HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-5, Page 5THE EXET R. TIMES -ADVOCATE
nowolloomummomolloollhogiumolliwinimiiMmilipowiiiimiiiiminisioifiiiiiiiliofiliiinii •
,Are You Dissatisfied? •
Po you want a Better Training to
-rominand, a,Bigger Salary
• Schoolof Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
EXTRA TUITION given because of short
• school day
Stenographic •-- Conimercial --• Secretarial
•Special Courses
Vice Principal Prinelind
• Students May Enter at Any Time.
Hen • sall Tile, Brick1
and Block Yard
Cement, Hydrated Lime
andlHard Wall Plaster
We have been appointed local deal-
er for Gyproc, Wall Board for lien -
a11 and surroimding district. This
Is a fire proof wall board. • Why
build to burn? When in need of
building supplies consult us as we
eau supply all your needs.
•We 3% aVaarE
Phone 7
DR, A. MOIR,* L. M. C.C.
.11.1i?ne .70: **- • HENSALL
, Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
paG11117.niveraity, Montreal; Member
Pt College of Physicians onASurgeons
lit Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Ockuncil of otifiida,;. Pliit Graduate
Member of Resident Medical staff of
general Hospital, Montreal, 191,4-15;
Mica, 1 doors east of Post Mice.
rime 56, liensall, Ontario.
Residence Property
• The. undersigned ,:haVe been .in-
jitracted to sell Lot 261 on the north
• Ode 'of Richmond St., Hensall, the
property of the late Catharine Vic-
toria Smith. Apply to Gladman and
gensall and Exeter.,
. • ,
Monor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
Sion School, Spechil course taken in
Plogistersd Live Stock (-ill 'Breeds)
Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm
Jities,, etc. Rates in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
Oulred; *rite Oscar Klapp, Zurich, or
wire 18-93, Zurich.
litead Office, • Farquhar, Ont.
;President, • JOHN ALLISObt
Vice-P.resident, 4 JAS. McKEINZIE
JOHN ESSEItY, Centraiia, Agent for
• Usberne and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Mtinro, Agent for
Ilibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
• Secretary -Treasurer
Box ,98 Exeter, Ontario. °
• Solicitora, Exeter,
Notice to Creditors..
that all persoae having Claims a-
gainst the eatate of JOHN ICEY$?
late of the ville.ge of Hensel', gent-
leman, who died the 1St day of
Eecember 1924, are required to
foriyard their elaimo, duly proven,
to the undersigned,, on or before
Lhe eth day of rebrtte,rY, 1925,
• GIVEN:, That after this Said date,
the Executors will, preCeed to die -
tribute the estate, having • regard
ante to the elaimo of, Which, they
then shallhave lietice.
Dated at 'teeter, titia Nineteenth
day of Janeary, 1925.
reolicitore for Exeeutore
that all persons having claims a-
gainst the estate of ROBERT MAW-
HINNEY, late a the Village of Exe-
ter, baggage master, who died on the
3rd day of January, 195, are re-
quired to forward their claims, duly
proven to the undersigned, on or be-
fore the 9th day of February, 1925,
GIVEN: That atter this said date,
the Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate, having regard
only to the claims of Which they
then shall have notice. •
Dated at Exeter, this Nineteenth
day of January, 1925,
Solicitors for Execetors
that all persons,. having claims a-
gainst the estate of SAMUEL I. W.
MADGE, late of the Township of Us -
borne, farmer, who died on the 12th
day of November, 1924, are requir-
ed torforward their claims, duly pro-
ven to the undersigned, on or before
*he9%11y O'fat'ebletiarY,1 1023."'
GIVEN: That after this said date,
the Executrix, will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate, haying regard
only to the claims of which she
then shell have, notice., '•
Dated at Exeter,. this Nineteenth,
day t-January, 1925-.
Solicitors for Executrix '
that all persons haying claims a-
gainst the estate of JAMES McGRE-
GOR, late of the Township of Tuck-
ersmith, farmer, •who died on the30
day of November, 1924, . are re-
quired to forward their claims, -duly
proven to the 'undersigned, on or be-
fore ,the 9th day of February; 1925.
