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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-5, Page 3
What the Spouts Are Deing,. ' The Boy Scout, • according to his . custom, goes nearleetiy along his way, doing good turns, helping „other peo- ple and malting .remarkable strides la health and skill, And we weeldn't • know a thing. about the • lads good deeds if the telling were left to him. At the Scouts' Anniversary :Week time, February S- 4th (during which the big Annual Provincial Scout Lead- ers' Conference, will be held in Toron- to) we like to turn the spot light oa. these knights in khaki and 'rejoice in their record ofefficient kindness, ser- vice and good citizenship, Records compiled•at the Provincial Headquarters office show that more than one hundred awards for life-sav- I. ing- have been granted to Ontario Semite during the past fourteen years. SCP. whirl- .,:. .y,., -: :c'c3 � `•`." •.*ci �"�•` \.•:�.$::•�'„tiG.•v.' :::� � - ,.... . lakes, 4 • :.. . • •seaV.,'£ •.. s ,icy� ■ Burning budding., ■�,. STY were frequently scenes. of s - ing waters; w v rescues—exploits' which te ebiae h s en c e 0 f s I grimly. tested'. the skill, presence Th _niind, and courage of these y 24th abo1 heroes. Canadian Civic service totalling hundreds of taken in STYLE SMOTHERING THE EeitMY—"ALL BLACK'S" oln Liverpool on January Tfrom MO selling lli s g �� " famous New Zealand, Rigby team, :}s to tool:_ Canada, Vancouver and i'ictoria they will play e the Blacks, and the "Mantledidn andtravelling asevia their recent tour oflthe Old Cauntry and France. The photograph resins, .They, did not lose a game x their recene ion of the deadly "All-B1aCts teal, -work. the match against Cardiff gives an excellent imp EASY TRICKS 1 The Disappearing Tuznbater hours is the unvarying record of every , Scout- troop. In ' some of the bigger centres like • Toronto, Ottawa and Hamilton, these service records run to many thousands- of hours which Scouts have willingly contributed hi response to calls from numerous local institutions and organizations. The acres of timber land saved from the ravages of forest flames by Scouts can never be estimated Tree planting, conservation of , na- tural resources, Preservation of bird life -by' building bird houses and re- ird sanctuaries with food is a big subject. It would tend to lowervitalitySoor ham - e of the alljnter b Child welfare normal pros all winter long, are some other activi- alth things we have to keep in mind in this Scouts. has to *do with all phases'�of child life per re adenoids .diseased tonsils,' the S • h and he Serving: on school traffic, It has -to do with every- decaying teeth, re thought to EDUCATION HEALTH EDUCA BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON' Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. blic earth mate Dve Middleton will be glad 'to answer 'questions on Pu house, Health m t ters through this column. Address him dina Crescent; Toronto,. ties of e happiness 1 ). corps help-< and the general app' n sense t• tri constipation and other hilaren across of children that often a Mg vitality ro i en g h he g is t In t solo sets thing that affects � of little account p younger ceither conditionsrho ng s eIes th Y :n r In b streets safely, installing .. d chopping wood for old,directly or indirectly. With whatais child is making, but which have a pro - fox the . bleurclear of thought one can understand city hydrants is.. It goes found bearing on its general vitality. itah s people, keepingwide subject chile welfare of the most impo pro - snow and -ice, are.just few. of the back to the beginfiing of things and One hundreds re otherntways these lads takes into consideration the health of of child welfare work is thare far e reduction P daring ser"ice•arents as well as of the children. of infant deathsmortalitin Ontario indeed too have been rendering records I thep As a many As to progress in Scouting, There oftens omething in •heredity, of contribute to this hundreds of boys:W child inherits the looks,and CanadlVlan � featuiestulder •one year o for 1924 nhgr that -pr physical apti arents a 1. have ethans ip, p blic health,ney parsons : earance' of their health 'h g death rate, one ofthechief for fir1thfi first a public and phfin person -,n. soh it inherits some o im rt x feeding.e Artificial at th first aid and patllflnding, and .'characteristics and their freedom- which is intestinal Io heal usceptibility to certain dis- abou•t by d, fickler to carry: on success= .IAN'S HEALTH IVE WHEN FORTY-FIVE This' as a favorite trick with see- arta Professional magicians, If.you will. practice it, you will discover that it will, matte a veritable sense.- tion ense tion when you Perform it. It Is:per- formed while the Performer is seat- ed at the dinner table. ' A coin is borrowed. and marked and is placed on the table in front A tea your grocer recommends O� 11.y goo : tea.:. s, goo And ,most grocers recommend it tea Frontier College. The Frontier College,' established by the Canadian goverflp2ent to educate the workers in the lumber and eon- struct}on camps, Duck Potatoes. Wild ducks are very fond et the bulbous rootstocks of the arrewleaf; they are sometimes called deck po- tatoes•. fs general Y known �— as the University in Overalls. Since Reckless Driving Condemned.• its beginning it has sent more than Reckless driving and other flagrant seven . hundred instructors into hamar disregard of the rights of. others by in different provinces, and each year anyuser of the streets or highways. Proximately fifteen fifteen hundred men re-1should be puniahed. bl is in a thecoin,A sheet of chive instruction in some kind o[ "Education must be obtainable on the of the performer. A, tum el l vertedover newspaper is. placed over the tum- 1 school work.• The founder wr es bier and . is moulded to its shape, The performer .makes ;a few InYetic pleases. over the hidden tumbler and lifts it, seemingly surprised to dis- cover that the coin has not van- iehed. He repeats the perform ance. Again the coin does not vanish. "This time it has got' to go!" he exclaims, "One! Two.! Three! - " As he says "go" he strikes I ties," A Critical Period When Dr. Wil- liams' Pink.Pills Are a Real Blessing. At special periods a woman needs a medicine to regulate her blood supply, or her life will be a round of pain suffering. It is at such times that nd Williams' Pink Pills are worth their Weight in gold, for they make the new:. tichblood that banishes the symptoms of distress that only women know. The better blood- that comes with the use of these pills strengthens every vital organ and , brings womanly health and happiness. This is fully proved by the case of Mrs. G. Wit- thuhu, Arcola, Sask., who says:—"I am one of the many for whom Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done won- ders. About three years ago I was so weak that I could not do my house - 1 or even go about without feel- fled eel- li from ors 7f feeding is i includes alit s an more. , o care and.. attention still many hundreds more. have qua j se or weaknesses: Child welfare Classified Advertisements farm, in the_ bush, on' the railway and. MONEY TO LOAN. I.---.--. " in the mine.. We must educate the , LRM LOANS MADE. AG1aNTS whole family wherever their work is, I F }wanted. Reynolds, 77 'Victoria wherever they earn their living, teach- Street, Toronto: ing,them how to earn, and at.the same time how' to grow physically;, 'Intteel' lectually and spiritually to the t their God-given, potentiaii- , .TONE INDIAN 9 L,ICC down Ave stature o 1 S VanWinckel, 13 Toronto, WANTED T ED the tumbler with his open palm. No harm is done, however. for the paper .collapsed: The tumbler has vanished! ,The coin is still there —its mission, being merely to mis- lead the : spec,taters:`iele` the` re pose of the trick .