The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-10, Page 7Local SEAFORTH AND AREA POODGRAINS BANK PROJECT .�` tae.s'.t,:.\•:e•s... •..• :� .. YOUTH GROUP BOOSTS FOODGRAINS - The UniPres Youth Group, from First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth and Egmondville United Church, raised $910 for the Seaforth Area Foodgrains Bank Growing Project. Receiving the cheque from Chris Bach is Gerry Vanden Hengel, chairperson of the Foodgrains Bank Growing Project. Also present for the cheque presentation were Barry Gordon, representative for the Foodgrains Bank from Egmondville United Church, Ken Scott, member of the Foodgrains TIM CUMAIING PHOTO Committee for Northside and Jim Papple Ontario Coordinator. The youth group members are (front row, lett to right) Dan Morrison, Ryan Powell, Paul Poisson, Scott McNaughton, Reegan Price, Jamie Bell, Krista Heimpel, (back row) Jamie Dick, Ryan Nicholson, Ian McKichan, Chris Bach, Julie Shewan and Jill McKichan. Absent are Erin Nicholson, Jill Wood, Karen Dillon, Ian MacMillan and Chris Morrison. Women's League finalizes plans St. James Catholic Women's League (CWL) President Linda Kistner opened the St. James C.W.L May meeting with a prayer. A spiritual reading on Beatitude #8 - the gift of endurance and ability to stand up for what you believe in was given by Marian Van Dooren. The membership drive is presently underway with Connie Marian in charge. Approximately 145 bags of used clothing collected at the end of April was given to the ,7 Vhicent dcPaul Society of g Goderich. Purchases were made: Cruci- fixes for Grade 8 graduation; 10 new altar boy outfits. Dona- tions were made to Marriage Tribunal; Dr. Andrew Simone who works for children in McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth. 527.1140 •Service •Selection 'Savings •Satisfaction 'Leasing 'Complete BODY SHOP Service other countries. The following dates were noted: Coffee Sun- day, May 7; Confirmation May 27; First Communion - individ- ually and as a group in the fall; Spring Fling, May 17. Plans were finalized for the annual Spring Ring on Wednesday, May 17, 8 p.m. at Seaforth Legion. Doors open at 7;15. Entertainment, bake table, draws, door prizes. Members are asked to make donations to bake table and items for grocery hampers. Marg Smale and Adrienne Hutchinson reported on the 75th annual convention in Sarnia. Theme was Calling its Members to Service. The meeting closed with prayer. "7aa7. CoGfs Foy all • Fire wo o d 4/eeds CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. • AUBURN • WOOD LOGS BODY WOOD Made For You With Our Firewood Processor Delivered in HARDWOOD Delivered In Truckloads SLABS Truckloads. approximately 1(2 the price of Body Wood We deliver in 17 Cubic Yard Boxfuls Itcuo lmosedee to Det eruy! 519-526-7220 Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S I (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications Are Welcomed . DIRECTORS & ADJUSTORS Larry Gardner, R.R. 2 Staffa Lloyd Morrison, Mitchell Lorne Feeney. Mitchell Jack Hodgen. R R. 1 Krkton Joe Chaffe, R.R. 5 Mitchell Michael O'Shea, R.R. 3 Granton AGENTS Wayne Mauer, Exeter John Moore, Dublin Joseph Uniac, Mitchell Head Office, Exeter 345-2678 348-4589 348-8853 229-6152 348-9705 225-2600 235-1915 345-2512 348-9012 235-0350 A refund from surplus was declared for all policy holders who qualify, are on record and In good standing as at December 31, 1994. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 10, 10115-7 Notice is hereby given that the Public is invited to the ANNUAL MEETING of Seaforth Community Hospital to be held Tuesday, June 27, 1995 at 8:00 p.m. in Conference Room 2 of Seaforth Community Hospital. for the purpose of receiving the Annual Reports of the Board of Directors and of the officials of the Hospital, for the election of Directors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The By-laws of Seaforth Community Hospital provide that the Board of Directors shall include trustees to be elected by members of the Hospital Corporation. Membership granting voting privileges may be purchased for two dollars before 4:30 p.m., May 26, 1995. Membership sold after that time will not entitle the purchaser to vote at this Annual Meeting. By resolution of the Board of Directors. William R. Thihert, Secretary MEAT • MARKET 2ND ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS May 10 - 13 t e Bruce Packers 2 lb. Pork Chops s3�'Ib. S2391b Side Bacon ti2691b. $7991b. DelluSaeed $ 99 Summer Sausage 5 Ib. Pork Loin Chops Sloremade Plain or Garic Sausage Striploin Steaks THANK YOU! for your support over the past year. We look forward to serv- ing you in the year to come - L nda, Mark and stall Come to Kennedy's for •Cheese & Meat Trays •Salads •Homemade Lasagna 16 KING STREET • CLINTON • 482-7002 OPEN: MONDAY • SATURDAY 9 All • 5 PM EXCEPT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENIUGS'TIL 6:00 PM tree :C L,,.ratrlunt for all the ladies Visit Greyhapg , Gardens for that special Mother's Day Gift Now available V cut flowers 1/ hanging pots and planters in full colour 4/ Complete selection of bedding plants and wall bags Greyhaven Gardens ' (Gerry & Gladys Greydanus) R.R. #1 Londesborough 523-9781 Open Monday - Saturday Dawn - Dusk • CEA ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS... STE t* IC. Call Jeff Tyndall •Carpets •Couches & Chain Tire & Water Restoration •V•hicl•s •Duct Work •Accoustical Ceilings •Indian Carpets 'Odour Problems -RES - (between 'WE DO NOT 527-1224 7-8 a m) PHONE sOUCfr• STAT LKE SATELLITE SYSTEMS Satellite Systems • Home Security Oft Alr Antennas • TV & Stereo Systems Economical Financing JOHN STAHLKE 25 McGregor St. Ph & Fax Stratford, Ontario 519) 271.4982 N4Z 1 G6 a W.D. HOPPER AND SONS 4 Modern Rotary Rigs NEIL DURL 522-1737 271-7860 r Pt s NOIR MAIM WATER GUARANTEED SINCE itis •WM (10555! GOES PE laTER norm JEIHSEM Masonry Seaforth Brick, Block, Stonework, Chimney Repairs, Fireplaces, Pointing Call , 527-2891, 522-0514 SILLS . HOME HARDWARE mil 527-1620 Professor Purewater Available... 'You Just can't make it any better" •Paint •Housewares'Gifts Plumbing Heating Electrical Supplies 'Glass & Screenng Repairs •Tool P9ental 'Homo of the Handymen' 69 Main Street, Seaforth 2s BLUEWATER CABINETS & TRIM LTD. :1111:1'.1,17pi•�I IGtchen & Bathroom Cabinets •Wan Units •MUwo.k 'Computer Design •Pre -finishing •Trim & Doors •Paslode Distributor ASK ABOUT 5 year guarantee OFFICE & SHOWROOM HOURS a.0a5.--00 MON.-FR AFTER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT FOR ESTIMATES CAU. STEVE 482-3382 89 DON STREET, CLINTO • , i. ,e Grp.., °X.? L'Ws`7,'..�Y.ZYtA';@'Hf aw?',t's/ 'E �"'ffix�gy��7°4�?'AR'ot?xi�?A3r':: %'�,�44' ... ., TRYKER'S SIDING INSTALLATION • SONG • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS •EAVESTROUGI-3NG • OUAUTY RENOVATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 482-7428 JIM ANDERSON TREE MOVING SERVICE .; 'µ '- 744; poi-. Oil balm Please 23-4894 Trees bought and Sold PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NO. U-875 MADE TO ORDER BY M. TYNAN Copyright 1994 Not all building tots are created equal. In fact, finding a house design that complements the size and shape of some lots can sometimes be downright difficult. This is particularly true of pie shaped lots - lots that are narrow in front and widen out in the rear like a wedge of pie. The most usable building space is in the rear, but the house shouldn't he set so far back that it has a fifty or sixty foot driveway. Also, it would be undesirable to be oddly situated too far behind the neighbours. This plan was designed