GIVEN: That after this, said date,
the Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate, having regard
only to the claims, of, which they
then shall have notice. •
Dated at Exeter, this Nineteenth
O day of January, 1925
Solicitors for,Exemitori
'Mr. Moore, of Seafor 1, vi sited in
town on Monday.
• Mr. Emerson Knipe was in Exeter
Feiday on business.
Mr. B. R. Higgins of Clinton was
in town on Tuesday. -
Mr. Cecil Hudson spent Sunday
with friends in London.
Mr. Chao. 4Forti of Exeter was in
town Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins enter-
tained a few friends on Wednesday.
Miss 1V1innie Reid entertained a
number of Trieude on Mouclay even-
Mr. Geo. Moore of IVIeaford, spent
a few days recently with friends in
1Vliss Ethel Murdock is visiting
with friends in Tonawanda this
• Mr. Robt. Higgins ,visited for a
few days last, week with his brother
in Clinton. `,
• Miss Maagaret. Hobkirk, of Lon-
don," -spent 'a fetir‘days recently' at
her 'home in 'town., -
Mrs. Thos. Simpson -Pleasantly en-
tertained a number of friends on
Friday evening last.
Another old time dance will be
held in the town hall on Friday
evening of this week.
The High School pupils Are hold-
ing a skating party on the rink on
Friday evening of this week.'
Mrs. Bertha Bell who .has been
visiting for the past raonth in Wind-
sor returned home on Friday.
Mrs. Duncan of Harrington visit-
ed over the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Young,
The many friends of Miss M.
Slaven are sorry to learn that she
is confined to her home through ill-
Mae. Scarlet, of near Seaforth,
was a visitor' over the week -end 'with
her daughter, Miss. Grace Scarlet, in
the village.
Mrs. J. Zuefle and Mrs. L. Zuefle
and little daughter recently spent a
few days the guest of Mrs. C. Mason
of Cexitralia.
. Mrs. John Coleman and Miss Rena
of London spent the week the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Coleman and
little daughter of London spent Mon-
day. at the home of ,the former's
grand mother; Mrs..Consitt.
A number of hockey fans from
Hensell and yicinity attended the
Niagara Falls -London match In
London on Monday evening.
The choir of the English church
held a social evening in the basement
of' the church on Tuesday evening
in honor of Mr. and MM. Bradshaw
who are leaving Thursday for British
Columbia. -
*On another page will ,be found a
schedule for a South Huron Hockey
League, in which 'Hensall has en-
tered a team. Hensel' will play
their first league game in Zurich on
Tuesday night next.
While Thos. Cook and Conrad Vol -
land whit returning from the bush
on Thursday afternoon last, their
horse ran away, throwing Mr. Cook
out and breaking his collar bone.
Mr. Volland escaped unhurt.
Misses Gladys Slay and Kathern
Sells visited over the. week -end with
Miss Greta Lammie and assisted the
choir of the Methodist church. These
young ladies, • together with Miss
Lammie, are giving concerts in Dun-
gannon, Brussels and Lucknow this
week. •
Mr. C. W. Bradshaw, • for some
timeeihe genial, accountant in the
Molsons bank liere resigned from
•• offibe on Tuesday and his duties
NOTICE TO CREDITORSwere taken over by Mr. S. L. Fenn-
- ler, of London. We understand that
NOTICE IS • HEREBY GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw and family
that all persons having claims a- are leaving for the west the letter
gainst the estate of ROBERT B. MC -
LEAN, late of the ToWnship of Stan-
ley, fernier, who died on the 8th day
of August, 1924, are requited to for-
ward,their claims, duly proven to
.the undersigned, on or before)the'9th
day of February,. 19•25:•1'
'GIVEN: • That after 'thia said date,,
the Executors will proceed' to' dis-
tribute .the estate, •0 having'- regard
only to the &aims of which they
then shall haVe notice.