• : r. The secret Is simple. The oleo- and time he lifted the tumbler all eyes. were -on the coin. Theeina- gician took advantage of this to • let the tumbler slip out of the pa- per into his lap. The moulded pa- per, holding the form of the tum - bier, looks a exactly as it d!d and the absence of the glass is not. - suspected: The magician makes a sort of runway of his legs and lets the tumbler slide, noiselessly to the ...floor. When he strikes the paper, he gives the tumbler a shove with his foot so that when it Is die- rom awayf as ill b efar w covered it him as possible. with ing utterly worn out. The doctor sag, Scout curriculum, with the r'Y P ttI thing that would. help ' children before and feeding an b break. If all refused to requires fact, fully. It can be done,' but it req d• I bj B proficiency badges can be defined undergo, din one or more of the 61 other in d It in act, u y .th strict medical is in the Boy s ever htng to the best means a1 seated that an operationmwas the ionly subjects a 3'tfar child.'' fort includes eve -infant is y na -res o and I returned Scouting Is doing well its wonder- aftere birth; before, ren and after viz;—at the . mother's rea could i earth. citizenship she I birth;'andint during mothers, of this provincehome almost in despair. r. Myhtrou le 1 fu1 lob for, the future • the i age; - into adolescence and the of Dominion, May school g ,yy est was ala.,due:to the ,lots, g tit of our Dom t Child . 'Welfare impressed ith the neexcett in one f At this stage I. read an advertise- security their babies P life.. influence` of this" sterling movement suitable employment. - hundreds includes the'care of those aidel_; two special distances where thene doctor went of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I soon reach the lives of the bund I dren who are destitute, neglected, n atendance advises against bre al in 14iind rind body , i ld .be a great drop decided to try them. e the t had used silt boxes there was no doubt they were Just what I needed, and under, their 'continued use for some time my health was fully restored, and since that time I have been in the best of health.- I am writing this letter in the hope that it may induce some ether suffering woman to use Dr. Wil- liams' a Pink , Pills and regain her health." - These pills are sold by medicine dealers or „will be sent by mail at 60c -a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, os supervision. By -far way (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a•so?:aDboo7c-t • World's Storehouse. Mexico is often ,referredr:t a a5, :tile' "storehouse 'of,the world" b.eca-Fs&'oe the great fertility of its soil and 't& His Hearing Restored. MATRIMONIAL • The invisible ear 'drum invented by I •PAPER, PHOTOS, ADDRESSES 10o. miniature 1 r Chatham, Ont. A O Leonard, which is a McCree Y> megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- 'tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself 'of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It Is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh •or by al ed natural Perforated or wholly destroy drums. A request for information to A. 0. -Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue, New' York City, will be given a prompt reply. We are interested in obtaining. OLD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN ; SUBJECTS. Send particulars to'the. Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ontario, , The ship encircles the earth of ones .I ack•a cargo effort and f etch e sb awn out. Call sent ne o ,only in return for it trading if you,will•' I call it "God's law of••'compensation." It is as abso-`` lute as gravity's 'law itself. -0. S. M.1 C rteplaster : ased to cover a ou - Wound, will be much more corefortahled almost inexhaustible natural re 18nd less likely to draw, if It is pric sources. Humboldt, the German. ea.