HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-5, Page 8"HE EXETE1 TJ ES.ADVOCA cE ire not so easy to pick up these days therefore you owe it to yourself to study our money saving sale prices listed below Ladies' Coats at $1*95 and $19.85 Ladies' and Misses' winter Coats, this season's best styles, all good warm coats, many with fur collars. An colors including black and sizes up to 44. Coats that sold up to $25,00 an sale at 14,95. Coats that sold up to $35.00 on sale at $19.85. Silk and‘Cotton. Spools, 4 four 25c. 88c. Ginghams for 29c yd. 30c. print for 21c: yard Remnants of Silks, Serges, Prints, Flannelettes, at about half price Reg. 35c. duality flowered & figured Chintz -36 -in wide for 28c yd. $2 all wool dress flannels & hcmespuus-54-in. wide for $L49 yd. Dress serges, extra width, all wool, reg, to $2.25 for 85e. yard. Reg. 25e factory cotton, fine weave, good weight for 19c. yard, $1.50 Housedresses,small medium and large sizes now 98c. Yard wide Flannelettes, reg. 25c to 30e quality for 19c. yard. $3 Ladies' and Girl's all wool pullover sweaters for $1.49. Reg. 25c. quality roller and tea towelling, 2 yards for 35c. Bargains for Men and BQ►ys Boy's 'winter weight pullover sweaters, all sixes to 34 for $1.29: $2 and $2.25 Men's caps with or without ear -bands, now $1.49 $4,00 Men's odd pants, heavy tweed, 'sizes to 46 for $2.98. .50 Men's en's f ancy checl, all wool sweater coats for $4.95. Regular 50c. quality all wool sox for 39c a pair, $1.50 Men's fine print shirts to clear at 98c. Men's $35 overcoats for $24.95 Men's $25 overcoats for $17.95 Several good overcoats $14.95 Boy's overcoats $5 to $10.00 Men's Men's Men's Boy's $40 suits for $29.85 $25 suits for $18.95 suits as low as $12.95 suits $5.00 to $10:00 $26.95 Dinner Sets $26.95 • These are full 97 piece dinner sets of very best quality semi - porcelain. 3 pretty patterns to choose from including white and gold. See these they are a real bargain at $26.95. $1.00 Salad Bowls special at 49c. ?4 doz. odd white cops. for ....• 49c Read This List .. Real GroceryBargains Kellogg Corn Flakes 3 for 29c Special Coffee 39c Ib. Shredded Wheat 2 for .. 25c Choice Dairy Butter : 36c ib. Tasty yellow cheese .... 25c ib. 3 Patin Olive soap for .... 23c 3 pkgs. Ammonia powder 24c l0c toilet soaps 3 for ..., 23c 7 big cakes Castile soap .... 25c 2 lb. seedless raisins for ,23c Special mixed tea ......., 59c ib. 2 ib. choice dates for 23c 8 bars of any Laundry Soap for 49c Royal Yeast Cakes ... 5c pkg. 3 brcLaren.'s Jelly Powders 23c , 2 large tins pink salmon 29c 2 small tins pink salmon 19e 2 large tins red salmon 49c 6 rolls toilet paper for.... 25c Domestic sardines 4 tins 25c 2 pits. seeded .raisins for 25c 3 bottles of extracts for.... 25c acro i light brooms ......,. 49c Lux Lux - Lux 11c 2 Ib. ginger snaps for .... 23c 1 lb. crispy soda biscuits 15c Special cocoa 2 lb. for .... 25c 3 boxes of matches for 29c 2 Ib. choicefigs for 25c 2 ib. fancy prunes for ,25c 3 ib. good rice for 25c Sweet Florida oranges 3.9c doz. 2 pkgs. Bran Flakes for 25c J. A. Stewart 1 1 Exeter t r Markets Market report --:The following la the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wedneadar`, Wheat $L80; Oats, .60c. r' Barley, -00c Maxaitoba Flour, $5.80," Pastry Flour, $5,5.0. Model, Flour,, $5.,50, Family Flour, $6.00. Feed Flour, $2.50. Bran $1,80. Shorts, $1.90.. Butter 35c. Creamery Butter 41c Eggs, extras, 50e. Eggs, firsts, 400. seconds Eggs, , 30. Lard 20c Hogs, thick smooth, $10.50. Hogs, selects; °$'I -1,G5. ' 44.4)** 4..4460•46•1►.IP.9.. e.t. LOCAL tt •"ire*tka * NOTICE For "One Week" we will put on Special Sale. Fancy Goods and Towels, also ceiling out 'all China and Glassware, 'A call solicited. MRS. W. D. YQE, Mr.: and Mrs, A. E. Andrews vis- ited in Clinton over the week end. "Mr. M, C. Milliken spent the. week end at Exeter." Zurich Herald. Miss Olive Prior of London, visit with friends in town