HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-5, Page 7storY. For every mother that dies in
chlidbirth, probably five, perhaps ten,
are 'never so well and strong again,
if they are not properly cared for
when the baby 'conies. If they are
properly cared for they will be as well
or better than ever before in their
lives. -
How shall We make Canada safe for
the mother? There are two 'chief
itTISW033 to ' that question. First:Give
• .
every Canadian - mother the proper
medical and ntlessing care. Dr -J.
S. McCullough; Chief Medical Officer
of Health for Ontario, at the meeting.
of Easex Medical Society, held at
Windsor, June -10tle 1923, says: "By
years. , . • .. confined to the house all of the time lowing the birds to lie ,M the direct Iead' lidt an answering word tusay,
The outstti' ndine Points brought out Filth accumulates' rapidly and non- rays of the sen By direct". rays We neer silence thunderedtheirreply.
4fi. the tables published In the report, tamsnation, once started, spreads with mean, not thoge -which have -been fil- They gave their lives away."
he Sunday School
e co,
Palpitation and Fluttering 0 th
Heart, Weak and Irregular Pnise,
Smothering and Sinking Spells,
Dizzy and Faint Spells, Ner-
vousness and Sleeplessness,
Shortness of Breath, etc.
For sale by all druggist's and dealers.
Put up only by Th p T. Milburn 'tee
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
The Manuring of Farm Crops.
Although everyone who attempts
to farm lmows that manure has value,
many do not fully realize the extent
to which the manure when properly
saved and applied increases the farm
incoine, During the past twelve years
coMpansone have been made between
barnyard marture and commercial fer-
tilizers at the Central Experimental
Farm at Ottawa. Me. E. S. Hopkins,
Dominion Field Husbandman, in his
report for 1923, which is now being
dietributed by the Publicatione Branch
of the Department, states that the
coleparisons were made on a four-year
rotation, which included mangels,
oats, clover hay and timothy hay.
Farm manure was applied to the
rnangel crop at the rate of 15 tons per
acre Commercial fertilizers were ap-
plied on -another portion of the land
under experiment in the followingl
manner: The mangel ground received
a dressing of 100 pounds of „nitrate
of soda, 300 pounds of superphosphate a preventive against digestive trouble.
I '
ithe colt's life 4- thecss the colt weighs
CARP, FOR TI -IE COLT TO MAKE milker thi$ may 1)-e poetpolied till six
or oven seven months, If the foie has
been feeding well, the weeping is A'
eimple,rnattee, better results, heing se-;
mired if more than one foal is being
of his 'sire and dam but in the care "arecl, for a group of foals will not
and management of the dam while worry so a° much aa a single They
Pregnant. Strong, healthy foals can hould be given PlentY exercise with
fresh water before them at all times
and good bone and muscle building
food. From three to five pounds of
grain may be ted per day during the
winter months; thia would be corn -
posed ,of two parts oats and one part
bran with a little olleake added. The
grain is best fed mixed with cet tine -
The time to commence the proper
'production 61 a draftsberee le" before'
he is born. Not only in the selection
best he prochteed from healthy m.ass
which are fed nutritious foods end
given plenty of exercise, running' in
fields or paddocks or doing light work.
It is difficult on many farms to find
desirable week for brood mares, par-
ticularly in the winter, but when
spring work commences there is
difficulty, and any mare is better
n° othy aud Glover hay, slightlY -damped.
working,. provided care is exercised This add_e bulk to the ration and Pre
in seeing iht she is not put in slip:, vents the foal bolting his graine and
pery places, not unduly crowded, not asaists digestion as the grain cannot
worked with too short a whiefletree, 4r fAormeewin cieLugthaY (leursap.ostsin, trnheainsgtoereacot
overworked, , Many foals have their
chances. ruined' when their -dams are turnips) should also be provided and
the winter season, ed timothy and clover, or alfalfa, an
PlentY of good quality clean hay, mix -
overfed and under -exercised during
W• o ac a a horse at-
taMs at least half his, weight by the 0
ehotild be given regUlarlY• The colt
time he is A year old, care must uld be kept in a thrifty, active COn-
exerdised to see that he is given the ditiee; a little thin rather then too
best possible chance. Many spring- dfaete.eiolipeids.bsogusitaarinedoujsollyntswinithustthbee
born foals do well for the fleet six.; reit of his body or injury will result.
months of their livee and then owing Ile should have the run a a field or
to Mels of proper attention and feed- paddock in the daytime during favor -
g using he winter months do not
mature to the size they should. I t•I ted and moderately
I able weather and a dry, roomy stall
in a •we -ven a
excellent bone and muscle builder- Salt
Feeding—The leather's milk ahd, warm barn it night.