specifically for a pie shaped lot. The garage side has been angled so that it can sit parallel to the side lot line. Because this side of the home imitates the wedge shape of the lot, it can be set closer to the front. The available building space is used more efficiently and, instead of looking awkward on the lot, the home looks "made to order". Large room sizes are an added plus in this stylish home design. The living room and sunken family room each boasts vaulted ceilings, and the dining room has a coffered ceiling. The cook in the family will enjoy a gourmet kitchen complete with a wrap around counter, a work island, and a pantry. The games room is conveniently located on the main floor and has access to the back yard. Upstairs, all bedrooms boast added features. The front left bedroom has its own ensuite - perfect as a guest room or granny suite. The front right bedroom has a boxed out window seat with a feature win, dow. The rear bedroom also has a window scat, and has private access to the upstairs bathroom. The master is particularly grand with his and hers closets, a boxed out window seat, and a six piece ensuite with a raised swill tub. Plans for U-875 may be obtained for S595.00 for a package of five complete sets of working prints and $59.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% OST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our home plan catalogue for SI3.85 including postage and handling and 7% GST Please make all cheques, money orders; and Visa or MasterCard authorizations payable to: Tynan Features c/o. The Huron Expositor Plan of the Week, 13659 - 108 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3T 2K4. W?I K0001 RAH IMO a0 IT. STAFFENS LAWN CARE COMPLETE LAWN CARE PROGRAM LANDSCAPING & DEMON, GRASS CUTTING SHRUB TRIMMING, FERTJLmI1G, CUSTOM TILLING. Ras. COMM. IND. Call John Staffsn 27-228 S...:?Yx;�e.\"5:'i.;o'a5.:r':>>".6:LS;?R�'.. y. ' `o more =a s No more messy shingles...choose STEEL ROOFING Custom Bu,ldmg KMatr, Elia • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • 50 YEAR WARRANTY" Keach NsEr : STRutTlon John Oskam Godertch - ' ' 524-6475 HOFFMEYERS MILL BUILDING SUPPLIES • WINDOWS • DOORS • CIL PAINTS • INSULATION • HARDWARE • HARDWOOD • CUSTOM MILLWORK SER NG YOUR CAANWNIY FOR OVER 80 YEARS 527-0910 NIGH ST • • ur+7e ItOOR RAN 1170 as A. N M IICUFFE M. SOUTH LONDON, ONTARIO N612Kt PHONE: 5194394800 AX 51$4.734250 STRATFORD 5111-273.7311 BOOK NOW! 401) ` f sad— LANDSCAPING • GARDEN CENTRE 170. ASPHALT ING DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS. 30 KI 168 BENNETT E. GODERICH 524-2645 ASPHAL SUPPLIED BY LAVIS 8 g`G..-re d n rentre h7n CEA ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS... STE t* IC. Call Jeff Tyndall •Carpets •Couches & Chain Tire & Water Restoration •V•hicl•s •Duct Work •Accoustical Ceilings •Indian Carpets 'Odour Problems -RES - (between 'WE DO NOT 527-1224 7-8 a m) PHONE sOUCfr• STAT LKE SATELLITE SYSTEMS Satellite Systems • Home Security Oft Alr Antennas • TV & Stereo Systems Economical Financing JOHN STAHLKE 25 McGregor St. Ph & Fax Stratford, Ontario 519) 271.4982 N4Z 1 G6 a W.D. HOPPER AND SONS 4 Modern Rotary Rigs NEIL DURL 522-1737 271-7860 r Pt s NOIR MAIM WATER GUARANTEED SINCE itis •WM (10555! GOES PE laTER norm JEIHSEM Masonry Seaforth Brick, Block, Stonework, Chimney Repairs, Fireplaces, Pointing Call , 527-2891, 522-0514 SILLS . HOME HARDWARE mil 527-1620 Professor Purewater Available... 'You Just can't make it any better" •Paint •Housewares'Gifts Plumbing Heating Electrical Supplies 'Glass & Screenng Repairs •Tool P9ental 'Homo of the Handymen' 69 Main Street, Seaforth 2s BLUEWATER CABINETS & TRIM LTD. :1111:1'.1,17pi•�I IGtchen & Bathroom Cabinets •Wan Units •MUwo.k 'Computer Design •Pre -finishing •Trim & Doors •Paslode Distributor ASK ABOUT 5 year guarantee OFFICE & SHOWROOM HOURS a.0a5.