„, all over with a o d raw if et is p lacing ruralist, nearly a hundred years ago spoke of Mexico as the "tzeasureJ, applied- _ f the world " Although 8tillteessessisecereentl house o undeveloped, .IvTexico 1s' one. of ,the . SPIRIT OF: IRON moat richly mineralized regions of'the • of thousands of boys of Scout age who are not yet within its ranks. • • Rotary Helps •A9aln._, • The Rotary Club of Bowmanville ,re- inquent, abnormthere woo orphaned, badly born'; deprived of a- feeding,t. Pro- infant -mmortality. Statistics show tural relationships aisos givrnP normal that eight babies fed -artificially die e to Lection must .also be given .to us• aro and ildren for .the great aim of preven-' every one self shoo d make us P n t Pre -natal care, or care,of t e, f one actire, ,f t medicine,; of course, applies to adults motherlore her wayild rebore infant an - Scouting privileges to the boys of thatt , This is a feature of child Ontario town. . The, new Troop ,. as well as children, but it .is 'to' brig other hick finethe importance o f w Charter •o being issued,whch thponsoe: ore, that we are especially direr It g re and more clearly Club, which. is sponsor our Noughts the present ti ho are selbe timing Amo ofdRotary ll 'vv o a the R Y of ut re ', th e y fo re d. ': he , e Trod . t lx le T Is 1 D co r anvi , ere our the 1st 'Child Welfare to remov concentrate Ing If -„we could troop charter. membership of -the ep a intereninfiuenees which militate , , on the care of mothers beforeur septi g he beste a boyhoodlin grouphe c m- ag sinistergrowth- and.. develop- thoughts in: the tom- : sent. , T7heseCt the -,t, ,These influences include not birth a nd the inestimable 1bete fits of would sentingmen 1 u - breast f g cantly turned -its famous. wheel in -bee, -Live medicine is to keep well children fat In half ofSdouting, and so -made -P isible well. This great purpose of ,preventive obe infants, old do munity. And a good Scoutmaster has I rill environment and ,genera P h rate appointed 100„ With this- fine l brin ing, as,reg'ar•ds children, but also have struck two, no• tes the wo ..teen appo , ted g on;of•.their physical health;: much to reduce alit?. piesent.hig Stars In Pairs. combination—an actively .interes the r free i from any ,condition -that. of infant mort y. Club a,good bunch of fellow8, ;their freedom Tllere are many Rotary. C , and a• first rate Scoutmaster -some 1 t ,rtmnr • thing biglis sura to "happen.” at Bow- manviile, ' Storms in Music. Although music is -not firer and foremost a descriptive art,, certain A DANGEROUS SEASON FUI� TIIE: Ll'I TII ONES ",Winter -with its extreme changes {` remos passages echo the m'obds of Nature as t of temperature—one day warm cal to the comPoser. bright, the nett cold and stormy, is, they app , Among classical composers;. Handel, decidedly dangerous to the 'health- of "Israel Isrincluded, the thaiMoreefamousrus in little is the take thees.' The mother is afraid cb.ild en out or the fresh air hunde st rm i ' " thunderstorm in Beethoven's Pastoral, and exercise they .mead' so. mutt. in over -heath, e Symphony," where at least; four dif-1 children are "cooped:';up ferent incidents faithfully portray not , quench manyly ted rooms and in collie: them are seized with only the of rain and the • distant e first drops ; "r , The Known Fact.`• thunder, but all the feelings' colds or grippe. What to needed • to j �yifle—They say it takes nine tail keep the,little ones well is Baby's' Own ors to•make a man—I hope nine, is tail - Tablets.. They are a sure regulator ot so in your casem the stomach and bowels and in this •' nubby—"I can't say; hilt I can tell. way drive out constipation and indi- gestion and break up colds or grippe. I you for a cmertainty 'one dress -maker seby Wagner in By their use baby. will be aided over II° the winter season with perfect safety'. , finest storms in - , Alligators by .Air mail. music-ia that depicted in the prelude The rTabletsail at 25 cents are sold by medicine o fro deal On f the era ng �t' " areas" ever to wage Th tau by in the Williams Medicine Co , sent by air arrived Imagination, Reason and Good Judgment. Look ahead! Think! Plan' Dream. And have faith in your drea}x . ';miff t out of dreams grow empires. Let i imagination be the arohitect of 'your future.' But do not forget that reason and good judgment must be the actual builders of it. • Without their service kin - your plans will never, bo" anyt li� more than plans, The safe way to send money by mail s Nloney.Order. j E x re�5 , is D om in ion P by stars that are dou- ble,. says Nature Magazine: That is, they are, made up of stars revolving around one another. Most of these pairs are of contrasting colors•, one blue and the other gold, or one red and the other green. Albireo is con- sidered to be one of the'finest of the pairs that are visible ' in small tele- scopes. ., A Wonderful Hat. Miss Gush—"I want you to see my new hat. My friends say that I look well in it. Mish Rush—"I am anxious to see it. It certainly must be a wonderful hat." ,of depression and apprehension they inspire. • Beethoven employs the piccolo to depict the -whistling of the wind. 