Pasture geese afford excellent foods to! The colt Ina be helter-brokeu with
• • Y
grain in a low nianger either in the. little labor at this time also in handl-1
at . By feeding the dam a little. lea's diffictfity before weaning and a
barn or on pasture, the foal soon is Ing
found eating concentrates. Then a the colt's feet is well expended.
creep may be erected in a corner of The feet should be picked up occasion -
the Pasture field end the foal will get iaaill.ygeATIrdoulantderannd-Plaevreeld,. cut pawthaeyfrhetl
grain in this manner. He should be toe, keeping the feat wide at the heel
provided with a shelter from heat and and quarters. Do riot cut the bar of
flies and if the mother must be worked, the foot or the frog. A good blis+et
the foal should be kept in a strong
loose hoe or paddock and given a- suck '
applied to a smell young foot will fres
in the middle of each half day. At first ; ecillsi:p"htalYeasstchnaniitliacttelit':ol\avitdh.onTtTleinctieerlek'
the milk should be drawn from the: of the feet, exescise and good common
male, par icularly if she is warm as I s d the fl st year of
ns e ee ing rieg r y
and 75 pounds of muriate of potash
per acre. To each of the other crops
in the ,rotation- there was applied 100
pounds a nitrate of soda to the acre
A third area received farm manure
supplemented with commercial fertil-
izers. The mangel crop received 71/2
tons of manure and one-half the quana
tity of fertilizers which were used in
the aeea that receitre:I commercial fer-
tilizers aloneewhile the Oats •and tyre
hay, crops areas in this rotation each
received 100 patincis of eitrate of soda.
The fourth area did not receive any
manure or commercial fertilizers a vital link in the chain of health dur- light can Come in and sweep over the
Weaning. --If the . mother is a poor 1,100 pounds or More on his first
milker he colt will be better weaned birthday there i$ de chance oC his
at five menthe; while if she is a good' ever making a ton horse.
In other words, poultey litter at all
times- should be coarse, deep, clears
and dry.
Do not forget the value of sunlight,
notonly as a .germ destroyer, ,but as
There is no time of the year when an invigoiator and carrier ,of health
It is more urgent that the healthef'the giving properties to the birds:Be sure
birdsbe maintained than during ,the that the front of the hotise is se ar-
ahort winter days'. Sanitation becomes_ ranged that the direct rays of the sun -
Edison Marshall, who divides his time between big game hunting and
writing novels, is shown witla a bear he killed in the Canadian Rockies and
which he refers to as a small one,
The Next Step
„ Dr. Helen.MacMurchy, Chief of the
Division of Child Welfare Dept of
Health, Ottawa, in making an earnest
plea for adequate provision for the
mother, especially the expectant
mother and the mother with small
children, referred to the loss of 1,236
iriothers in Canada during the year,
largely because of lack of adequate ad-
vice and proper care.
The death rate among infants of
one year is 42 per thousand in New
Zealand, 77 in England and :Wales,
end 100 in Canada. ByNfar the great-
er number of deaths take place before
the baby is a month old. "What does
this mean? Take care of the mother,
Christ's Intercessory Prayer, John 17: 1.26. Golden Text,
Holy Father, keep through th4le.pwn name those whom I
thou hast given" me; that they may Ise On, AS we are.
ANALYSTS. fallen to Satan, and, even thac apoa-
L reeve' OUBRENDERe HIMSELF TO OODi tacy was foretold in Scripture. gee
the rest of the disciples theugh loyal
II. RE IsereacEnes FOR THE etsoinnrs, hsesavisstou s, ea
race thheewuoseirld:keje
eh tzueds,
do not belong to the world, but to God.