Dated at, Exeter,. this Nineteenth
day of January, 1925 •
Solieitors for •Illxecutors
• Notice to Creditors.
that all persona' haying claims a-
gainst the estate of 1VIARGARET
PASSMORE, late a the Township of
ileberne, WidoW, 'Vehte died, on the 6
day of November, 1924, are requir-
ed to forward their claims, duly pro-
ven to the undersigned, on or before
the 9th day of February, 1925.
GIVEN: That after this said date,
the Executors will proceed to clita,
tribate the estate, having regard
only to the claims of which they
tben shall have notice. °•
Dated at Exeter, thie Nineteenth
day of January, 1925
• Solieitore fOr Ibtocatord
• "Yee, it's dreadful for the poor
thing. • You know her httsbe,nd ran,
away With a cbok." "HoW shocking,
My dear, And cooks are SO acateer
part of the week.
While Gordon Heater was deliver-
ing some eggs at D. Cantelon's store
on Monday morning, the team own-
ed by W. C. Pierce race away and
created •considerable excitement.
They broke loose from the sleigh
and finally ended up in the Metho-
dist church sheet, without doing. any
further damage.
A: concert was lieldin the Metho-
dist church on Tuesday evening un-
der the auspices of the Grace Mis-
sion Band. Te concert consisted of
songs, dialogues, readings, choruses
and pagenants, and was carried out
in a very creditable maner by the
children. The proceeds amounted
to $13.25.
Mr. Gillis, late of Scotland, and
now living in town, just eagt of Mre.
Lainntle's, had the misfortrate a few
days •ego to have his finger taken
oaf by a root pulper on the. farm of
Mr. Oliver Roweliffe, of the London
Rd.: south. Mr. Gillis was rushed
to town immediately and taken to
Mrs. Paterson'S ' private hospital,
where the injured head was dressed
bY Dr, A. Moir. At pre,sent the in-
jured member 18 doing very nicely..
Mr, G. I. Sutherland gave a very
interostiag address oe the subject
"Immortality" in the Young Peoples
League on Monday evening. A
large audience was present and the
address was mueh appreciated. The
meeting was in charge of Miss
Scarlet, A vocal solo was given by
Mr Sem Rennie • a piano sole by
Mia 8 Avis Lindenfield and two 1'ead-
1 1111;8 by IViis8 Hattie Whiteside. Next
VonclaY eVening the Henson League
Will entertain tit% League of JaMeS
Si., Exeter, the Mitiag league pro-
viding the program
• Bonsai],
mvs.eivr, comon,
The Council met on Tdeeday even -
lug ot thio week with all the mem-
bers present. The aUditers wit°
Were apPOinted at the first meeting
Of the council to audit the hooks of
the village, refused to (16 the Work
for the salary. A. considerable
Glission.followed and it Wee finally
decided to allOW thein more time to
do the work and if not th.en (torte
the position 3011 be filled by tender
A grant‘ of $25 was made to ,the
Hensall Spring Show. • A number of
accouats Were passed after which
the meeting was adjourned.
A most interesting time was spent
at the rink on Friday evening last
when the first Carnival of the sea-
son was •staged with ideal weather
conditions prevailing, A record
crowd was in0 attendance both in
costume on the ice and spectatprs,
The costumes were artistic an hum-
erous and no .small amount of fun
Was enjoyed by the gay crowd. The
prize winners in the different events
were as follows:
Ladies' Character, 1.st Miss Scarlet
2nd Miss Johnston. •
Gent Fr Comic, lst E. Anderson,
2nd, J. &Aden.
Girl's Fancy, ist Margaret Mc-
Laren, 2nd Marion McKay. '
Boy's Comic 1st Frank Hedden,
2nd Willie Dadson.
• Mile Race, lst Lee Hedden, 2nd
P. Harris.
• At the conclusime of the mile race
Mr. Hedden war-eliallanged,to skate
a mile race on the dome rink, Ex-
eter on Friday evening of this week
by Mr. Anderson of Exeter, whichahe
promptly accepted. Quite an excit-
ing race is anticipated.
• The following letter *as recently
received by Mr. A.. L. Case with ref-
erence to the new edition to our
school, and, we believe, speaks for
itself. The following is a copy of
the letter: •
London, Jan 26th, 1925
A. L. Case, Esq.
Sec.-Treas. Continuation and P. S.