'Min instrument 18 used -"for the same pus`' "The Flying Deitch- man' One of the x m es a hr's "Valkyrie:' e s ars or , Brocic- • at' Croydon recent onto erste .played in :.the bass by. The pr. F, onotony of the 'vine, Ont.. ly Ln an • aeroplane from�;Amsterdam, strings gives' the dol '- pr ins£ru- s a London newspaper, . . • whileBeans. 'phe "parcel" consisted o s The export lef soy beans trona ins m . pouring rain,; .: the o e , ants' join in sa rile storm rises. to its War Holds UpSo y ' Ch Qay f ix baby ailigatore, in a special 'tank, the tem- perature of the water in which had to Jiakept at 7fl: )degrpeu..h'ahrenhei't. . they had been sent by. any other. way ,the journey would have taken so.long that there` would` .have been- a tisk of a drop in Itiie tenipeieiture !"Of the tank that • wbii1d have proved fatal tn:i the - infant sauriatis. he-infant'saurians. Throitehout the;;trip a'Special attend ant .was Watching over the; comfort oft the reptiles, • wkq a'eemed none the Worse for ext adventure that Was sure- ly new ..the e 'erience of heir kind. 1 in Hut fielder le. ` climax, with a long rall , o f thunder'on fbe kettledrums •is threatened by the sent warfare,. •and, DebtisSY;,have re whi0h involves :'li'lanchil ia;;, the.,, chief Chopin. n. Both • corded their;, jmilres9ions ,<8f � a ' ?a!1<ZY •centre• of soy . bean cultivatio day, in pianoforte music: the former " ude the latter A. man who may be, able to speak in -"he aide Itt the Rain." , Debussy' six tangttages may be unable, -to think' in '41: Garden 1n Rai has likewise given us his -idea of anti- 'of anything worth saying. • cyclonic weather in summer' in that dreamy Work, "The 'Afternoon of a Faun." deserted hie s „ Elven, WagnerWatorsrtns and tempests on occasion. the "Valkyrie" prelude he d P ot d the storm tearing through the forest,' hitt in,th esenr �e second act of "Siegfried" he re - ted with the aid of the:pi©eo14. anole the gentle ne1 violins: in tram gees, on a' fine Areolae oougJiing in the t afternoon. 'Pottle Eggs Strong. Tattle eggs are, wb.•eti niattlre, abon. the size of a golf front moons considerable d, Will' not sic If dropped Canadian Almanac 18'2 78th Annual Issue 'Now Ready Containing Ctistoms and Excise: Tariff, Legit Directory of Canada, Complete lists of Bane end Trust Companies in Canada, Diredto on; Post Offices, and Railroad Stat With �p>fhi ars' 'Clutde, etc., etc. ., Prtce $8.$0= Prom. All Booksellers, or COPA' CLARK CO'., LIMITED fORONTO Romanc:Transportation. in Probably the most romantic chapter in Canadian history" is the Zonewhich . First hase to do the transportation. horse then the ox- there was the pec cart, finally the wagon. Now the mod- ern locomotive and .automobile lead the diet. • For Every, 111--Mrnard's LIniment. Chinese Exports. Exports from the Chinese province of Chihli include feathers, goats' beards, fox tails, licorice, 'human hair, pig bristles and lanterns. Birds in Yellowstone. About 300 kinds of birds are found in Yellowstone National Park. I4tany a man:wli has'nolle a failure else imtiginea he Ia'.s ot everything, succese ea a•hueband. r tlsu�ally 'appear infallible in Paretlt 's ` that; is as And •their children. s. e'y�• ,. it stlionld' bei For'. First Aid•-Mtnard'e I.Iltltitant. itz C tdtOf Atlew Jantic City 1 N 4 • 1 1 America's - St'IlarteSt Resort Hotel. '- Famous for its Euro- • , pean Atmosphere. . Perfect : Cuisine aid $e'rvice. Single rooms from $6.90 Double rooms from $8:00 Be