V. 15-17. Jesus does not ask, how -
with a great act of prayer in which he ever, that the disciples sholild be re-
commits hiniSelf, the apostles, and the moved from the world, but only that
whspookleenfutotuit'eheChdaisrceihpletos Goofd.tHehgreaast ethneey Ashoou wled sehee hsyavcehdapf,,riOm6, vtehres e e 8143 1,
assurances which, as they wo out to their task is not to geit, but to over -
serve in the world, will be theirs: the come. We may recall here again the
assurance ofChrist'sceoftheabidingoveofGpod,rteh:enee,as-petition of the other prayer: "Lead
is not into temptation, but deliver ee
the assurance of the Spirit's coming, from evil." It is easy to turn one's
What more is left -to do now except to [heck on life, and go into a cloister; it
tchome mpearitdhetr.heirnn thoeatvheenrergeIerec,arteheonf, livsorhiacirdoitassevtegrhettetpneptgatoioodli.figBhutt itnhias
we have Jesus as the great High isaew,,phiaatyJsestuhsatasGksodfonrullaf
yis ,,,i,r4oInloctersty,;
thein, make and keep them holy
through the knowledge of the truth.
INeeeeeeeleic—Of all the types 'of
prayer, this ranks highest. Abraham
yearning over the righteous who may
be found in the wicked .city, Moses
pleading with God on behalf of the
people, Hezelsiah praying for a re-
vival of religion, Nehemiah brooding
INTeonuceroere-The discourse of
Jesus in the upper mem coneludes
Priest of his Church, interceding for
his followers both those :who are al-
ready his and those who shall after-
wa.rds be gathered in. Our lesson to-
day shows how he thought of these
folloivers and what he sought for
them. •
It will be instructive and helpful
while we study the great Interceasory
prayer are am expression of the Sa-
other prayer which Jesus taught
his in child Welfare.
disciples and which. we call the Lord's over a great task and makmg supple.
and she will make Canada safe for
the baby. She will live and not die."
-"We always know that the deaths
from any cause are not half of the
these 1,236 mothers who died n Cana-
PraYer, Three is a very marked re- cation for the future of Ifie race;
do in 1922.
The sum of it all is: Too much work one prayer and the spirit of the other, prayers were for others.
semblance 'between the spirit of the these are types of men of faith whese
—too little help, - , , a Both begin vrith petitions for the hal- There is pathos in the lesson picture
There are many and great voices lowing of God's name." Both lead us g
God's -----------------------
In this world. Influential ki, the sound , up to petitions for the deliverance of farewell. The morrow. will bring its
is "the sound of a voice that is still. Christ's disciples froei. the evil that tragedy, and beyond that the scatter -
of a voice. But the most influential
The voice of silence is the greates,te is in the world. It will help the in g of the flock. Intimate personal
voice of all in the world. teacher of this lesson, therefore; if, in relations are to be severed. Hence -
There was a Khaki Convocation conjunction with the Intercessory forth they will journey without their
Prayer, he will keep -in mind the brief leader. Jesus commits them to the
at but infinitely comprehensive accents' care and guidance of God.
before. It is theeve of a Ion
the Provincial University. of Ontario,
the University of Toronto, in. the first
year of the war. Even thee -examina-
tions had to be hurried out of their
time at the cell to arras and thesenew graduates were in uniform whenOthe
ew prayer are. an expression of the "Sa-
of j"zOsuerrs FsuatRhReErNwDzithischgaimresminrxheTaevaenen.': soiSeumcnh
occur in life. It is a greet day full of
1. imcrp
10. out into a big new world, for his first
V. 1. The opening words of the day at school. Mother watches him
wistfully as he goes off without her.
She will do well to pray with and for
him at such a time. Family worship
has a solemn hush upon the eve of
long separations. "Men must work
and women must weep,"* and mutual
intercession for dear ones, near and
far, is ever in appropriate expression
of vital faith. Those whom we love
may be far from us, over land or sea,
but they are never far from, God.
"Though sundered far, by faith they
president read out their' names and
they came up to receive their degrees.
Pit to fight and ready to die, they went
down. from the Unittersity platform
to go overseas. •
At the next Convocation, the presi-
dent-of...the University, Sir Robert Fah
coner, read to the whole silent as-
serably of Convocation, as they rose' to
hear, the list of the naines of the fall-
en. Some of them graduated„at that
Khaki Convocation.
