HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-06-07, Page 14DOUG JACOB AUCTIONS 271.7894 THURS., JUNE 15 et 4:00 P.M. Large auction of antiques; col- lectibles, appliances and misc. items at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell for j Annabell Baumbach and the j Estate of the Late Bud McIver. j THURS., JUNE 15 at 7:00 P.M. j Auction of bicycles at the Jacob j Auction Centre in Mitchell for the j Mitchell Police Department. 6 SAT., JUNE 17 at 10:00 A.M. 6 Auction of 1977 Olds Supreme; , woodworking equipment; lumber 1 and misc. items to be held at 132 l Woodstock St. North in Tavistock l for the Estate of the Late Howard j Neeb. TUES., JUNE 20 at 6:30 P.M. j Auction of collection of farm toys 8 at the Jacob Auction Centre in 1 Mitchell for Bob Stephenson. f 14 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Jun. 7, 1996 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICES UNLIMITED: Repairs, maintenance, renovations, clean up, painting, wallpapering etc. Keith Snell, call 527-1899. 31-23x3 REGULAR HOUSEKEEPING, will do windows, flower beds and clean your car. Most days still available. Please call 527-1633. 31-23x4 PAVING, Asphalt and Concrete for driveways, roads, parking lots, tennis courts. Grading, gravel, topsoil. Reliable, experienced. James Symes Paving and Materials, Lucknow. Call today, 528-3047. 31-23x 1 cc SEWING: Home Decor, Curtains, Drapes, Valances, Alterations. Reasonable. Phone 527-1480. 31- 22x2 INSTALLATION and Restretching: Also Shop at Home Service. Qual- ity name brand carpets from $4.99 sq. yd. Phone 519-881-4324. 31- 01-tfcc FAX SERVICE Have your important documents faxed at the Huron _Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 1st page - 8'/2 x 11 $4.00, additional pages to same phone number $1.00. To receive a fax at our office the cost is $1.00 per sheet. (GST extra). For more information phone 527-0240. 31-01 xtf REPAIR AND REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR#1, Seaforth. Phone 527- 0786. 31-23-tf ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELD- ING, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816, Londesboro. 31-23-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 8'/2 x 11 copies -.25 cents per sheet, 8'/2 x 14 copies - .35 cents per shoot. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Programs. Government aid, assist- ance, grants and loans money available. For your new or existing business call 1-800-915-3615. 31= 23xbc .9 Good Choice Perennials Hardy Waterlilies Bog Plants • Waterplants Gardens open for your enjoyment • by apt. or by chance • P PSTI j1's GARDENS Manic and Tina Bos RR.2 Sealorth,Onl (519)527.1249 NOK 1 WO VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market H . 83 - 31 2 miles east of Exeter 235- 1 "1 2:3 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. erner CONTRACTING LTD. •TRUCKING •GRAVEL •SAND & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS & SHOP....482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 • Toolex • Tools & Equip. • Recondit- ioned Motors CALL JEFF 519-345-2403 • Rewinds • Sales • Repairs 5 miles North of Dublin RR11 Bornholm Ont. NOK IAO 34. PERSONAL EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers. Rated #1 in Canada. Live psychics. Find out now about love, career, money and lucky numbers. 18+ 2.99/min. 24 flours. 1-900-451- 4055. 34-23x6cc ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 527-1650. 34-23-1 DIVORCES/PARDONS/U.S. Waivers: No court appearance, reasonable cost, legal aid wel- come. Luigi E. Circelli, Peggy Wilson (Parallegal). Call collect 1- 800-493-7499. 34-15xtfcc A.A. If you think you have a drink- ing problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527- 1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833. 34-24-ff LIVE PSYCHICSI Genuine Canadian Psychics tell all. Past, Present, Future revealed. Romance, Wealth, Career. Live and personal. 1-900-451-3778. Innvervision Crystal Connection. $2.99/min. 18+, 1-0n-1, 24 hrs. 34- 23xbc 134. PERSONAL LIVE PSYCHICS ANSWER your questions. Dream Interpretations, Tarot Retiidings, Horoscope Readings. Call now. 1-900-451- 3297 ext. 200. $3.99/min. 18+ only. Touch Tones only. Infoservice/Studio City, Cal, 213- 993-3366. 