Hensall, Ont.
Dear Sir:
Re Public & Continuation School
at 'Jensen, gut.
On January 23rd I visited the
above school and after a thorough
Inspection, I find that the work has
been carried out in a most workman-
like manner throughout.
The heating and ventilation is
working splendid and. I must say
that the heating in particular is an
excellent working job, and to me it
looked as if Avery man on the job
has tried to do his best to make this
school and Al building.
The plumbing also has been car-
ried out in a -first class meaner:
The part that surprised me most was
the cost of the building. Your Board
must, be congratulated for the way
they carried out the contracts for
this building as I have been going
over a number of similar contracts
in my office and I find them all run-
ning from $17,000 to $24,000 so
again I must give credit to your
Board for carrying out this contract
at such a low cost.
I am sincerell yours •
Wm. G. Murray, Architect.
• Dashwood
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At McCormick's, Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and Saturday.
Hartleib's Block --- Dashwood. Ont.
Miss Reid of Hayfield is 'visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid.
Miss Olivio Weltin left for Detroit
last week.
Mervyn Tienian is spending a few
days in Lond,qn.
Mr. Wm." Milrer of Detroit is at-
tending the funeral of his grand-
mother, the late Mrs. Miller.
Mr. Robt. Rowcliffe of Exeter vis-
ited in this vicinity last week.
Sidney Baker left for Detroit Mon-
Messrs. 3. C. Reid and J. Wein
spent Tuesday in Chatham on busi-
Mrs. Pederson left Saturday for
St. Joseph hospital where she under-
went an operation.
The death occurred on Saturday
evening, Jan. 31st of Mrs. Hy. Miller
Sr., at the age of 88 years and 22
days. She is survived by two sons,
Henry of town and Willfam of 'Mis-
souri. The funeral was held on Tues-
day afternoon, interment in the
Lutheran cemetery,
On Thursday; ann. 29th, the local
hockey team played Zurich a return
game which resulted as follows:
first period 4-0 in favor of Dashwood
seiond period 6-3 ht favor of Dash-
wood; third period 10-3 in favor of
DasitWood, A large crowd watched
the game, On Tuesday evening the
Exeter Alerts played the Dashwood
team on the local rink when the
Alerts were defeated 8-2. On Thurs-
day night the Dashwood team goes
to Crediton. Por further games see
• Married in De-tie:Oa—A pretty wed-
ding was solemnized in Detrgit eh
Saturday, January 24th, when ,IVIles
Salome, Tiernan, late of Detroit, but
formerly of Dashwod was united in
marriage to Mr. Rielta.rd Thompson,
formerly, of Landoll, the ceremony
being performed by Rev`, A. 3. Mac-
Kenzie, The bride is well and fav-
eurably known here and will haye
the best Wishes of a largo circle of
Fancier" -Thi dog, Madam, Would
be cheap at f410.' Lady—"I WOuld
take him, bet am afraid my hus-
band Might, ON °et," Pancier—"You
can get anothola husband meat eas-
ier than a dog like WS,"
The Thneeeadvaate is in receiat
of a .00mmunication front Crediton,
but as there is no signature attanli-
ed we Must follow our ttSual clotem
and cOnSign it to the Wastepaper
basket. ,
Don't forget the fancY dreos, Car -
nivel in the cornmenitY rink, erect-
iton on Tuesday, Fele 10th, Bane in
attendance and a good time for old
and youag.
Mrs. Geo. Either is nn the oick
• list. We hope fox, a epeedy recovery.
Mrs. August Hill is quite ill nec-
essitating the recalling home of the
Misses Walburga and Clarissa Hill
of Detroit.
Mr. -David Baird is doing nicely
after his operation this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, a
Fort Francis, Out, are Visiting their
daughter Mrs. Gordon Maynard.
Anniversary services Will be held
at ,the Evangelical church, Crediton,
on Sanday, Feb. 15th. A lecture on
Monday evening following. Watch
for full announcement next week.
Rev. T. C. Morlock is the Anniver-
sary preacher.