--00 MON.-FR AFTER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT FOR ESTIMATES CAU. STEVE 482-3382 89 DON STREET, CLINTO • , i. ,e Grp.., °X.? L'Ws`7,'..�Y.ZYtA';@'Hf aw?',t's/ 'E �"'ffix�gy��7°4�?'AR'ot?xi�?A3r':: %'�,�44' ... ., TRYKER'S SIDING INSTALLATION • SONG • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS •EAVESTROUGI-3NG • OUAUTY RENOVATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 482-7428 JIM ANDERSON TREE MOVING SERVICE .; 'µ '- 744; poi-. Oil balm Please 23-4894 Trees bought and Sold PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NO. U-875 MADE TO ORDER BY M. TYNAN Copyright 1994 Not all building tots are created equal. In fact, finding a house design that complements the size and shape of some lots can sometimes be downright difficult. This is particularly true of pie shaped lots - lots that are narrow in front and widen out in the rear like a wedge of pie. The most usable building space is in the rear, but the house shouldn't he set so far back that it has a fifty or sixty foot driveway. Also, it would be undesirable to be oddly situated too far behind the neighbours. This plan was designed specifically for a pie shaped lot. The garage side has been angled so that it can sit parallel to the side lot line. Because this side of the home imitates the wedge shape of the lot, it can be set closer to the front. The available building space is used more efficiently and, instead of looking awkward on the lot, the home looks "made to order". Large room sizes are an added plus in this stylish home design. The living room and sunken family room each boasts vaulted ceilings, and the dining room has a coffered ceiling. The cook in the family will enjoy a gourmet kitchen complete with a wrap around counter, a work island, and a pantry. The games room is conveniently located on the main floor and has access to the back yard. Upstairs, all bedrooms boast added features. The front left bedroom has its own ensuite - perfect as a guest room or granny suite. The front right bedroom has a boxed out window seat with a feature win, dow. The rear bedroom also has a window scat, and has private access to the upstairs bathroom. The master is particularly grand with his and hers closets, a boxed out window seat, and a six piece ensuite with a raised swill tub. Plans for U-875 may be obtained for S595.00 for a package of five complete sets of working prints and $59.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% OST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our home plan catalogue for SI3.85 including postage and handling and 7% GST Please make all cheques, money orders; and Visa or MasterCard authorizations payable to: Tynan Features c/o. The Huron Expositor Plan of the Week, 13659 - 108 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3T 2K4. W?I K0001 RAH IMO a0 IT. STAFFENS LAWN CARE COMPLETE LAWN CARE PROGRAM LANDSCAPING & DEMON, GRASS CUTTING SHRUB TRIMMING, FERTJLmI1G, CUSTOM TILLING. Ras. COMM. IND. Call John Staffsn 27-228 S...:?Yx;�e.\"5:'i.;o'a5.:r':>>".6:LS;?R�'.. y. ' `o more =a s No more messy shingles...choose STEEL ROOFING Custom Bu,ldmg KMatr, Elia • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • 50 YEAR WARRANTY" Keach NsEr : STRutTlon John Oskam Godertch - ' ' 524-6475 HOFFMEYERS MILL BUILDING SUPPLIES • WINDOWS • DOORS • CIL PAINTS • INSULATION • HARDWARE • HARDWOOD • CUSTOM MILLWORK SER NG YOUR CAANWNIY FOR OVER 80 YEARS 527-0910 NIGH ST • • ur+7e ItOOR RAN 1170 as A. N M IICUFFE M. SOUTH LONDON, ONTARIO N612Kt PHONE: 5194394800 AX 51$4.734250 STRATFORD 5111-273.7311 BOOK NOW! 401) ` f sad— LANDSCAPING • GARDEN CENTRE 170. ASPHALT ING DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS. 30 KI 168 BENNETT E. GODERICH 524-2645 ASPHAL SUPPLIED BY LAVIS