34-23xbc DEPRESSED? Lonely? &oke? Trained counsellors will assist you. Write stating your concerns, birth date, telephone to Chrysalis, P.O. Box 37511, Tapscott Rd., Scarborough, Ontario MIB 2C0. 34-23xbc WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C. VOE 1 MO. 34-23xbc HEAVENLY Psychic Answers. Call your Psychic Friend at 1-900-451- 3783. Live 1 on 1, 24 hours. $2.99 per min. 18+ 'Better Living' is 'Through Awareness'. 34-23xbc WEDDINGS Performed your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational) For personal arrangements and brochure call. Rev Chris Morgan, All .91ths Pastoral Centre, Bendier, 524-5724 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOCKEY: All Players 15 to 21. Junior/University Evaluation Programs in Collingwood, July 1995. Do not pass on this opportunity. Scholarship and recruitment opportunities (705) 721-9622. 36-23xbc AD AND NEWS DEADLINE The deadline for news copy, clas- sified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor, Seaforth is Monday at 1 p.m. Phone 527- 0240. 36-01-tfnxe 37. MORTGAGES i 1,t & 2"d Mortgage Money Available as low as 9.00% interest Personal Loans Totally Unsecured If you qualify, payments as low as following examples Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 • 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts CaII (519) 363-0211 1-800-387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. 38. AUCTION SALE 4, 38. AUCTION SALE RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CI¢NTON 482-7898 SAT. JUNE 10 AT 9 A.M. - Auction at Lobb Building, Clinton for Clinton Estate. SAT. JUNE 17 AT 9 A.M. - Auction at Lobb Building for Mac Homuth plus additions. SAT. JUNE 24 AT 9 A.M. • Auction at Lobb Building for Betty Kissengee. 39. EDUCATIONAL i • LARGE ESTATE AUCTION Thursday Evening June 8at5pm at Bob Heywoods Auction Centre, 586 Main Street, Exeter. Includes 9 pc. Vitas dining suite, Comformatic electronic bed, roll top desk, antique dresser, appliances, china and glass, 25 metal ice cream style chairs, restaurant grill, counter and stools, exhaust hood and fan. 1987 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, selling certified, hundreds of miscellaneous and useful items. AUCTIONEER: Bob Heywood Res: 235-0874 Bus: 235-4469 LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building iri Clinton for Clinton Estate, Goderich homes plus donated items for Clinton Hospital fund raising. Saturday, June 10 at'9 a.m. Almond dryer, 2 dishwashers, 2 air conditioners, Eureka vacuum with power head, Phillips 26 inch floor model colour TV with remote, smaller chest freezer, antique meat slicer, modern curio cabinet, chesterfield, nearly new; loveseat chesterfield and chair, nearly new; chesterfield and chair, 2 yrs. old; maple kitchen set with hutch china cabinet, modern dark pine table with 4 matching chairs, modern cof- fee and end tables, oak glider rocker, antique lamp table with draw- er, five piece bedroom Quite with double box spring and mattress like new, double box spring and mattress, nearly new; double box spring and mattress with headboard, antique dresser, what -not, hall tree, matching dresser and chest of drawers plus others, brass floor lamps, bedroom and table lamps, antique wooden arm chair, sewing machine in stand, 31 day wall dock, microwave stand, 3 handmade quilts, afghans, bedding, oil (amps, 4 collector plates, old doll, rail- way lanterns, CN oil lamps, memorabilia, antique umbrella stand, odd pressback chairs, 5 pieces of Carnival glass, glass top kitchen table and chair set, Miss America diamond pattern pink butter dish with lid, milk can, small winch driven by electric with reverse switch used once, small spinning wheel, Targe crock, plus our usual large offering of dishes, glassware, misc. items too numerous to mention. NOTE: An excellent clean offering. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton WOODSHOP & PROPERTY AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 10th - 10 AM Preview 8 AM (Property by Appointment) At the Dublin Mercantile, 56 Mill St., Dublin (Hwy. 8 between Mitchell & Seaforth across from 'G.G. Goettler Furniture'). PARTIAL LIST ONLY 10 A.M. - EQUIPMENT 1986 diesel 7000 G.M.C. 24 foot H. cube van; 7' stroke sander; 10' Unlsaw; 10' radial arm; vacuum system; 16' planer; 8' wood join'!or; 5 H.P. compressor; 3 H.P. shaper; routers; hand planer; dovetaller; air naliers; air stapler; bench grinder; comp. mitre saw; 1' bett sander; 8 x 36 belt sander; belt sanders; jigsaws; Bakers scaffold; roller tool chest; bar & F clamps; router; drill & shaper; bits; screwdrivers; chisels; drills; vices; sanders; wrenches; paint guns; several barn fans; 6 x 8 sign frame; table legs; drawer fronts; stool tops; stool legs; shelving; pedestals; plus 100's of other items. 