Next Sunday morning Rev, W. Y.
Drier will discourse on "Zeal in
Christian Service, an absolute es-
sential for Prosperity." At the even-
ing service bis subject is, "Samson
the mighty Nazarite." Now there-
fore are we all here before God to
hear all things that are commanded
thee of God, Acts 10: 33.
"A. Driving Force" i11 be the
• subject in the Methodist church on
Sunday evening, next. 'Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper and reception of
new members at the .close •of the
public worship. •Come and hear the
storY of a great man who present-
ed his body a living sacrifice.
Mrs. H, Cudmore of Manore, Sask.
is at •present visiting relatives and
renewing old acquaintances in this
Miss Elva Horne is able to be out
again after a week of illness.
Mr. Thomas Smale who is in very
poor health has been renioved to the
home of his son Anson in Farquhar.
Walter H. Johns, (while visiting
at the home of his uncle, Mr. Walter
Hern, Goderich) attended the formal
re -opening of the Goderich Collegiate
Building, on Friday January 30th.
This is now an extensive four -storey
Secondary Educational Plant, which
Goderich may well be proud. Walter
also had the privelege of attending
the Huron North "Tuxis" meeting
and banquet on Saturday, when an
address was given by Mr. Taylor
Statton, of Toronto, Ma. Stattonaalso
spoke at Sunday School and at even.
ing service. He is secretary of Boys'
Work in Canada and 'United States.
You Read
Sale Prices?
Mr and Mrs. E. Abbott who have
been at their home here_ for a few
weeks are returning to Windsor.
Mrs. Jas. Mitchell still continues
Mr. Thos. Willis is in Toronto on
business this week.
Miss J. Wilson has been sick and
under the doctor's care this last
week, but is somewhat improved.
The scarcity of water M• the village
is inconveniencing quite a number
of our citizens.
Mrs. J. guefle and Mrs. L. Znefle
and baby of Hensall spent a day last
Week with Mrs. C. Mason.
Mr. H. Frey is spending a few days
in Kitchener this week.
Mrs. Hy. Fry visited at the home
of Mrs. Ezra Heist for a couple of
days this week.
This community was shocked to
learn of the sudden death of Andrew
Querin, who died on Sunday, the
'25th of January at his home, at the
age of 47 years, 8 months and 4 days.
Mr. Querin was born in the Town-
ship of Wellesley, County of Water --
loo and at the age of six years tnoved
•to the Township of Stephen with •his
parents and some years ago moved to
the farm west of Mount Carmel
where he has since resided With his
brother. His remains were interred
in the cemetery at Mount CatMel. 012
Monday, January 26th. He leaves to
mourn his loss his parents, three
sisters and two brothers. One brother
having died some eighteen years ago.,
Who shall weep when the righteous
Who shalt mourn when the good
When the soul of the Godly away
• shall fly,
•Who shall lay the loss to heart?
The Hibbert Branch of tthe Bible
Society held, their annual business
meeting iit the bluirch on Thursday
evening. Mr. A. A. Celquhoun ad-
dressed the meeting •and gave • a
most excellent talk on the Bible.
The Cromarty stock yards were
'unusually busy on Thursday Morn-
ing when almost one hundred head
of cattle Were yveighed. They 'were
all .excellent cattle. Fifty head of
these cattle were disposed of by one
A number of our young people
took advantage of the good sleigh-
ing, and moonlight, on Friday even-
ing whet) they spent a most enjoy-
able eVenixtg tobagganing ob, the
mountain. The mottetain is one of
the beauty spots of our locality as
well as affroding a first elase tobog-
gan antic •
• Mr. Jaane8 Scott Who has beet:
somewhat indisposed for some time
took a. very Weak turn a few doyz
Iego. Mr. Seott is One of the Old
Pienee1n4 of this loc.ality.
• SHIPKA • uoPouar 0
Te Pe" roc: Uctady
wo he e a veer' eaaCeeefel
Mies Fearl KOYes tweek.St
'and Mre,JOESSie
McKenzie are Tleitilla relativee end
111MeArazul4.sinM UIe rattrali/ent
Suade,Y.With relatiltee in DatiliwoOd
The Ladies Aid will Meet at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed., LaMPort
Wednesday, Feb. nth -
Mr, and Aro. A. Snalth and fantilY
spent last Friday With the letters
oparerednittosu%nr, aa ?ars. W. Jones ot •
Miss Jessie Brooks entertained
,the aTreapure Seeltere" class of the
Sunday schoel on FridaY evening.
Everyone spent a most enjoyable
evening in games and music.
Mr. Wellington -Shipley has ret-
urned home from the States, where
he has spent several months,
The T. 5, Class met at the home
of Mr,. and Mrs. Geo, Arksey on
Tuesday evening and spent an ex-
cellent time.
Mr. Frank Parkinson has purch-
ased the ,80 -acre farm adjoining his
own- front Mr. 'Geo. Jones. He takes
possessien in the spring.
Mr. Nerntan McNaughton 'spent
a few days with his sister, Mrs. F.
Kohl, of `London.
Mr, ,james Horton, Sr., who has
been sick'with the flu for a number
of weeks Is now better and able to
be around, '
Mr. 3, M. Glenn spent the week
end withaltis sister Miss Maude of
Mr. Fred Cole of Exeter. spent Sun-
day with Mr, J. Broadfoot.
Mrs. .Frank Ryckman has been
quite ,sick and under the doctor's
care. • .
Mrs. Nba,h Horton is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe for
a few days: -
Mrs. W. Glenn was M Toronto
for.a few days last week.
The January meeting of the Hur-
ondale Women's Institute met at the
home of Mrs. C. Cudmore on Wed-
nesday of last week with 30 ladies
present. Plans were laid for the
teaching. 01! music /or four months in
S. S. No. 10, Usborne, by lar..W. R.
Goulding. Mrs. S. McQueen gaie e-
very interesting paper on "Privilege
of being an Institute worker and
member",. Mrs. Morgan sang a solo,
Mrs. A. Eth,erhigton gave a reading
and Miss L. Hicks rendered a bril-
liant piano, Solo. Mrs . J. Bolton
gave a splendid demonstration on
candy making: Lunch was then
served by the ladies in charge.. The
next, meeting will be held at the
home ,of'Nrs. C. Byrn en Feb. 25th
when the roll .call will be answered
by 'how to rerooye stains."
A hockey league has been formed
by teams from Hensall, Zurich,
Dashwood and Exeter and the fol-
lowing schedule has been drawn up:
Hensall at Zurich—Feb. 10th.
Exeter at Dashwood—Feb. 10th.
•Dashwood at Hensall—Feb. 13th.
Zurich at Exeter—Feb. 13th.
Exeter 'et-Heniall—Feb. 16th.
Zurich at Dashwood—Feb. 16th.
Dashwood at Zurich—Feb. 20th.
Hensall at Exeter—Feb. 20th.
Exeter at Zurich—Feb. 24th.
Zurich at Hensall—Feb. 27th.
Dashwood. it Exeter—March 2nd.
liensalVat Dashwood—March 3rd.
Tearai take own referee. Teams
to notify G. Cochrane, ,...Exeter at
Mr. Fraiik Northcott of Alvinston
spent 'a few days visiting at his home
Mr. Chester Rowe is in Goderich
with the jury.
Mr. Milfred Schilbe who spent a
few days in London, Kitchener, Galt
and Hesneler, has -returned home.
• The sigtieth annuatmeeting:of the
Members of Zurich Agricultural
Society was held in the Town Hall,
Zurich: The financial report of the
treasurer showed a balance of $64
with 74 paid 'nO' members for 1925.
The Society will employ department-
al judges fOr horses, catte, sheep,
swine, poultry and ladies' work for
the fall fair In 1925. The election
of officers for the ensuing year re-
sulted as follows: President, W. S.
Johnston; 1St Vice PreSident, J. P.
Rau; 2nd Vice President, Dr, A. 3.
,MacKinnon; Directors, D. V. Klopp,
J. A, Smith, A. Reichert, M. Rader,
0. Klopp, 3. Decher, Jr., W. Hey, 0.
Surerus, E. Haberer; Auditors, P. J.
