HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 47Ker Book '95 --Page 15 Policy Statements for Children's Sports 11. al ant tnnr. fou arc concerned that a sports program. in the community oi in school. is not in the hest Interest of your child s sportsell. you should ask to sec policies that team oi league hate established. It there are no policies, you may want to encourage the administrators to develop some. You may tind the billow tug examples ot child -centre policy statements useful. Similar pellicles hate recently been des eloped by the Australian Sports (commission. they are currently being implemented by community sports organizations throughout Australia. All children should: Has fun Br developing fundamental skills. Participate at a level commensurate with th,ir maturity and ahlltis. Play according to rules and values appropriate to their developmental les el. Have skilled and qualified leadership. Have Ixlsitiye experiences. Develop feelings of competence. Feel affiliated with the program. Be intrinsically motivated. Play in it sate efts ironftent. Receive p ositrse reinforcement tor self-improsrnlent. Coaches should: Be quabllcd. Promote the tun aspects ot spurt. Cater to deselopnuntal differences 01 participants. Prosaic equal encouragement to buys and girls 10 participate. acquire skills, and des elop silt -confidence. Ensure that the .poutang env ronment is Ileo Isom all forms of harassment and abuse Recognize and cater Io those with special needs. prepare and conduct sessions based on sound coaching principles. . Set realistic galls and objectives for the participants. Involve participants in the process ot setting goals and ohjec its es. Emphasize railer more than outcome. Pros idle sate plan ing conditions. Set an example 01 good sporting helm` lour. Administrators should: Be qualified. Develop a Iolsitrse sport ens ronmenl by allow Ing for the special nerds ill children. by emphasizing cnjos ment.:nnd by encouraging and complimenting all participants on their ellorts. Ensure that the sporting ensirunment is tree trout all tants of harassment and abuse. ensure -that all children are prutKlett with equal opportunities 101 utccesstul spouts participation. Ensure Ilial rules. equipment. lacilities. training schedules. and contpeutions meet the des elopmental needs of the partici- pants. Insure that adequate supers iston is pros ides by coaches and officials who arc competent and capable of developing appropri- ate spurts behas 11tH Officials should: 13e qualified. Be eonsistenl. courteous and helpful to all participants !Understand officiating principles relative to the growth and development ot children Modify anti simplits rules and regulation to match the skill and developmental les el of the participants. Ensure that the sporting ens irunmrnt is free from all tornts of harassment and abuse. keep tip -to -date with officiating developments. Set an example of good sporting beh:n lour. ('ommunits sport organizations should: Ensure that coaches. administrators. and officials are quali1ird. Pro rile ac ess to quality coach resources. Pri1t ide a supporta e ens irunmrnt•Inc coaches. I•Iliotliage coaching ally Illtldels t1t1111 .IItttR:11i glttltps.ilial! as 0oillen and aboriginal. l.ncuura,e coaches to he excellent role models. Pros ide regular updates on rule changes. training methods and satety issues. . ['Astir(' that the sporting ens ronment is tree from all dorms of harassment and abuse. If you are concerned about a sport program challenge the organization Programs should be governed by child -centre policies. It sport leaders can structure programs to build stilt -esteem. plans children 55111 ices good about their w hole self as they approach adolescence and moss uu Into adulthood. Similar Io the toundation engineer o1 a building development. you are -the most important member ot the foundation building team for sour child- loin Moils will has a tremendous impact on your child's deselopnunt. The foundation building process begins at hunk. "10 make It easier for sou to encourage your child to develop motor skills. fifty skill challenges have been developed hs an ell. named Spoitsl.lt. ssho recently completed the Sportabilits program.