"They rose in reverence. Yea:
But those who lie
Far on the Flanders field to day
throughout the entire. period of '12 hag this eeason because thebirds are floor of -the house during the day, ah
show that both barnyard manure and great ease arid rapidity. tered through ease, but those rays
commereial fertilizers considerably in-
creased the yields of mangels and hay
but that neither have :increaged very
materially the Yield -Of oats. -With
respect to the results 'with the oats, it
is explained in the, report that the
crop- on the manured land was so
"And us they trusted: We the tree
Midwinter sanitation ahotild involve
herit, ,
thtee operations. BirdS have a high. body temperature.
which reach the birds -direct.- s
- The mifinished task for which
Firsteedo not forget the importance far the most valuable asset of any
. They give off in' peoeeesoferespira- couptry, particularly' of a. young court- . lives were spent.
Clean your droppings boards at 'least- and thefinust have mote '0:6r gen than it hild - Yet it is a' - is ei •
k in -
of removing the droppings frequently. tion large quantities of carbon dioxide
• try like ours, is the consereation o
f But leaving us a portion of their spirit
nes,' of, we should not think of everlasting- the lime and .phosphate 60 per cent
""-.7 ness, but rather of full, perfect, un- The average increase ire wheat ylelds
view's full and free acceptance of the
"hour" appointed by the Father in
heaven. Jesus had often spoken of
the hour when be must yield his life
in sacrifice, and now when it has come
he prays that God will "glorify" hire;
that ist not only support him, but re-
veal him in the true light of his di-
vine character and mission .on the
Cross. Men have been blind to God's
purpose in the life of Christ. They
had not acknowledged the divine pur-
pose of his; coming. Jesus prays that
his going, his death, may open their
eyes, and make the purpose of God
plain. .
V. 2. What was the divine purpose
expressed in Jesus' life? This, that
he should have "authority over all
flesh," that ie; that he should rulesthe
hurnan heart is Lord, -and bestow
eternal life on all whom God should
Experiments With Lime
The lime phosphite „experiments
now being conducted by the Dept. of
Chemistry of the O.A.C. have given
interesting re's. nits and show- withoe,
doubt that linse may be applied with
give to him. We maY here compare profit for clover on the older soils of
the great words in Matthew 28:18-19:
"All power Is given to me in heaven
and on earth, Go, therefore, and
make disciples of all nations! etc."
V. 3. When "eternal life" is spoken
Ontario, and that acid phosphate may
be used with profit on wheat The
average increase in yield of clover on
the lime plots was 40 per cent., for
twice a week, sprinlsling oyer them
arty other atimal. These -factors eirap- s i, native-nott
each time after cleaning's- verY ineari that theequarters midevin-
relit. th t
cur owe ac rnthact up o e present
T ey.gave t eir witness and
'heavy that it lodged whidhprevented leyer of sand, which driee up the Mots- I , time, while the Government of Canada
ter should be fully 'ventilated.
I -
venting their freezing to the boards. .
moisture in it. .Combs. Will freeze.and
See that the water vessel$'-arafre- birds will suffer . In a moist atmos-
quently rinsed ' and disinfected, I phere, 'even ef it is., but -a few. degrees
Last but not leaet, is the impaeh below the freezing Point; where'ts
ance of keeping the litter on the 'icier
of ,the house in .good sanitary condi-
tion This Will mean during the wine on earth; that is, he has revealed
' rtment the
died content."
restricted life -the life Itonewhich God on the lime phospha,te- plots was in
longer, hidden, but; to which he 1923, .54,Per cents-in.45 per omit.'
proper fillieg. The umhanured crop' tura and at the same time -facilitates Fresh eir, even If cold, is far to be business of evhieh was to look after Do something for the mothers. Listen explains this here, when Ise says that
had for years had a Dena What can we do for our country? stands immediately revealed Jesus • This work has now te ded to
being lig-hter es the straw -stood up the -removal of the droppings by pre- preferred over -warm air which has
the calves, the am s. and the cone, it to the silent voice.s- of theae 1,23t eternal life consists in knowing God three farrns in eaeh of eighteen coun-
ties. The plots„. are one-half acre in
don of the babies of -the eountry. You lives awaY” messenger, as the true ',Messiah. size.
and filled better.
The lesson is drawn froln ,this ex-
periment that in farm practice the ap-
plication of manure or commercial
fertilizersshould go to root crops, or
other intertilled crops, or to hay.
In the matter of profit, the report
shows that the coat of commercial
fertilizers for the four crops in the
rotation was 820.59 per acre, while
the value of the -increased crop over
that token frorn the immanured land
was $50.16 pee acre. Some, experience,
it is pointed out, is needed in oi-der to
get the most profitable results frail
the ese of commercial fertilizers. For
this reason a beginner ehould use it
on a small area at first learning, from
his experience. Beginners are invited'
to write to the Dominion Husbandman
for guidance in the use of commercial
fertilizersfoe the various -kinds of
How times change. We bought a
dictionary when we were married and
all these' years it's kept like new'. But
in the two months that Pa has taken.
up -c-ross word puzzles it has had more
wear than in all the, eighthee years
has given not one cent for the Protee
- Canadian mothers: "They gave their andin acknowledging hienself,,-God's
been ex n
cannot have a healthy babY withOut
healthy parents, and of the two par -
thee will shew no ill effects frona a, ents. the More important is the moth -
temperature around zero, if the atmos-
phere within the house is free fiora
moisture dnd is fresh pure air.
er. Motbers withent number, have
lest their lives as every doctor knows,
because certain Cenditionse in their
pregnancy were not 'appreciated and
they failed to aecure treatment. Many
to do fee the other mothers, The
It is the mothers who can lead Eternal life ie thus a spiritual ex -
to do
perience: it has to do with the quality
of odstence, not with its duration.
Vs. 4-5. Jesus has "glorified" God
ter the occasional removal Of all the
accumulated littei. with its aroppings
and 'dirt and replacing it with clean
The hired man came home from the
coarse -straw. . barber shop ell excited. Hessaid that a woman, has heedache, a Duey face or
' A- goad ru e tofollow replteing
JimRobinson, had eaten. eonse, speeded swoneepaekles'cireoccesional vomiting
the littar: is to change it and . replace oysters and had an awful ease of pan- during pregnancy whieh, if called to
with new whenever any of -tile fellow- tomine poisonieg. - the 'attention of her doctor, would
Ing conditions ,become apparent:
bave received treatment which would
Whenever the litter becomewet
Out of sthe diScussioe of fares prob-
in nine cases out of ten saved them
and soggy and tramped down.. - 1 8 d ti fa rn , thi one thought from -convulsions and. the death of
. em an ie r er s
When thelitter becomes so finelY is benei generally cr*latalized in' the h lf 1i,b b b
ground that it fails to hide the grain.
When the litter becomes heavtly
contaminated with poultry droypingsaround business man,
minds of the public that the farrnee is
and, of necessity znust he an all. should, be the most skilful medical as
and clean lying-in facilities;
for many women die of puerperal
fever. It is, a disgraee to. our intelli-
gence as physicians that they should
(lie of such a malady. In 1882, Due-
la,ux, the great puPil of Pasteur, lost
his wife from this -affection. He wrote
A bare unattractive house brings no up the plant nourishment and shueou a book on Feiments and Maladies,
credit to its occupant. If all homes the sun. If one would plant his whiesh he dediceted to his Wife in the
-fine ornamentals some following WOrds To pee the innocent
were like those oceasionally grounds with see -n both
be,fere. ,The coyers are off and the in -town and country places we vvould eese
Trees- have eh • •
pages getting more worn every day. grounds that ,are. rotarny, but ot'her t t d t 1 th ' h' t
thinning out of old trees may be nec- ly victim of the infinitely' little, I shade
• ' be compelled to hang out heads in the
:place' cite this book. - in which I have at
Pi▪ mples and Boils? ljearance? Few
, countries canboas of b
THEN TAKE as wideaxange of hardy planting ela- [both . trees and smaller ornanientals, husband, and the mother.the new-born..
presence-Of visitor's from other lands. emp e o popu arine eir ory,
Wings cannot prosper when trees may se slight a% it is, serve to hasten
other hande tvhere tree plantieg has lishment of her saered mission will
BAD BLOOD? Why sbould any home with a bit o. monopolize .therityhele space On the a little the dayewherein the accomp-
, 'ground pre -sent a stark uninviting, ap-
een neglected and there is space for no longer cause the wife to fail her
terial, and where can helPful informa-I'some carefully selected varieties child.' The mother must be super -
tion and co-operative assistance mere' should be chosen. Of, these there, are , vised clueing pregnancy. Too many
easily be obtained.? Our e-xPerunentai many kinde not canifnenly grown, that mothers in Canada' are not having that,
farms and agrieultural colleges exist 'wh,ein used give -distinction to the care!, ,
to- discover for -the ditizen reliable in- homa. particularly.when so placed as I Tee second chief answer is: Every -
formation ' on Plants and cultural to screen uti`eightly views. A full I bode help the mother. We need email
methods, and the horticultural so- planting, plan needs to make provision hospitaio, especiaii„ ter inateinity
cities stand reedy at all tunes to hell' for suitable kinds of treee and shrubs cases. We need nursing and Medical
those who desire to improve their and „herhaeemsa perennials as Viten aa, care more readily availble. 'District
home surroundings. • their location according to the else of orguizations and -county organizatione
One has only to attack the. problem the peoperty and the style and posi- of'Oritario Women'e Institutee, send
of beautifying hig place to find anis- ton of the house., . A simple, rather some one to see Dr,)McCullotigh and ask
tance on evety tide, and wheel. once than a complex arrangement is to be him how many mothere died le your
commenced the way- opens for pro- preferred, not only becanse it is loss county In 1922, and how you can help
eeeding with the undertaking. Wile- oxperisive, but as a rule more pleasieg. to save their lives. Strengthen the
thee- it be the platitng of a hedge, a it is now regarded as a mistake to hands of the Chief Provincial IVIetlical
eltimp of Shrubbery, a hardy border, break up the lawn with flower beds or Officer of Health, and tell him what
r a few vines, some thought must be even shrubs. Theee had better occupy the mothers need., You know more
rven 'beforehand, arid this is the sea- positions skirting the walk or emlich about that than eVen he doe. We
on for making the neceSsary plane. iislaing cOrnero or sereeting abrupt need the leadership of the mother, The
'It should be borne in mind that angles of the dwelling. What is known mother has too much to do and too
Shi e is. necessaty foe luxeriattt aS, foundation plaeting has become little help. "We mothers are always
rowth. Ne plant can flouriah in the popular. It is done with IOW shruba tired, eaut elle of them.
hade of huge teees. -Not evert grasS arid viries Mel should be so pieced as "The saddest part 01 11 was that. she
will thrive in soil filled with the roots to eppear. to tic the dtvelling to its did hot Want to, live, she was just
tired out," eald ''?aoi.nebiscly 01 one of
Mrs. Alf. Ourrall it.11, No. I So -
roans, Bask, write:—''About a year
ago, was greatly troubled with
pimples and boils breaking out on me.
I also had a very tired feeling which
tnade mo feel as if I hadn't strength „
enough to do any. work. This was
caused front bad blood arid a general
,run-down conditiox,). '
,After taking three bottles of B.B,14:
I found that all rnyr troubles had dis- s
appeared, and novr atm do ray house- g
hold Work end find it a yoleasore.''
1313 13 le manufactured only by The
Milbue:a „Limited, Toronto, Ont.
of old Weis and other trees that Use Surrounding groueds.
FeeciturritiPe After Milking. ClIX1's true character arid attributes.
He has finished the work which God
Root crops, particularly tuenips, committed to hies, namely, to reconcile
mofitencnaniindiseartreamunfdreosmiradhalieryfleaovworss fetdo men to pod, as far as that can be done
Department of Agriculture has car-
wll.r give the world eome gine' pse of
ibnewhiss life. Nows he prays that, as he
his head in death, the Father
this form of valuable succulence. The
The results in.dieate ther words, Jesus prays that the
taint God before the world lsegan. In
that e4.emial majesty which he enjoyed
ried 011. experiments to determine
methods of avoiding this.
that feeding Cross may convince and convert the
turnips at the rate of fifteen pounds world, by, showing men that he is
one hour before milking produces bad the San of the Father.
flavors and odors in the inilk. In-
creasing this feeding to thirty pounds
causes_ an increased intensity of these
off flavors.
a On the othe.r hand, feeding at the
rate of thirty pounds immediately
after milking has practically no effect
on flavor or ocior of milk or cream.
lievlsing Things.
Japanese women buy their dresses
by...the pound and their bread by. the
CIPLES, 6-17.