over the week end. Mrs. J. T. Wood, who has been indisposed at her home, is improv- ing nicely. Miss Florence -Vincent of Loudon, visited at her home for a few days last ,week. Mrs, John Hind visited her sister, Mrs. Sidney Clark in London. part of last week. Mr. E. A. Graham of: Beechville, is the acting baggage master at the Exeter depot. .Miss Rachael Nixon of Denfield is visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell. • Mrs. Ransom of Toronto is here owing tealthe illness of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Bissett. Mrs. William Walker is in London visiting her son Ed. and daughters Jean and Mildred. Miss Mattie Handford returned to. Toronto Saturday after visiting. her father, Mr. James Handford. • Miss Mabel Wineggarde left Wed- nesday morning to spend a few weeks with her brother in Parkhill. Mr. W. G. Medd was in Toronto on. Wednesday meeting with the offi- cials of the Dept. of Agriculture. The. Federal Parliament opens on Thursday, February 5th and the Pro- vincial Legislature opens Tuesday, February 10th. Messrs: Truman Elliott and Wel- lington Johns have' dissolved part- nership, the business being taken over by Mr. Elliott. By grading the hogs at the Exeter station I. Armstrong & Son paid out in January $242 more than they otherwise would. Mr. J. G. Stanbury attended the meeting of the Huron County Council last week in the interests of the Board of Education. • Stock- Taking Bargains in Furniture Our furniture is the Come in and look it over. gains. very newest that can be had anywhere. We have some great stock -taking bar- Lowest Prices LateSt`' DeslgiIS Best Service M. E. Garthner & Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Night Service • OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 747; Night call 74W .�•e+ysaSY�ns'ss...i.�..s`SiF�� �lif .. .Gw�w��'��fo ..`�' �-•:i+T/ /�j��`�•-�a\'!�;'r�.i�R^ i��. •�- y/y.. ' Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store •f Take Advantage of Duli Time Prices WE ARE NOW OFFERING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ()UR MADE - TO - MEASURE CLOTH- ING. IF YOU ARE THINKING Or PURCHASING A NEW SUIT NOW TS THE TIME AS OUR SPECIAL OFFER MEANS A BIG SAVING T<0 YOU. ANYONE WITH CLOTH OF THEIR OWN WILL DO WELL TO t4AVE IT MAD11 UP DURING THESLACK S EASON sl s, aa� ll.•R � Reduction in aea' � d. Nlad+e Suits and J Overcoats Buying Now We, Can Save 0 . Money v 1�� � A than Tailor and Gelats' Outfitter :ter Mr. Gordon Treuethick of Vermil- lion, Alberta, visited last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Moses'Amy and other relatives and friends in Exeter.. Messrs. W.' W. Taman, S. Sweet and G. Snell were called to Goderich Tuesday to act as jurymen, the form- er on the Grand jury and the last two the Petit jury. A very pleasant evening was spent by the members of the Coven Pres- byterian Young People's Guild when they had a sleighing party on Mon- day evening. After the drive re- freshments were served at the church. "Rev M. J. Wilson, pastor of Wes- ley Methodist church,has handed in his resignation to the •quarterly of- ficial board, to take effect June 1st. next. The Board gave Mr. Wilson a glowing recommendation as to his work as pastor here during the past two years."-Amherstburg Echo. A men's meeting was held in James St. church on Wednesday ev- ening of last week and.a very profit- able and sociable time was spent. An impromptu debate .was held as to whether the world is getting better or worse. A short program was given followed by refreshments. Mr. Leonard Hoist, who recently purchased the butcher business of Kirk Bros. took possession on Mon- day. Mr. Hoist, who is a son of Mr. Ezra Haist of Stephen, has been en- gaged n e i ga g d n the butcher business in De- troit for the , past 'year. Mr. Dave Kirk is contemplating moving to Cobalt torun a butcher business. Mr. Reg. Knight and Mr. Ardagh , Roll: swh . Rollins, o recently exchanged properties, Mr. Rollins getting Mr. Knight's residence in Exeter and Mr. 