12 NOON - PROPERTY: Known as 58 MIlI St., Dublin, 2 storey concrete showroom area (main floor finished), upstairs clear span storage area, adjoining single storey 40 x 26 workshop, new hydro & wiring, new heat, drywall, Insulation, roofs & lighting. All sizes approx. $10,000. cash or certlfled cheque day of sale. Balance 30 days. Subject to very moderate reserve. TERMS: Cash, cheque, Visa or Mastercard. 3% premium. Lunch Bar Tools can be seen cirerating morning of sale. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2426 519-345-2323 • 1 LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next classes: August 19-25; November 18-24. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 39-23xbc 40. LOST & FOUND • FOUND: Diamond ring in Seaforth. Call and describe to claim. Phone 527-2525. 40-23x1 / 42. DEATHS GRIFFIN, Mary E., 88, of Mercer Street died Tuesday in Albany Medical Center Hospital. Mrs. Griffin was born in Seaforth, Ontario, Canada. She lived in Albany most of her life. She was a 1928 graduate of the Seaforth Training School for Nursing. She was head nurse for communicable diseases at Albany Medical Center, retiring in 1946. She then worked as a private -duty nurse at Albany Medical Center, retiring in 1968. Mrs. Griffin was a member of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church. She was the widow of Wyman 0. Griffin. Survivors include a daughter, Joan M. Dodway of Port Crane, Broome County, and a sister, Janet Dalton of Seaforth. A service was held at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, 901 Madison Ave. Burial will be in Fort Edward Union Cemetery, Fort Edward. Calling hours were 4:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Magin and Keegan Funeral Home, 891 Madison Ave. 42-23x1 McKENZIE, Kenneth Peter. Peacefully at Clinton Public Hospital, June 5, 1995, Kenneth Peter McKenzie, in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of Gladys Idella Kathleen McKenzie (Brodhagen). Loving father of Robert and Sharon McKenzie of Brucefield; John and Heather McKenzie of Clinton; Audrey Wesenberg of London; Barb and Jim O'Neil of London; Brian and Shirley Gallant of Stratford; Gary and Diane McKenzie of Vanastra; Dave and Deb McKenzie of Vanastra, Sharon and Ron Fletcher of Huron Park; Paul McKenzie and friend Jeanette Byrd of Vanastra. Dear grandfather of 18 grandchildren and one great grandson. Dear brother of Gladys and Harold Cudmoro of Hensall; Joe and Rita McKenzie of Exeter; Lloyd of Brucefield; Eleanor Filby of Chatham; Murray and Marg of Clinton. Kenneth was retired from the Department of Highways. Predeceased by his parents Peter and Eleanor, one son Bruce and one grandson Scott McKenzie. Family and friends were received at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St. ' West, Seaforth on Tuesday, June 6, from 2-4 and 7-9. Funeral services will be conducted at tho funeral home on Wednesday (today) at 2 p.m. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and the Diabetes Association would be greatly appreciated. 42-23-1 TURNER, William, (Retired supervisor of the Ontario Veterinary College Research Station, University of Guelph). At Stone Lodge, Guelph, Monday, May 29, 1995, William Turner, in his 83rd year, of Guelph. Beloved husband of the late Hazel V.M. Turner (Aug. '94). Loved father of Ron Turner and dear friend Veronica Mailhot of Guelph and Brenda and husband Jim McIntosh of Seaforth. Loving grandfather of Ross McIntosh and Carol and husband Bob Leeming, all of Seaforth. Great grandfather of Jessie Leeming. Dear brother of Maurice Turner of St. Catharines, Richard Turner of Guelph, and Joe Turner of Owen Sound. Predeceased by brothers Charles and John, and a sister, Mary. Friends wore received at the Wall- Custance Funeral Home & Chapel, 206 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Wednesday, May 31, 1995 (1:30- 2:30 p.m.) followed by the funeral service in the chapel, at 2:30 p.m. with Major Max Sturge officiating. Interment Memory