 iilt there'd) Appleton i ;630:Alden Ap- pletoh 64, " Reye,Biloelt '1. 61, Nerrean McKay 49,.Wil11e•13odson 42, Eleark- or -Bell 38,' JolittWcKay 29. Jr. Iti. Mabel Workman 86, *May Gillies 63 May ,Kenningae-75, Irene Hoggarth 62, Florence .McDonald 72, *Howard Hemphill 61-- -Irene . I)aters 72 Gladys Pa,ssinore 6'0, Liziie Bena 70 *Lloyd ; lVfacLaughlin q ,..,t7, Beryl Drumniond 70, 4daroldr,Foster 57, William•Driimmond.170,TWillie Nicol 56, Hazel Ilidson oa, Ruth Redden 53, *Harold Hedden 64 G:race B,:cock 64. i . M. A. Ellis, Teachet Sr. IV.--e-ROY Seidel): 85, Lloyd Pe,ssinore , 73, S'eott Welsh 72; L. Drummond 65, Lillian Steacy 64, Bertha Seldair ;63, Detail. Pfaff 63, Margaret McLaren 62*:; , Jean Bon- thron 62, Margaret Drummond 44, Marie Foster 48, Gertrude Higgins 47, Dorothy Little 44, Pearl Elder 43*, Russell Blackwell 42. Jr.' IV Harold Muhe 75, Mildred, Smillie 71 Billie joynt 68, Roy •Smale 64, Dor- othy Iloslcins 59, Albert', PaSsmore 55, Brie Hoggarth 52. . Sr. III- .ailu. Lindenfield 63, blared' Smith fieClare. Zuelfe 49, Maiden Sinclair 7, Joyce Scruton: 47, Iiclna Wolfe 5, Royce Welsh 45, Albert Wolfe 3, Edith Cameron 41*, Edward 41ttla 39. ' ' 'W,Til MUOICay, .Teacher 5 130---"Slio Screamed fOt help When. ltissed Ilitibo---e"DM you .run?" • 4 13o-"No,1 gave her another L bashwoo4 DENTAL SURGEON At Me0ormick's Block, nrich, every „ ThursdaY and Saturday, , MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Block - Daehwood, Ont. Nir. cud Mrs. R, Stade of Zurich visited In tewn on, Sunday. Mrs, F. Wilds, who has been on the sick,liat, is improving. Rev. E. Bruer Is epending a few days in Stratford. Inspecter Toni of Goclericli visit- ed the school on Thursday, ._ Miss ,Alice ,Koffman spent 411e wee'k-end ftt Exeter. Dr. H. Cowen visited in Zurich on Sunday. • • Mrs. C. Finkbeiner and Catheton have returned after spending the peat few weeks, in Sarnia. • Mr. and Mrs. T. Isaac. of Green- way visited in town on Monday. FATHER ,OF MASHWOOD LADIES DIE • The funeral' of William Frederick Wahl,. who died on Tuesday at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Creorge Camp- bell, ,of Mitchell,, took place -on Thursday afternoen to Woodland Cemetery% 'Deceased was in his, 81st year anktenfoYedagood health tip. to a 'few Nfileks*ago, when his health • Igaive Way. was born in Statteia,, grilse* and conte to- Canada and to tlecelroWnshiP. •Logan, about 60 yearet. ago, ,,,Where he engaged ii ,farming: After the death,of his wife a number.,of years ago- he; came to Mitehell teelive, and, for the past two years hadeboarded with Xt.' and Mrs. Campbell. He leaves a family of two sons and two daughters. Albert and .Charles, -in the Western States, and Mrs. Pfaff and. Airs. Brown of Dashwbod. Only 8 Days OF -- Real Sale Prices kk --- STEWART'S ZURICH Miss•V; V."Siebert is attending the ..openings,;:at,Torotito at present. • ' Csetir Kohler' underwent an operation on Monday performed by Dr. :Stephenifon of London. Mr. John Decher, Jr., was it 'Am - rent& last ,Weerkattending the ccin- verition 'Of 'Standard Bred horses. Mr. Albert =1-leideman'Of Jackson, Mich.' aniih& is an inspector at the Slate'Prlidn'nf that. place, vis7e, dted 'with his etAcie, Mr.kAlbeit Heid;' eman:endAthet•Jelatiyes fdr .a few " 4 ,5 e. • The ,stilaseriptiOn price • of the Parkhill GaZetthas been edyanced to -$2.00 Per year. - ' - Mr. and M. John Selves spent Tuesday at Wriodham with their daughter lVIrs. Jaques. Quite. a II:umber ofyoung people attended a partY at the home of Mr. LeuiS Clark, Sr. tin Tuesday even- ing. . Miss lViande Millar of the Normal &heel? Lendoii Was, home last Week end and atterided.',the Commence-. Merit at Exeter *lien she was pre- sented ,with the ',Medal which she wan last year at Exeter High School much credit is d'aie to Miss Millar as a cleVer student,* • .Mr. and Aire. Ben Case of the tondon Road Spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.;,RyCkniaii. • 4REENyvAY Mrs. Annie Hicks and grand- danghter porie,lieve returned from a 'vieit in Centralia. • Mrs.. P. Murray is visiting her daughter, 'Mrs., Hayter, Of De- '• Mrs. E. Mason spent the week -end In London with her daughter, Mie: Toll • At the Young' ieteciPlee, • el:leafing ' Norman Fester -of Bayfield visit- , on iyionday,evening Mr. W, C peeeeeted friends here last, week. •• • , .g4v...9 ;:irfOrrY" li.racti!efiff' intereiting-",iThef•Male Quartette•assisteddn the addrese. • A-prino iiiStruittental, by Mft jean,13,onthron a ,reeding, Miss Viola 'Aiggins 'and' vufliti IVIarjorie and Charles.' Pearce were witch enjoyed. • ' . rP,/ , • Next Sunday is Men's Day -in' e ir,th Methodist Church. men's` choir will lead the singing. • In the morn- ing the subject of the sermon will be "Keep your record 0lan' ean, in the evening, the subject will 'be,", "Dads and Lads." A. special • service for fathers and sons. The following Sunday a Ladies' choir will have Charge of the singing and the ser- mons will be especially for women, • , After the regular choir practise in the 'Methodist church on Thursday evening last the members of that or- ganization were tendered an oyster supper by the Ladies' Aid of the church. A sumptuoua repast was partaken of 1»' all in attendance after which short impromptu speech- es were given bY Mr. E. Rennie, ahoir leader; Mr.. J. Passmore, Rev. SinClair and others. • Everyone pre- sent reports a jolly time. The W.M.S. held their regular meeting in the Methodist chureh on Feb, I.2th. no president Mrs, Wilson in the chair. After the eeetial business the stadY was taken by Mrs Cemthlon, dealing With the iethistria oonclitiOns existing in China, assist- ed by Mrs, Sinclair arid Miss I Coul- ter and was very much enjoyed bY all, Otter interesting features of the meeting were a piano S010 by Mrs. C. Hogarth and a dila by Ms. McQueen and Mrs, Sinclair. prbgrain.nt ShiPka On 'Monday even- TliCeLadiee Aid meth&. iat thon.) Zif &'• Webb ,on. Wednesday axc quilted; their, autegtaph. • , The yiing People Pot, the. Metlfd: ftliSih:ChtirCh ard"VitsY practiaing play to be given 'at the oyster sup- per on the 27th. Have you had Your wood -bee yet? Neither have we. CENTRALIA The Ladies Aid 'of, the Centralia Methodist church will,hoid a supper at the church "on Tuesday, February 24th. A program is being arraiiged. Adinission 25 and 15 cents. Mrs. KiteTY is ependifig the week with her Mother, 1Virs, Morehouse in Toronto. ' Miss Flessie DaVoy spent the week end in Louden with her eieter, 1VIrs. J. Willis who ie in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and -Mlle A. Maguire Moved to the home of the former's brother Mr. J. Maguirea,of W. McGillivray, who is setiottslrill. At the meeting of the tritstee board last :weelea,Mr. Kitely Was un- amiously invited4 to remain a third year as pastor et the church here. Mrs. • J. Neil. has gone tO visit her daughter, Mrs, M. Beavers and soil Maurice of Dorcit,„ mbs Stbeks Spent • the Weeltnelid with her,sister, Mrs. Powe In London. Mr. John lloeSzler ViSited With visited With Ai . and Mrs, Hy. Pry the forepart of, the week. CreditOn ReiotI'tarin soax of, Mr, AO MrS. A. E. Weieeth net With' Ye rei p0i4e a0,0i4ent 184 Week, The, little Chap. , while playing th11. down StairWay breaking his eellar• hone and receiving man Y Miner 1)1"1.1biere The little fellow ie doing ae nicely ean be eXpeeted• •The Crediten shooters are,not be- hind lit the way of getting big rale'. bits, Mr, Wilhort SIMS getti310. tWO o TUppday, acCOMpanied., by i1x, F. Xerr, Mr, Jack Sims and Mr, Ivan Herteel. 