Haberer, J. Pfaff. Mr. A. V. Hess
was re -appointed Secretary -Treas-
urer for the year.
Hay' Insurance Company—The •50
annual meeting of the policyholders
of the Hay Township Farmers' Mu-
tual Fire insurance Co. was held in
the Town Hall here on IVIonday of
last week, with 0 large attendence.
The treasurer's financial report for
the year ending December 31st, 1924
shaves 2,053 policies io force with
total antount at risk of •$7,45e,820.
The losse8 during the year were.$5,e
• 398.6.9. The total assets of the Com -
Deny, meluding residue of prone=
notes, amount to $285,619,15, with
no liabilities. The retiring directors,
0, Stade, W, Consitt and J. A.
Mattson Were re-elected for another
term. W, 8, .Iohnsten arid A, P.
aless Ntrere oleetod auditore. At fa
.moeting of the Board of Diroctore
atter the annual -meeting, Mr. • II,
Either Was .re-appointea Seeretavy
• and Meteor for the Year, oild Mr,
• 11:).!111,,PlillE($1:441Ba211 °flea
Sr. IV.,-114)4ort$1 Katia?leeh St
47theriel,:ora9eni, texteie5t,a,
gli;dtte°460:1161/1.0;1437 a6445Vi
•Duu0. 00.
Pearl Zeroir 68; Ge0. B#t013
Jr, IV,--Faea, Marie, aatittire
Sr, RerAine uort9
80• Alma Etheringteli 75, Fan
.11xxx Miller 70; Gordoe, Bloelt 05, •
Jr, Ill.—Honore, Lillian Miller
Jr. II—Honore, Marie Oite
Rose Oke 84:. Paul Boa 83; .
:)„Yelsb. 80; Richard Etherlunton
raeS, Elmore Dunn 70; Harold
more 45; Douglas Stewart 60.
iithIort0:ab. •
Naniber or0ll28:Ieraoatt:nce25.A,i0taaaeacuenr,,
s. S. NO. 43, Sl'El)HEN
• The following is the report of
S. No. 6, Stephen for Sanitary,
Sr. IV.--Dorotay Smith 74, Thel-
ma Neeb 68, Dorothy Raiz 68, Dor.
othy Dietrich 52, Alma Ratz absent.
Sr. III --Pius Dietrich 89, Robert'
Flynn 76„ Bernice Neeb 74, Alex.
Dietrich *70, Edward Lippert • 59,
Earl Rats 57, Gordon Ratz absent.'
Jr. III—Lloyd Lippert 48,0 Robert
IMetrich 46.
•Sr. II—Mildred Neeb 70, Irene
Flynn 65, Helen Kinny 60„ Irria
Ratz 63, Roy Willert absent, '
Jr. IT—Monica Dietrich 70, Clem-
ent McCann 60, lailda.Neeb 40, Mary
Culbert 35, Dorothy Kinny 34, Hilda
Culbert 30, Jean Willert absent. •
Sr. I.—Elton Lippert, Gladys
Jr. I.—Mans Lippert, Audrey •
Yearly, Pearl Kinny, Abegail Flynn,
Gladys Ratz absent.
Pt. IL—Evelyn McCann 100.
Nuraber on roll 34, average atten-
dance 25. •
Florence Turnbull Teacher
V.—Borden Schroeder 71. Sr.
IV.—Margaret Houlahan and Cath-
erine McEachin 78, Lornie Dietrich
66, Eileen Baynhana 65. Jr. IV.—
Ila SWeitzer 65, Virginia Moore 59,
Arthur Baynhara 57, .Beatrice BaTA-
ham 55, Tom Lamport 50. Jr. 111
Evelyn Sweitzer 64, Freddie Sch-
roeder 57, Mildred Lamport 50, Mar-
tha -Gower 50, Editli Ball 47, Ar-
nold Baynham 46. Promoted tO
Sr. H. --Russell Mellin 'T6, Jack Mac-
kenzie 74, Arnold Ga,iser 74, Theod-
ore Dietrich 67, Roy Deitrich 34,
Jr. II—John Lamport 62, Sam Swie-
tzer 57, Lawrence Baynham 55. Pro-
moted' to Jr. II—Evelyn ,Harlton, •
Lucile Lochner. Priraer Gretta.
Dietrich, Arthur. Hutchinson, Or-
ville Melilla, Milton Sweitzer, Wray
Bvaeitzera No., on roll 32_ .Average....
attendance 29.
E. E. Pfaff, Teacher
* S. S. NO. 5, HIBBERT
The following is the school report
for S. S. No. 5, Hibbert for month
of January. Those marked with an
asterisk missed three or more ex-
aminations. 0 -
Sr. IV—Anna Hackney 544, G.
Hamilton 500, Fred Earburn 438,
George Lomond 288*, Neil Laniond
*. Jr. IV—Johnny Morgan 440,
Eileen 1VIcNicol 419, Mildred Hack-
ney 281*, MaryMacDougald*. Sr.
III—Leslie Flood 455, Alex ,Gardi-
ner 417, Frank Hamilton 417, Earle
Dow 383. Jr. III—Lloyd Hackney
385, Leslie Hackney 370, Norman
Ilarbuen 346, John Lamond.*. Sr.
II—Bob Hamilton 326, Eldred Mc -
Nicol 348, Jimmie Scott 347, Velma
McNicol 266, Gordon Scott 188. Jr.
II—Lorne McGill 364, Roger ChrisV
ie 352, Margaret Hamilton 338,M.
Dow 318, Alvin McNichol 240, Stuart
Harburn 160, Alex Hackney 125*.
First Book—IVIurray Christie, Al-
vin Scott, Laurie Colquhoun, Colin
MacDougald*. Primer — Ross Mc-
Pherson, Mary Hamilton, Jean Col-
quhoun, Bob Gardiner, Willie liar -
burn, (absent). Highest marks ob-
tained in daily arithmetic test:—
Sr. Fourth—Gladys Hamilton,
Jr. Fourth—Mildred Hackney, Sr.
Third --Frank Hamilton. Jr. Third
Leslie Hackney. Sr. Second—Rob.
Hamilton. Jr. Second. — Margaret
Hamilton. First Book—M, Chris-
tie. Primer—Jean Colquhoun. No.
on roll 37. Average attendance 28.4
• 0. E. Anderson, Teacher
Results of mid-term tests. Those
marked * missed some examinations.
:Honors, 75 per ,cent., Pass, '50 per
' Sr. IV. -Marie Bell 83, Edwit
Dick 82, Stella Ingram 76, Bertha,
Corbett *75, Sack Corbett *48, Willie
Parke 34. Jr. IV.—Lorne Chapman
72. Jr. --Hugh McEwen 71, M.
•Dick 61, Grace Dick 60, Ted Munn
51. Sr. II,—Garnet Mousso 55. Jr.
IL—Alvin Bell 95, Mary Rinser 90,
Jimmie McEwen 89, Harold Elder 82,
Helen Munn 82, Dorothy Corbett *65
Irene Mousso 52. Sr. L.—Jessie
Dick80, Pr.—Jack Munn.
Number on roil 21, average attend
e19.• '11/14 .0. johns, Teacher,
The 'followirig is the report for
the • month of ,January based on,
weekly examinations and daily
IV.--1George ThomPsen 72,
Oerald Ford 68, Lily Hunter 65.
Jr. IY.—lviary Rimter *65. Sr. ru.
—Ha Hunter 80, • Sean Coates *78,.
. In.—Archie Thomson 56 ,Ttoy
Hunter. *51. ° Sr. Coates.
78, Merman Hunter 76, Plorento
1Viltehel1 73; idon Itading *53. Sr.
Westcott 8e, Arnold rord,
Liixton 61. •r'r...--Cliftob.
OQUI.1.111intOtoh1tt :570. Esssry 58, Hubert :
Thso Marked with an aateri8k
missed part ‘ of the eXaminatione.
•Number on roll 19, average ettem-
dal) co
PariA Temiket