Gardens, Breslau. (Reception followed in The Wall-Custance Family Reception Centre). Memorial contributions to the charity of one's choice would be appreciated. A tree will be planted in memory of William Turner in the Wall- Custance Memorial Forest, University of Guelph, Arboretum. Dedication service Sunday, September 24, 1995 at 2:30 p.m. 42-23-1 • (43. BIRTHS r HANSEN 'Kylie' has finally come out to play. Born Monday, May 29th at the Heimpel residence of Port Edwards weighing 1.50 lbs. Proud adoptive family of this bouncing ball of fluff are Alex, Anita, Christopher and half brother Kuma. Spoiling privileges go to all the dog lovers we happen to meet along our way. (Except Grace). 43-23x1c "1 lir I. 111? PicKgi r •• • 46. IN MEMORIAM - • SCARROW: In loving memory of a nephew and cousin, Robin, who passed away one year ago, June 7, 1994. Little did we know, when we woke that morning, The sorrow that day would bring. The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell, Or for us to say goodbye, You were gone before we realized And only God knows why. If tears could build a stairway, And memories could build a lane, We would walk all the way to Heaven, And bring you home again. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name. All we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. It broke our hearts to lose you Robin, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Your resting place we visit, And place flowers there with care, But no one knows the heartache As we turn and leave you there. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our silent tears still flow, For what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Miss you dearly, Aunt Carol, Kevin, Jeff and Brad. 46-23x1 ELGIE: In loving memory of my parents Robert and Violet Elgie 1961 and 1992 and sister E. Frances McKnight 1994. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neithor shall there be anymore pain - Revelation 21:4. Ever remembered and sadly missed by Eleanor Fisher, husband Gerald and family of Kitchener, and by Don McKnight and family of Cambridge. 46-23x1 HIUSSER: In loving memory of a dear wife Leona who passed away June 8, 1994. I lost my life companion, A life linked with my own, And day by day I think of you, As I walk through life alone. The home you left is lonely now, And I am lonely too. Those left behind are good and kind, But no one replaces you, To your resting place I visit And place the flowers with care, But no one knows the heartache, When I turn and leave you there. Sadly missed, lovingly remembered by husband Hartman. 46-23x1 -} Communi WED., JUNE 7 146. IN MEMORIAM HIUSSER: In loving memory of our dear mother, Leona who passed away one year ago, June 8, 1994. You never said goodbye to us, You never saw our tears, But you left us loving memories, We'll chorish through the years We think of you In silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in our frames, Our hearts still ache with sadness, And many tears will flow, For what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Lovingly remembered by your family. 46-23x1 SCARROW: In loving memory of a dear son, Robin, who passed away one year ago, June 7, 1994. God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still, His memory is as dear today, As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him, When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend, That grief can call its own.. Always loved and sadly missed by Mom, Dad and brother Jason. 46-23-1 147. CARDS OF THANKS DALE We the family of Stewart Dale wish to express our thanks to everyone for their kindness during the past two months. To the ambulance personnel, Clinton Public Hospital emergency and nursing staff, Dr. Harte, Dr. Wenske and Dr. Salsbury for their care. To the Legion Ladies for the luncheon after the service. Special thanks to Ronald Hopper for words of sympathy and prayers of encouragement and to Beattie - Falconer Funeral Home for their services. Our appreciation and thanks to all those who remembered us at both Nelson and Stewart's passing with cards, donations, food, flowers and comforting telephone calls. Hattie 47-23x 1 cc TORONTO DOMINION BANK The Manager and staff of The Toronto Dominion Bank wish to thank everyone who donated to the Children's Hospital of Western Ontario through our Hot Dog Day. Through your help, we raised $812.00 for the hospital. Special thanks to Steve and Barb Delchiaro from Seaforth Food Market, Huron Ice and Paper Products and the Seaforth Creamery for their generous support. 