'They report that tracks are getting scarce. They have Shot quite a number so far this winter. Mr, John Edwards, Sr., has been quite ill at his home in Crediton with the -flu. • Mr. and 1VIre. Jack Sweitaer are both quite seriously ill at the ptes- ent time. We 'neve for a change for the better soon, - Mrs: Sheardown has been on the sick list again but is now able to be around part of the time. Mrs. Sweitzer, of Exeter visited with her sister, 1Virs. Jos. Heist over the week -end. • Mr. Harry' Triek completed , the bean threshing the past week, Mr. Jacob Holtzman was in Lon- don Saturday on a busines trip. , • Mr. Harold Young and Miss Eva Oeetricher, of London, visited at their ' respective homes over t be weekTend. • • Miss Clara Oestricher, who has been" attending the millinery open- ings in London. is home for e few daYSI • ''• •Chae. Z -Wicker is on a busi- ness *trip' to. !Potent° this week. Mrs. Wm: r Sinith, Sr., is quite HI at the present. We lioPe for speedy recovery. 1[Pia' • , • Mr. Lester Mcrsaac7hisl'ittken thef place of Mr. SteinliagenTh the Can -i' adian Bank of 'Commerce. We him the best of succes. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark and - family accompatnied by Mr. Victor- Kestle attended 'the -wedding of Mr, Russell Clark, to Mlf313 Ra Delver, in, •Walkerville the past week. We eve tend greetings. • Mr. Melvin Sims, of Exeter and 'Miss Helen. McIsaac were in charge. of the switch board of the local tel- ephone line while Mr. F. "V‘r. Clark was in Walkerville. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Winer of Marlette, ..Mich., and Mr. James Winer of Sandusky, Mich., are vis- iting their brother W. E. Winer. Mrs. J. Hackney, of Centralia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Keene, :Mr. John Edwards,* Sr:, who -has been ili with the flu. is improving. Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr., was called to the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Clark, on Saturday owing to the serious accident to their small son who Was severely. scalded. Mr. Wm. Motz, who was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia last week ,is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family visited at the home of the, former's brother, Mr. and "Mrs. R. Schroeder; on Sunday. . Mrs. Jaddly Sweitzer ,is confined' to her b,ed through illness, while , , Mr. Sweitzer continues the same. IVIrs. Henry Motz, who has been confined to, her home • through ill- . nother iriumpli o BeForesi(Crosle,y produchon. Us goes production! Down goes the • orici , * • tt , Everybody wants the Trirdyn-5-tube volume --3 -tube economy! Transconti- nental ranges. Real selectivity. The set for ..OU! All over Canada' they sell as fast as the makers can supply them! Our present allotment is ,disappearing quick- ly. Lose no time! Avoid disappointment ! Order today! . It was the greatest value in Canada at 351001 Now, at §l8, -we say -you'll have to hurry ! W. J. Beer Exeter to the Piisrwah a beaded bag and to ,theisoloietoa compact. The cere- mony.„Was performed by Rev. RE a-. Melvin oaft,Flyet Presbyterian church, WallterVgke; „after which a,: :dainty hinclieon wea.'sittrved. They will re- side in Stobia4s Manor, at 1293 East .,(krand :ENV Detroit. Among the ont oflOWn'guests were the groom's father and mother, and sisters Merle and Laura'ard Mr. Victor KestIe all of ICredirtiener. Ne H. Hibbert of Peerciliae-entle-Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Peskin ,aticrlieffe' dalighter Jean, of Detroit. DEATH OF-11RS. CHRIS. FAHls...TER, - ness is able to be out again. ,,Wilhelininal Guenther, beloved Mrs. DaVid Jones of Michigan is erlfe fee,Qhrigtian leab.ner, was born Noyee6e11,8e1, in Stephen Tp., and departedefeone this life in peace on Feb. 11th, 1925, aged 64 years,3 months. and. 0days. She was united marriate,te Christian Fahn.er on Feb. 8thee18_8,8. To this union were borne, 3 sons and three daughters. She -began her christian life at a carneiemeeting at Blossom, N. Y. at the ate of- 17 and was a faithful nieinber. . of eCrediton Evangelical chureh until her release by death. She was a kind and loving mother a cheerful and devoted companion the heart of the home. She will be greatly missed and mourned by her bereaved husband, 3 sons and 3 dau- gletets,e-EVerett, Emery and Irvin Wee: '-Chester' Mawhinney, Lillian atideM0e1; 3 sisters, 1 brother, her agecle*ele afflicted mother 2 grand- childkene, and many other relatives and.:.',erjends. Interment at Credi- toli:ebeIiteeery on Saturday, February TOIL. visiting at the home of her brother Air. W. E. Winer. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson received. word of the illness of their daughter Mrs. Joe Brokenshire, of Windsor, who was operated on in the hospit- al there for a tumor. The opera- tion was a success and the patient is improvely .nicely. Mr. Garnet Rau left for Michigan after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau for some time. Mrs. Mat - Guenther returned to Kitchener on Monday. Mr. David Baird is getting along nicely after his serious operation'. Evangelistic Services are in pro- gress at the Evangelical Church Cre- diton, Rev. J. C. Morlock preaching Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Rev. W. Y. Drier on Thursday even- ing and Rev. Mr. McTavish on Fri- day evening. Song service' -begins at 7:45: Special services by - -the choir. Conie one and all to bring and to receive a blessing. No Ser- vice on Monday or Saturday even- ing. On next Sabbath morning Rev. W. Y. Drier will preach on "The most terrible thing in existence," Do not fail to hear these messages. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening of next Week Rev, W. J. -Yager preach the word. Beginning next aveek Sunday, even ing in, the Methodist Church. The pastor preach a series of senicitik on "Some Bible Tragedies." • " Absalom -The tragedy of a sWelled head. Miriam -The tragedy of a jealous heart. Sainson--The tragedy of a unchaste life. Achan-The tragedy °of a •covetous mind. ,Tephtha-The tragedy ofj, a hasty vow. The Elder Brother -The tragedy of a "disgruntled soul. Peter -The tragedy Of a too much self reliance. Cut this list or future refereneee and come along and hear theseegepat, bible characters Sketched in an in- teresting way. . CLARK----DELAVEM A quiet but pretty wecldiriC,YraS" solemnized at the home of Mr.'abel Mrs. Win. Farquharson of Wallepre ville, on Saturday,' Feb. 1411 6 pan., when the batters sistereMiSe Ruby Delavem Was united in-,inar- riage to F. Russell Clark of Dettelit'e son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Claek of Crediton. • The bride was beceming-, 11 gowned in peach canton crepe eeid carried "a, hbouquet of bridal eeeee. She also wore the grearia's ii4c$ 4 rope of baby pearls. the bride, wee given away by Mr. Win, Parolav son and was unattended. TIN,t,;(4:, hehgrin wedding march was Play4ti by the groom's sister, 1Viiss 1Vtptig Clark of Crediton atid during tee signing of the„ register, Miss 1 Nati,, Duitut$ at satithvioh sang-, very' pretf tily, "YOU and I." The groom's A n...! • SUCCE,SOUX ANNIVERSARY The anniversary services at the Evangelical Church, Crediton, on Sunday February 15th, and Monday evening 16 afforded a feast of good thinga..' The gospel messages de- livered`-bY'Rev. J. C. Moriock, An- niversary \speaker were freighted with inspiration, truth and blessing, and Were wen received by large an- diendeSe At the evening seitiee the 'Methodist 'contrAtatigon, as in eus- ornery here, ,between the Evangli- eels and Methodists lifted their ser- vice and with their pastor Rev. Mr. McTavish ,p,articepated in them,hap- py fegtiVAred, itteh.Orif how good and hei*.illektAant 'it 45 'ter 'brethren to dwell togetherin unity." ps, 133: 1. The lecture on Monday evening On "Spiritual and Commerica,1 Rail- roading"' eras brim full of delight- some .,goepel.eruth, touched beauti- fully with thee which is smile pro- vokinge aud, yet grandly nleaningful and captivating. The four orchest- Tel nienibers,"the very appropriate :duett, 'Meets., Railroad," by Miss :Clara Oestrieker and Freeman Mor - lock, and the, "Legend of Service" ;so pleasingly bby and effectively tgiveri. byb. Mies Florence Turnbull beautifully embellished the Aunt- vereary concert. • • INIt.ancl Mrs. kreo. Baynham a,nd fami Ye of Centralia spent Sunday with, „their parents here, Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Pollard of Celle epent Sunday with the fortriee- areti -8 Mr. and Mrs, N. Pollard, !Le Mt. 'Wellington �f Credit- „ fon hae bought a barn front t% brothers and is busy tearing 11 • dna MrS. Wes. 'BaYtillein re- turned to their licene in the. West • tf.r.a.pconcert•Wilt be held in 6.,ShipIto, hall on Monday night. ilehrtutry 88, iltforybedY WeleOlatt, S,HIPICA THAMES ROAD The February meeting of the Thames Road ` W.M.S. was held 4,t the home of Mrs. Geo. Monteith with an attendance of 12 members and five visitors. The president, Mrs. Kydd opened the meeting with a. scripture reading and prayer. Mrs.. Andrew Campbell gave the chapter. from e the study book "The Island. Beautiful" which was a_yeeyeineeree'e esting one. Mrs. Jaen Ratcliffe.' then read a touching story entitled,. "Cripple Tom." The meeting closed .with singing and prayer after which a social half hour wee spent over the: tasty lunch provided by the hostess.. VVOODHANI Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Kirk - ton spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Ray Mills. The Mission Circle held thole' regular meeting at the home of Miss Beatrice Doupe on Saturday. The W.M.S. met in the church on Wednesday aeternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Morley spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley of Whalen. Mr. Robt. Parkinson of Granton occupied the pulpit here on Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Thonapson taking charge of the services on the Gran- ton circuit. Mr. Alvin Arksey of St. Marys called on Mr. Jos. Rin last week. Miss Victoria Hannah of Kirkton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wm. ThOmpSon. We are pleased to note that Mr. Jas. Allen is somewhat improved. Don't forget the play in the hall on Friday, Feb. 20th. The cchopping mill is busy these days. We are glad to hear that Mr. Jas. Routly has recovered from a cold. Messrs. Wm. Mills and Reginald Doupe motored to Exeter Tuesday this being the first car to get thr- ough this winter. They motored through to Centralia going a couple of Miles west and then up and Out to Exeter. SUNSHINE /3,i.r, ,. 4 ,(Too late for last week) Mrs. Y. W. Skinner of Granton visited with her sister, 1VIrs. Pulley - blank for a. few days last week. Mr. and MI's. F. Breck spent Tues- day with Mr. and Mr. Fisher of Ex - r. Mr tr.week with her father, Mr. Scott 's. M. Routly spent a few days of Cromarty; who is quite poorly. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pletcher enter- tained a few of their friends on Thursday night. A very pleasant evening was spent, Visited with 1VIrs. W. Davis of Saints- burMyr.. and IVIrs. G. Davia of Saints - bury spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mre. E. Creery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Miss Edna Russell of Exeter spent Sunday with Miss Verde, Clarke. WOodhain on TuestlaY. meeting at the church on, Wedues- dsuaiA)p. enru:nibtierDloaty taletemyto.upnige:seaomptlela:ft the cominunity took in the oyster week with his sister in Sydenhate. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Brock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Routly Of Monday eVetiing. The Ni".1VI.S, hold their monthly Mr. Theron Creery is spending Mr. lleber Davis Of sairitsbury and mr. Imaging and daughter Of Zetevan, Sask., visited witb Mr. and *so Oa Vlotoher en Thursday jest,