'Knight getting Mr. Rollins' farm on the London Road, South, are this week making the exchange. We un- derstand Mr. Knight will continue with Jones & May until thespring opens up. Mrs. Chas, Birney while walking down town 'on Saturday night liad the misfortune of failing on the slippery sidewalk near Mr. G. A. Hawkins hardware store and. break- lug her right wrist, .The rinjured member was immediately dressed by a surgeon, but it is•a very painful" injury and it :will be several weeks before she will have the u'se of the Mrs. George Easterbrook, Huron St, this week received a beautiful bunch of orange blossonis' also a bunch of twigs thickly clustered with oranges about half grown. The fragrance of the Flowers could be. anielt all Over the house, They were grown at the';, bonne of Mrs, C. E. Fink, 1890 Euclid .Ave., South Pas- cadena, California, who Was a toren- J erUreter lady, nee Mies Olive West o -"t, daughter of 3. T. W estcatt Of' lIamiitan. .0404 CAri?EuN i""Rl!18xtY'111011AN' c (Bali .liter. domes 1'oote,, B,.., Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday Sohoel and Bible; Class, 11Glory at God as seen in the. Face of Jesus Christ," The MUrieter 7 p.m.„, --"Municipal Selfishness." 'ile Minister JAKES STREET >t ZT110i0MS"1 CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, 13. •A., Pastor' W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Chgir.Leader 10:1'8 -Morning Class: 11.00 a.m.-Father and -Son Service, •Subject: "The Father's.: Business" 3:00 p.m, -Sunday Sehao1 and Bible Classes.; "Why , I sin a Protestant , . Christian" 'Everybody ;Welcome. Trivia Memorial, Church Rev, A. A, Tramper, L. Th., Rector. 11 a,xu,="An Age -Long Quest." 7 p.m. -"Measuring Madness."" Len's Meat Market NOW OPEN FOR. BUSINESS Finest Quality Fresh and Cured Meats Home -Made Pork Sausage' a Specialty Prices Reasonable • All Orders Phone 38 " Promptly Delivered HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Arrangements. are progressing for the, High School annual Commence- ment which will be held in the Opera House on Friday evening, February 13th. The medals andsch- olarships, as well as the'department diplomas' will be presented and a splendid program under the leader- ship of Mr. Goulding will be given. FOUND -In Exeter a Duofold Fountain Pen. Owner may have same by proving property and -pay- ing for advt. Apply Times -Advo- cate Office. PIANO TUNING- Mr. Stein, of London, is in town. Anyone wishing their piano tuned phone 161. Mrs. Gambrill, music teacher, highly re- commends Mr. Stein. At th'e request of. Mr. David. Hoax table, of Elmira, Mich, the Times - Advocate sent him several • copies and in subscribing for the paper he says: "I received the copies you sent me and I see there are some old- timers there yet. I was born and raised at Devon Corners south of town- and my school mate was Frank Coates, Treasurer of, Usborne Twp. I believe your merchant, Mr. Jones, was my teacher. I left there 40 years ago. Mr. R. Dyer Hurdon of Buffalo, N. Y., an Exeter Old Boy, (son of the late N. Dyer Hurdon, a former Molsons Bank Manager here, and father of 'all sports in. his day) who, after his education, was among the young men to go out into the world • to brighten his" prospects and who, by the way, has made good, in .writ- ing- to Mr. C. H. Sanders, with his remittance for subscription to . -the Advocate, in ` part' says: Dear Mr. Sanders: • I learned with regret that the "Advocate"' had, ceased as an indiv- idual publication, -it seemed like a last link breaking in the old chain that held my thoughts to Exeter. Truly. "the old order changeth" and new spheres of influence encir- cle us as, time and place vary, but many pleasant memory have I: of my boyhood days, and of the generation I kof them, e then. Youone knew were I can visualize to -day the political posters