renca Plan Hydriatic andNeW-erap ElectroElectro7.'fi 'Therapeutic Department. �USTA VE TO"I"L-, Manager Permanently. Relieve. RHEUM-A-T1SM - LUM,BAeO, SCIATICA. Don't suffer_ when this wonderful tried and arumremedy tires permanent relief. Nothing else .. like it—a powder absorbed by the feet •4lreotly into the system. - Guaranteed, It not Procurable at yeUr druttlst, will be delivered at your door any place In C anad1Triala on receipt roma. Dose curd •- ; CHAS. W. TEETZEL CO., Dept.J. TO. 1200 Queen M. Wast - TORO Distemper! Minard's -ie the best remedy for distemper and ether ills of horses, dogs. cattle and g • 4 • %teal Winter Playground Only 2 Day:Froth Newyork Leaving N V. Wed. Se at. Weekly Via Palatial, Twin -Screw, Oil -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT; ST. GEORGE" Landing passengers at HamiltonDoek Fos Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehai IStreet - New York City or Any Local 'I'ourtst Agent a' ` h siciahs for prescribed byy bons and P safe Dym11 Proved sa Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago m 'Neuritis Rheumatism Acsat el!•‘131291.." p41512 which ae W11Ch c07tains proven direelols, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets ab ets. Also bottles of 24 •and 100—Druggists.. 00 -Drt gg LS. C�T1�1��A ��� ITCHY PIMPLES �T On Face, Neck and Chest. ar a Red. Lasted- Six Months, " My trouble began, with pimp es and pimples were hard, large an'd. red , especially at night. a rrl caused _ me to scratch,, a pd,, the scrat ing cause about six . in and Ointment and they afforded relief, and after using one cake of Cu - .of Cuticura Ointment was) Miss Harriet Gusdorf, 617 S. Elm St., Spokane, as ., June 4, dail ,with Cuticura Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are pleasing to use, as is also Cuti-• cure Talcum, an escellent deodorant.. /ampL Sac* Pres Mail, Addreee Canadian ca aosp25e. aintmeatlb an bOe. cum ¢,, Were Hard, Large and on my face, neck d chest The and festered and Itched very badly, Th i fatten �• d eruptions The the trouble lasted b t mon ' I began using Cuticura Soap Cu- ticura Soap and one box SI ed I healed." ( g'n Wash., � 1923 Cuticura Soap Y DeyoL "Onticm*,T 0 80= a 16 T�sat:e� Trs our new Shaving Setck NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Pains in Back and Legs Rte' t lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ontario.—"I n �.nervouk Ford, Ontario. break -down, as it is called, with severe pains in my back and legs, and with r b i fainting spells which left me° very weak. I was nervous and could not sleehpnor eat as I should and spent in bed. I was in thei ss ate, more or ~. less, for over two y E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound was., recommended to me by ray neighbor. Before I had taken five : doses I was - sitting up in bed and when the first bottle was taken ?i was out of bed and able to walk around the house. Dun ing been obli ed to ge g a b Ihd my tiickness some one to look after myhome forme but thanks to the Vegetable ompotni I am now able tb loo I have taken Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Bleed Medicine in turn with the VegetablE► Compound : and 1 certainly racoon? a eho na these medicines to any one wh enjoying good health. I airequitewillin ; fol qou to use' these facts as tt teat - montal. , Mrs. J. Sg,pptl5Ri)., 180 dolt, . rio, to oral 0n. F ue � en A.v , �aniase Nervousness irritabilitye liainftll times, run-doWn'eelinge and weaktic arl aro symptoms to be noted, Worn en suffering from these troubles, istl the so often have, should give Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Con calla fair trial. All druggists sell tiAl4 medicine., resag No, 3-1r, (j�wasa) of tisi'er itfaitntacture nt M e1 act, 1e a trade mark (registered, I "A. S. A.,)•. 'while it is Wei . 1,tplrlil to iii ep 6f si e11sieaeld 1 (Acetyl Sait, tt assist ', J rri •ctiilst qre. to'stralat th! fiuDlio against IsnitaQinnns,�tec ',tablets,v tut Beget C Means $ia t o 5tampe Of 9s9lr gorhpad7 will bo stamped WlW thllt otterai ttado work,