V. 6. Jesus on earth has made the
"name" of God plain to the disciples:
that Is, he has given them a new.con-
sciousness and a new experience of
God's holy character and will. So
long as Jesu.e has 'been with them in
the world, they have been quite sure
of God, and have kept his word.
Vs. 7-8. As the result of living in
Jesus' presence, the disciples have con-
fessed that all his deeds and words
have been inspired divinely. They
-have been led to spiritual thoughts
Headachese, boithias to his origin and as to his
msson. Here we have plainly a ref-
Bihos ezer ce back to, what the cesciples said
in Chap. 16, verses 29, 30, But Jesus
knows the perils which their untried
..Are Caused By
' Once' you allow o bowel- t b faith willenemmter when he himself
.7 ltr S 0 O. ::es' ,
For relief -you must help your -liver Co -all -leis mind on the future oe these
t 0 VG: 941, ieerTYph:sts2eftIndhrett 11' 1:era inciErignt sAshttlelli
froxn his thoughts and concentrates
eonie eonstipated You will be troubled
with bihous and sick headaches.
s ,
its propel ,functions by remov- loved ones. They are his awn, special-
ing the bile that is circulating' in the ly given to him by God as the witness -
blood and poisoning the entire system, es of his glory. Their need is veey s
MILBU' great because they are being left gme
RN'S a world which does not aeknowted
them or their Master. The only se
cure confidence tv-hielt Jesus has of
their being held, securely in God's al -
their continuance in faith consists in
' WILL DO THIS F011 YOU Father, keep in thy name, those vvhoin
mighty handeand so he prays. "Hely'
thou hest gieron me." That is keep
Mrs. Annie Putney, 265 Perth ..k.vo., them in that. holy secret of the 'divine
Wineipeg, Man., writes i ---"For yeere , dimisITtp.ileseld;eniLtINITVrhililiethl S/ 11 nlOtiill ntlreceivedg,toeOt I li:G,(Trn°1 1. :
Thet''' A'd thiP11":t4dsafe-keepingof the
X 'WAS troubled with severe billow has been nose Isle while Jesus was on
headaches, but sins() 1 Inveetakee earth. So carefully has he guarded
hyocevire bMcoinlbueroitni,:itilciyea-rLieevredPill.of am; their understandieg in alt Matters
trroatii8b01.8,.I cannot say eziough in theii PAaprtosatia"tel"Jguido6'
as,ad tth'li,saotn °11o1 1' Ytil
ee:I:I:it% ' oii'l
(that iis, one deonted to perdition), has
If the Well Freezes.
It was a tubular well, equipped with
the usual, petcock vent which persisted
in causing trouble in freezing weather.
It was always necessary th dig, down
to it when the ground was frbzen. Fili-
ally a pit was' dug and the sides waH-
ed with concrete. Now, when the vent
refuses to work as it should, it can be
reached without diggi-ng in froze i
ground. This pit also makes a fine
cool place for cream and butter in
the summer time.
The Colds
And Coughs
Of The Children
Quickly Relieved By
Dr. Wood's
, Norway Pine
Only the mothers' know how- hard
it is to keep the children from taking
cold; they will run out of doors not
properly clad, or hair0 on too much
clothing; play too hard and get over- •
Iseatods, and -cool off too suddenly; get
their, feet wet; kiek the bed clothes
off at night, and do a dozen things
the mother 'can't: prevent.
There is nothing so good fin Phil-
dren is celde, coughs, (gimpy -whooping
cough, or broechitis as is De Wood's
Norway Pipe Seim'''. It is so pleasant
to 'the Mato the- youngsters take it
without any fuss end Ile prompt tieSe
offeet'venesy sn looeening the
phlegm and healing the lungs and
brouchiel tellies is suet that the
trouble 'is checked before trey serious
lung trouble can poesibly develop.
Mrs. Everett Ile Itectele RAZ, No. 2,
Fredericton! NB, wri t es 1---d 'Me little
boy, age note years, Imd o dreaded
e.old which left hire with e very had
eough. 1 tried Dr. Wood's NorNvav
Pine Syrep, ana aftee using ibre
bottles he was eompletely relieved. I
Would geese all sziOthors' to use this
tei:edsfortheircNldreetl it
The geneine ie; put up only by The
T. Milli -are Limitt.": Toroeto, Ont.