high up on the south wall of the office,-- "John Bull," "Uncle Sam," and the "Tariff:: and. others whose sentiment I could not then grasp,+ and whose characters time has erased.' Well, so much - for retrospection. My thanks again for yourlong-suf-.; fering patience and well -wishes to you and ,yours, and hope Some day to seethe glint of your eye and feel the shake of your hand, if you will. do me that honor. Very sincerely yours • ^, R. Dyer-Hurdon Roofing, Cedar Posts and Lumber If yon are going to require roof- ing of any kind call and lot us quote' you. This will ale to your advan- tage. Farmers; what about : your Cedar Poets? We have their . in stock. Prices' will be higher in April. Our prices in all lines of. materials are right and will interest; you. Ross -Taylor C EXETER CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE 'C0 I+'IT `YOtt AND YOUR <POCX ET WOIt•IR, CALLED FOR AND DE- LTVEltED. ttwTtt ;lsl�ttl�l IlLLI4TT T"nv sDA.3;`, FEButrial t' 15111, *02* 110lIIIil4ILlllllill.0llsollfil VIII Illll II I II II I t�� I M. I,1 M a ��(IIIIIINIII�IIN�IIIII�IIIIIIIIINI�Imoll IIIllpo mI oolloollrNll�gllll�l envoi e 'eb�ru rBargoiAS =. Mani MIMS 111.0111 MIMS NO▪ ME IMMO IMMO 4..11▪ 11 IMMO WINES M▪ I▪ NIM IM▪ MO M▪ EMO OR▪ ONO amnia Stanfield's All Wool.n I� derwear You can't beat this wellknown make for warmth, a h wear and washing qualities, Red Label Shirts and Drawers $2.15; Blue Label $2.35 Large Size Flannellette Blankets A 'limited quantity of large_ size Flannelette Blankets. White with Blue Borders $2,60 -pair. Sit & Wool Ladies' otHose In light shades. Sold regular for $L50. They will, only last for a few days at per pair 75c. NEW WALL PAPERS It is a good time to select your new Wall Papers and have them put on before the paper hangers get too busy. We are showing a won- derful range this spring. All our papers are 22 inches wide. LET US SHOW YOU THE NEW PATTFIRNS, Mens Fine Shirts $1.89 men's Tweed Pants 12 dozen Men's Fine -Shirts. Ar- row make. Sizes 14 to 16%. Shirts worth from $2.25 to $3.00. Lay in your summers supply. $1.89 or 2 for $3.75 1.8 pairs of Men's Tweed Pants of great wearing quality. Regular $5 Value, at per pair $3.50. outhcott Bros:. moral 1111,11IIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIilNililh111111IIIIIINIIi 11111111111IINN111111111111111111I111111 1iI ffilIMINIIII 1111ll111111 IIMINSIM r L R. CARLING B.A. "IN TtIE PUBLIC EYE ,i3y0(14Azilasiz4zei REPAIRS We are now prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send thele to London or elsewhere. -HEAVY, SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENS $1.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward • CHIROPRACTOR & 'OPTICIAN - MAIN dT. EXETER, ONT. PHONE • 70 COAL.: -COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 13. J. CHI2IS:Tue OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns' Great Bargains in Furniture• ri du ng the nett two c months R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W PHONE 20J J. L. LEWIS Seel•.l•g•,i.++•II••l••ir++•l••1••i••1••l•++4•44•144el. CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED EXETER ONTARIO PPowell'sBazaar {Plain Price Store It„ is surprising to hear the re- marks people make about that famous Cold Remedy NAMELESS. One lady said on Saturday "if is wasn't for NAMELESS,I couldn't be here to -day." said she always kept. it on;- hand as a quick relief for Colds, etc. It is mighty good busi- ness for anyone to carry a bottle of NAMELESS in the pocket or purse, and be at all times prepared for slight -colds, drafts and so on, which sooner or later develop into hope- less illness. As many "a mother' has taught "a stitch. in time saves nine." ` So it is with NAMELESS, a' little rubbed up each nostril sev- eral time a day will help you keep well. It . is _pleasant to taste and smell, and. easy on the purse. Pocket size 25c. postpaid k28c. • FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS New shipment of Granite kettles, at 2& 30c, 40. Come expecting g bargains. ACREAGE WANTED We are open t� take contracts for 150 acres of peas, for seed purposes. For further particulars apply to the Exeter Canning; Co. 0 FARM HELP WANTED. Farmers requiring °help for the Spring season or year 1925 are re- quested to apply at Once • to H. A, Maedonell Director of Colonizationzation and Immigration, Parliament Duild- ings, Toronto, Ontario, or to the Agrieultural Representative -of the County in which they reside. Applicants should state whether they require experienced, partly ex- perienced or inexperieneed single Dien, or experienced married ' mien, length of time services' will be, re- quired and rate of wages. Applications will be ':filled as far us possible in the order in which they are received ---preference given Yearly ,engagements. By atithority of the Honorable John S. Martin, Minister of Agricul- ture.. -; a.1a ,i, i4. sCfaras4,i ; Nothing but the best parts that money will buy go into our sets. That accounts for .the superiority of their Performance and refinement of tone. This with very reasonable price, gives us satisfied customers. Call and be convinced. GRANT SANDERS JAMES ST. "'. EXETER +44+44.1•4•44•1.4.444444+++.144.44.4. W. R .Goauldin.:.. g A'T.C.M. Organist and. .• Choirmaster James. St. Methodist Church. • - Teacher ot.. Piano, ,Vocal and The- ory,Instructor ofMusic s In the Public. Schools. TERMS MODERATE BOY 57, Exeter. Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE , DGE 3c. DOUBLE EDGE 4c, Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE,Druggist ggist :' l • � odfor Sale A QUANTITY ,OF "D:R:Y WOOD: FOB, SALE . H. A J Bagshaw TRY (7S Phone 68W" M Cochrane acuxne- Works Ford motors,' reground, fitted wit: Pistons, Complete $'16.00 Every. :make of Ca,r Motor and l;sngleea "re, ground with Pistons Oen) Otte to fit, also Tractors, Barrister, • Solicitor, &c., Loans, .Investments, Insurance, Office; Carling Block. Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Ai Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to .X.oan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge. ' Exeter London Hensen ERNEST ELLIOT 'CONVEYANCER, ETC. • HIGH CLASS INVESTMEEN.TS (Trustee Investments) - Bearing interest at . 53f per cent. INSURANCE Office: Main St. Exeter, Ont.'' G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal Collage' e0 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Hatm versity of Toronto. Late District ,Dental Officer, tary District Number .pie, Leadoff Ont., Main: Office, Main St. Exeter, Oji, Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 ase. to 5.30pan. Office hours at •ZURICH ONT., Tana only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'c,1ock pan. Phone ' 79. DR. G. F. ,ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. It. Carling's Law office. Closed every Wednesda afternoon. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., Honor Graduate of Taranto Univer- sity DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury'a office, Main Street Exeter. • Dr. H. G. Fletcher,L.M.C.C. Member ' of the College of Phi sicia ns and Surgeons of • .g Ontario. Office opposite RoWe'e Nurnitue Ettore, Main Street. Phone 166 Deter • ,K A. Po. l''ENNAZIT Veterinary Snrieoa Office -•McDonnell: a dalei, .euti1ee Joh* St. Phone calls receive' piranyf .; attention, 'Phone 26w JAMES, S W ..'VVA7'a01l. LICENSER A TCTIONEErt bales conducted in any locality: Farm Stock sales a spoeialty.. Satis- faction atinfaction guaranteed, Charges mod. .. erate. Orders loft at this office win - , be 'promptly attended to, R.R. No. 1, 1•irkton, krone IKirkton 54r3:. Z?ARMS ?OR l8ALio---.D.. eW eh• io tarps lit the. T'o ,wnshipe . f of Uebor e t'nat, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and Well located as to xuar» /tete. Priced right. Apply to Tilos., da1n,orof, 4uct. Bo* 164N is1xeters