47-23-1 ty Calendar � 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard - at the Arena 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Boys' Fastball at the High School North Diamond 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Boys' Fastball at the Optimist Park 7:00-10:00 p.m. - Dance for Heart at the Arena 7:00 p.m. - Seaforth Youth Motorsports Club at 172 Isabella Street 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Coops Fastball Game at the Lions Park 8:00-10:00 p.m. - Men's Roller Hockey at the Arena THURS., JUNE 8 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness Is Fun at the Arena 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mites Boys' Fastball at the High School North Diamond 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pee Wee Boys' Fastball at the Optimist Park 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Bantam Girls Fastball at the Lions Park 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Jr. Roller Hockey - Rangers vs Black Hawks 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Jr. Roller Hockey - Penguins vs. Leafs 8:30-9:30 p.m. - Sr. Roller Hockey - Bruins vs Nordiques 9:30-10:30 p.m. - Sr. Roller Hockey - Red Wings vs. Flyers 9:30-11:30 p.m. - Eagles Slo-Pitch at the Optimist Park FRI., JUNE 9 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mite Boys' Fastball at the Lions Park 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pee Wee Girls' Fastball at the High School North Diamond 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Bantam Boys' Fastball at the Optimist Park 7:00-8:30 p.m. - Mite Boys' Fastball at the High School South Diamond 8:30-10:00 p.m. - Bantam Girls' Fastball at the Lions Park SAT. , JUNE 10 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. - Swimming Lessons Registration at the Lions Park Pavilion SUN., JUNE 11 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Men's SIo Pitch at Optimist and Lions Park MON., JUNE 12 2:00-3:00 p.m. - Coffee Hour at the Children's Co-op Centre 6:00-9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arena 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pee Wee Boys' Fastball at the High School North Diamond 7:00-9:30 p.m. - Sign Language at the Arena 7:30-10:30 p.m. - Bingo at the Arena - Hall opens at 6:30 p.m. 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Men's Slo-Pitch at the Optimist and Uons Park TUES., JUNE 13 9:00-11:30 a.m. - Play group at Northside United Church 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Aerobics with Drusilla at the Arena 10:00-11:00 a.m. - Line Dancing with Drusilla at the Arena 1:30 p.m. - Seaforth Women's Institute meeting at the home of Gladys Doig. Guest speaker. 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Midget Girls' Game at the High School North Diamond 6:30 p.m. - Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary June Dinner at Seaforth Legion 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Dog Obedience at the Arena 7:00-8:30 p.m. - Ladies' Rec League at the Lions Park 8:00-10:15 p.m. - Harmony HI -Utes practice at the Public School 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Men's Slo Pitch at the Optimist Park WED., JUNE 14 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:30 p.m. - Seaforth and District Horticultural Society Meeting and Garden Tour at Mar•Tina's Perennial Gardens. Car pool at Northside United Church Everyone welcome. 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Boys' Fastball at the Optimrst Park 7:00 p.m. - Se'aforth Youth Motorsports Club at 172 Isabella St. 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Step Training at the Arena 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Coops Fastball game at the Lions Park 800-9:00 p.m. - Aerobics with Drusilla at the Arena 8:00.10:00 p.m. Men's Roller Hockey at the Arena THURS., JUNE 15 12:00 noon - Seaforth Dining Out program for seniors at Seaforth District Community Centres If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 VVO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community r Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor.